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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

"You what?!" Treena blurted out. "Her?" She stood there with her mouth agape at the two of them. "You are my brother, but you are also a Prince of England, Jack, and...and...she is..." she didn't know how to finish the sentence. What was Emmy? Quite nearly an enemy of England, that's what she was. Causing uproars wherever she went, including her latest stop, Treena's beloved Exeter. The thoughts rushed through Treena's mind. "I'm sure the slattern brings you comfort," she spit out, "but to love her? Have you even thought this through? What this means to our family? Or for that matter the country? Her voice trailed off, "men..."
Jack recoiled. From the congenial attitude Treena had held for Emmy, he had not expected this type of response from her. He actively had to hold back from becoming incensed as he straightened himself up and turned back to see if Emmy had heard the comment or if it had affected her, then looked back at Treena.

"Treena, where are your manners?" he asked, shocked, "Say what you like about Emmy's past, I'm sure we're all used to it, and whatever you may about her future direction. But "enemy of England," she is hardly...."

He paused to avoid unnecessary language.

"...though she should fiercely speak her mind, her heart is with England not against it."

He lowered his voice,

"And as to this other derogatory accusations, I will hear nothing of the sort and I would expect better language from a person of your stature, let alone from you personally!"

Did she honestly think he had not thought this through? Did she believe the past few months were spent idly ignoring the questions which might arise in people's minds? Jack always knew where his heart wanted him to go, but stubbornly refused to listen, bowing, instead, to the voices from without, those directing him to abandon his loves, the people, the country, Cornwall. He was resolute, this time, having returned from the pinnacle of English politics, to never again let social or political pressure divert him. Where his heart lead, now, he would follow.

That heart paced, now, in trepidation. He was aware of this bellicose cadence, and yet tried to divert it. He recalled how fragile his mind would become if this poisoned bite were allowed to enter his veins [I am so sorry if this was taken as a Godsmack reference]. Yet, eagerly, he awaited his sweet smelling harbinger of desire. He felt as though frozen in stone, awaiting those periwinkle penned words that never came. In fact, he now knew the status of all his family on this new love except for the one whose opinion mattered the most to him.

[ETA: This makes sense if you recall that Jack thinks he is haunted by the ghost of his mother whose color is purple.]

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Chrisiusmaximus wrote:
Of course my Love, but do you want to see what makes your Cousin smile so first ? I would say he is breaking some important news to Lady Treena

News? I turned to look at Jack and Treena just as she exclaimed "You what?! Her?"

I started toward them, not knowing what was being said.

As I reached them, I heard the last bit of what Jack said. Treena? Jack? Is everything ok? What is going on?

It was clear to me what was afoot, The Condoin girls were not taking well the news of Jacks love for Emmy, it was to my mind very clear from their body language throughout the entire evening, and especially as they had walked on the Ramparts.

The tension in the room was mounting, which was not from the earlier expected source of my meeting Robert, but from this new situation.

No good could come of this, matters of the heart can tear family asunder, clearly Jacks mind was set and clearly the girls were going to have to accept it or lose their Brother /Cousin

Unsure whether to intervene and looking to Misty for any sign from her I should act, I decided to risk it.

Jack my good man let me congratulate, fancy you breaking such news on this night of all nights, surely love is an infectious plague upon us, no ? The question poised for Treena and Boo to consider, I continued.

A controversial choice Jack if you dont mind me saying but who among us can deny our heart ? didnt I once tell you Jack to follow your instincts and listen to your heart ? I believe I did, well this is a turn up isnt it, let us all gather back to the table for a toast to Jack and Emmy's good health !

Treena, Boo ! come along !


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Emmy silently raises a finger while she ponders her thoughts,"My dear treena,I have always been for the people, and the flag, but when the flag tries to trample over the very people it claims to defend, Then you have to draw a line where your heart,soul, and spirit lay at.It is true i fought against the flag when i found something wrong.That does not make it criminal.Our very king has ruled we do have free speech.Since i have been elected mayor of exeter, I have had nothing but the common goal of making the city profitable, and attracting more people.I have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing what the regency and it's houses do to the land.I made myself a promise to not be like the corrupt people in the regency.I do not care for being labeled the enemy of this land, for if you do you will have to ask yourself this,enemy of which england?Your england,The one of spiritual guides.The regency england,The land of corruptness,and abuse of powers onto the people?,Or the commoner's england?The land of thier hopes and dreams, where we are all equal in eyes of the lord?Which of these do you call me the enemy, for which not court charges have been filed?We are a land ruled by courts and laws."Emmy smiles as she watches the room go silent as they murmur over what was just said.She turns to jack."Would you like more wine dear?"Emmy asks softly.
Seeing Chris move towards Boo, Treena and Jack i walked slowly behind him, i hear him congratulate Jack and go on to say "a controversial choice Jack if you dont mind me saying but who among us can deny our heart ? didnt I once tell you Jack to follow your instincts and listen to your heart ? I believe I did, well this is a turn up isnt it, let us all gather back to the table for a toast to Jack and Emmy's good health" then i whisper to him brother dont get invoved with theses matters dear i take his arm and pull him away so as not to make things any worse i could see Treena and Boo was quiet upset with Jack.

Yes lets go make a toast, i think is this really what is needed at this time, after all it was Chris and Boo's day.
Treena bit her lip and gathered her thoughts before responding. "I'm sorry if I offended your lady, Jack," she hissed. "You know, better than anyone, that she and I have been cordial in the short time I've known her. As a colleague yes, a friend maybe, but a sister?" She swallowed a gulp of air and shook her head. "I have never seen so much controversy in our little city as there has been since you brought her through our gates. Do you think that will fade with the love of the highest ranking noble? Or increase tenfold as people quite rightfully suspect her of influencing your every move?" Treena looked from Jack to Emmy and back. "This is exactly the enemy she has been, she stirs up trouble everywhere and leaves a smoldering mess in her wake. Courts need not pass judgment when an entire country shakes so violently." Treena herself was shaking, this anger she didn't know existed now boiled in her blood. "And tell me, brother, how can you be so sure of her motivations? It wouldn't be the first time she's nudged herself in with powerful men." Seeing the lingering shock on Jack's face, Treena too was embarrassed by her accusations, and clamped her mouth shut but remained staring at her brother.

Chrisius jumped in at that moment and she breathed a sigh of relief. Strange, she thought to herself with a half-smile, one of the most outspoken men she knew was defusing the situation.
Jack glared and bit his tongue, holding back the most un-noble and discourteous things a mind could imagine to say. Were he to have his way, not a soul in the room would leave feeling un-offended. His brow furrowed and his eyes damming now nothing behind them narrowed, his pupils withdrew as bolts pulled back onto taught bowstrings. His mouth moved as though to leak the inky, bilious protest held behind his teeth.

Chrisius's voice, shattered the ice building between Jack and his sister. He backed up a step, kicking his cloak to emphasize his change in posture turning toward Emmy. His face softening some, he offered his hand.

"Indeed, come let us have a drink."

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Emmy accepts jacks arm as they walk to where chrisius is and to drink some more.
Treena grasped her skirt roughly and marched to the window. The toes of her right foot tapped silently on stone floor. "How dare he?" she seethed to herself.

"Dare he what?" her mind asked calmly.

She stammered to find an answer. "Taking up with her like that," she huffed indignantly.

Again, her mind answered calmly, "He found love, just as you yourself have."

"It's not the same!"
Treena insisted with a little stomp of her foot. She glared out the window, trying to shut out the voice of reason.

"You hardly know her," it continued, unphased. "And you were agreeable until tonight."

"But he's my brother! The one who is always there for me, the one constant since we found each other." The tears welling in her eyes gave way to a trickle down her cheek.
As jack walks away, he is also thinking, his mind caught somewhere between his family and the girl on his arm. Not a quarter of an hour has passed since he declared his love and yet his bonds are already being tested, and from that very fountain he had relied upon for support from so long.
    "How dare she lay into me like that? After all we've been through, I would have thought better of her than to be so opposed to me."

Jack can barely see nor taste the wine as he drinks from his glass. A fog hangs about his eyes, a red haze blinding and tunneling his vision to a distant point ahead. There is no shelter here, nor anywhere.
    "You're not weak, child."

The voice came so suddenly and without warning that he almost swiveled around to see who spoke it. Visions flashed through his head reminding him of how easy it was to tip an entire person's world on them until they slid off the edge.
    "No, but I am better than that," he thought, wondering who he was trying to convince.
    "Yes, well enough to believe you should take the blows; good enough to be easily held under by your closest friends; nice*... enough to believe this is the way you ought to act.

He felt a laugh like hissing fill his mind, as he attempted to regain control of his own thoughts.
    "No," he thought, "You are absolutely wrong. I have everything under control now and I DO NOT need your help!

Still the hissing continued, unabated, despite his attempts to wring this thought from his mind. Jack was beginning to suspect that this specter had only the worst intents in mind. He closed his eyes and diverted his mind away from the earlier argument he had had with Treena, deciding instead to recall better days. The joy she had felt as mayor; visiting her at home in Exmoor manor; her fair complexion in the sun as they rode into Launceston together....

Yet the hissing laughter continued.
    "And... now...," she spoke deliberately.

He opened his eyes....
    Overjoyed, "...Yesss...."

Unsure, even, of the witch's intent, Jack looked deep into Emmy's eyes and there, accidentally muttered aloud,


*Nice has a nice little etymological history that Jack (and supposedly Jane Austen's characters) were well aware of.

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Emmy ponders what jack is talking about,"Jack,Are you ok?"Emmy smiles as she watches jack.
Darrian watched the scene unfold before the whole party gathered there. By now it had gone silent again as all the guests not directly involved in the discussion looked upon it all happening there. He himself wanted to interfere but Chrisius managed to jump in before he had fully managed to understand what was going on. But even with that Jack and Treena wouldn't stop. It concerned him, he had never seen the two of them fight like, he had never even seen them fight at all. They had always been the best of siblings he had ever met.

He grabbed his drink and what remained of Treena's wine and went to find his way to the window she was standing. He looked at Jack briefly, not completely sure what had happened yet he gave him an apologizing look nevertheless, before stopping next to Treena. He touched her shoulder lightly and offered her drink without saying anything. He could see the trail of a tear on her cheek and figured now that she had a quiet moment for a little while, regret and understanding of what had been said had crept into her thoughts. "Are you alright love?" he asked her carefully to get her attention. "I can get something else for you to drink too if you want. And maybe a bit of fresh air will do you no harm?"
As he waited for her to answer, he slipped his hand in hers and gave it a soft squeeze.
Focus returns to Jack's world for a second as he tries to remember why they are there.

Emmy01 wrote:
Jack,Are you ok?"

"Nothing, my dear, I'm quite alright," he responded.

He topped off his glass again and turned into the room. It seemed to have gone quiet, with everyone having migrated to the fringes. He "knew" what they were thinking and the time to act decisively was now. He tried to correctly recall what Chris had said earlier.

Chrisiusmaximus wrote:
...well this is a turn up isnt it, let us all gather back to the table for a toast to Jack and Emmy's good health !

It should be mentioned that Jack didn't remember much of this statement except for the "toast" part. Remembering why he was here and, despite his own hardship, that the event should be focused on Roberta and Chris's happiness, he stalked toward the center of the room.

He held his glass at shoulder height. His pace was uneven and his eyes still shone with a fierceness. His left hand, down at his side, was clenched into a fist and the fingers were busy scratching at his thumb. He closed his eyes for a second and raised his glass, coughed and spoke, deliberately,

"Ladies and gentlemen, my friends.... Today marks one of the most joyous occasions in life. We have been blessed to share on this day, with our friends, family, and loved ones, a manifestation of the love and commitment between Roberta and Chris."

Droplets of sweat gathered at his brow. He looks down for a second.

"I could not have told you a year ago at this time that these two would eventually align the compasses of their hearts to set sail toward the same horizon. Thus what we witness here is a miracle of no small proportion. Whether it be an alignment of the stars to bring their separate orbs together as one or, as some suggest, they have reached this junction by traveling two trials which converge to one, I know this..."

He chuckles, adding,"

"Personally... that it is far better to traverse the road of life in pairs than to attempt to suffer the wilderness on one's own."

"Therefore, I propose a toast to cousin Roberta, and her intended, Lord Chris that their path be made level before their feet, that they may always be met with good tidings, and that when it rains-- as it is wont to do-- it will be not but a shower to help the flowers grow. To Chris and Roberta, may providence keep you well."

Despite the buzz in his mind, he feels that went quite well. He raises his glass in toast. After the toast, he will experience a moment of shock realizing that he may have to top that speech at the wedding.

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England

After the dramatic interlude, it was almost comforting to Richileau that the evening had returned to a semblance of noble formality, as Prince Jack charged glasses in a toast. Somehow, during the previous fracard and heated words, Geoff had managed to slip between the guests and refill goblets. Listening to the toast, Richileau was reminded of why Jack had ascended to the regency. He was a personality, and had a gift with words.
Much as his nature wished him to be uprising, and to try and calm the situation down, he really did not expect such discord to be an unexpected thing at noble gatherings. He remained calmly seated, smiling and distracting Lily, whilst decorum returned to the dining room.
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