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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

Thank you Jack for those warm and considerate words ! I tap my goblet with a knife from the table, Right lets all re-charge our goblets, Geoff please do the honours. I turn to Lady Treena and her Husband,

Come gather round, all of you.

Now then I want to raise a toast to Love ! we have all in this room loved at one time or another, we will all have our own stories to tell of how Love treated us, was it a good happy story, a sad and woeful tale or could it have been a dangerous torrid adventure, the thing is we can never know what Love has in store for us we just have to accept it when it arrives or deny ourselves the joy of the story about to unfold.

Tonight friends we are here to celebrate Love, I ask you all, each of you, who has right to deny Love ? would any of use accept our own hearts desire be denied us, or would we all fight for Love no matter the consequences ?

I call upon you all here tonight to lay aside your concerns for each others Love interests, and focus upon your own Love, especially those of us here tonight who are Jah blessed to have found someone to share Love with.
Pausing I take a few breaths,

Jack, Prince Jack ! I offer you and Lady Emmy my congratulations on the Love you have found for each other, Lady Emmy you are well known nationally as a contentious voice, that does not nor should it deny you the chance to Love and grow, to change your heart accordingly, Jack is a good man and it would surely be a good thing for you to attach yourself to such.

So I raise my glass to you both, and to Love and to those yet to find their kindred spirit, Life Love and Happiness Jack and Emmy !

Making sure all joined the toast, watching Boo and Treena to see if they were able to forgive Jack his hearts desire, knowing that down lifes road both girls would regret it if they didnt drink to his health and happiness.

Now then, I believe we have kept these good fellows with their music making devices long enough, what say we get back to enjoying this evening ?

Maestro play on !

Shall we then Milady ?
I asked Boo in a rather insistent tone.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Emmy raises her glass,"Lady Treena,Lady Roberta,chrisius,and others gathered here,Especially my dearest jack.May the ability to have peace and love with us for the trip we all have embarked on here tonight."Emmy looks at chrisius and roberta,"Chrisius and roberta, I know we have crossed many times, but let's bury the past here and tonight with this toast.Tonight is the first day of a new generation of love that will follow us wherever we go.May god be with you two."Emmy smiles as she drinks a little out of her glass.
The shock of Jack's declaration of love for Emmy was warring with emotions and thoughts similar to what Treena expressed. It was nearly too much for me. I looked to Chris as he spoke up to try to diffuse the situation. Emmy speaking almost as if she was at a political rally, Treena accusing Jack, Jack walking away with Emmy, Treena stalking off to the windows.

I looked towards Treena, wanting to follow, but saw Darrian with her. I did not know what to say to Jack, as my worst fears had been realized. I looked at Chris with a mix of feelings showing in my face. Worry for my family, horror at the thought of Emmy as family, distress that the party was falling apart.

Then Jack started his toast to us. I smiled at Jack politely at his toast and drank from my cup. Chris immediately stepped up and spoke himself. With Geoff refilling the guests' and our gobblets, I listened to Chris speak. At his words about love, I turned to Treena and Darrian, but I couldn't read her face. I turned back to Jack and Emmy. I saw the look of love on Jack's face with a touch of, what I took as, resentment at Treena's words. Emmy seemed to have a similar look of love in her eyes.

I did not like the woman, 'twas true. I certainly did not trust her on her own, let alone with my cousin's heart. I knew what Treena was feeling. But Chris did speak truly. Did we have the right to deny Jack what Treena and I had found, even if it looked to end badly? I knew not, but because I wouldn't force the issue at my own party, I followed Chris's lead and raised my cup in toast to Jack and Emmy. To Love! If necessary, I could talk to Jack later about his dalliance.

Shall we then Milady ? I asked Boo in a rather insistent tone.

I looked in Chris's eyes and could see the hope that all was well in my family, as well as his desire to have my in his embrace for a dance. Of course, Milord. I gave Chris my hand and we began the first dance.

As we moved together I leaned in to Boo and whispered into her ear,

My Love how I wish we were back in the forest in the woodsmans hut, alone !

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
The tension in the room was easing some, but that it was there was still evident. I only hoped that Treena could ease her way around this issue. The music played and I remembered our first dance at the Manor Ball. I smiled at the memory. Chris's whisper in my ear tickled me, his words brought back wonderful memories. I blushed at those memories, yet nodded my agreement with him. Yes, I wish we could be alone as well, My Love.

Treena hurriedly brushed away her tears with the back of her hand. "Yes, darling, I'm alright," she smiled weakly and held his hand. "We should try to make the most of the party, for Boo's sake. And I believe you still owe me a dance." She smiled a little brighter, the anxiety beginning to dissipate, though still dulling her eyes.

Darrian led her a few steps towards the other guests. Treena looked at the floor as Jack spoke up with his toast to the couple. It was beautiful, she admitted to herself, fitting for the pair. Chrisius beckoned them closer still and toasted love. Treena looked at Darrian affectionately, tending to her with such care, melting her hostility with his warmth. She listened half-heartedly to the toast to Jack and Emmy. She did wish her brother to be happy, she just wasn't convinced this would bring him joy so much as heartache. She lifted her glass and meakly toasted "To love" and took a sip.

Treena watched as the new couple began to dance. Boo's gown swept beautifully across the floor, in the way only fine silk could, fluid and floating. The evening looked promising despite the recent clash.
Jack waited for a moment as Boo and Chris entered the dance-floor. With a look of some defiance, he reached for Emmy's hand and asked,

"Would you care for a dance, milady?"

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Emmy smiles as she accepts jacks hand."It would be my honor,my dear jack."Emmy smiles as they make thier way to the floor.
The party seemed to be back on track, folk were dancing instead of questioning, the warm evening air billowed in through the open windows and the staff scurried to and from clearing the table. I caught a glimpse of Liliy rubbing her eyes, it had been a big day for her she would be tired by now.

The musicians finished up their first piece, as me and Boo glided to a stop, My Love I think Lily could do with a rest could we get her settled in ? realising the hour I would not wish to travel home with one so young in the dark night.

Can we take some air when Lily is settled Boo ?

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Mummy? i am tired can i go to sleep? rubbing her eyes and blinking fast, where can i sleep Mummy?
I felt Lily tugging at my dress, Mummy? i am tired can i go to sleep? yes darling you can just let me ask Boo where you can sleep.

I walked over to where Chris and Boo had just finished dancing Boo dear is there somewhere Lily can sleep?

I then heard my Brother say he didnt want to travel back tonight with one so young, i looked at Chris and smiled as i waited for Boo to tell me where i could put Lily down to sleep.
I was pleased that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves at least half as much as I was in Chris's arms. I was disappointed that the music stopped, but when Chris spoke of finding a place for Lily, I knew the perfect room.

Chris, Misty, follow me. I have just the spot for Lily, I said smiling. I lead them upstairs to the guest wing. I thought that you and Lily could sleep here tonight Misty.

Once Misty started getting Lily ready for sleep, I took Chris down the hall a bit. I didn't like the rooms in the residential wing. I chose this room down at the end of this hall.

I look at Chris. But I thought you would like to sleep near Misty so I chose this room for you right across the hall from her.

If you would like Chris, we could take some air on the ramparts?

[ETA: There are more rooms for those that do not wish to travel late at night. Plenty of guest rooms.]

I thank Boo and take her by the hand,

Come my Love lets steal some minutes alone on the ramparts while Sis puts Lily down, Lily I will come back and tell you a story soon

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Chris led us out on the ramparts. The air was bracing and I shivered just a bit.

The night was beautiful, the stars shining brightly. I felt it was a good sign for us. We had started together with fireworks and a storm. Now we had calm weather to celebrate our love.

I turned to Chris. Alone.

At last ! I pressed gently a finger to her lips, words would only take from us what time we could be together, I leant in to kiss her softly and wrapped both arms about her in a tight embrace.

I love you Lady Roberta !

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
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