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[RP]Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ludwig von Frayner I.

La Cattedrale era piena di gente arrivata da ogni parte d'Europa...
Margab era arrivato con una piccola delegazione da Friburgo...dove aveva lasciato la sua armata...
Il Generale salutò alcuni amici e poi si preparò all'inizio della cerimonia..

La cathédrale était pleine de gens venus de toute l'Europe....
Margab était arrivé avec une petite délégation de Freiburg.... où il avait laissé son armée....
Le Général salua quelques amis, puis se prépara au début de la cérémonie....

Francesca Sofia, as Imperial Vice-Chancellor arrived in the Cathedral and took her place near the others ambassadors to be part of the Coronation cerimony.
While she was going to sit, she had occasion to see different people that she knew like her sister Violante, the Chancellor Salome, Tiax and Sarah. Both there for the same reason.


Cavaliere dell' Ordo Equitum Immortalium
He got off and aided the girl.
They admired the cathedral meanwhile the carriage sent away.. so majestic!
Many statues representing several Saints looked people down.. somebody adorned the arcs with flowers and drapes and a long red carpet was stretched.
Many children palyed with rose petals that they had to hurl to the foot of the Emperor when he arrived.
"Great!" it was his word of stupor
"Have you ever been here?"
"Yes.. sometimes: my father buy food by a dealer who work there" and she indicate a shop situated near the church
"All that nobles.."
"Sure.. they're from all parts of the Empire.. look there: the Doge of Genoa Della Rovere.. The Imperial Count Richard of Hauteville, our old Lord of Florence.."
he search some known face
"Ohh.. and Sir Leonardo Della Torre Borgia.. Florentine too..he's an Imperial Ambassador. I fought with him in Suisse"
"Ohh.. "
"and.. the Marquis Margab from Genoa.. but.. let me talk with my friend Leonardo: I heard that he was a victim of an ambush recently"
and they walked to meet him

Karanda de Mérode de Ligne had left the inn where she resided early this morning. She had stayed there with the other delegates of the county of Holland, however her appearance in the Cathedral would be as a member of the Church. Lately she been more and more in doubt whether she still was the right representative. Her predecessors had been great men. The holy Sjnoel, monsignor Sonho, and father Leopold who had even been a Cardinal in his glory days. She felt unfit to step into their footsteps. The difficulty was that there were little others left.

For her the Church had been a path which she had taken by little more then coincidence. Had her husband still been alive or had her daughter Mathildis not gone missing while she was still little, then who knew what her place in life would be today? She struggled to balance out the love for her children with their own difficult choices with her duties to the Church. Not to think of her own temptations who tried to lure her from the path which she had been following such a long period of time. She missed to sign of Jah, the calming feeling which his love had given her in the past. She had felt nervous by the events in Holland, not knowing what to expect. What life would throw at her next. Ever since she had woke up from the coma she had been in, her existence had been filled with surprises. Some good, others well, not so much. She tried to ban these thoughts from her mind. The unrest, the personal problems, the rumours about a new uprising, the tense relations in Holland. Today had to be a joyful event. First the coronation and afterwards the joust in which her co-council lady Winterstorm van den Kasteele would present herself as her champion.

As she walks on the stairs of the Cathedral she tries to forget these thoughts and focus on the ceremony at hand. Her hand softly follows the fabric of her robe, smoothening some imaginary folds. It was the first time she would have to act as Vice-Primate, and in all honesty she would give half her county to be somewhere else. However ceremonies such as these were one of the responsibilities which came with the office and she would just have to pass them trough with dignity and pride. So she greets the other Vice-Primats, the Primate and other dignitaries with a little forced enthusiasm and makes sure to keep an eye on the Primate for further instructions.

[Emperor of Light - Imperial Palace of Strasbourg - Saturday morning]

There are destinies we do not choose. There are destinies imposed to mortals. Becoming Emperor, was not a choice. Becoming Emperor was His destiny. For some reasons He did not know, such reasons that are simply ignored by men, God had chosen Him to lead this glorious nation. Overwhelmed with duties and responsibilities since his election was declared, he had to rule the largest and greatest territory in Europe, compound of diverse cultures and traditions, but gathered around the same history, forged with the blood of the bravest heroes. Every decision, every word, binded the future of thousands of men and women. In his hands, thousands of fragile lives, which were given to him. For all those people, he was their father, their sovereign.

From the day of his election, Ludwig von Frayner didn't sleep anymore ; spending most of his time in the halls of the Imperial Council, the Council of War, and in the Throne Room, moving on tributes, oaths and meetings. Days took off to a crazy speed. He lost all sense of time, living a tiring life. Privileges represented regrettably few things, given his permanent concerns. He lived for the Empire. Ludwig did not exist as a person, as a man: from morning to night, from one end to the other of the known world, it was the Emperor, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He was a office, a crown, an image, a symbol. The Imperial Palace in Strasbourg lived in the sound of his cane, resounding on stone floors.

A new day dawned on the imperial capital, bearns of the sun darting the stained-glass windows of the Palace, flooding the office of the Emperor of a lowing light. As usual, He had worked all night, and had retired to the room to answer to letters sent to him. However, this day was the one of his coronation. He knew that. The whole town knew it, since from the dawsn, all churches' bells rang in Strasbourg briskly. The whole palace knew it, as all the servants fussed to prepare the princely dresses, and the various events in place. All the city, and all the palace, were in emotion. The imperial flags fluttered proudly.

Finally, he agreed to leave his office. After several hours of a relentless fight, in the hands of his squires, domestics, and on the advice of the Grand Master of the Imperial Guard Robe, we succeeded in dressing the Emperor of a majestic and unequalled dress, symbol of the greatness of the Empire. Leaning on his cane, he lowered the staircase to find his wife, who was waiting there, beautiful. He hardly needed to compliment her : she could read his pride in his eyes. Arms sealed, they got into the carriage. And orders were given to his captains.

"Drive Us to the Cathedral."


[Empereur de Lumière - Palais Impérial de Strasbourg - Samedi matin]

Il est des destins qu'on ne choisit pas. Il est des destins qui s'imposent aux mortels. Devenir Empereur, n'était pas un choix. Devenir Empereur était une fatalité. Pour des raisons qu'il ne connaissait pas, des raisons qui sont tout bonnement ignorées par les hommes, Dieu l'avait choisi Lui pour guider cette Glorieuse Nation. Accablé de devoirs et de responsabilités depuis son élection, il lui appartenait à présent de diriger le territoire le plus vaste d'Europe, composé de cultures et de traditions diverses, mais d'une même histoire, forgée dans le sang des héros les plus braves. Chacune de ses décisions, chacun de ses mots, engageaient aujourd'hui l'avenir de milliers d'hommes et de femmes. Entre ses mains, des vies fragiles, qui s'étaient offertes à lui. Il avait pour eux, de grands projets.

Depuis le jour de son élection, Ludwig von Frayner ne dormait pas, ou plus. Il passait le plus clair de son temps dans les salles du Conseil Impérial, du Conseil de Guerre, et dans la Salle du Trône, enchaînant les hommages, les serments, les réunions. Les jours filaient à une vitesse folle. Il avait perdu toute notion du temps, menant une vie harassante. Les privilèges représentaient hélas peu de choses, au regard des soucis permanents qui étaient à présent les siens. Il vivait pour l'Empire. Ludwig n'existait plus en tant que personne, en tant qu'homme : du matin jusqu'au soir, d'un bout à l'autre du monde connu, il était l'Empereur : l'Empereur du Saint Empire Romain Germanique. Il était une fonction, une couronne, une image, un symbole. Le palais impérial de Strasbourg vivait au son de sa canne, résonnant sur les carreaux.

Un nouveau jour se levait sur la capitale impériale ; les rayons du soleil dardant les vitraux du Palais, inondant le bureau de l'Empereur d'une lueur faiblarde. Comme à son habitude, il avait travaillé toute la nuit, et s'était retiré dans cette pièce, pour répondre aux lettres qu'on lui envoyait. Cependant, ce jour était celui de son couronnement. Il le savait. Toute la ville le savait, puisque depuis l'aube, les cloches des églises strasbourgeoises sonnaient à tambour battant. Tout le palais le savait, puisque tous les domestiques s'affairaient à préparer les tenues princières, et les divers événements en place. Toute la ville, et tout le palais étaient en émoi. Les drapeaux impériaux flottaient fièrement.

Finalement, Il consentit à quitter son bureau. Après plusieurs heures d'un combat acharné, dans les mains de se ses écuyers, domestiques, et sur les conseils de la Grand Maître de la Garde Robe Impériale, on parvint à habiller l'Empereur d'une tenue majestueuse et inégalée, symbole de la grandeur de l'Empire. Appuyé sur sa canne, il descendit l'escalier, pour retrouver son épouse, qui l'attendait là, magnifique. Il n'eut guère besoin de la complimenter : elle pouvait lire sa fierté dans son regard. Bras joints, ils montèrent dans le carrosse. Et les ordres furent donnés à ses capitaines.

« Nous pouvons faire route vers la Cathédrale. »
[Dans les appartements de l’Impératrice – Palais de Strasbourg]

Mais tirez, voyons ! Tirez encore ! Comment croyez-vous que je vais entrer dans ma robe si ces lacets ne sont pas suffisamment serrés?

Accrochée fermement des deux mains au pilier qui soutenait le baldaquin de son lit, elle houspillait sa camériste, tentait de retenir son souffle pour gagner le petit centimètre nécessaire à la parfaite tenue de corset, tout en maudissant Gabryelle et ses brioches bien trop tentantes auxquelles elle ne résistait pas.

Et cela aurait été faire injure au talent de la Grand-Maître de la Garde-robe Impériale, la Duchesse Cassandre Louna, si les plis de la splendeur qu’elle avait sorti de son atelier ne devaient pas tomber à la perfection.

Car la robe était à la hauteur de l’évènement et du sentiment de grande fierté qui animait l’Impératrice ce matin-là. Que de chemin parcouru durant les années qui avaient précédé ce jour mémorable lors duquel son époux serait officiellement sacré Empereur, chose qu’elle n’aurait jamais imaginé ou espéré, même dans ses rêves les plus fous. Des années faites de travail, de luttes parfois, de déceptions souvent, mais aussi de réussites, de petites et grandes joies, le tout couronné par trois cadeaux du Ciel, trois superbes enfants, nés de l’amour ineffable liant leurs parents.

Mais le pire combat, c’est maintenant qu’elle devait le livrer quotidiennement. Contre les heures et les jours qui passaient trop vite. Bien trop vite. Et qui faisait qu’elle devait se contenter des (trop) rares moments que son époux pouvait lui accorder, entre deux réunions avec les Conseillers Impériaux ou hauts dignitaires. Compréhensive le plus souvent, elle contenait son impatience, taisait parfois ses propres petits soucis bien insignifiants face à l’immense tâche de son époux, mais maudissait intérieurement tous ceux qui venaient immanquablement, en rangs serrés, frapper à la porte du grand bureau impérial.

Aie ! C’est sur les lacets de mon corset qu’il fallait tirer, pas sur mes cheveux maintenant ! Et puis ce chignon est affreux, beaucoup trop haut et étroit !

D’un brusque mouvement de la tête, elle fit dégringoler le lourd édifice de boucles brunes sur ses épaules, agacée.

Recommencez et appliquez-vous, je n’ai pas toute la journée !

[Enfin, après divers essais infructueux de la camériste]

Surtout, ne touchez plus à rien, c’est parfait !

Le diadème de rubis et or ayant été finalement trouvé sa place sans qu’une seule boucle du chignon ne fut dérangée, le moment délicat de revêtir la robe était venu. En gestes lents et précautionneux, veillant à ne pas en abîmer un seul fil d’or, elle se glissa dans le vêtement se faisant aider par la camériste. Parfaitement seyant, il fut complété par un collier et un anneau accordé avec le diadème. Une goutte d’eau de rose, un dernier regard dans la psychée et..

Faites prévenir l’Empereur que son épouse est prête à se rendre à la Cathédrale. Elle le rejoindra près du carrosse.


[In the apartments of the Empress - Palace of Strasbourg]

Pull! Still pull! How do you think that I am going to enter my dress if these laces are not enough tightened?

Hung on firmly both hands on the pillar which supported the canopy of its bed, she scolded her chambermaid, tried to hold her breath to gain the small centimeter necessary for the perfect holding of her corset, while cursing Gabryelle and her irresistible cakes.

And it would have been an offense to the talent of Grand Master of the Imperial Wardrobe, Duchess Cassandre Louna, if the folds of the magnificent robe that she had taken out of her workshop did not fall perfectly.

Because the dress was up to the event and to the feeling of big pride which led the Empress on that morning, thinking of the years which had preceded this memorable day which her husband would be officially crowned Emperor, thing she would never have imagined or hoped, even in her most crazy dreams. Years made by work, by fights sometimes, by disappointments often, but also by success, by small and big enjoyments, the whole crowned by three presents, three magnificent children, arisen from the undestructible love binding their parents.

But the worst fight she had to deliver daily was against the time. Against hours and days which passed too fast. Much too fast. And which made that she had to content herself with (too ) rare moments which her husband could grant her, between two meetings with the Imperial Councillors or high dignitaries. Mostly comprehensive, she contained her impatience, sometimes kept silent her own small and very insignificant concerns in front of the task of her husband, but cursed inside all those who came inevitably, in a row, to knock at the door of the big imperial office.

Ouch! It is on the laces of my corset which it was necessary to pull, not on my hair! And this bun is hideous, far too high and narrow!

Of a sudden movement of the head, she made fall down the heavy building of her brown and long hair on her shoulders, annoyed.

Go on and try again, I won’t wait the whole day !

[ Finally, after diverse fruitless attempts of the chambermaid]

Now it's perfect!

The diadem made of ruby and gold now having finally found its place without distrubing the bun, the delicate moment to take on the dress had come. In slow and careful gestures, watching not to damage a single golden thread, she skipped into the garment being helped by the chambermaid. Perfectly fitting, it was completed by a necklace and a ring accorded to the diadem. A droplet of perfume, a last look in the mirror and..

Make the Emperor know that his wife is ready to go to the Cathedral. She will join him at the coach.

Noéllia se préparait dans sa chambre à l’auberge. Elle avait prit un soin particulier à son apparence physique ce matin-là. Elle s’était lavée à peine levée, avait rajouté quelques gouttes d’eau de Rose dans son bain. Elle avait ensuite peigné doucement ses longs cheveux blonds après les avoir séché. Elle avait ensuite enfilé sa robe aux brocarts d’or. La Fiole bohème avait illuminé son beau visage de quelques touches légères de maquillage. Elle se plut ainsi et mit ses délicates chaussures. Il était bientôt temps de partir.

Elle descendit après avoir enfilé sa capeline. Elle attendit sa cousine et ensemble, elle sortit, montant dans le coche qui se présentait à elles. Elle s’assit, souriant. Le coche s’ébranla et se mit en route. Cela ne lui parut qu’un instant, et elles arrivèrent au lieu de Couronnement. Strasbourg était magnifique, et l’événement qui allait suivre promettait d’être somptueux.

Elle sortit et sentit un frémissement d’excitation en elle. Puis, elle se sentit un brin gêné devant les tenues de certain. Tous étaient magnifiquement habillés. Elle se sentait petite. Elle n’avait pas encore l’habitude. Cela n’avait rien à voir évidemment avec les bals de Capitales. Elle était néanmoins près de sa cousine, et ainsi, elle se sentait moins vulnérable.

Fière, elle avança, un sourire léger et doux aux lèvres qui sublimait son visage. Des bruits étouffés résonnaient dans la Cathédrale. Tout allait presque commencer…

Noéllia got ready in her room at the inn. She had took a particular care in her physical appearance this morning. She had washed herself, immediately awake, had added some Rose's drops in her bath. She had brushed her long blond hair after having dried them. She had then threaded her dress with golden brocades. The bohemian Fiole had illuminated the beautiful face of some light touches of make-up. She pleased herself this way and put her delicate shoes. It was soon time to leave.

She came down having threaded her cape. She waited for her cousin and together, they went out, rising in the coach which appeared at them. She sat down, smiling. The coach moved off and set off. It appeared to her only one moment, and they arrived at the Cathedral for the Crowning. Strasbourg was magnificent, and the event which was going to follow promised to be luxurious.

She went out and felt a shiver of excitement in her. Then, she felt a stalk hampered in front of the dresses of some. All were splendidly dressed. She felt small. She was not still used. It had nothing to do obviously with the bals in those french Capitals. She was nevertheless near her cousin, and so, she felt less vulnerable.

Proud, she moved forward, a light and soft smile with the lips which sublimated her face. Suffocated noises resounded in the Cathedral. Everything was almost going to begin …

"Drive Us to the Cathedral."

The order had come, the Heights were ready to leave. The four captains, Bloop, Elektra, Lestad and Findecano are positioned one opposite each other while protecting the Emperor and Empress to the cab, where the Coachman had already opened the door and made them climb, once they were safe inside the cab the captains came on their steeds and positioned on the sides of it, before there was general Ranian, while other guards placed behind closing and protecting the procession.
Gear pitch horses began to move out from the Imperial Palace, the Group was greeted by screams and applause of the people who were shouting joyful Emperor, many waved white handkerchiefs in greeting for the cab, prendevan mothers on their children to make sure they could see that awaited passage. Ranian and his Captains with watchful eyes you ensured that all were well and that nothing disturb this moment

Leonardo era presente in Cattedrale non in qualità di Ambasciatore Imperiale, bensì come Aquila (soldato) Imperatoris. Fu molto sorpreso nel vedere il suo conterraneo Antonio Barberini presente nella cerimonia. Vide che gli stava venendo incontro, così con un cenno del capo lo salutò e gli sorrise. Stando in guardia ai lati della porta, non poteva permettersi distrazioni come chiacchiere o allontanamento dalla sua postazione...

Leonardo was present in the Cathedral not as imperial ambassador, but as Aquila (soldier) Imperatoris. He was very surprised to see his countryman Antonio Barberini present in the ceremony. He saw that he was coming to meet, so with a nod greeted and smiled him. Being on guard beside the door,, he could not afford distractions such as chatting or removal from his position ...

°°°°°°°°°Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia°°°°°°°°°
Niekhzm walks down the aisle of a cathedral with his wife next to him.

In the past couple of days he traveled from Leiden to Straßbourg. There was a lot of work to be done in Holland but he can not be absent at the coronation of his holy Emperor.

In the cathedral he see Karanda en Petrus. Both important persons in Holland. He wave at them and take a seat and wait till the coronation started
She hears the sounds of the people, excited waiting for their new Emperor when she rides in the carriage through the streets of Strasbourg. A soft smile
enters her faces, memories passing by. With a little hesitation she looks out of the window, sometimes giving a shy wave to the people standing in lines to watch.

It took one more turn before the church was in sight and again this time it impressed her. With a little node she gives respect to the builders of all those years,
to make such a magnificent building.
The carriage stops she gets out on her own, looks at her dress, feels her hair, takes a deep breath and when she is convinced everything is well, she enters
the church. The path to her chair is long and on her way she is happy to see familiar faces who she greats with a node and a friendly smile.
In the front are the chairs with the cardinals and a face lights up when she sees her Zio. It is maybe not the way she must behave, but that is not in her mind.
With fast steps is she at his chair and hugs him, showing her love. After whispering some gentle words to him and her hand softy on his arms, she continues
to her chair. This time alone.

The embrace of the beloved niece Pippa took him by surprise.
He looked at her carefully
trying to find in her eyes the memory of the past ...
and as always he saw it
As always the smile of Philippa was clouded by a small vein of pain.

He whispered slowly
I love you, but go, go, Philippa, go to your place.
After we can speak

Yiala walks next to Niek down the aisle of a cathedral.
She was impressed about the cathedral itself and she realizes that this was the first time she was in a cathedral like this.

She finds it a great honor to be here with her husband.
Her first thought when he said that they should go to the coronation of the Holy Emperor was that she was not the right person for this and when she looks around,
she felt like she was a farmer between nobility.
Luckily she sees a couple of dutch people and she smiles.

Then she sits down next to Niek and waits till the ceremony started.


Hoofdmentor van Leiden, Hoofd-veldwachter Leiden,Lid Leidense stadsraad*Officier orde van Verdienste*
The Imperial count of Rochefort and the Franc Count was present. He came for the ceremony as soon as possible after his election as Count of Franche-Comté.
Imperial count of Rochefort
Count of Voiteur
Lord of Charency

May be the Imperial Ranian forgotten about the Imperial Escort ?

May be... or not... The Captain of the Imperial Escort write a note and give it to Ludwig.

Sir, Your Highness, I won't stand this more longer. This woman does not have any respect for the Imperial Escort.

Standing by the door of the Imperial appartments, He doesn't allow Ranian's & Co to do what they want, using his arms and his sword in his hand, ready to show this girl who hi is and what he is able to do, asking for the Escorters to keep Ludwig and Liz indoors.

I think, Donà Ranian, we need to talk !

Upset ? Do you think so ? Yes ! Of course he is upset ! He gave everything for this job, and this woman does as if he was no more than dust !

Peut être que l'impériale Ranian Impérial a oublié l'Escorte Impériale ?

Peut être ... ou non... Le Capitaine de l'Escorte Impériale écrit une note et le donne à Ludwig.

Votre Altesse, je ne supporterai pas plus plus long. Cette femme n'a pas de respect de l'Escorte Impériale.

En étant debout par la porte d'appartements Impériaaux, Il ne permet pas à Ranian et Co de faire ce qu'ils veulent, utilisant ses armes et son épée dans sa main, prête à montrer cette fille qui il et ce qu'il peut faire, demandant aux Escorteurs pour garder Ludwig et Liz à l'intérieur.

Je pense, Donà Ranian, nous devons parler!

Fâché ? Pensez-vous ainsi ? Oui! Bien sûr il est furieux ! Il a donné tout pour ce travail et cette femme fait comme s'il était pas plus que la poussière!

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