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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

His finger on my lips, a gentle command. His soft kiss, a loud ringing bell in my heart. His embrace, the safest, most secure home for my being and my heart.

I love you, too, Lord Chrisius! I don't think I have known true love til now. I could softly hear the musicians playing in the parlor, but it seemed worlds away from where I was, here with Chris.

We kissed and held each other in our loves embrace, the wind was light and cool but our passion burned brightly, I was still amazed at how much this Lady had come to mean to me in so short a time, we were deeply in love and deeply happy when we were together.

We must make some plans my Love, I cannot stand to be apart from you, my heart aches when you are not there.

I kiss her again and lose myself in her arms.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
My heart burst in delight, like the fireworks of the Manor Ball. This moment was perfect. I was standing in the arms of the man I loved.

Plans? My mind slowly came back to reality. Yes, my love. We need to make plans. A date, a place, someone to marry us. My mind started to race away from the ramparts, thinking of all that needed to be done before we were wed. But I shook my head to bring me back to the present. Time enough for that tomorrow, Darling.

Taking Lily up the stairs to the lovely bedroom Boo had given us to stay in,Lily asked Mummy are we both going to sleep in this big bed? i looked at Lily and laughed yes sweetie we are, Uncle Chris will be up shortly to read you a story, hes just talking to Aunty Boo.

Thinking after i hope Boo dont mind me telling Lily that shes Aunty Boo.
Lady_roberta wrote:
Time enough for that tomorrow, Darling.

Aye my Love I answered with a smile, We best get back so that Lily can settle down, she does love me to tell her stories, I guess Im like a father to her, and I love her like my own.

We walked back hand in hand, being with Boo felt so right, so normal like it had always been so, we had not ventured far so we soon came back into Lily's room for the night.

Hello Sis, sorry we took a while, is Lily still awake ?

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Hello Sis, sorry we took a while, is Lily still awake ?

Yes she is still awake and waiting for her story, i smiled at Chris and Boo you two are so sweet together.
Uncle Chris is it story time now? what story are you going to tell me can i hear the one about the trees, please please?

Lily was always excited to see her Uncle Chris, and now she had more family to play with, but Uncle chris will alway be there for her.

She settled down in bed waiting for the story.
Hehe come here little piglet, has Mummy cleaned all that pudding off your little face I scooped her up and gave her a big cuddle and a kiss on the nose, she giggled and wriggled ....

Placing her back down on the bed I said, Not about trees tonight little one, but about a greedy little boy !
I said smiling into her eyes, now snuggle down and Ill begin.

Once upon a time there was a little glutton who only ate sweets, pastries like mummy makes and cakes. One day, in an junk shop he found an old magnifying glass. He liked it very much, and his parents bought it for him. He was so happy with his magnifying glass! As soon as he could, he used it to look at a little ant. It was great! The ant looked so big. But then a strange thing happened. When he took the magnifying glass away, the ant stayed the same size it had appeared through the glass.

Very surprised, the boy kept experimenting, and he found that anything he looked at through the magnifying glass would get bigger, and stay that way.

Suddenly, he realised how he could best use this special ability, and he ran home. At home he took all the cales and sweets, and he made them gigantic with his magnifying glass. Then he completely stuffed himself with them, until he could eat nothing more. However, the next morning he woke up totally swollen, a bit purple, and with a huge bellyache. When the doctor came to see him, he said it was the worst case of upset tummy he had ever seen. Night and day, the little glutton suffered so much that for a long time he didn't want to hear mention of large amounts of food. His parents were happy about this. Thanks to their son's latest gluttony their pantry was full of the food he could not eat. What's more, he gave up being a glutton who only ever ate sweets and cakes. He wanted nothing to do with them.

And so it was that the little glutton learned that even with the best things in life, if you have too many of them, you will end up feeling ill. He decided to keep the magnifying glass in a box until he found something that would really be worth making bigger.

How about you Lily? What would you use the magnifying glass for?


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Hmmm Uncle Chris thats not easy to answer, i think i'd like to use the magnifying glass to get Mummy a big ring, so she would smile again just like she used to when Daddy was here, and also a big sweetie for us all to share.

What would you use the magnifying glass for Uncle Chris?

Lily snuggled down under the covers waiting for Chris's answer
What a clever answer sweetpea, now snuggle down, youve got me stumped, hmm let me see, I think I would use the magnifying glass to see you bigger, get a glimpse of how big you will be one day

I leant down and kissed Lily on the forehead, goodnight Lily I said gently.

Dont worry were only down stairs nopt far away, and Bob will be keeping watch over you till Mummy comes to bed

I think we ought to get back to our guests Boo !


Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Chris dear Lily does enjoy your stories so much, Boo she will be asking you next to read to her.

You and Boo go down back to the party i'll just sit with Lily until she drops off, then i'll join you.
I stood in the doorway of Lily's room, watching Chris with her. It warmed my heart to see them both like this. Misty said, Boo she will be asking you next to read to her. I giggled at that.

I think we ought to get back to our guests Boo ! Chris said.

Your right. We have the rest of our lives together. Together they went back to the party. The music was still playing, and there was no blood on the floor, so no one had killed anyone, but otherwise it was quiet. The guests must have noticed that she and Chris had left the party.

Chris, lets have us another dance? Maybe it will get our families moving again? They seem to have fallen asleep.

As Jack and Emmy dance on the floor, Jack casts a defiant look in his sister's direction. The look is one part challenge, one part plea for acceptance. He hopes she will come talk with him further about this and, perhaps, see things from his perspective.

[Ugh, that was messy RP]

"It is a fine evening," he says to Emmy, "wouldn't you agree?"

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Treena's teeth started grinding when she caught Jack's look. Feeling her tense, Darrian hesitantly asked her to dance, hoping to take her mind off things. She agreed, smiling at him, trying not to ruin everyone's night, least of all his. He led her to the dance floor and stood awkwardly with his arms out, praying she would gracefully fit herself into them so he didn't look too out of place.

The couples each rotated and in turn, circled the room, so that each rotation Jack and Treena met shoulder to shoulder. She smiled at him coldly when their eyes met, and fell back into her thoughts as they each turned towards their respective partner. Only Darrian's occasional misstep brought her back to the dance, so mechanical were her movements. She looked up at him with a smile and whispered, "Clumsy." He laughed and nodded. "You should talk to him," he added quietly, softening the suggestion with a kiss on her cheek.
Emmy smiles as she feels jack embrace her as they dance."It is a very wonderful night.I hope to do more tonight."Emmy smiles as she kisses jack on the cheek as they dance in the dancing light bouncing around the room.
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