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[RP - SRING] The tears of Geneva - Les larmes de Genève


[Campement impérial - Sommet du Mont Salève]

Un nouveau soleil se levait sur Genève et ses alentours ; un soleil aux teintes dorées, rouges, bleues, blanches et noires : les couleurs des étendards et des tentes impériaux qui se dressaient, au sommet du Mont Salève. Construit en hâte pendant la nuit, le campement des troupes impériales surplombait la campagne genevoise et les abords du Léman. A peine installés, que déjà nobles et soldats affûtaient leurs lames et leurs épées, prêts à en découdre avec les brigands et autres réformés. Entouré de ses généraux et de ses officiers, l'Empereur contemplait pour la première fois la ville rebelle.

    « Votre Majesté Impériale, Genève se tient à vos pieds. »

Bien qu'il l'ait déjà soumise une fois, son œuvre était à refaire. Certains brigands avaient en effet profité des largesses qu'il leur avait accordé pour reprendre la mairie, des mains de ses intendants. Ils appelaient ça « libert頻. Mais la libertrtait bien autre chose que le brigandage, le pillage et le crime. Il ne lui restait plus qu' 'inculquer les rs en peine, ees troupeaux srt Peu importe le prix iayer, Gen redeviendrait ce qu'elle iitd: un Comtumplal, soumise aux lois qu'il lctait.

    n Elle est encore plus insignifiante que nous ne nous l'nons imagine n


[Imperial camp - Summit of Mount Saleve]

A new sun rose over Geneva and its surroundings. A sun with golden, red, blue, white and black colorse; the same colors as the flags of the imperial tents and barracks built in the summit of Mont Saleve. Set up in the night, the camp of the imperial troops was overlooking the Geneva countryside and the lake. Just installed nobles and soldiers were sharpened their blades and swords, ready to fight against the bandits and the heretics. And surrounded by his generals and officers, the Emperor looked for the first time at the rebel city.

    "Your Imperial Majesty, Geneva is at your feet."

Although he had already submitted such a city once, his work had to be redone. Some robbers had indeed abused his generosity, taking the town hall after fomenting a rebellion. They called it "freedom." But freedom was something else as robbery, looting and crime. He was here to teach them what Hfreedomer really was. No matter the price, Geneva would again become what it was: an Imperial County, subject to the laws he enacted.

    "What a miserable city it seems to be."


[Camp des Insoumis - Remparts de Genl]

Une voix au petit matin...

    n L'arm=de l'Empereur est Ici !

Une brise venait caresser son visage en cette fraee nuit d'> du 28 ao 61. Maethor contemplait toutes les lumiîchs des torches du camp imp4al.
Gent mit assioe, son peuple rit harassrar tant de combats mais ils /ient tous lart andre. Insult malmenéta ils combattraient de toute leur force pour leur libert /span>

    u Voici l'heure de tirer l'be ensemble. Cruaut/>ille-toi, qu'importe la ruine, qu'importe le courroux mais que l'aube soit rouge. Pour Genu !* r


[Rebellious camp - Fortified walls of Geneva]

A voice in the morning ...

    " Emperor's army is Here ! "

A breeze had caressed his face on a cold summer night of August 28, 1461. Maethor watched the lights of the torches of the imperial camp.
Geneva was besieged, his people were harassed by so many battles, but they were all there ready to defend. Insulted, abused, they would fight with all their might for their freedom.

    " Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth, Geneva !*"

* The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien


Du haut de son cheval Kehlen regarde la masse de fourche, de pique et de bbn se dresser sur les murs. Bientsils seront rouge du sang des vaincus. La faiblesse ne sera qu'une excuse de plus que le Baron ajoutera sur le tas de cadavres qu'il s'est dodg faire. Une fois encore, il iit sen , une fois encore il lutterait et une fois encore il tuera sans remord.
Dans la guerre, certains se repentent des victimes, mais dans la bataille le guerrier fait son moer, il tue, il n'a donc nul pardon remander.

Quittant les sommets du mont Sali avec quelques hommes de la cavalerie il prit position au dnt de la pente, prendre les derni

- " Commandant ? Devons-nous e mis "
- " Aucunement ! La mort seule attend ces pauvres bougres. Regarde ! Les paysans combattent aussi, hss stupides qui lancent les civiles dans la bataille ... Nous les tuerons tous!"

C'est aux cris de liberties Genevois que le camp impaale s'anime. L'Increvable scrute l'horizon et pointe du doigt un plateau proche dominant faiblement la plaine mais oecavalerie fera malheur si elle venait rondre sur les flancs genevois.

- " Leas sera la cavalerie lourde et comme des flots diainlnous nous abattrons sur ces fols. "
- " Compris Commandant, je fais passer les instructions. "


Sat on his horse Kehlen looks at the mass of forks, pikes and sticks raise on the walls. Soon, they will be red of blood of the dead. The weakness will be only an excuse furthermore than the Baron will add on the heap of corpses that he decided to make for this battle. Once more, he is in Geneva, once more he'll fight and once more he'll kill without re-bites.
In the war, some people regret of victims, but in the battle the warrior does his business he kills, he thus has no forgiveness to ask.
Leaving the summits of the Mont Sal, with some men of the cavalry he stops at the beginning of the slope, to take the last measures of the battlefield and to observe the walls.

-" Commander ? Must be merciful ? "
-" Not at all! Only the death waits for these poor guys. Look! The farmers also fight, stupid wretches who let the civilians fight in the battle... We shall kill them all "

It is in the shouts of freedom of the Genevans that the Imperial gets up. Audric scrutinizes the horizon and points at a close hill dominating the plain, where the cavalry will win surrely if it came to sweep down on the Genevan sides.

- " Over there will be the heavy cavalry and as unchained streams we shall beat down on these rebels. "
- " Understood Commander, I spend the instructions. "


Soldat, nous devons courir benn...!! Je dis La plaie dans le dos ne fait pas mal et le voyage de Bourg rnnecy est rapide. L'adrsline commence oouler dans les veines et je vais controler la nettetae l'ee ..
Je me souviens du message envoyni la Majest .

Votre Majest'si vous avez besoin d'une nouvelle guerre pour rjblir la paix, je suis lt
A vos c ..!!


Soldier, we have to run in Geneve..!! I say to my Subofficer..
The wound in the back does not hurt and the trip from Annecy to Bourg is fast. The adrenaline starts to flow in the veins and I control the sharpness of the sword..
I remember the message sent the day before to Her Majesty...

Your Majesty, if you need a new war to restore peace, I am there!!
At your side..!!


[Camp des Insoumis - Remparts de Geno]

Trois jours jours que tout -it calme. Chaque jour quelques volontaires venant de toute la Helvee venaient renforcer les dnnses sur les remparts.
Il y avait beaucoup de guerriers imp aux nnecy, l'ennemi continuait de se rassembler avant de fondre sur les remparts genevois.

    t Aujourd'hui, Margab est arrivs Annecy, les renforts impaaux vont arriver. Cette bataille pour Genn que l'Empereur voulait isoler est devenue une guerre contre tout un peuple.

    Il est de notre devoir de stopper le Marteau de l'Empereur et de protrr la Confrration Helvcque de sa tyrannie ! Ces derniers mois ont t isants mais nous devrons trouver la force au plus profond d'entre nous pour vaincre.
    Seul notre union et tous les sacrifices consentis pourront mettre un terme ra folie de l'Empereur envers tout un peuple qu'il s'est pris ouloir dominer.

    Serrez les rangs ! Pr rez-vous !


[Rebellious camp - Fortified walls of Geneva]

Three days days all was quiet. Every day some volunteers from across the Helvetia had strengthened the defenses on the walls.
There was a lot of imperial warriors in Annecy, the enemy continued to gather before melting in the Geneva walls.

    " Today Margab arrived at Annecy, the Imperial reinforcements will arrive. This battle for Geneva that the Emperor would isolate has become a war against an entire people.

    It is our duty to stop the Hammer of the Emperor and protect the Swiss Confederation of tyranny ! These past months have been exhausting but we will find the strength deep within us to overcome.
    Only our union and all the sacrifices will put a stop to the madness of the Emperor to a people that is taken to dominate.

    Close up the ranks ! Prepare yourself! "


Quartier des Lames, au milieu des Imp

Les Lames avaient plant leurs tentes prade celle de lbEmpereur, les armes avaient r prmry par le forgeron. Tout le monde it pr/
Ares"avan-en lisi5 du camp, il voyait la ville en contre bas. Son regard ne se posait pas sur un endroit prbs, mais regardait la ville dans son ensemble. Les remparts ntavaient pas t entiès ment rlr depuis la dernil guerre, et il voyait le peuple de Genf sgaffnr. De braves gens allaient mourir dans chaque camp. Comme souvent la folie de quelques-uns allait faire pSr les simples villageois, tout uau nom dtune libertausils bafouaient en aidant les brigands. Ars it partagnur liind ndance de la ville, sur le principe il nrnit pas contre, du moment que leaide aux brigands cesse. De toute fag, son avis importait bien peu, lcEmpereur et son conseil avaient dedq il devait obt.
Un bruit le fit sortir de sa r rie, il salua les officiers qui dfbulaient comme lui dans lgenceinte du camp.


Blades district, amid Imperial

Blades had planted their tents near the Emperor's, the weapons had been prepared by the blacksmith. Everyone was ready.
Ares walked the edge of the camp, he saw the city against the bottom. His gaze did not arise out of a specific location, but looking at the city as a whole. The walls had not been fully repaired since the war, and he saw the people of Geneva affnr. Good people would die in each camp. As is often the folly of some going to destroy the simple villagers, all in the name of freedom they flouted helping brigands. Ares was shared on the independence of the city, on the principle he was not against, as long as the aid to stop thieves. Anyway, his opinion mattered little, the Emperor and his council had decided he had to obey.
A noise made him out of his reverie, he saluted the officers as he strolled into the camp.


[Camp des Insoumis - Remparts de Genc]

L'ennemi s' it rassemblau petit matin devant les portes de Gen-. Il y avait tant d'implaux prt sombattre. Quatre armh avaient "bli leur campement aux alentours. Il devenait difficile de les compter.
Maethor juchGur les remparts regarda tous les d:nseurs prnpour la nuit sanglante qui les attendrait.

    i Toutes les forces de l'Empereur sont nos portes, l'heure est venue de se battre !

    L'Empereur peut nous maltraiter mais il ne parviendra pas lous dompter, nous ne nous soumettrons pas, il ne pourra nous ravir l'Espoir, notre Libertai nous diviser . Volontaires de Sion, de Fribourg, de Grandson, d'Italie, alli>et vous al niques qui nous accompagnez par la pensl Merci uous, c'est un Honneur que de pouvoir dsndre eos cote r

Il descendit des remparts pour rejoindre la cour inteeure, l n destrier l'attendait, un regard en arris et un sourire pour contempler tous les cavaliers oa suite.

    Cavaliers, l'Empereur s'attend e que nous dendions avec acharnement les remparts Mais nous irons da rencontre, frayons nous un chemin >ravers les rangs de ses guerriers et frappons au ceur ce tyran.

    Ouvrez les portes ! Cavaliers en avant ! t


[Rebellious camp - Fortified walls of Geneva]

The enemy had gathered in the morning at the gates of Geneva. There were so many imperial ready to fight. Four armies were camped nearby. It was difficult to count them.
Maethor perched on the ramparts looked all defenders ready for bloody night the wait.

    " All the forces of the Emperor are on our doorstep, it's time to fight !

    The Emperor can mistreat us but he did not succeed in subduing us, we do not submit, he can rob us of Hope, our Freedom or divide us. Volunteers of Sion, of Fribourg, of Grandson, Italy, allies and German-speaking that you accompany us in spirit, thanks to you, it's a honor to be able to defend your side. "

He went down the walls to reach the courtyard, where a steed was waiting, a look back and a smile to contemplate all riders after him.

    " Riders, the Emperor expects us to defend the ramparts hard But we will go to meet him, we make our way through the ranks of his warriors at heart and knock the tyrant.

    Open the doors ! Riders forward ! "


[Imperial camp - Summit of Mount Saleve 1.9.1461]

Imperial order were given. Soldiers were gathered in the camp. Everyone knew the battle would happen soon. Tonight, the imperial armies would besiege Geneva. Tonight, blood would flow. It was only a matter of time. Wearing his armor, the Emperor reviewed his troops. For some of them, it was the first time they foughtt; fear and doubt disturbing their hearts. But the majority of his soldiers were experienced. All of them were brave, fighting for their country, more than once. He would his life to each of them. Together, they would fight again, tonight. And tonight they would win again.

    "Nobles, soldiers of the Holy Empire !e

    Great moments are born for great opportunity. And that is what we have here, tonight, soldiers.f
    That is what you've earned here tonight. One fight, for the Empire. One fight, for your people and your lands..
    Tonight, we attack them. Tonight, we fight against them, and we shut them down because we can.s

    Tonight, we are the greatest army, in the world. You were born to become heroes, everyone of you.a
    And you were meant to be here tonight... This is your time. Their timet? It's done. It's over.a
    I am sick and tired of hearing about what a great city, the robbers have.

    Show them : This is your timet!a

    Now, go to the walls, and take it."


Ils ne se battront pas
je dis non compagnon tout en contr/t les armes
Ils laisseront mourir des pauvres fermiers et ils s'enfuient pour faire d'autres vols. Beaucoup d'autres fois ils s'enfuirent devant nos ;es. Non, ils ne se battront pas, et bientnls vont s'enfuir et se cacher quelque part cach/span>

Do not fight I say to my companion while control arms
They leave you to die some poor farmer and flee to make other thefts. Many other times they fled before our swords. No, do not fight and soon will flee to hide in some hidden place

Everything was ready for the war, although that calm day did not seem to the prelude to a night of battle. The soldier thought about all the good things he had left at home. He had discovered many other good things during that period of war: as the value of friendship and family. He wore with pride his surname, though he hadn't a bloodline. The happiness was not given by the surname, but from the heart and from the values ​​with which he was born. His Homeland, ancient land, had given over the centuries great leaders and heroes. Leonardo was neither a hero nor a leader, but only a soldier who did his duty. He loved simple things. That evening, while he was in his tent and waited for the battle, he prayed for the survival of the people who were dear.
Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia
RP litu [Bouillon genevois]
Camp imp

La soirid'hier sera occrocher 1elles, nombreuses, qui resteront grav"De toute fae nous arr/rons l'Empire et vous repartirez la queue entre les jambes." C'est devant l'hilaritse la salle que le pauvre r/ur s'en /it all7lui si fi0 en arrivant, la mine d ite et triste. Mais pourrons-nous jamais le remercier d'avoir offert, ne serait-ce que par les deux secondes de sa prnnce un instant inoubliable et magique ?

Audric rigolait encore en arrivant ea taverne ce matin, coordonner la dernin roption de vin allait se montrer plus sympathique que d'habitude. Surtout qu'il s'agissait d'une cuv sppale, offerte par la cousine de l'Empereur, chose rare paranil. Quoiqu'il en soit, il n' it pas dans les habitudes de Kehlen de se retirer d'une offre gmreusement proposrar une parente, qu'elle soit iigneou non du Vdrable Empereur.

C'est surtout, devant les yeux de biches de la demoiselle, que le page responsable n'avait pu qu'accepter la demande et mettre l'Increvable devant le fait accomplit.

Du vin pour tous, en attendant la victoire avait-il dit au Baron pour justifier son achat.


The evening of yesterday will be unforgettable For the Baron de Kehlen. Audric thanked this Genevan for having said to him of a contemptuous tone :" Anyway we shall stop the Empire and you will leave the tail between the legs."

The whole inn had begun laughing and the poor man was left, sad and undone. But even if he was an agitator, all will thank him for this magic moment. Audric was laughing when he arrived at the inn this morning. He received a cargo of wine and it put him so in a good mood. Even better, it is the cousin of the Emperor herself who offered the wine, a generous offer that Kehlen couldn't refuse.

It is especially, in front of the doe eyes of the young lady, That the responsible vassal had been able only to accept the request and to put the Undying in a position where he could not say no.

"Some wine for all while waiting for the victory" had he said to the Baron to justify its purchase.

[Jour de Guerre - Geni - 01.09.1461]

Sur son ordre, l'assaut avait > donn tard dans la nuit. Les tours de si: construites pour l'occasion avaient " pousst par les soldats, tandis que les selles s'nvaient une one contre les remparts de la ville rebelle. Le boer s'>it presses. En une heure -eine, les portes avaient n dmnc" et les soldats avaient gagn es murs, relevant la herse. Tout cela dans une facilitanncertante. Et pour caused: aucun dtnseur n'avait pris les armes. gait-ce possible que ce qu'il avait pris pour une charge de cavalerie plus tsans la journs n'uit qu'une fuite affoledes dirigeants genevoisn? Il en uit er nt assursLa ville fut gagnesans que le sang ne soit vers la drapeau impsal flottait sur les tours de Gene.

Aprhavoir coordonnr'assaut de son poste avancel'Empereur pctra dans la ville, entourte ses glraux. Son armure brune par.d'or le rendait facilement identifiable. Son regard scrutait les rues qui se voulaient vides de toute agitations: seuls quelques soldats impsaux ra recherche des fugitifs peuplaient les ruelles. Apr'les remparts, on vint informer l'Empereur que la mairie eit tomb à pon tour.

    r Mon Empereur, la ville est /ous.

L'Empereur tira sur la bride pour arrénér sa monture. Un instant de rdexion. Court instant. Et il se tourna vers son aat-major.

    quLa victoire est n.. Officier ? Une lettre pour Strasbourg.
    Prenez notee: "Cette nuit, l'aurore s'est levtdans l'obscurit

    16- Votre Majesttmpnale. Il en sera fait selon vos ordres.ur

L'officier quitta la ville avec la lettre, tandis que des questionnements demeuraient dans les esprits de certains de ses guraux.

    e - Mais... Obt-ils donc passs?.

    to- Ils se cachent, G-ral. Tels des rats apeure: ils attendent notre dVrt, pour sortir de leur trou. Ces animaux vivent la nuit.; incapables d'affronter la lumi


[Day of war - Geneva - 9.1.1461]

On his order, the attack was launched in the night. Siege towers had been pushed by the soldiers, while the scales one by one stood against the walls of the rebellious city. The ram was pressed against the doors, while the archers were raining on the walls clouds of arrows. In just one hour, the doors were smashed and the soldiers had won the walls, raising the portcullis, all with ease. Here was the reason : no defender had taken up arms. Was it possible that the previous cavalry charge was actually a frantic flight of Genevese leaders? It became obvious. The city was won without blood being shed : the imperial flag was now on the towers of Geneva.

After coordinating the assault in his outpost the Emperor entered the town in his shining armor, surrounded by his generals. His eyes scanned the empty streets, only crossed by imperial soldiers in search of fugitives. After the walls, some came to tell the emperor that the city hall was taken.

    "My Emperor, the city is yours. "

The Emperor stopped his horse and removed his helmet. He turned to his Joint Staff.

    "Victory is ours. Officer? A letter to Strasbourg. Please note : byThis night , the dawn rose in the dark Geneva. The imperial eagle flies over the pagan towers. The victory is complete. No "

    " - Your Imperial Majesty, it will be done. "

The officer left the city with his letter while some questions remained in the minds of his generals.

    "Where are they ?"

    " They are hiding, General. Such as frightened rats : they are waiting for our departure to get out of their holes. These animals are nocturnal, unable to face up the light. So they hide in their dens. They flee our armies. But this day, the dawn rose over Geneva, for now and forever. "



Plus le temps passe, plus Tanaisie a conscience que son statut particulier lui procure bien plus d'avantages que l'on ne l'aurait pu croire. Ainsi, parud'une neutralitépoe bon aloi, lui permettant de traverser les lignes ennemies sans qu'elle ne soit particuli ment viso elle passe d'une ville 'autre, de la Savoie
Si elle n'a pas l'acc be que Germaine nomme Le Cercle B r, plus communmnt dcgn/omme In Gratibus par une majorit nte, il n'en demeure pas moins que, hors de ce cadre quelque peu fig il lui est possible d'interfer, d'avoir mP une certaine influence, assourdie, sur les nements qui pourtant ne peuvent l'atteindre.

Aussi, ce jour, dede-t-elle de suivre le conseil de la Landru : observer avec d chement, noter avec clartrrapporter le raltat de ses observations oous les personnages qui, comme Tanaisie, se sentent ainsi que les figurants d'une pil de thnre. Eux aussi ont droit e'information. Du sur mesure.

H ut des faubourgs, telle sera sa fonction.


La voici prf, notre vaillante Tanaisie, menton lev assistrd'un jeune gara repi fa trae des armd impsales, larmoyant et di.

Qu'est-ce que t'as, p'tit con ? Pourquoi tu chiales ?
Snif...j'voulais m'battre contre les brigands moi... avec l'empereur !
Mais... quels brigands ? Et puis, t'es pas genevois ?
Si, j'suis genevois, et ma m elle a dit qu'on érait l' comtb' Gen,, et qu' not' chef, c'nit l'empereur...
Ta mt ? C'est qui ta mn ?
Ben... je sais pas... j'vis dans la rue en vrai !
Eh bien ! Si tu comptes sur l'empereur pour te faire une place... tu seras mort depuis bien longtemps !
Snif... pourquoi ?
Il a l'haleine charg/ c'est mauvais signe.
Allez viens avec moi, on va regarder la bataille, et on comptera les morts. Nous serons des h uts.

Ah ben j'veux bien ne un h.s moi !

La bataille

Plouf !

Aprela bataille

Tiens p'tit con ! Y a un cadavre luas, avec le cul 'air !
Mais non Ta Niais'rie ! C'est juste le gouverneur qui cuve !
Morbleu, mais qu'est-ce que je vais bien pouvoir raconter obert, moi ? M> pas une petite blessure de rien ?
Nan !
Pffffff ! On a l'air malin l Des hauts sans bataille !

S'tu veux, on peut en faire une en faux, avec mes copains d'la rue !
Ah ben pourquoi pas ?
se tortillant les mains... y en a aucun qui voudra faire le pDis leur qu'ils seront payn sles d"dera !
J'leur dis qu'y z'auront une terre vux ?
Si tu veux, mais j'en ai pas eur donner.
Pas grave, quand y l'sauront, y s'ra trop tard !
C'est pas faux... tu pourrais faire un bon empereur!



As time passes, Tansy is aware that its special status gives it even more benefits that would have been thought . So, dressed in a neutral good quality , allowing it to cross enemy lines without it being particularly targeted , it passes from one city to another, from Savoy to Helvetia , chin up proudly braving safely Batavian troops .

If it does not access that Germaine called " The Blessed Circle ", more commonly referred to as In Gratibus by bleating majority , it remains that outside of this framework somewhat fixed, he can interfere , even having some influence , muted , yet the events that can not reach .

Also that day , she decided to follow the advice of Landru : observe with detachment, noted with clarity, report the results of his observations to all the characters , as Tansy , feel and extras of a play. They are also entitled to information. On the measure.

Herald of the suburbs , as is its function.


Here it is ready, our valiant Tansy , chin up , assisted by a young boy recovered behind the imperial armies , tearful and disappointed.

What you did , you little stupid? Why are you crying ?
Sniff ... I wanted to fight against the brigands me ... with the Emperor !
More ... What thieves? And you're not Geneva ?
yes, I'm from Geneva , and my mother said that she was the county of Geneva, and our leader, it was the emperor ...
Your mother? Who is your mother?
Ben ... I do not know ... I live right down the street !
Well ! If you count on the emperor to make a place for you ... you'll be dead for a long time !
Sniff ... why?
He loaded the breath is a bad sign.
Come with me, let's look at the battle, and the dead counted. We will heralds .

Ah well I wanna be a hero well me!

the Battle

Splash !

After the battle

Hey asshole ! There's a corpse there, with ass in the air!
But not Tansy ! This is just the governor tank !
Zounds , but what am I going to tell Robert , me? Even a small wound anything?
Nan !
Pffffff ! It looks smart here! Heralds no battle!
If ya want, we can make a false battle with my friends on the street !
Ah well why not?
Only ....
wriggling hands ... there is none who will make P/al !
Tell them they will be paid , it 's decide !
I tell them they have a land to them?
If you want, but I do not have to give them.
No problem, when there 's will , there will be too late !
It is not wrong ... you'd make a good emperor !
Morning of 2th September.

Who would have believed that the taking of the town hall would be so easy?
All were alive and well. Unfortunately, even enemies.

The Empire had won and a new dawn was rising.
"Lieutenant, are you hurt?" An aide asked to Leonardo.
"No. Today I can't say this." Answered putting the sword into the sheath.
"Please take me in the tavern for my breakfast.
The breakfast of the righteous ..."

Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia
le soir de l'attaque

Tout tit trop simple. L'escalade, la prise des murailles, juste quelques gardes qui se rendaient au moment ov soldats imp?aux s'avan#ent. Kehlen n' it pas en premin ligne, il restait en retrait avec la cavalerie pr9"ondre sur l'ennemi s'il tentait une sortie. Mais rien, triste et silencieuse attaque qui n'avait fait que trembler le sol au moment de la charge. Pas un blessdheureusement diraient les mrcins et les strates qui avaient organisul'attaque, navrant pense l'officier qui ayant patienter tant de soirs qe faire narguer aurait voulu en d"udre avec les genevois et leur faire go/de sa lame.

Mais ainsi vont les choses et on ne peut changer le cours de l'histoire. Autant les genevois s'bient montr farouches, avec leurs guerriers nus et leurs chants paillards, autant la reconqu/ de Gens avait b offerte r'Empire.

Plus loin, ce soir ltles yeux vifs du Hohenlohe se fixent sur l'indard imptal, qui suivant en tout temps et en tout lieu Sa Majestdmpsale, passa les murs et entra dans la ville. Cette fois la ville lit vraiment tombadevant le Von Frayner victorieux.
Petit sourire de l'Increvable qui regarda ses hommes et leur dit ces mots:

" O ne la justice, c'est da libertl'obm. Cavaliers de l'Empire, allons rejoindre notre armtet c,brer avec eux ce jour de victoire. Vive l'Empire !"

Poing levtordre d'avancer, c'est sous la multitude de gonfanons ou d'autres drapeaux que les hommes montes'avancunt, une fois encore comme une longue file, vers la porte pour passer les murailles et rencontrer l'Empereur pui il fallait rendre hommage. Une fois les murailles passe, c'est un cortb de rires pour certains, de fouilles pour d'autres qui s'ouvraient aux yeux de l'Increvable qui, rep nt l'Empereur non loin de ltfit aller son destrier pour le flciter de son exploit.

"Fecitation pour votre victoire Votre MajesteElle est rasante, il ne tient qu'eous d rmais de bouter hors de ces murs ces impies se cachant dans les tuts."


The evening of the attack

Everything was too simple. The climbing and the taking of bulwarks, just some guards who surrendered as the imperial soldiers advanced. Kehlen was not in the front line, he stood back with the cavalry loan to be swept down on the enemy if he tried an exit. But anything, sad and silent attacks whohad only been trembling the ground at the time of the load. No wounded person, fortunately would say the doctors and the strategists who had organized the attack, saddening thinks the officer who having to wait so many evenings to be defied would have wanted to unstitch it with the Genevans and to make them taste his blade.

But so go things and we cannot change the course of history. So much the Genevans had shown themselves wild, with their naked warriors and their dirty songs, so much the reconquest of Geneva had been offered to the Empire.

Farther, this evening there, the lively eyes of Hohenlohe settled on the imperial banner, which according to any time and in any place Her Majesty Impfale, crossed(spent) walls and entered the city. This time the city had really fallen in front of victorious Von Frayner.
Small smile of the Undying which looked at his men and says to them these words:

" Where reigns the justice, it is for the freedom to obey. Riders of the Empire, let us be going to join our army and celebrate with them this day of victory. Long live the Empire! "

Order to move forward, it is under the multitude of gonfalons or the other flags that the cavalry advanced, once more as a long line, towards the door to cross bulwarks and meet the Emperor to whom it was necessary to pay tribute. Once the past bulwarks, it is a procession of laughter for some, searches and excavations for others who opened in the eyes of the Undying which, spotting the Emperor not far from there, made go his charger to congratulate him on its exploit.

" " Congratulation for this victory Your Majesty. She is overwhelming, it's our work from now to hunt these godless hiding in sewers. "
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