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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

I reached the town and headed for the Inn, the owner was already up and about busy preparing the mornings food for his clientelle, I asked himwhich room Father Richileau was in and went to knock on his door.

knock knock hello Rich are you awake ? I called through the door, not wanting to impse upon his privacy. I could hear his mumbled voice but did not quite makeout his words, It is I Chrisius, come to ask if you would like to accmapany myself and Roberta to ride over to Crantock today ?

I will wait downstairs for your answer.


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
"Come in Chrisius, I am just concluding my morning prayers."

Father Richileau was kneeling by a small table, near an open window, upon which his copy of the Book of Virtues rested. Chrisius recognised the Greek sanctifications, common prayers of thanks to Jah for giving mortal man one more day to set about his work. The Captain was probably more used to seeing such prayer recited by soldiers on a field of battle, where gratification for surviving the night held much more gravitas than simply awakening in a comfortable bed after an evenings plentiful entertainment, which is why he could not make out the words.

A few moments later, the benedictions complere, Richileau went downstairs and spoke with Chrisius. "Riding to Crantock? I had not realised that was on the cards! Am I mistaken, Crantock is on the coast to the west? Even on a good horse, it is surely a full half days ride there, and once returned there is still another half days ride back to Barnstaple. I am afraid I need to return to the church, and to collect Holly. I can only imagine what mischeif she is subjecting her guardians to whilst I am away!

Let us spend the morning talking with Lady Roberta here in Launceston. There will be plenty of time for me to visit the church of Crantock and take in the inspiring cliff top views or to walk along it's golden-sanded beaches, if this is still where your bride desires to be married. I will request the attending priest allows me to lead the service once I have introduced myself by letter. You should go to the coast with Lady Roberta once our business here in Launceston is concluded.

Gathering his things together, Richileau settled his account at the inn, and went with Chrisius to meet Lady Roberta.
After having such a lovely breakfast and saying to Boo thank you for your hosptaily Lily and i have had a lovely time.

Gathering mine and Lily's clothes and going out to the carraige i hug Chris and Boo and wave goodbye.
I walk Misty and Lily out to their carriage. Geoff and Bob had it ready for travel. Geoff, will you and Bob ready a horse for Chrisius? We have plans to travel today.

After they leave, I walk back to breakfast room. Treena, we have to get together soon to plan my wedding. I think Chris and I are looking at early February as a possible date. You will help me plan, won't you? You are the closest I have to a sister. Misty of course will help, as well, since she will be my Sister-in-law. Chris has the location and is arranging for the minister. I look at Treena with hope-filled eyes. Will you help?

Alexi arrives just after dawn with a invite .

Dearest Roberta,and Chrisius,
The house of pellham will be celebrating this occasion with a festive dinner.You all are invited tocome and have fun.
Emmy and Jack
The castle staff had scoured the country side for fresh evergreen boughs and had found a small pine tree to bring in. Roberta had some homemade ornaments and some hand crafted from her workshop.

She had made a few candle holders for her tree as well.


A messenger came to the Castle from up in Cumberland, Geoff could tell by his accent.

I have a message for the Lady Launceston or the Lord Bedford. I was told to bring it to the Launceston Castle, said the messenger.

To Lady Roberta Condoin
Viscountess of Launceston
Chrisiusmaximus de Peche
Earl of Bedford
Barnstaple, Cornwall

I will take it to her. Thank you. The messenger bowed and left. Geoff goes back to grab his coat. Lady Roberta had left him at the Castle, taking Duchess to the Manor instead of the carriage. He saddled the carriage horse, Bonnie, and rides for the Manor in Barnstaple.
Cook, can you believe it? Lady Roberta is gettin' marrid as we speak! Jane says excitedly.

Aye, but you need to get them hires working on the dining hall. Cook told Jane in a bit of annoyance as she was working on the food. The boar was on the spit.

The turkeys were roasted.

There was a flood of fish prepared.

And a flock of game hens* were ready for the coming hoard of guests.

The cake was prepared as well.

Just make sure the halls are finished! Cook told Jane.

Jane nodded and went to supervise in the halls and for the guest rooms.

*CORNISH Game Hens of course!
A two wagon caravan rolled slowly down the road towards Launceston Castle. In the lead wagon sat a woman in Black and Rose travelling clothes. From a distance it appeared she might be singing to herself. Upon closer inspection, it was a different story...

"Do we have to do this so soon? Cannot we wait until we have found permanent lodgings?

"No! We do this now. We made her a promise!"

"You made her the promise!"

"Which you will keep."

Cobalt was smart enough to know his master was in trouble. The old war horse had a good sense for his rider, and kept the wagon going at a steady pace until they came to the front of the Castle, where he stopped. Belle raised her head, grinning at the luxury that stood before them, luxury that she knew the girl would be welcome in.

They were cleaning up after the wedding guests had left. Geoff was out in the yard fixing what that devil of a warhorse had done to the winter garden and keeping the stable hands at work cleaning the stables. Cook, who was very upset at what happened to her garden, was being a tyrant in the kitchen. She had a couple of the hired help clearing out the roasting spit. The ashes could be used for the next batch of lye soap. Mary, from the Manor, was sorting out the guest rooms upstairs. Jane was commanding the army of hired servants in the downstairs halls, dining, entrance, and ball room.

I was in my office, going through the bills, organizing the things I would take with me to the manor, and what I would leave for the manager, once I was fully moved to the de Peche manor. Jane and I had already packed my clothes and had most of them taken to the Manor already. I was leaving a few things here for storage.

I sat down in my chair after sorting and boxing and labeling things in the office. I looked out my window at the castle yard. I could see the front gate at the far end. Messengers had been coming all week with well wishes and such from friends that could not make it to the wedding. So, seeing a guard leave the gate house to speak with someone was not unusual today.

* * * * * * * * * *
At the Gate House:

Eh, Sam. ya see that? two wagons comin' in. Best go check, Ian, the head guard, said.

A'right, Sam replied, getting up off his stool to leave the little gate house. Hold up there, wagons! State yer bidness! Sam called out to the lead wagon.

Belle's head snapped up when she was spoken to.

Let me handle this...

"Good Afternoon Sir. I am Faith ConDoin, Ive come to see my cousin Lady Roberta. I believe she is expecting us?" Faith glanced quickly back to her cousin's home, Launceston Castle made Hapton Castle seem like a cottage in comparison, but she could not help but wonder if she should have invested in a guard house herself before she left. But she knew Lark would keep an eye on her home in what was Lancaster. Turning back to the guard, she waited for him to respond.

Sam knew that Lady Boo had some cousins named ConDoin, some lived here in Devon. Youze just wait here. I will send someone to the castle to let the lady know she has a guest.

Sam stepped back into the guard house. Ian, this 'ere lass says she is cousin to Lady Boo. Says she is wanna go let the Lady know or should I?

I'll go. You keep an eye on her here, Ian hooked his thumb at the lass on the wagon out the window. He left for the castle at a quick step, but not a run.

* * * * * * * * *
In Boo's Office:

Ian walks in the castle and after asking where to go, he knocks on the office door, entering when beckoned. Lady Boo? There be a lass at the gate askin' for ya. She says she is your cousin.

I looked out the window at the gate. I could see that there was a wagon there and a dark haired female driving. Not Treena I thought. Must be Faith. I said out loud. Ian send her to the stables with her wagons. Tell her I will meet her there. He nodded and left for the gate house.

I stood up and went for Jane. Jane! I found her in the front hall. Did the rooms I set aside for Lady Faith's group get cleaned and aired out?

Yes, m'lady. First thing. Mary, she be the one that made sure. Jane assured me.

Thank you, Jane. They have arrived just now. With that, I walked to the kitchen to see Cook. Cook, we have guests arriving. Do you have something to put together for a quick meal? I don't know how long they have traveled, but they might be hungry.

Cook looked up with an gruff look at being disturbed in her kitchen, but then softened when she saw it was me. Yes, ma'am. I have something quick in the larder.

Thank you, Cook. I headed out the kitchen door to the stables.

* * * * * * * * * * *
At the Gate House:

Ian comes back. Lass, Lady Roberta says to head on to the stables, just there, Ian points the stables out. She will meet you there. Ian and Sam then step back to allow Faith and her wagons through.

Faith smiled and nodded at the guard. "Thankyou."

Flicking the reigns, she spurred Cobalt forward making her way to the stables. She arrived to a variable army of stable hands, and saw that 'Bolt was starting to get nervous. Belle didn't like it. She called out to the closest. "You there, are there any mares in there at present?" She'd had more than enough trouble adding Edward's horse, Flip into the stables at home, 'Bolt liked his space and hated to share. He was at the later stages of life, and for some reason had a need to father as many offspring as he could.

"Aye Miss, the Lady's horse Duchess resides with in!"

Jumping down from the wagon she approached the boy. "Listen very carefully. My horse is very temperamental, and he needs to be kept as far from my cousin's horse as possible. It will not do to have her horse with foal when she leaves for her honeymoon, do you understand?" She said reproachfully.

Bridget had lead Flip and the second wagon in behind Faith. But she found herself shocked at the scene before her. Faith was tearing into an innocent stable boy who looked as though he were close to tears at her tone. Jumping down from the wagon she hurried to Faith and placed a hand on her shoulder "Faith?"

"What?" She snapped back at her.

I step out of the kitchen door and see the wagons pulling up. I wait til the ladies alight from them. As I step towards them, I hear Faith speak sharply to Bridget. A frown of worry creases my brow. Faith has been acting strangely lately. I walk over to them.

Faith, Bridget! I am so glad you made it safely. Welcome home. I turn to the stable hand. Carl, go get some of the other boys and Geoff to help unload these wagons. Then you can take care of the horse. Carl nodded with a look of relief at being able to get away from Faith. Turning back to Faith I ask, How was your trip here? I hope everything went smoothly. I turn to Bridget. Where is your mum, Bridget? I believe you said she would be coming with you, yes? I would like to meet her.

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