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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

I could only giggle a little at Chris's admonition to Emmy. I was still not sure why she was here with Jack, but I was too happy to fuss over it now. I bowed my head and closed my eyes, waiting for Chris's blessing. My eyes flew open at his brief and humorous grace , and I couldn't let the laughter out until I heard Misty's musical laughter.

I wasn't sure I could eat any of the wonderful food that Janet had made for the party, I was so over come with emotions. I showed Misty my ring.

Thank you, Treena. Janet and I worked hard on the menu. I nibbled my food but barely tasted it, in truth. Chris looked like he was enjoying the dinner as well.

Emmy giggles softly, and smiles,As she smells the food.
The food was delicious, and the company fine, any reservations Id had about meeting Condoin were happily quashed and here we all were eating and chatting together.

Boo you and Janet are to be commended indeed, the food is excellent, another good reason to marry you I said in my cheeky way, Tell me Robert did you see any action in the north over the summer ? I asked Boo's Brother.

I take another piece of the chicken whilst he chews his mouthful.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Jack holds back a laugh when he hears Chris admonish Emmy and quickly glances to catch her reaction.

He tastes the food and is unnaturally silent on account of the delicious nature of the courses.

He is also preparing a toast for after dinner. Roberta has been giving him odd looks throughout the meal and he can only assume that due to his patriarchal role she expected him to give the new couple a grand toast.


Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Emmysmiles as she watches the events unfold.She smiles at jack and whispers,"They do make a good couple."Emmy smiles as she sipsher wine some more.
The servants came out and cleared away the dishes and brought out the desserts.

With the desserts, everyone got a little quiet as they finished them off. The servants cleared away the dessert dishes. Let's all gather back in the Parlor for some drinks and conversation, I said smilingly.

Once we were all in the parlor, I placed my hand on Jack's arm. Cousin, we need to speak, privately, I said as I glanced at Emmy.

Jack stood, now more uncertain of what his cousin wanted to speak about. His mind must have picked up on the cues as it searched for any available excuse to avoid the situation, but his feet, dumb as they were deaf, followed behind Roberta while his mouth, operating of its own accord said,

"Sure, cousin."

Suspicion like arrows burrowed into his mind, though he tried to shake them at least until Roberta had made her case.

*NB: Don't throw a surprise party for a paranoid person.

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Jack, I said quietly so as not to arouse the other guests suspicions. Why is Emmy here?

"What do you mean, 'Why is she here?'," asked Jack, absolutely sure of what the question meant.

"What could she be getting at?"

"I asked if I could invite a guest, Emmy is my guest."

He recalled the conversation they had had before he returned to Somerset.

"Oh, Roberta! I didn't tell you!"

"Ummm.... Tell her what exactly?"

"That is, I didn't tell you that Emmy has moved to Cornwall-- yes-- she seems to have taken an interest in clean ocean air and living... um... more... on the moors...."

He had to admit, that didn't even make sense to him. What made less sense was the fact that it had been mostly on his suggestion that Emmy move to Cornwall. So then, what were his intentions. One does not ask a woman to move to another county unless one has an interest in her, and he had not yet even expressed such an interest.

"It was my suggestion to her," he began, without even thinking it through, "I thought maybe the fresh air would be good for her."

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Jack, I know you asked about a guest. You never mentioned your guest would be her.

"Oh, Roberta! I didn't tell you!"

Tell me? Moved? To Cornwall? Wait, you suggested she move here? I heard my voice raising and took a breath to calm myself.

Jack, why did you suggest Cornwall to her? Why did you suggest anything to her at all? She tried to have you killed, Jack. I still don't understand this. I shook my head, trying to comprehend why Jack seemed to be such friends with Emmy.

Jack shook his head,

"Roberta, I could swear we talked about this.... When I cannot recall...."

He thinks, "Well, yes, I do recall her wanting to hang me...."

"Yes, the killing... right...."

He pauses, what could he possibly say to make that sound like a simple thing to brush off?

"Remember, I told you that I've spoken to her since my term ended. It turns out I was simply in the wrong office at the wrong time. Emmy and I have grown to understand one another quite well and-- well."

He thinks, "I may be getting to far ahead of myself."

"Well, there's your story. I really hope I haven't ruined your dinner by bringing her along, I had not quite considered that to you-- that is-- the rest of England, she is still "Emmy on the soapbox"...."

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Yes, I think I remember something the night before the Regent debates. Sorry, but I don't remember much from those two days. Very hectic and lots of drinking. I smiled a bit at the memories of the debate day and how it ended.

But you never mentioned Emmy moving to Cornwall that night, I am quite sure. And just what do you mean by "Emmy and I have grown to understand one another quite well"? It really sounds like there is more to this story than you are letting on.

I sigh. No, Jack. It doesn't seem to be ruined. I am just concerned. I lay my hand on his arm. This woman wanted to see you hang, and now you bring her to my engagement party like she was your date. I looked into Jack's face. You were my friend before you were my cousin, Jack. I only want the best for you.

The food had been wonderful, I was well stuffed and Lily was tucking into a second helping of dessert, I smiled at her as she looked at me with a messy face.

Your enjoying that arent you lass ! I said to her.

Everyone was sitting back full and contented, little conversations here and there, I still needed to talk to Rich but I wondered what was wrong with Boo and Jack, they had gone out into the hallway and I could see that Boo seemed concerned about something.

Unable to settle I made my way over,

Boo my Love, is everything alright ?

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Jack had a queer look on his face, like he wanted to say something, but was unsure or afraid of the response he would get. I waited patiently for his answer.

When Chris came over to check on me, I sighed, then smiled at Chris. Everything is fine, Love. I looked at Jack, knowing that I wasn't going to get an answer now.

Jack, I only hope you know what you are doing. I can not say that I agree or accept this, but it is your choice, not mine. I gave Jack a quick hug, letting him know that all was well between us. Turning back to Chris I said, Let's enjoy our party, Chris. I took his arm and moved back to the rest of our guests.

Looking from Jack then to Boo, then back again, sure there was much not being said, but on seeing Boo embrace her cousin my mind was eased, I took her hand in mine and agreed,

Yes my Love lets get back to the party

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
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