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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

Turning to Treena i laughed at what she said about her Father, Chris would be any womens knight shining armour, giggling but yes they are a perfect match.
"A toast to our couple of honour, in every sense of the word. May you enjoy a long happy life together."

I took a good mouthful of wine for Treena's toast, after which I stood to speak, the guests were all seated and the food was served.

Friends, thank you all so much for sharing with us today our happy news, Treena thank you so much for your lovely kind words, As the food is here and ready for us to eat I wont talk for long I promise !

Just some few words from my heart I would like you all to hear, I cannot begin to quantify my good fortune, truly I am stunned that the lovely lady Roberta, my Boo ! that she would ever have seen potential Husband material in me, the Lady must have some other worldly sense for I have never seen myself as the marrying type.

I suppose many years of campaigning and soldiering just makes one lose sight of lifes more joyous things, love and tenderness, the love that passes between a man and a woman. My Sisters have often tried to change me, but stubbornly I avoided matters of the heart for many years.

Until that is Boo and I kissed at the Barnstaple Kissing Booth, well I had wanted to Kiss her but I acted like the fool over it, silly man that I am

Well things sure moved on a pace at the Ball we hosted at our Manor, to be truthfull weve only just met though weve known each other for a long time
I pause and turn to face Boo, she is a little red in the face, but comfortably seated,

I digress, and I promised I would not go on for too long ! So can you all please charge your Goblets, for a toast to our hostess, Boo you are my rising star, my love, my hearts every desire, I love you dear heart, so I toast to your good health and long and happy life ! Cheers !

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I smiled, raised my glass, and drank to Treena's toast. It was a lovely toast and heart felt from my cousin, I could tell.

As Chris began to speak, my cheeks slowly flamed red at both the memories and the compliments he was saying. To think it had only been a week or two since we had first kissed at my booth. I drank to Chris's toast and as he regained his seat, I stood to make my toast.

I looked at my family seated on one side of me and Chris's on the other. Friends and Family. I am so happy that you are all here to share in Chris's and my joy. I don't know what I can say to add to Chris's eloquent words. I looked in his face and saw all the love in the world shining back at me. Dear heart, You have reawakened a part of me I thought slumbering til times end. In you, I have found the reason of joy in my life. And so I, too, toast to your good health and long happy life. Cheers! With that, I kissed his lips and sat down.

Emmy raises her glass in cheers,She stands."May the best of futures be upon you and chrisius.My prayers will be with you both."Emmy smiles as she sits back down.
Jack raises a glass,

"Cheers and congratulations, cousin."*

When they have seated again, he says to Emmy,

"She has certainly found a fine man to marry and one I would not mind having in the family."

*I find there is confusion, this was not a toast but a response to Treena's toast.

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Emmy smiles as she pats jacks knee,"They look so happy together.Maybe life was meant to be happy."Emmy smiles as she sips her wine while looking at jack.
I rasied my goblet to my Brother, my dear sweet Brother and his wife to be Lady roberta (Boo) may you both be very happy wiping a tear from my eye i sat back down.
Treena reached for Darrian's hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. Their words so closely echoed those in her own heart. The smell of the fresh herbed poultry and delicate seafood got the better of her, as her stomach reminded her of the length of the journey. She looked nervously around, hoping she would not be the first to succumb to a taste.
Raising his glass to all the toasts proposed, Father Richileau echoes "Cheers!"
As everyone settled back down hoping for the toasts to be done so the eating could begin, I fumbled in my pocket for something,

Friends one, well two last things before we eat, very briefly I promise, Boo my Love I did not have a great deal of time but I wanted to make sure to get you some token of my love for you, an engagement ring for your finger my love.

I allow all to have a glimpse, but not to long as Boo will surely want to spend time showing off her new ring later to her lady friends, I reach down and take Boo's hand, gently placing the ring on her finger.

Amazed at how well id judged her fingers size the ring fits near perfectly,

It looks exquisite on your finger my love, as beautiful as the wearer ! I said to her and kissed her hand,

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I am sure my shock showed on my face as Chris pulled the ring out of his pocket. A beautiful heart-shaped stone. Oh Chris! This... I looked at the ring, then into Chris's eyes as he placed the ring on my finger. I didn't know what to say. I was too happy for words, not over the ring, but that I had found someone to love, found my family, and both were here at this table with me sharing in my joy.

Ok friends without further ado, I will quickly say Grace.

I looked around the faces gathered at the table, grinning to myself knowing they just wanted to get started,

Jah ! I paused for effect, and let them hang a little while longer, Emmy close those eyes and hands together !

Jah please Jah bless this bunch as they munch their Lunch !


Ok lets tuck in folks


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Chrisiusmaximus wrote:
Ok friends without further ado, I will quickly say Grace.

I looked around the faces gathered at the table, grinning to myself knowing they just wanted to get started,

Jah ! I paused for effect, and let them hang a little while longer, Emmy close those eyes and hands together !

Jah please Jah bless this bunch as they munch their Lunch !


Ok lets tuck in folks

I laughed so much the room went silent and everyone was looking at me then everyone started laughing too.

I couldnt eat a thing until i saw Boo's ring up close wow Boo its beautiful, turning to my brother i said you have done the De peche family proud giving them both a hug i returned to my seat, but i couldnt help but giggle at Emmy.
Darrian squeezed Treena's hand in return after Chrisius was done saying grace. When she opened her eyes again and the words "lets tuck in folks" were pronounced, he could see her hopes flaring up again about getting a bite finally. he had noticed the same glances at all the food earlier too. He had to admit that he was hungry too and had had thoughts of stealing a bit earlier, but he knew that if he would be the first to do that, Treena would be on his back with teases about him being a food monster all night long.

But now that the time had come, he still wouldn't allow himself to succumb first. So he nudged Treena and inconspicuously leaned sideways to her to mumble "take a bite you goof, you're allowed to now. And make sure to make me look good while you're at it." When she glared back at him, he just smiled like a good boy to tease her some more.

Looking at Misty going up to the happy couple to look at Boo's ring, he said to Treena "We should go take a look too, well especially you."
Treena stepped on Darrian's toe under the table and smiled up him. "I'll get to see it soon enough, but first," she laughed as she took a bite of a crusty roll. It was still warm from the oven with a soft chewy inside. She dipped it in a bit of gravy on her plate and took another bite. Mmm mmm mmm, she hummed audibly, "Boo, this is delicious."
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