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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

Jack smiles back at Emmy, "Yes, I am certainly enjoying myself."

He looks back at Treena and smirks as the two come close again.

"She really had a lot to say just now, how can she be so quiet and cold now."

He speaks,

"So Darrien, what do you think of this party?"

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
emmy yawns softly as they are on the floor dancing.Dear jack,I am getting tired."Emmy smiles as she looks and smiles at him.
After dancing with Chris, I noticed how late it was. Seeing that Misty was back downstairs again, I motioned to Geoff to come around with a tray of cordial glasses. Friends and family, I would like to thank you all for coming and celebrating Chris and I's happy announcement. I would like to say one last toast, then the staff can show you to your rooms for the night if you wish not to drive home in the dark.

I took my cordial glass and waited for all to be served theirs. Friends, Family. These are things we here are blessed with. I was blessed to know my family as Friends, before I knew them as relatives. I smiled at Robert, Jack, and Treena. I am more than blessed now to soon be able to include Chris and Misty as family. I squeezed Chris's hand and smiled at Misty. To Friends, Family, and their Future Together! I raised my glass to all and sipped the cordial.

To Friends Family and their future together ! Cheers ! I swig down the contents of the glass, and look into my loves eyes, she looks happy.

The party had been a great success apart from the little upset caused by Prince Jacks revelations, I hoped he and Emmy could build a good lasting relationship that their family could come to terms with I thought to myself, everyone deserves happiness.

After the toast I broke away from Boo and spoke briefly with her Brother, then made my wy to Richleiu.

Rich my friend I apologise, I wanted to discuss further with you plans for our wedding.

You spoke of much pomp and ceremony being required due to our titled rank, myself personally Im not at all willing to be made a spectacle of Rich. My family and personal life are just that, personal ! Boo knows this and Im sure will wish to appease my feelings.

Rich I want to have a service held at Crantock, the church there is very special to me do you know it ?


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Emmy and jack smiles and hugs everyone a warm goodbye.Emmy takes jack's hand, as we make our way to where chrisius and roberta are,"We humbly thankyou for the invite."Emmy speaks warmly."I do hope to do this again soon.We thankyou verymuch,and happy blessings onyour engagement."Emmy smiles.Emmy and jack hugs roberta and gives chrisius a warm farewell.Emmy andjack head towards the carriage awaiting outside to take them back to the pellham castle.Emmy smiles as jack enters after her, and the carriage winds it's way to pellham in the night.

ooc- permission granted by jack to godmod
Treena went to hug Boo goodbye and thank her for her gracious hospitality. She was faced with Emmy and Jack as they prepared to depart. Smiling softly, she said a simple farewell and kissed Jack's cheek quickly, unsure how it would be received. She did not want to lose her brother whether she approved of his choice or not. "We'll talk," she added quietly before turning to the hostess.

"I am so happy for you and Chris. You deserve this," Treena said as she hugged her cousin. "Thank you so much for your invitation to stay. I believe our belongings have been brought up already. Perhaps we may have some time to visit tomorrow, if you haven't plans already, before we head up to Exmoor for our autumn holiday."
I received Emmy and Jack's farewell and was glad to see Treena speak with Jack as he left. Thank you, Treena, I said, smiling. I know this isn't going to be easy with Emmy around, but try to be easy on him. I haven't seen many men survive being Cornwall's Count intact, let alone being Regent. This may just be a phase for him. I nodded to a nearby maid. I hope to see you at breakfast in the morning. I kissed Treena on the cheek and let her and Darrian be escorted to their rooms.

I felt that i should wait until all the guests had gone to there rooms before saying Chris Boo thank you for such a lovely party i know Lily enjoyed it as much as i did, now if you dont mind its been a very long day so i'll get off to bed.

kissing chris and Boo cheek and smiling as i walk of leaving them both to finish there drinks and chat a while about the events of the party.
"Rich my friend I apologise, I wanted to discuss further with you plans for our wedding.

You spoke of much pomp and ceremony being required due to our titled rank, myself personally Im not at all willing to be made a spectacle of Rich. My family and personal life are just that, personal ! Boo knows this and Im sure will wish to appease my feelings.

Rich I want to have a service held at Crantock, the church there is very special to me do you know it ?"

Chrisius, Lady_Roberta, it has been an educational and interesting evening. Thank you for the wonderful meal and the drinks. I do thank you for specially going to lengths to have Geoff provide some local cyder for my uncultured and countyside tastes.

I have taken rooms at the inn a short ride from here, and though I intended to commence my journey home on the morrow. But I could postpone my departure; Holly is well cared for back home and may benefit from another days absence from the soft-touch Brother Rich that is her guardian. I suggest that I talk with both of you about your plans and desires, and you can tell me about Crantock church as I am unfamiliar with it.

I understand you are a man of action, the end justifies the means and that when the goal is a marriage to your beloved Ladyboo that you will be attracted to the most direct way to achieve your aims. But I do not know what your bride desires, or what her family will require of her. There are many times in your future together where you will, and you should, make decisions for your wife. Any man who has been married will tell you that when it comes to a wedding, you should let your bride (and her family) make the decisions for you."

With that, Richileau bode them all a good night and a safe journey back to their towns. He clumsily climbed into his saddle and made he way back to his lodgings. He couldn't work out if he admired, envied or pitied Chrisius' ability to see everything so simply, so black and white. Though the De Peche's had no silver-spoon upbringing, and though in his adult life Chrisius probably spent more nights on a bedroll under a canvas shelter in a muddy battlefield than resting in stone bedchamber, Richileau really didn't know if he comprehended that the evening they had just shared was a rare privilege that few common people could aspire to. The lady of a castle, a past countess, servants, wines, imported luxuries, guests, dancing, family feuds caused by anothers choice of lover. These things were pomp and ceremony, this evening was such a spectacle. This is what the LadyRoberta had requested, this is what she had organised for herself; it still did not strike Richileau that she would be comfortable with such a junior and inexperienced priest taking their vows.

These thoughts bounced within his head during the short ride home, the turbulent tossing made all the more tormentous by the motion of the horse, bouncing his head and he cantered to the inn. Climbing into bed, these concerns launched a fiery battle with the natural sluggishness and fatigue brought about my the large quantities of rich food and potent scrumpy he had consumed. Eventually, due to a process of gradual attrition, the thoughts surrendered, and reverie conquered his body.
Rich had spoken so quickly and had departed as soon as hed finished I had stood with mouth agape as I waved to him as he rode away.

Well Boo my love, that was an evening to remember smiling at her, quite eventful !, thank you for setting out such a wonderful meal my Love, Im sure all our guests will remember the grand fare and the good company.

There was just the two of us now, with a few servants still clearing up, I poured us both a nightap and beckoned Boo to sit with me a while by the hearth.

Boo I take it you heard some of what Father Rich had said before he took his leave, I had asked him earlier in the evening to be the minister for our wedding !

He seemed agreeable though felt he was unworthy of such a high society event, well my Love I told him straight our wedding would not be some pompous state affiar, but he suggested I may need to see your side of it before I instructed him further.

I suppose then Boo what Im asking you is do you wish to agree with my feeling we should marry here in Cornwall, I have a very special little church in mind for the occasion and do you also wish to keep the event a nice and simple friends and family affair or was the priest right in his assumptions ?
I pause a moment,

Shall we make some plans my Love and ask father Rich to spend some time with us both again soon ?, we could visit Crantock so I can show you the little church there ! maybe Father Rich would too accompany us!

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I took my drink and sat next to Chris. Yes, My Love, quite remarkable. I may have heard some of his words, but I can't say I remember them much. I listened to Chris speak about a small wedding, a little church, and just close friends and family.

High society? I giggled. Nay darling, the wedding you are describing sounds beautiful! I never dreamed of a large wedding. I would love to see this little church you mentioned. It sounds lovely. Yes, we need to speak with Rich as soon as possible. We also need to start thinking of a date, my love. With out that, we can not have a wedding at all. I smiled at Chris.

You are right Love, and let me tell you I yearn to be wed to you my Love, you remember our wet afternoon spent hiding from the storm in the little foresters hut ? I have wanted to take you back there and lose ourselves in our passion but I respect you my lady and I will wed you before I take you back there !

I look into her eyes and I see full recognition of the meaning of my words, Leaning toward her and hoping for a Kiss.....

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
How could I forget that beautiful afternoon? Twas the happiest day of me life, Love! I giggle at a sudden thought. Mayhap we could make that our honeymoon cabin? I see the desire in Chris's eyes and take his invitation of the kiss.

We embrace as lovers do, we kiss, both desiring the other more, both knowing we have guests and both knowing we are yet to be joined in Jah's eyes.

In my mind I could easily carry her away to the forest hut right now and ravash her, but my love for her runs deeper than that, as deep as an ocean, I respect this lady. I love this lady !

My Love I say softly as I break away from our passionate kiss, You know I yearn for our Love to explore all its possibilites, so yes we must make plans, but should we call it a night now and retire to our beds for sleep ? or would you like us to stay here a while and hold each other ? Ive missed you these last few days.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Chris breaks the kiss which leaves me a bit breathless. We both have been so busy. A few more minutes with you would be very welcome, Love. I lay my head on his chest, smiling up at him peacefully.

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