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[RP]Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ludwig von Frayner I.

It was the morning of the coronation. Lestad already knew such a ceremony. As Grand Master of the Queen of the German kingdom, he knew enough about such events and the task which he had there. But this time it was different. It was the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations. And it was partly due to him to protect a Wahlasé the most powerful person in the world. This had to be movable today. He could not bear his full armor. So he opted for light tanks and chain mail. Moreover, he wore a black surcoat with a golden cloak. The colors of the Empire.
His knights chain and the crown of his fief made ​​his clothes perfectly.

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His squire helped him into the saddle and rode it directly to the castle.

Once there, he circled the Palace Square, interviewed one or the other guard if everything was backed up on the way just in time and took the seat behind the carriage a. The Emperor just came out with Ranian and his wife. Beautifully looked the Empress. If he had to describe it, he would probably choose the words that she looked like a princess from a fairy tale. Besides her husband of his office according to Majestic and full of pride.

Lestad nodded to his general Ranian and signaled that everything was in order. Then he followed the convoy, so close to the carriage of the emperor as humanly possible to intervene immediately in case something should happen.


Es war der Morgen der Krönung. Lestad kannte solche Zeremonie bereits. Als Hochmeister der Königin des deutschen Königreiches kannte er solche Anlässe zu genüge und die Aufgabe, welche er da hatte. Doch dieses mal war es anders. Es war der Kaiser des heiligen römischen Reiches deutscher Nationen. Und es lag unter anderem an ihm, einem Wahlasé die mächtigste Person der Welt zu schützen. Dafür musste er heute Beweglich sein. Er konnte nicht seine Vollrüstung tragen. So entschied er sich für leichte Panzer und Kettenhemd. Darüber trug er einen schwarzen Wappenrock mit goldenem Umhang. Die Farben des Kaiserreiches.
Seine Ritterkette und die Krone seines Lehens machten seine Kleidung perfekt.

Sein Knappe half ihm in den Sattel und so ritt er direkt zum Schloss.

Dort angekommen umrundete er den Schlossplatz, befragte den ein oder anderen Wachmann ob alles auf dem Weg gesichert sei und nahm gerade rechtzeitig den Platz hinter der Kutsche ein. Der Kaiser kam gerade mit Ranian und seiner Frau heraus. Wunderschön sah die Kaiserin aus. Wenn er sie beschreiben müsste, so würde er wohl die Worte wählen, dass sie wie eine Prinzessin aus einem Märchen aussah. Daneben ihr Mann. Majestätisch seines Amtes entsprechend und voller Stolz.

Lestad nickte seinem General Ranian zu und signalisierte damit, dass alles in Ordnung sei. Danach folgte er dem Tross, so dicht an der Kutsche des Kaisers wie nur irgend möglich um sofort einzugreifen, falls etwas geschehen sollte.
Viscountess of Scansano and Lady of Cupi arrived in Strasbourg just in time for the start of the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ludwig von Frayner I.
The carriage ride was long and tiring but managed to find accommodation for herself, the maid of honor, the coachman and horses.

The awakening that morning was pleasant, she dressed in the best and, after a brief and interesting visit to the city, she entered the Cathedral to pay homage to her Emperor.
Viscontessa di Scansano || Signora di Cupi
Kratos22 was escorting the General Margab to attend the coronation ceremony.

He entered the Cathedral paused for a brief prayer and waited for the start of the ceremony.

Greetings, my Brothers and Sisters, I'm glad You accepted to be here to concelebrate such an event! said His Eminence to his colleagues under the Aristotelian Church

We'll have to wait for His Eminence Borgia and His Excellency von Frayner-Embussy, then we'll have to get dressed to welcome the Emperor when he'll arrive to the Cathedral... added the Primate
H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Plenipotentiary Prelate, Roman Cardinal and Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan,
Imperial Religious Advisor, Missus Inquisitionis and Exorcist
Je fronce les soucils en voyant les autres gardes arrivés..Mais ils se croient ou là ?

Depuis notre changement de statut, Nous, les escorteurs, passions notre temps auprès de leurs Altesses afin d’assurer leur protection. Nous y mettions tout nos moyens et notre énergie a leur service, chose qui était de loin pas facile vu le passif de la plupart d’entre nous. Nous n’allions pas nous laisser evinscer par une donzelle..trop autoritaire, comme de vulgaires chiens pouilleux, alors là elle se fourrait le doigt dans l’œil.

Les ordres de l’empereur et du capitaine étaient clairs, trois pas à proximité et je comptais bien maintenir cela, surtout qu’aucun contrordre n’avait été donné.

Un signe de tète a Lorenzo et je me placais devant la porte,aux côtés de mon cousin, empêchant ainsi toute entrée et toute sortie, ma main droite caressant le manche de ma dague, un rictus des mauvais jours au coin des lèvres..Fallait pas me chercher, un roux borgne ca n’a pas bon caractère

I frown eyerbrowse when others guards arrived.. But where do they imagine to be ?
Since our change of status, We, Imperial Escort, spent all our time with their Highnesses to assure their protection. We put all our means and our energy in their service, thing which wasn't easy with the liabilities of most of us. We will not allow a too much authoritarian girl to evincer us, as vulgar flea-ridden dogs, if she believes it she has the finger in the eye.
The orders of the emperor and the captain were clear, three step from him and I wanted to maintain it, especially that no counter-order had been given.
A sign of head to Lorenzo and I came in front of the door, beside my cousin, so preventing any entrance.

    The 1st of June in the year 1461 ~ Straßbourg, Cathedral

The coach of the Count rattled alongside the Cathedral where the lower nobility was about to settle their coaches and horses. As Imperial Ambassador and crown council of the German Kingdom it was his duty to be her today and to swear his oath as Ambassador infront of the Emperor. Wearing a black jerkin and a black trousers he showed his mourn about the early death of his brother. Actually it was not been his purpose to go to this coronation but as Ambassador it was his duty.
Going to the place, that was intended for him, he was with his thoughts anywhere but not here in the cathedral.
The death of his brother just two days ago, did something to him, in which the consequences cannot be seen yet.

    Der Erste des Monats Brachet im Jahre 1461 ~ Kathedrale von Straßburg

Die Kutsche des Grafen knatterte, als sie neben die Kathedrale zu der Stelle fuhr wo der Niederadel Kutschen und Pferde unterbringen konnte. Als Kaiserlicher Botschafter und Kronrat des Deutschen Königreiches war es seine Pflicht heute hier zu sein, um seinen Eid als Botschafter vor dem Kaiser zu schwören. Ein schwarzer Wams und eine schwarze Hose waren heute die Kleidung von Beta, mit welcher er seine Trauer um den frühen Tod seines Bruders ausdrückte. Eigentlich wäre er nie heute hierher zu der Krönung gefahren, jedoch musste er dieser Pflicht als Botschafter nachkommen.
Während er zu seinem vorgesehenen Platz ging, waren seine Gedanken ganz woanders als hier in der Kathedrale.
Der frühe Tod seines Bruders hatte etwas in ihm verändert, wo er noch nicht absehen konnte wie weitreichend dies sein würde.

It was early in the morning the young imperial chancellor was nervous. This would be the day, the day all of the imperial staff worked for such a long time. Everything was supposed to be just perfect, but one never knows while so many people attend this important ceremony and the following celebration. In order to not break the rules Salome decided to wear a simple dress but still representing her rang within the Empire and abstained to wear a crown. Her hear was nicely pin up and some pearls were interlaced in her hair. Another dress was already prepared for the ball in the evening. She was not sure when her husband would arrive, she was late herself already but the work within the imperial chancellery was not thinking of getting less only because the emperor was about to get crowned today. It took some time until everything was prepared and Salome was ready to make her way to the cathedral of Strasbourg.
She smiled recognizing a lot of people who were already within the cathedral. Ambassadors, Imperial Councilors, Friends nodding decent to all of those up to greet her she made her way to the rows reserved for the imperial councilors. She preferred to be quiet within the cathedral and to follow the ceremony in order to not look to nervous.

The Imperial eagle Prezioso listened intently all the orders that were given and then stood at attention in the place that had been assigned to waiting for the arrival of the Emperor.


L'aquila Imperiale Prezioso ascoltò con attenzione tutti gli ordini che gli vennero dati e poi si mise sull'attenti nel posto che gli era stato assegnato aspettando l'arrivo dell'Imperatore.
On Thursday evening had unlocked the imperial treasure for Salome and Ranian to bring into the cathedral. In the last days the precious pieces had been polished and placed into secured chests.

Early Saturday morning Ghami had started his preparations for the coronation day. He took his clothes and ornaments form his chest and made his way into the cathedral.

At the cathedral Ghami entered the sacristy and greeted the honorable priests.
A important day.

The coronation of Ludwig Von Frayner. A historic ceremony. This is very important for the cinq linguistics zones.

He enterred in Cathedral and go in the king zone.

Some days ago Johanna left Frankfurt. They traveled to Mainz and boarded a ship. The time went by and the young woman enjoyed her first travel on a ship. She had been excited and thanked the Viscount and Imperial General Findecano Saralonde Tailleur a lot for taking her with him. She enjoyed his company during the travel. When they reached Strasbourg Johanna was even more excited. As former princess of Mainz she should have been here before to make her vow in front of the emperor. But Fenthick I was already ill when Johanna ruled Mainz. Therefore Jade de Sparte d’Avila and the king of crowns, Ghami, decided that Johanna should write her vow in a letter. So it was the first time that Johanna saw Strasbourg.

Findecano who already been several times in Strasbourg organized a tavern and rooms for both of them and his entourage. While Findecano had a lot of meetings in Strasbourg Johanna started to visit the city on her own. This is one reason that she knows where the Cathedral is in which Ludwig von Frayner should be crowned to the Emperor of the SRING. She had a maid with her. The maid pins up Johannas brown hair. Johanna isn’t used to a maid. She always did those things on her own. But to the coronation she couldn’t go as she was dressed on normal days. When she leaves the inn she wears a green gown which fits her brown hair. A slight cape in a darker green is affixed at her shoulders. Findecano left the inn earlier. He had some duties today. Therefore Johanna is again on her own walking towards the cathedral. But to be honest: she isn’t really alone. There are a lot of other people going to the cathedral too.

She enters the cathedral to find her place. Some arrangements have ensured her a place in the rear of the cathedral. In the front there are the noblemen of the realm. She sits down at her seat and waits for the procession with the Emperor.

"Leonardo, how long time?!" he smiled
"Oh, I see you're a guard today and you cannot talk with me I suppose.. so I'll ask just how are you? I heard of the ambuscade.. damned!"
he was worried for him


Geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd, die schwarzen Haare fielen ihr offen bis zur Hüfte.
Den leichten Reisemantel trug sie offen, Schwert und Schild ließ sie am Sattel hängen. Bevor sie den Friesen einem der Stallknechten übergab. Hier in der Kathedrale wäre das ein wohl unpassender Aufzug gewesen. Ihre Augen schweiften über die Anwesenden in der Hoffnung ihren Gatten zu erblicken. Lange hatte sie ihn nicht gesehen während er am Hofe gebraucht wurde und sie mit den Weggefährten das Land bereiste.

Supple she slid from the horse, the black hair fell to her open to the waist.
The light traveling cloak she wore open, sword and shield them hung on the saddle. Before she handed one of the friezes grooms. Here in the Cathedral would have been a good improper lift. Her eyes wandered over the present in the hope her husband to erblicken.Lange had not seen him while he was needed at court and they toured the country with the companions.

translated with Google

Idril avait réussi à réserver quelques chambres dans une auberge de Strasbourg pour elle-même et les membres de sa famille.
C'est dans l'une d'elle qu'elle finissait de se préparer.
Dans une chambre à côté sa cousine devait également se préparer et la jeune Baronne ne voulait pas la faire attendre.
Jusqu'au dernier moment elle avait longuement hésiter sur la tenue qu'elle porterait, mais, bien qu'elle n'aimait pas être remarqué et surtout que ses rondeurs soient mises en avant, son choix fût le choix du coeur, tant elle aimait la robe.

Aidé d'une jeune camériste, elle s'habilla et se fit coiffer avant de passer autour de son cou un magnifique collier en perles ou pendait un rubis en forme de coeur.

Une fois prête, elle sortit rejoindre Noellia et ensembles les deux cousines prirent un coche pour se rendre à la Cathédrale.

Arrivées sur place, les deux cousines, la grande blonde et la petite brune, entrèrent dans le bâtiment ou déjà plusieurs personnes se trouvaient, dont certaines connaissances de la Baronne.

Translated with Google Trad '

Idril had managed to book several rooms in a hostel Strasbourg for herself and her family.It is in one of them she finished getting ready.In a room next to his cousin also had to prepare the young Baroness and did not want to wait.Until the last moment she had long hesitation on the outfit she would, but that she did not like being noticed and especially that her curves are put forward, his choice was the choice of the heart, as she loved the dress.

Helped a young maid, she dressed and made ​​hair before going around his neck a beautiful pearl necklace and hung a ruby heart-shaped.

Once ready, she went to join Noellia and sets the two cousins ​​took a coach to get to the Cathedral.

Arrived on site, the two cousins​​, the tall blonde and the brunette, entered the building and already several people were, some knowledge of the Baroness.
Neanche questa volta Lucrezia sarebbe mancata. Non solo in qualità di Aquila Imperiatoris ma anche come ambasciatrice Imperiale.
Entrò nella cattedrale e per abitudine lo sguardo fece il giro della cattedrale, alla ricerca di ogni minimo segnale fuori contesto.


Not this time Lucrezia would be missed. Not only in quality but also as an ambassador Imperiatoris Aquila Imperiale.
He entered the cathedral and habit gaze went around the cathedral, looking for the slightest sign out of context.

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