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= (IRP) The Sword and the Shield


Corwynn largely succeeded in keeping the mirth out of his voice. largely.

"I dunno, Richard.. I was born in Kent, but I grew up in Eire. I only went back to England after some fracas that made it uncomfortable to stay, as you know.

In my book there are heroes, gits, and scoundrels in every land.

But Pagan's sentiments were well meant, and *very* well received.

Besides... It could be worse. We could have been born in London... I've heard that actually happens

Richard, a born Londoner, straightened his back as Corwynn's comment ruffled his feathers. "I'll have you know I was born in London, crown jewel of all the island! There's a reason it's the home of the King! No other city is as grand as that realm of civilization which bore me! No other city could possibly compare to it's education, it's cultural ammenities, its ..." Good grief! He was starting to sound like he actually liked that town. Suddenly, he felt homesick ... nevermind that the next time he appeared back in London it would be to recieve a sentense for his crimes, but, well ... some things didn't need to be said aloud. "... wonders," he finished his sentence.


"Richard?! Grand? London-pit?

Did it not burn to the ground last February as a blessing from Jah on us all?"

What did those Londoners get taught?

No telling, really...

Corwynn made another whiskey magically disappear..

And then he saw a familiar, if unwanted face in the common room. It was the Hugging pewter merchant from Port Lairge....and she was coming their way.

"Jerro! Duck! Under the table man!""

Percy flew over the port town. There was a fire, but that didn't interest him. Where would the treats be. There. No....there! No again. Wait. There they are! TREATS!

Jerro flew under the table almost as fast as one could blink. From Corwynn's tone, it was serious. And since he had been the only one warned, there could only be one person there. But wait... was that a flapping sound? Could that lady actually fly? He poked his head out from the table far enough to get a peek. On the table, trying to eat some of his recently evacuated food was a pigeon. The pigeon seemed to have a message tied to its leg. How did they manage to find them without fail?

"Is this what ye where warning me about?" Jerro said, thinking he had been made a fool of. He slowly made it back into his seat, thinking the "threat" was over. "Seems someone has a message."

O'Concobair: nec timeo nec sperno* *O'Connor: I neither fear nor despise
The Hugger, played by Faheud
Bowling over seven patrons, two servers, and as many chairs, the Hugger bellowed, "Jerro laddie.....Jah be blessed that yer here! An there was I, thinkin this trip to the wool faire at Cork was a lonely endeavor, and suddenly YEW are here!!!!"

She grabbed him out of his seat and pulled him into a hug that no amount of oil or fire-tongs could set to rights....

Corwynn hated when people ignored his advice.

"Dammit Jerro!!! Did I not just bloody fecking say DUCK?!?!?

Duck means stay the HELL down til the coast is clear you great stupid bloody fecking moron!"

Corwynn could not believe his friend had not listened and was now being slowly suffocated to death....

"Allan, loan me yer crossbow!" cried Destini, rising to her feet in a flurry of activity, knocking over her own chair in the process. She'd lost her own crossbow in her captivity. If Allan would loan her his weapon, it would do.

The pigeon with its message would wait. Faheud's pigeons always did. His Majesty's pigeons were brilliant, well-trained, and patient (unless it came to treats). At the moment, her eyes were set on the woman who had just accosted a man she had just taken responsibility for when she asked him to be a member of their intelligence-gathering troops stationed here in Eire. In her mind, Jerro's and Pagan's lives were in her hands. Destini would not see it undone by a random woman who smelled of sheep.

Until Allan handed her his crossbow, she had only her knife to bear, but it was enough of a menacing visage to make the statement, "Put him down! Or, by Jah, ye'll wish ye had!"
Percy cooed. He brought the message. It was treat time. And there was no treats. Where were the treats?

Jerro tried to tell Destini that it was ok, but instead it came out as a wet gurgle. Jerro fought for breath, but it seemed that this was it. He never thought it would end this way, strangled to death by an overly affectionate woman. It was all going dark around the edges now. Consciousness was a slippery thing that wanted to squirm out of his grasp. Farewell cruel world!

Suddenly, miraculously, the pressure cut off as suddenly as it had come on. He fell to the ground again, a thing that seemed to be coming more and more often. He coughed and gasped for air, trying to replace an entire body's worth of air in a couple seconds.

Once he had enough breath to begin speaking again, he turned to Corwynn."Point taken." Even this was a lot to take on, and he set about a new round of coughing. After a while, he was sure that it was safe again to speak. "Good golly, Miss Molly! Ye sure do make an entrance." He slowly tried to move himself back into a regular sitting position. Two visitors at once? That was cheating!

O'Concobair: nec timeo nec sperno* *O'Connor: I neither fear nor despise
Pagan had fallen in silence, an inert smirk like glued on her lips, blurry eyes staring into the void, not registering what was happening around her. She was snapped out of it when suddenly a gargantuan fishwife grabbed Jerro on what appeared to be a painful death-choke. She observed Destini grabbing a crossbow and aiming it at the strange woman.

What was this then? A tavern brawl? Or d'Argent's final assassination attempt? Pagan frowned and tried to focus her eyes on the woman, swaying back and forth on her stool like a willow tree on a gentle breeze of wind. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

A bird flew in and landed on the table. Pagan stared at it incoherently, pointed at it with her finger and managed to say: "Duck!"

Banner by Raella

"I'll have that back now dear," chided Allan as he retrieved the crossbow from Destini. Needed to remember how fast her hands were.

"Perhaps it would be acceptable if we spent one night in one town in Eire without visiting the jail"

He set down the crossbow beside him on the bench and coaxed the pigeon over with some bread. "Come little fellow, let's have that message, shall we?"

He unrolled the parchment and read a long message, the first portion which was addressed to him

"Captain Brightpoint. King Faheud tells Manfred to send message right away and so I send this immediately. Very important message and you must get this news before it is too late for Manfred must not fail his King. Fail very bad. Never do that. Manfred is very tired tonight but will stay up until message written and sent on best bird Percy.

Anyway, it is very important once you arrive in England to make haste to the Tower after collecting up some buttered herrings in Chard for the feast that approaches.

Manfred has another message too. It is for Brother Corwynn. He is a nice boy and Manfred must get him his message too or King be very cross and has whole unit of guards to encourage slow messengers now.

Brother Corwynn will attend coronation and then hie to the docks of Dover to sail for Holland. King says his favorite forensic specialist is a nun studying there and Sister Audrey will need Corwynn's help. Corwynn not come home without scones this time, yes?

Final part of message is for Destini MacKenzie whom Manfred likes more than the rest of you so save her message for last. She is a pretty lass and well worth staying up very late to write letters. This part for her only So.. No peeking.

Miss MacKenzie, His Majesty the King of England requests your presence in the Tower of London for tea and a game of chess at your earliest convenience.

Messages all done now. Feed bird many treats or pigeon trainer Master Keyes will be angry and he has a *very large* Crossbow he named Vera...

Manfred the messenger.
Manfred tired now. Poor Manfred.


"HOLLAND?!" exclaimed Corwynn, features aghast at the news. "What the bloody hell did I do to vex the king this time? Sure, I cannot keep Brightpoint out of trouble, but by the barnacles on the backside of saint Barnabas, who could?"

His visage softened considerably.

"Now there is a brilliant one. We worked together on an investigation recently. She would only be in Holland if a medical expert was there teaching. No so bad then. No idea what the scones bit is about, the King makes better scones than ever I did..."

He pondered the problem a moment and then said, "I am being rude, Jerro's loving friend there is the lovely miss Molly, seller of the finest pewter wares in Port Lairge, and wields a fair hug at whiles...

Miss Molly, this is Allan Brightpoint, Destini MacKenzie, Pagan MacKenzie, Richard Grimthorn and apparently, Percy the pigeon, at your service."

The smiling woman beamed at them all and exclaimed, "Bloody nice to meet the lot of ye on me way to the wool faire. I am off to bed, but I trust you'll all sleep well."

She then leaned in to Jerro and failed to whisper softly, "I'm in number 17, dear, feel free to knock."

Percy ate his treat happily. Seeing that they had the message, Percy flew out the open window and back to Westgate.
Destini frowned as Allan took his pistol-crossbow away from her. Of course, she didn't need it. Molly had meant no harm. Destini had over-reacted. Given the events she'd been through recently, it wasn't at all surprising. Still, it bothered her to be on such high alert that she'd jump for weapons before taking stock of the situation first. Realizing she'd knocked over her chair, she righted it and sat, eating more of her dinner as Allan read the letter.

"Tea an' chess, hm?" said Destini softly, watching the whiskey in her glass absently. "Aye, I've played the game. My da' taught me how ... long ago. I didnae realize His Majesty played, though. Do kings have time fer games? I s'pose they must, if he's askin'. I wonder why it must be at my earliest convenience," she was speaking aloud without realizing she was voicing her thoughts in a rambling stream-of-consciousness sort of manner.

She looked to her companions a moment, only then realizing she had spoken. Her cheeks flushed mildly. She really needed to watch how much she drank. She didn't have a constitution like Pagan. "Regardless the reason, His Majesty clearly has plans fer us when we return to England."
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