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[RP]Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ludwig von Frayner I.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Barberini walked in the Cathedral and prayed

"Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Also Selene whispers the prayer.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

With her head down she ends with a soft


La cerimonia era cominciata.
Ciolek si era inginocchiato e ne seguiva con interesse le fasi pregando con partecipazione.
Venne il momento del credo:

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


The ceremony had begun.
Ciolek was on his knees and I followed with interest the steps praying with participation.
It was the moment of "CREDO":

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Markus GianMaria Casanova Skioppo - Barone Imperiale di GieSSen - Conte di Monticelli d'Ongina e Barone di Caorso

Presidente del PPM - Ex Duca (4) del Ducato di Milano
Der Kardinal, der die Krönung leitete eröffnete die Zeremonie.
Ehrfurchtsvoll lauschte die junge Maid dem Chor.

Als dann das Glaubensbekenntnis gesprochen wurde, strauchelte sie.
Latein ... nachdem sie sich mit dem ersten Satz abgestrampelt hatte, schüttelte die 16-jährige den Kopf und wisperte es leise in ihrer Heimatsprache.

Credo in Deum,
Alti..altissimum Omni...omnipotentem...

Ich glaube an Gott, den allmächtigen Allerhöchsten,
Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
der Höllen und des Paradieses,
Richter über unsere Seele zur Stunde des Todes.

Und an Aristoteles, seinen Propheten,
Sohn des Nikomachos und der Phaetis,
entsandt, den irregeleiteten Menschen
die Weisheit und die göttlichen Gesetze des Universums zu lehren.

Ich glaube auch an Christos,
geboren von Maria und Giosep.
Er widmete uns sein Leben, zeigte den Weg ins Paradies.
So kam es, dass er, nachdem er unter Ponce gelitten hatte,
im Martyrium gestorben ist, um uns zu retten.
Er ist zur Sonne zurückgekehrt, wo Aristoteles zur Rechten des Allmächtigen ihn erwartete.

Ich glaube an das Wirken Gottes;
an die Eine und Unteilbare Heilige Römische Aristotelische Kirche;
an die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen;
an die Vergebung der Sünden;
an das ewige Leben.



The Cardinal, who led the coronation opened the ceremony.
Reverently listened the young maiden to the choir.

When the creed was then spoken, she stumbled.
Latin ... after she pedaled with the first set, the 16-year-old shook his head and whispered it quietly in their home language.

Credo in Deum,
Alti..altissimum Omni...omnipotentem...

Ich glaube an Gott, den allmächtigen Allerhöchsten,
Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
der Höllen und des Paradieses,
Richter über unsere Seele zur Stunde des Todes.

Und an Aristoteles, seinen Propheten,
Sohn des Nikomachos und der Phaetis,
entsandt, den irregeleiteten Menschen
die Weisheit und die göttlichen Gesetze des Universums zu lehren.

Ich glaube auch an Christos,
geboren von Maria und Giosep.
Er widmete uns sein Leben, zeigte den Weg ins Paradies.
So kam es, dass er, nachdem er unter Ponce gelitten hatte,
im Martyrium gestorben ist, um uns zu retten.
Er ist zur Sonne zurückgekehrt, wo Aristoteles zur Rechten des Allmächtigen ihn erwartete.

Ich glaube an das Wirken Gottes;
an die Eine und Unteilbare Heilige Römische Aristotelische Kirche;
an die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen;
an die Vergebung der Sünden;
an das ewige Leben.


[Ad majorem Dei gloriam]

The Emperor listened carefully to the meaningful lyrics of the Dutch Vice-Primate Karanda.
He knew her. He knew she was a good person, who took care of the Dutch people. Her reign enabled the County of Holland to regain peace, after weeks of war.
He thanked her with a nod. And when it started, he recited the Creed with the whole assembly. And all the cathedral became a place of healing.

    Credo in Deum,
    Altissimum Omnipotentem,
    Creatorem caeli et terrae,
    Inferos et paradisi,
    Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

    Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
    Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
    Missum ut sapientiam et universi
    Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

    Credo etiam in Christum,
    Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
    Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
    Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
    Propter salutem
    Nostram martyr perivit
    Consecutus est Solem
    Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

    Credo in Divinam Actionem,
    Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
    Sanctorum communionem,
    Peccatorum remissionem,
    Carnis resurrectionem
    Vitam aeternam.


Joyful and honoured to celebrate such a ceremony with competent prelates like the current Viceprimates, the Primate join the assembly gathered in the Creed prayer

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Plenipotentiary Prelate, Roman Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan,
Imperial Religious Advisor, Missus Inquisitionis and Exorcist
With a low voice, she uttered the creed

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Now, the creed.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

Assez fier il faut le dire du travail de la couturière qu'il l'avait aidé à satisfaire l'une des exigences de l'Empereur, alors qu'elle n'était en rien obligée de l'aider, il incline la tête en la voyant dans la foule, avec un sourire qui en dit long, et le regard pétillant. Il ne sait comment la remercier pour pouvoir faire bonne figure icelieu, et il ne la remerciera jamais assez pour le travail qu'elle a fait : admirable.

Cette personne lui avait sorti une belle épine du pied, et c'est avec foi qu'il entame le crédo.

Je crois en Dieu, le Trés-Haut tout puissant,
Créateur du Ciel et de la Terre,
Des Enfers et du Paradis,
Juge de notre âme à l'heure de la mort.

Et en Aristote, son prophète,
Le fils de Nicomaque et de Phaetis,
Envoyé pour enseigner la sagesse
Et les lois divines de l'Univers aux hommes égarés.

Je crois aussi en Christos,
Né de Maria et de Giosep.
Il a voué sa vie à nous montrer le chemin du Paradis.
C'est ainsi qu'après avoir souffert sous Ponce,
Il est mort dans le martyr pour nous sauver.
Il a rejoint le Soleil où l'attendait Aristote à la droite du Trés-Haut.

Je crois en l'Action Divine;
En la Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne Romaine, Une et Indivisible;
En la communion des Saints;
En la rémission des péchés;
En la Vie Eternelle.


Rather proud it is necessary to say it of the work of the needlewoman that he had helped him to satisfy one of the requirements of the Emperor, while she was not at all inescapable to help him, he tilts the head by seeing her in the crowd, with a smile which says length, and the sparkling look. He does not know how to thank her for being able to put up a good show icelieu, and he will never thank her(it) enough for the work which she made: admirable.

This person had brought out him a beautiful thorn of the foot, and it is with faith that he begins the crédo.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

The last notes of choirs went to faint in the vaults of the Cathedral, making way for the whispers of the crowd, for some coughs and for the rustle of the rich clothes of the guests, which she unfortunately could not see, turning the back to the assembly. She should wait for the end of the ceremony before having the pleasure to go to greet a lot of persons whom she knew present.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Edoardo Borromeo Galli, then that of Karanda de Mérode, who after some words, invited each to recite the Creed. Joint hands, she mixed her voice with the others.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


Les dernières notes des chœurs allèrent s’évanouir dans les voûtes de l’édifice, laissant la place aux légers murmures de la foule, à quelques toussotements et au bruissement des riches vêtements des invités, qu’elle ne pouvait malheureusement pas voir, tournant le dos à l’assemblée. Elle devrait attendre la fin de la cérémonie avant d’avoir le plaisir d’aller saluer bon nombre de personnes qu’elle savait présentes.

Ses pensées furent interrompues par la voix de Edoardo Borromeo Galli, puis celle de Karanda de Mérode, qui après quelques mots, invitant chacun à réciter son Credo. Mains jointes, elle mêla sa voix à celle de tous.

[Sic Transit Gloria Mundi]

Le Réaumont pénétra discrètement dans la Cathédrale, revêtu d'une simple robe de bure. Nul besoin d'afficher de manière ostensible un luxe démesuré, ni plus qu'une position socialement élevée. Ces derniers temps, il s'éloignait du monde, de plus en plus, passant son temps dans la prière et la contemplation du Divin.

Du jeune homme rieur, au teint hâlé et aux cheveux blonds comme les blés, il ne restait plus qu'une personne lasse, pâle et livide. L'hypocrisie du monde avait eu raison de son
sourire et de sa motivation. Après tout, on ne pouvait pas sauver ceux qui ne voulaient pas l'être et qui chaque jour s'enfoncaient dans l'incohérence la plus totale.

Tout n'était pas perdu, il restait néanmoins des personnes de valeur et appréciables. C'est pour celles-là qu'il avait daigné faire le déplacement ; ô combien rares ces derniers devenaient-ils.

En vérité, il aurait pu s'asseoir presque n'importe où, aussi bien dans le choeur réservé au Clergé, qu'aux premiers rangs, parmi les nobles, voire près de représentants étrangers. Il choisit de se positionner à l'entrée d'une des chapelles latérales, d'où il pourrait voir la cérémonie, sans pour autant se mêler à la masse.
Il souhaitait secrètement passer inaperçu, peut-être d'aucuns le reconnaîtraient mais il en doutait. Quand bien même le coeur n'y fut pas, l'important était d'être venu.

Le cardinal n'attendait plus rien du monde, ni respect, ni bienveillance, il aspirait à la paix.

The Réaumont quietly entered the Cathedral, wearing a simple frock. No need to display conspicuously and inordinate luxury or a more socially elevated position. Lately, he moved away from the world, more and more, spending his time in prayer and contemplation of the Divine.

Of the smiling young man in the tan and hair yellow like wheat, there was only a person tired, pale and livid. The hypocrisy of the world had for its smile and motivation. After all, we could not save those who do not want to be ; and every day there people sank in the utter inconsistency.

All was not lost, however, there were still people value and significant. It is for those where he had deigned to make the trip, oh how rare these they became.

In truth, he could sit almost anywhere, both in the choir reserved for the clergy, as also in the first ranks among the nobles or even near foreign representatives. He chose to position himself at the entrance of one of the side chapels, where he could see the ceremony, without mingling with the masses.
He wanted to secretly go unnoticed, perhaps some would recognize but he doubted it. Even if the heart was not there, the important thing was to come.

The Cardinal expected nothing more of the world, nor respect, nor benevolence, he just longed for peace.

It was a long way from Fribourg to Strasbourg. Marcvs fought there on the emperors side at the battle between the damned Fatum group and the SRING. Many dangerous situations he passed. Tavernes for example, cute maids baulked his travel. They sloshed, seduced and robbed him. He continued his travel mostly drunken as today. Finally, he arrived Strasbourg cathedral.He was obviously wrecked, drunk and tried to enter the cathedral carefully. Of course he stumbled with full of racket into the cathedral. He recognized scornful looks at him and tried to apologise.Wohoo, sorry mates! I'm late. I was detained by a few enemies. The war in Switzerland you know? Don't feel disturb, it's only me. In crawling motions he was searching for place to seat. Marcvs mumbled something about wanting ... and said: Things happend. What goes around, comes around. He looked at the altar and saw his Emperor. Yo-ho! Hail Emperor! May you do well! Don't be disturb, go ahead mate.
Finally, he reached a free seat and belched with noise.He guffawed and was all of smiles Indeed, onions and beer repeats on me.
Ultimately, he calmed down and started to follow stressfully the celebrations of the coronation.

Kaiserlicher Botschafter des HRRDN
Imperial Ambassador to represent the SRING
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