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[RP] Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Fenthick I.


At last, The day had come.
For weeks you could see Strassbourg preparing for this event. The whole city was decked out, not only the imperial palace, the churches and the townhall too, even each of the manors and workshops, even the huts of the workers and the sheds of the serfs had been cleaned and decorated in bright colours.
Whole streets and quarters changed their faces and looked now upon the world in anticipation of what was to come.

And now the day had come.

From all parts of the world the nobles did arrive, the merchants and traders, the jugglers, playactors and pickpockets, and everyone else able to afford the journey.
Whole armies seemed to have invaded the town, counts and dukes, even princes and kings all travelling with their servants, suites and households.
All of them had come to see this event, An event the most see only once in their lifetime. Hopefully.

The coronation of an emperor. The coronation of the emperor!
Charles Flavien Galanodel, Fenthick The First, successor of the empress Marina "Adala" Borgia who had passed away only a few weeks ago.

The thoughts of the imperial secretary rested for a brief moment on memories of the empress, but soon he turned back again to the present, the near future and what was to come now ...

Es war so weit. Endlich.
Seit Wochen schon spürte man, dass sich Straßburg auf dieses Ereignis vorbereitete.
Die Stadt putzte sich heraus, von der Kaiserpfalz beginnend über die Gotteshäuser, das Rathaus, die Häuser der Bürger, der Handwerker, ja sogar der Tagelöhner und Armen.
Ganze Straßenzüge, ja Viertel veränderten dieser Tage ihr Antlitz und eine erwartungsvolle, frohe Stimmung machte sich breit.

Und nun war der Tag gekommen.

Aus aller Herren Länder reisten die Adligen an, die Kaufleute und Händler, die Gaukler und Schausteller und jeder, der es sich leisten konnte.
Ganze Heere schienen in die Stadt einzufallen, hohe Fürsten, ja gar Prinzen und Könige mit ihren Eskorten und Hofstäaten.
Nur um dieses eine Ereignis zu sehen, eines, was man oft nur einmal im Leben sehen konnte:

Die Krönung eines Kaisers. Die Krönung des Kaisers.
Charles Flavien Galanodel, Fenthick der Erste, Nachfolger der verstorbenen Kaiserin Marina "Adala" Borgia.

Nur kurz blieben die Gedanken des kaiserlichen Sekretärs bei ihr, dann richteten sie sich auf die nähere Zukunft und das kommende Ereignis...

Imladris was invited to the ceremony of coronation... and also to swear his oath... He was disappointed by Adala, so, he didn't have memories for her. He didn't forget that she called him in for help for Lotharingie... And for what? No public thanking during the ennoblements... While we rewarded all the Empire, he did not even receive one "thank you"... Ingratitude when you hold us.

Now, the Empire has a new emperor... Perhaps, he will be better than Adala. The future will say it.

He found a seat and waited the coming of the new emperor.


Der Zug aus der Steiermark erreicht die Kaiserpfalz. Man sieht diverse Reiter in den Verschiedenen Wappen Röcken. Vorne eine Gruppe aus Reitern in grün-weißen Farben. Die Garde der Steiermark. Darauf folgten die Kutsche des Herzogs mit Adam und Anakonda. Dahinter eine Kutsche in gold-blauen Farben. Die Kutsche aus dem Harlingerland. In ihr sitzen Ronda und Waltraut mit den Kindern Aaron und Kataldo. Als drittes noch zwei Kutschen mit allerlei Dienstpersonal der Wahlassé und Fuggers. Zwischen den Kutschen sind Reiter aus dem Harlingerland und Waldsee, die auch die Nachhut bilden. Mittendrin reitet ein kleinerer Ritter. Lestad der die Führung des Zuges inne hat und immer wieder von Kutsche zu Kutsche reitet um mit den Leuten darin zu reden. Lestad trägt eine Vollplattenrüstung. Der Helm hängt am Pferd. Über seiner Rüstung hat er einen blauen Wappenrock mit den Wappen des kaiserreiches, der Steiermark und dem Harlingerland an. Ein Goldener Umhang ziert seine Kleidung. Über dem Pferd hängt eine Prunkvoll Decke in Gold blauen Karomuster.

So erreichen sie Straßburg und reiten direkt zur Kaiserpfalz um sich dem Zug des Kaisers anzuschließen.

The train from Styria reached the Imperial Palace. One can see various tabs in the Different tabards. Front, a group of horsemen in green and white colors. The Guard of Styria. This was followed by the coach of the Duke with Adam and anaconda. Behind a coach in gold and blue colors. The coach from the Harlingerland. In her Ronda and Waltraut sit with the children and Aaron Kataldo. Third, two coaches with all kinds of service personnel and Wahlassé Fuggers. Between the coaches are riders from Harlingerland and Waldsee, which also bring up the rear. Middle riding a smaller Knight. Lestad has the leadership of the train stop and always rides by horse-drawn carriage to carriage to talk to the people in it. Lestad wears a full plate armor. The helmet depends on the horse. Over his armor he had on a blue tabard with the arms of the Emperor rich, Styria and Harlingerland. A golden cape adorns his clothes. About the horse a Magnificent ceiling hangs in gold blue plaid.

How to reach Strasbourg and ride straight to the imperial palace to get the train to join the Emperor.


Philip had arrived in Strasbourg, and came to the kathedral, every time he was here it was an amazing view, to see this building throne over Strasbourg, there weren't many people here, but that was good, he found himself a place in the middle of the dome and waited for what would happen

Philip war in Strasbourg angekommen, und kam zur Kathedrale, jedes Mal wenn er hier war, bestaunte er die wunderschöne Sicht auf die Kathedrale, wie dieses riesige Gebäude majestätisch über Strasbourg thronte. Es waren noch nicht viele Personen da, aber das war gut, so fand er sich in der Mitte des Doms einen guten Platz und wartete ab

Ula war gestern schon in Strassburg angekommen.
Gleich am frühen Morgen hatte er sich aufgemacht um in den Dom zu gehen.
Nicht das er zu faul gewesen wäre den Zug durch die Stadt mitzumachen.
Er war eher besorgt, das in dem Gewühl der Menge die Kinder abhanden kamen.
Auch hoffte er vor der Ankunft des Kaisers im Dom seinen Lehnsherr zu treffen der da gar der Botschafter des Kaisers war.
Viele bekannte Gesichter sah er auf dem Weg zum Dom schon.
Auch im Dom war er ständig beschäftigt dem einen oder anderen bekannten.
Grüßend, still und freundlich zu zunicken.


Ula was yesterday arrived in Strasbourg.
Right in the early morning he had set out to go to the cathedral.
Not that he would have been too lazy to join the train through the town.
He was more concerned that got lost in the crush of the crowd, the children.
He also hoped before the arrival of the emperor in the cathedral to meet his feudal lord who was, even the ambassadors of the emperor.
Many familiar faces he saw on the way to the cathedral already.
Also in the cathedral, he spent so much time to one or other well-known.
To nod in greeting, quiet and friendly.

translated by google
The invitation came to His Eminence Tacuma in a cold evening.
He read the letter carefully and immediately gave orders to prepare trunks and carriage.
He would leave as soon as possible to Strasbourg.
The city was preparing to crown the new emperor.

For a moment he thought of his journey to Strasbourg when happy running toward his niece

Attend, my Lord, this your humble servant in the trials that will have to tolerate
he murmured

As the Imperial Religious Advisor and also the First SRING Viceprimate, H. Em. Borromeo Galli had yet known that in a few day there would be the official coronation of His Majesty. About a month before, they were all crying the death of the beloved Empress, but since that time the work of the Council hadn't stopped for a long time, involved in so many problems to manage.

He was confirmed on the charge of Religious Advisor, so he had to manage the spiritual counselling of the Emperor, and being also in the Primacy eased the job in organizing the Cathedral to celebrate the ceremony. All the clergy had been informed with letters, especially the other Viceprimates and the Primate, who was ill and probably won't be at the big church to attend the crowning function, and now it only remained the sexton's job to be controlled, mainly whether the seats had been correctly placed and the vests for the clergy were ready before the procession that would have started at the Imperial Palace doors.

And so, High Lord, another Emperor is close to walk His way under Your protection thought His Eminence watching towards the altar, before taking the coach to the Palace.

H. Em. Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, First Vice-primate of the SRING
A little nervous does she leave her carriage, this time on her own. With some simple pulling on her dress is she ready to enter the Cathedral,
which is so familiar to her. With a kind smile to the guards at the entrance does she pass the great doors to walk in the gorgeous Church.

Her face lightens up when she sees her Zio running towards her. When they are alone she needs to tell him to be more careful, running on his age
is not very wise to do. When they are close enough, she hugs him tenderly and whispers in his ear how grateful she is that he is there.
With her arm in his does she walks with him to the front seats, nodding and smiling to the people she knows, happy to see them. She decides to sit
on the third row, so Zio and she can stay together. Now they can wait for everything what will happen.



Le prince a été invité comme tous les autres sujets de l'Empereur Flavien Charles à venir a la cérémonie de couronnement. Que fait-il ? Il vient à la cérémonie de couronnement, dans un vêtement simple et propre.

Il reste calme et il attend de voir l'Empereur.


The prince was invited with the others members of people the Emperor Charles Flavien has to come the coronation ceremony. What is it? He comes to the coronation ceremony, in a simple and clean clothing.

He remains calm and waiting to see the Emperor.


Prince de Dinant
Baron de Menezalban
Seigneur de Chevigny
Era giunto il momento che tutti aspettavano, i preparativi erano stati fatti con molta cura, come era cambiata la Cattedrale dall'ultima volta, prima vestita a lutto mentre oggi risplende a festa. Anche le Aquilae Imperatoris, nelle loro splendide uniformi, erano state disposte lungo le due navate laterali, altre all'entrata per impedire agli indesiderati di entrare, la sicurezza prima di tutto. Ranian aveva preso posto tra gli invitati, che ad uno ad uno erano giunti per poter assistere prima all'incoronazione dell'Imperatore e dopo dare il loro giuramento verso di lui

It was time that everyone was waiting for, preparations were made with great care, as the cathedral was changed last time, first in mourning and shines today in celebration. Even Imperatoris Aquilae, in their splendid uniforms, were arranged along the two side aisles, other entrance to prevent unwanted entering, safety first. Ranian had taken place among the guests, who had come one by one in order to attend the coronation of the Emperor first and then give their oath to him

Magda era giunta alla Cattedrale.
Eseguendo gli ordini, si dispose con tutte le altre Aquile nei punti importanti per garantire il sereno svolgimento dell'incoronazione dell'Imperatore.

Magda had come to the Cathedral.
Following orders, you dispose with all the other eagles in important points to ensure the smooth running of the coronation of the Emperor.
Lisergica giunse davanti alla Cattedrale e si mise ad attendere sua sorella Arthemisia, la Duchessa di Milano.
La giornata era fredda e ventosa e Lisergica si strinse di più nella pesante pelliccia di ermellino che indossava.
Era certa che da un minuto all'altro la sorella sarebbe giunta e, insieme, sarebbero potuto entrare nella Cattedrale, per assistere alla sacra cerimonia di incoronazione di Sua Maestà Fenthick I.


Lisergica came in front of the Cathedral and began to wait Arthemisia, her sister, the Duchess of Milan.
The day was cold and windy, and she squeezed more in the heavy ermine's fur that she wore.
She was sure that at any minute her sister would come and, together, they could enter into the Cathedral, to attend the sacred coronation of His Majesty Fenthick I.

Era passato molto tempo dall'ultima volta che si era recata in quei luoghi.
Aveva ricevuto l'invito ufficiale per prestare giuramento all'Imperatore e si era adoperata per recarsi lì in tempo.
Giunta davanti la cattedrale, mentre scendeva dalla carrozza, rimase per qualche istante con il naso all'insù, colpita dalla mestosità dall'edificio.
Quando riabbassò gli occhi, vide la sorella che l'attendeva davanti al portale. Si strinse nel mantello, per il freddo pungente, e la raggiunse, facendole un gran sorriso, visto che la rivedeva dopo tanto tempo e non resistette nell'abbracciarla.


It had been a long time since he had visited those places.
She had received the official invitation to take an oath to the Emperor, and had endeavored to go there on time.
Come in front of the cathedral, as she descended from the carriage, she remained for a few moments with the nose, hit by stateliness of building.
When she lowered her eyes and saw her sister, who was waiting in front of the portal.
She clutched the mantle to the bitter cold, and joined her, making her a big smile, as the saw again after a long time and could not resist to hug her.

Riccardo giunse dinanzi alla Cattedrale, ove si iniziava a raccogliere tutta la nobiltà ed il popolo, nell'attesa dell'arrivo di Sua Maestà l'Imperatore.
Prese posto sul sagrato ed avvolgendosi nel mantello attese l'evolversi degli eventi.


Richard came in front of the Cathedral, where he began to collect all the nobility and the people, pending the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor.
He sat in the square and wrapping his cloak expected the evolution of events.
Il freddo pungente di quella città nel cuore dell'Europa non gli aveva impedito di giungere fin lì. Entrò nella cattedrale inchinandosi verso l'altare e poi, silenzioso come solo le Aquile sanno essere, obbedì alle disposizioni del Maresciallo Ranian.


The bitter cold of that city in the heart of Europe had not prevented him from reaching that place. Entered to the cathedral bowing to the altar, and then, just as quiet as the Eagles know how to be, he complied to the commands of the Marshal Ranian.
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