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[RP]Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ludwig von Frayner I.

"Let it be done!"

Rispose Riccardo.


"Let it be done!"

Reply Riccardo.
His Eminence Egal had spoken the most important question of all and Robin responded.

Let it be done!

Not everything is what it looks like.
Let it be done!

Fermly, the words came over the lips of the Empress, as she heard the voices behind her pronouncing the same by the assembled crow.


Qu'il en soit ainsi!

Fermement, les mots franchirent les lèvres de l'Impératrice, alors qu'elle entendait derrière elle les mêmes paroles prononcées par l'assemblée réunie.
Let it be done!

Lawrence did not know the Emperor before His election, but working with Him in the Imperial Council he was convinced that Ludwig was really the right person to lead the Empire.
Eriti followed the ceremony paid attention on what happened in the church.
She was delighted from the Empress' dress and in which way it was perfect on her.

When it cames the time for the Credo she prayed with the other.

And then she answered to the question of the Primate, repeating three times "Let it be done".


Se la gente ti critica lo fa per due motivi: o non sa come impiegare il tempo o vorrebbe essere dannatamente come te.
"Let it be done" he said
S.Em. Federico Edoardo Borgia said

Let it be done!
The Princesse joined her voice to the other so that everyone could hear her : "Let it be done."
All the crowd into the Cathedral had replied favourably to the question done by the Primate, so he continued

Please, Ludwig Von Frayner, stand up in front of me, bowing your head, and open the first button of your blouse.

The elected Emperor gazed towards the Cardinal with a bit of surprise - but His Eminence knew He would have behaved like that - then did as it was requested.

So the high prelate dipped two fingers of his right hand into the vial of the sacred oil and lifted them all over the head of the Emperor, then moved them along the ruler's chest and his shoulders, blessing the whole of him. And the priest said, with a clear voice

Ludwig Von Frayner, I anoint You as the Emperor of the Sacrum Romanum Imperium Nationis Germanicae: be legitimated with the oil of sanctification in the name of the Almighty and His Prophets Aristoteles and Christos! Amen!

After that, the Primate looked to the people designated to carry the Imperial Trousseau, so they could understand to bring it in front of the altar, while the Viceprimates were waiting to help for the commitment of those symbols.
H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Plenipotentiary Prelate, Roman Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan,
Imperial Religious Advisor, Missus Inquisitionis and Exorcist
[Imperium sine fine]

After reciting the creed, the Emperor listened to the reading of His Eminence Federico Edoardo Borgia, carefully. Then word was given to the crowd. All people gathered in the Cathedral proclaimed with one voice : "Let it done." There was no doubt. Such a trust affirmed his determination to lead the Empire according to the precepts for which he was elected.

He would be a fair sovereign, knowing both be firm and mercy. Each choice would be governed by the best interests of the Empire. Arbitror in case of dispute, he would be where he must be, he would be the father of this great nation. He would constantly protect and cherish the people who handed its destiny in his hands.

Then, the primate Edoardo Borromeo Galli asked him to stand up, bowing his head and opening his blouse. Surprised, the Emperor accepted to comply with such rules, ready for the anointing. He felt the hands of the Primate on his face, his shoulders, his chest, to bless him, just as Emperors Charlemagne and Otto I had been blessed before him. Glorious tradition. In God, all believed.


[Imperium sine fine]

Après avoir récité le credo, l'Empereur écouta attentivement la lecture de son Éminence Federico Edoardo Borgia. Ensuite, parole fut donnée au peuple. Toutes les personnes rassemblées dans la Cathédrale crièrent alors d'une même voix «Ainsi soit-il ». Il n'y avait plus aucun doute. Cette confiance du peuple en son souverain ne faisait qu'affirmer sa déterminer à diriger l'Empire selon les préceptes pour lesquels il avait été élu.

Il serait un souverain juste dans ses décisions ; sachant à la fois faire preuve de fermeté et de miséricorde. Chacun de ses choix serait gouverné par l'intérêt supérieur de l'Empire. Arbitre en cas de litige, présent là où il le faudrait, il serait le père de cette grande nation. Ce peuple qui aujourd'hui lui remettait sa destinée entre ses mains, il n'aurait de cesse de le protéger et de le chérir.

Puis, le primat Edoardo Borromeo Galli lui demanda de se redresser, inclinant la tête, et ouvrant sa blouse. Surpris, l'Empereur s'exécuta néanmoins, prêt à recevoir l'onction. Il sentit alors les mains du Primat sur son visage, ses épaules, sa poitrine ; le bénissant de l'huile sainte ; tout comme l'Empereur Charlemagne et Otton Ier avaient été bénis, avant lui. Glorieuse tradition. En Dieu, tous croyaient.

The carriers of the Trousseau came in front of the altar, ready to give every item to the prelates who should have to consign them to His Majesty.

So, the Primate made a sign to His Eminence Borgia, the First Viceprimate, that would have to give the sword and the ring, and to Her Excellency Von Schenkenbach, the German Viceprimate, who would have to care about the sceptre and the Imperial globus.

At the end, it would have come the time for the crown, by the hands of His Eminence Borromeo Galli.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Plenipotentiary Prelate, Roman Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan,
Imperial Religious Advisor, Missus Inquisitionis and Exorcist
His Eminence Federico Edoardo Borgia took the sword, saying

Receive this sword by the hands of us bishops: may it help You in the defence of Your reign.

and consigned it to the Emperor, who placed it at His right side. Then the Italian Viceprimate took the ring and gave the jewel to His Majesty, shouting

Receive this ring of Imperial dignity by the hands of us bishops: may it be the sign of richness and wealth in Your reign.

The Imperial Leader wore it; after a while, Her Excellency Madleen Johanna Von Schenkenbach came and get the sceptre, delivering it in the right hand of the Emperor. She said

Receive this scepter symbol of virtue and equity by the hands of us bishops: may it help You in administering the Justice all over Your reign.

At the fourth step, she took the Imperial globus and placed it on the left hand of His Majesty, with the sentence

Receive this orb that represents the domain: may it help You on mantaining the power and the influence all over Your reign.

At the end, the Primate went towards the Emperor, next to the pillow where the crown was ready: he kept it with his hands, lifted it over the head of the man in front of him and slowly let it fall on the hairs of the Imperial Majesty. With a strong and firm voice he exclaimed

Receive this crown, and wear it with all the dignity that is to be Yours.

After that, he helped the crowned Emperor to stand up and shouted

Vassals, citizens and all the faithfuls of the Empire: here we have the new Emperor! Let's listen to His promises!

The promises
"I, ... , Sacrum Romanorum Imperium emperor Germanicæ Nations, promised, guaranteed, certify and swear before God that I will be the defender of God, the Holy Church Aristotelian and my nation in all its needs and business, I swear to protect and preserve your assets, dignity and rights. The same applies to all the specific areas of the Empire, as they are the French-speaking territories, the united German lands, the Italian provinces, the county of Holland and the Slovenian country. With God's help and the Books of Virtues!"

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Plenipotentiary Prelate, Roman Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan,
Imperial Religious Advisor, Missus Inquisitionis and Exorcist
[Aut Cæsar, aut nihil]

After the anointing, the Cardinals and Primates came to him. One by one, they gave him various majestic symbols : the sword, the ring, the scepter, the orb. And finally, Her Eminence Laella placed on his head the imperial crown. The same crown that the Empors Charlemagne and Otto I, the founders of the Empire, once wore. At this moment, pride fills the heart of the Emperor. He became the successor of those illustrious men, and the sovereign of the greatest nation in the world. It was not the pride of a man in search of fame and recognition. It was not a personal quest. It was just the opportunity and honor to be able to do something ; to be able to make such Nation stronger. Until now, the Empire was a kingdom like others : divided, wavering. Ludwig wanted to build a new Empire : an Empire of Light, an Empire of faith ; strong in its choices, strong in its actions. It was a question of need. Indeed, He was aware of the expectations, and the concerns of the nobility and the people gathered in the Cathedral. All people embodied in a single crown. All hopes united in a single destiny. He would write the history of such a destiny. And the destiny of the Empire began with a promise.

    "We, Ludwig von Frayner, Emperor of the Sacrum Romanorum Imperium Nationis Emperor Germanicæ, promise, guarantee, certify and swear by the Almighty God  that We will be the defender of God, the Holy Church Aristotelian and Our nation in all its needs and business. We swear to protect and preserve your assets, dignity and rights ; the same applies to all the specific areas of the Empire, as they are the French-speaking territories, the united German lands, the Italian provinces, the county of Holland and the Slovenian country. With God's help and the Books of Virtues!"

Wearing the imperial items, symbols of the imperial power, he turned to the crowd. Standing in front of the people and the nobility, scrutinizing the entire Cathedral, without fear or doubt, he spoke:

    « Exegi monumentum aere perennius regalique situ pyramidum altius, quod non imber edax, non Aquilo inpotens possit diruere aut innumerabilis annorum series et fuga temporum. Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei uitabit Libitinam; usque ego postera crescam laude recens, dum Capitolium scandet cum tacita uirgine pontifex. Dicar, qua uiolens obstrepit Aufidus et qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestium regnauit populorum, ex humili potens princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos deduxisse modos. Sume superbiam quaesitam meritis et mihi Delphica lauro cinge uolens, Melpomene, comam. »

The new Emperor paused and translated his words in the right way.

    "Brave and proud subjects of the Empire, Our vassals, Our people,
    Together, we will rear a memorial more enduring than brass, and loftier than the regal structure of the pyramids, which neither the corroding shower nor the powerless north wind can ever destroy; no, not even unending years nor the flight of time itself.
    We won't entirely die : the greater part of us will escape oblivion.

    Our Empire will be large and strong. Deo volente."

Ghami had kept track of the ceremony of the coronation, standing in the background, yet close to the altar. After the insignia had been passed on, the Emperor gave his promises to his citizens. When the Emperor had ended he waited a short moment before stepping towards the Emperor and bowing his head. Afterwards he lead the Emperor to the throne that had been placed in the cathedral. After the Emperor took his seat, Ghami thumped his baton onto the ground. His Imperial Majesty, Ludwig I. now asks all noblemen to come forward, kneel down and give their oath.

In RP there is a certain sequence that has to be complied. In RL you may post any time it is suitable, but please mention in your post that you sticked to the sequence.

"Ghami awaited his turn to give his oath, then he went in fron of the throne...."

1. King of the German Kingdom (representing: Austria, Bavaria, Baden, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Württemberg)
2. King of the Lotharingian Kingdom (representing: Lorraine, Savoie, Franche-Comte)
3. Regents of the Provinces (descending order)
- Duke of Celje
- Duke of Milano
- Duke of Modena
- Duke of Styria
- Prince of Mayence
- Lord/Lady of Fiorentina
- Lord/Lady of Genova
- Lord/Lady of Siena
- Count of Holland
4. Imperial Noble (descending)
- High Nobility:
-- Imperial Duke
-- Imperial Landgrave
-- Imperial Margrave
-- Imperial Prince
-- Imperial Count
- Low Nobility:
-- Imperial Viscount
-- Imperial Baron
-- Imperial Knight
5. Imperial Councillors
- Regent
- Rest in no seequence

Other nobles or citizens who want to give an informal oath to the Emperor may follow now.

Oath for 1-4:
Your Imperial Majesty, it is with great pride that I, hereby declare accepting this honor with humility and respect. On my faith and my honor, I promise Your Imperial Majesty, as the new of <fief>, to fulfill my duty of Obsequium, Consilium and Auxilium. May the Almighty and all the representatives of The Roman Holy Empire be the witnesses of my oath.</fief>

Oath for 5:
Same as above, but you don't have to mention your titles. But you must mention your council.

Oath for 6:
You are free in the choice of your words.

If you fall into two categories you only give the oath once, mentioning all categories.



The sacred oil.
Then, the imperial insignia. Sword. Ring. Sceptre. Globe. Crown.
Ludwig von Frayner had it all.
And by his oath, he confirmed that they all could see : that he was their Emperor, a sacred one.
Ingeburge was observing the scene, the kind of you remember for ever. It was not the first imperial coronation she attended. She has even attended coronations in France, or in Aragon. But, as always, the moment was marvellous and so symbolic.

It was time, now, for all the people linked to the Emperor to raise their voices. Ingeburge knew that her turn would come. Sat beside her new husband, she was listening the oaths made by the great feudals called before the high imperial nobility that she belonged to. And then, after the King of Germany, the one of Lotharingia; after those who ruled the imperial provinces – Celje, Milano, Modena, Styria, Mayence, Fiorentina, Genova, Siena and Holland –; the nobles of Imperial Domain were able to pronounce their oath.

Ingeburge stood up and joined the Emperor Ludwig, a man she met and knew in Burgundy, few years ago. She respectfully curtsied on him and gracefully bowed her head. Then, always with reverence, she looked at him and said :

— Your Imperial Majesty, it is with great pride that We, Ingeborg Magnusdotter von Ahlefeldt-Oldenbourg, hereby declare accepting this honor with humility and respect and solemnly do homage and swear alliegeance to Your Imperial Majesty. On our faith and our honor, we promise Your Imperial Majesty, as the imperial duchess of Namur and as the marchioness of La Roche and viscountess of Durbuy in Lotharingia which also depends on Your Imperial Majesty, to fulfill our duty of obsequium, consilium and auxilium. May the Almighty and all the representatives of The Roman Holy Empire be the witnesses of our oath.

And she added :
— We also promise on our faith that we will in the future be loyal to Your Imperial Majesty, never cause Your Imperial Majesty harm and will observe our homage to Your Imperial Majesty completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit.
May Lord ever bless Your Imperial Majesty and the Holy Empire.

[* The example given is for grants, not for renewals. So, I did my best.
EDIT : corrected...]

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