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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

There really is no feeling better than having Boo in my arms, I settle down in my chair with her on my lap and we cuddle up close by the glowing embers of the hearth.

I whisper words into her ear as I hold her there, you are my true Love Boo.......

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Never had I felt more secure than in Chris's arms. I finally was able to relax and let go of all my worries for the party. As you are mine, Chris, my love.

I was so relaxed, I fell into a doze in Chris's embrace.

It was blissful to be holding my love in my arms, she seemed to have drifted into a dreamy sleep and it pained me to wake her but the hour was getting late and she would sleep more soundly in her bed.

I took my time to look at her lovely face, her eyes closed she looked serene, stroking her cheek I whispered softly, Boo wake up my Love, lets get you off to bed, we need to make a good start if were to ride over to Crantock tomorrow.

Her eyes opened a little as she heard my words, a half smile erupted into a yawn making me laugh a little, Come my Love your wornout I kissed her forehead gently.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Look at my lovely little princess. He held me safe in his big strong arms. Time for bed, My Little Princess. Boo wake up my Love, lets get you off to bed, we need to make a good start if were to ride over to Crantock tomorrow.

Yawning, I opened my eyes to see not my Papa, but My Love, Chris.

Come my Love your wornout.

Crantock? Oh. The church. I smiled up at Chris. Yes, sleep. My eyes start to close again, but then I shook my head a little when I realized we were still in the parlor. That woke me up enough to stand up, with Chris's help. We walked upstairs to my bedroom door. I had a funny sense of deja vu.

Treena laid awake in the luxurious bed her cousin had provided her. Sheets of moonlight shined through the windows' shutters giving the room a silver glow. She was tired and the wine blanketed her thoughts, but sleep would not come. Jack visited her, sitting on the edge of her bed, talking in his usual august manner. She could see him struggling to explain this matter of the heart with words of the mind, never begging, never pleading, appealing to her as he would at council. She had no answer for him and he left abruptly. Treena thought of their father as a gold shimmer started to replace the silver.
I had escorted boo to her room and dawdled a while as we kissed again, reluctantly we parted and said goodnight to each other and I had gone to my room near to Misty and Lily.

It took me some time to settle, unaccustomed to fancy bedding and soft matresses I chose to sleep seated in an armchair in the room by the hearth, a fire had been made earlier which I lit.

I took a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling around my front as I sat down. My thoughts drifted back over the evenings events, Boo had looked divine in her evening gown, she was the perfect hostess. Life was going to be good I knew this much !

The hour was late before I finally slipped off into sleep, next thing i knew Bob my young squire was waking me the next morning.

Sir it is dawn, you did tell me to wake you at dawn Sir, Ive prepared you some hot water to wash in, do you require me to get the coach ready ?

Ah morning young fella, thank you for the wash basin, but dont worry about the coach just yet, I will ask Misty and Lily if they wish to return to the manor after some breakfast, I will be staying on here at least another day ! go get yourself some breakfast bob

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I wanted to sleep in and enjoy the dreams that floated through my mind, but Mary came in as I had asked and woke me just after the cock crow.

Miss, ye asked to be wakened. Mary said quietly.

I stretched and yawned. Oh yes, Mary. Make sure there is enough food for breakfast. We do have six extra people to feed.

I got out of bed and completed my morning toilet. Mary had left to speak with the cook. After dressing, I hied myself down to the kitchen to supervise, not something the staff was used to.

Janet, I hope you have sausage and eggs on. Do we have any batter for pancakes? and is there syrup? I am certain Lily would love pancakes. I rushed around a bit checking this and that. Don't forget some oats, Janet.

MiLady, if ye keep rushin around in here, I won't be able ta get the food ready. Please sit, have a cuppa tea. Janet said.

I sat down at the center table and was rewarded with a hot cup of mint tea.

After a very restful night i woke to see Lily still asleep, i lightly brushed my hand over her cheek and she stired Lily my love its time to get up can you smell breakfast?

Lily noded and smiled, it looked like one of Boo's servents had been in and filled the wash bowl for us, so we both washed and dressed and went down to the kitchen where Boo and Chris was already drinking tea and gazing into each others eyes.

Lily giggled as she saw them both and she ran to Chris sitting next to him.

Be careful dear dont knock the tea over

Chris Boo i'll go back to the manor after breakfast, if you dont mind we have been away for sometime and im sure the staff need some guidence.

Boo could you have someone get the carriage ready for me and this little one?
Treena sat up as she heard the sounds of the castle stirring around her. She pulled her slippers on before stepping onto the cold stone floor and splashed some water on her face. She felt the strain of the night in her face and knew it showed under her eyes. Pulling her evening gown back over her shift, she pushed the heavy door open and stepped into the hall. "Excuse me," she whispered to a passing servant who hardly paused. "Could you lead me to Darrian's chamber please, the cyder miller?" The servant gestured with her head as she hurried down the hall. Treena put on a smile and knocked on Darrian's door to invite him to breakfast.
I scooped Lily up into my arms Good Morning little lady ! I tickled her and laughed as she giggled, Dont worry about the coach Sis, Bob is sorting it.

I will follow on tomorrow Sis, now come sit and eat Boo's cook has set us a great breakfast up, Ooh Lily look pancakes


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Darrian rolled over in his now comfortably warmed up bed and mumbled something to whoever it was coming in through the door. He had always been one to enjoy the warmth of a bed in the morning and to find it impossible to leave the sheets and their warm caress. But he was also awake enough to realise after a little while that it was Treena who entered and that he had no chance of sleeping anymore. He sat up and stacked the pillows behind his back a little to have a backrest. Smiling at Treena and patting the bed he said "Morning m'lady, could I maybe get a little morning's huggin'?"

After taking the hug himself, despite having asked for it, he noticed the little dark circles under her eyes and frowned a little. "Have you slept well?" He caressed her cheeks a little and added, "You look like you need a good breakfast, let me get ready so we can go." He kissed her cheek as he got up to change and refresh himself a little.
Oh yummy i likes pancakes, Uncle Chris are we going home today? Mummy says we are, i dont want to go its fun here, can i stay with you can i, can i?
Treena felt better as soon as she saw Darrian curled up in his bed, and better still with a hug. She waited patiently while he readied himself and hooked her arm in his to be escorted to breakfast. Their presence was announced to the Lady of the house and Treena entered the dining hall, breathing in deeply the wonderful aroma. She wrapped her fingers around a hot cup of tea as her plate was served. "Would you care to ride to Exmoor from here, love, instead of back to the city? The holidays are coming faster than I'd like and I should see to the feast preparations at Periwinkle. I can go alone, if you need to return to the mill."
Tuck in Lily these are just for you I hand my niece a late of the delicious pancakes, still steaming from the pan, now be careful you dont burn your tongue sweety pie.

Im sorry Lily your going to have to go back with Mummy, I have a long ride ahead of me today and it is not good for little ones to ride so far, but I promise you I will be home tomorrow and I will spend some time with you

I ate up my plate full, the ham and eggs were delightful, as was the tea.

Sis I will see you tomorrow back at Depeche manor, I stood up Boo my Love I am just going to nip into town to speak with Father Rich again, see if he would like to accompany us today, will be only a short while my Love. Kissing my 3 girls before I headed out to the stables.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I smile as Lily eats her pancakes. Good morning Treena, Darrian. I hope you both slept well last night.

I kiss Chris back. Yes I would like to have Father Rich with us so we can discuss details. See you soon, my Love. A plate of eggs and sausage is placed in front of me. Lily, I am glad you had fun here. I hope you and your Mummy can come back for a visit soon. I bow my head for a moment, then tuck in for my breakfast.

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