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[RP] We all live in a house of fire

Palazzo Imperiale, Uffici della Dieta Imperiale e alloggi dei Ministri imperiali,notte tra il 30 Settembre ed il 1 Ottobre 1461[color=red]

Katamazai stava percorrendo i corridoi dell'ala ovest dove si trovavano gli Uffici della dieta Imperiale e gli alloggi dei Ministri Imperiali e del Reggente, nell'avanzare il funo si faceva sempre più intenso e per respirare ed avere una migliore visibilità con la sua mazza di legno rompeva ogni finestra che trovava nel suo camino per permettere al fumo di uscire fuori.
Giunto nella zona della Dieta Imperiale iniziò ad aprire le porte degli uffici per vedere se i vari ministri e consiglieri fossero ancora lì e ne trovò alcuni in preda al panico e alla confusione.
La prima fu il Portavoce Imperiale Eriti che nella stanza piena di fumo stava cercando di mettere in salvo le pergamene con i vari editti tradotti, Katamazai rotta la finestra per far uscire il fumo prese per un braccio la Madama, in questi casi il galateo non era consigliato se si voleva vivere, e le disse:

Perdonatemi Eccellenza per il modo brusco ma la situazione è pericolosa un incendio nell'ala ovest sta distruggendo tutto lasciate stare le pergamene ne abbiamo copie nello scriptorium e seguite la guardia che vi porterà al sicuro.

e con un cenno del capo fece capire alla guardia di occuparsi del Portavoce e di non sbagliare altrimenti lo avrebbe fatto correre per giorni .
Lsciata Eriti con la guardia si affacciò alla porta aperta dell'ufficio del Presidente della dieta Imperiale e vide Elein in difficoltà che non sapeva cosa fare aiutata dal suo servitore Massimo entrò nella stanza e rivolgendosi ad Elein disse:

Eccellenza rimanete calma vista la vostra situazione di maternità e ascoltate il vostro aiutante Massimo vi metto a disposizione due guardie perchè vi aiutino ad uscire fuori in un luogo più sicuro, seguiteli e fidatevi di me e di loro e nessuno si farà male se cercate qualcuno sarà mia precisa disposizione di farlo rintracciare e portare in sicuro.

con una pacca sulla spalla destra di Massimo per rassicurarlo gli fece cenno di seguire le guardie e di curare con attenzione la sua paesana Elein anche se sapeva che non ce ne era bisogno.
Uscito dalla stanza passò a quella seguente dove trovò sua Eccellenza Arezus e avvicinandogli gli disse:

Eccellenza vi prego di seguire la guardia che vi metto a disposizione vi condurrà in un liogo sicuro le fiamme hanno ormai preso possesso dell'ala ovest e il pericolo si fa sempre più evidente come il fumo che piena questa stanza, vi prego di seguirlo e tutto andrà per il meglio

Assegnati gli ordini alla guardia continuò a cercare ma ormai il fumo aveva avvolto tutto rendendo la visibilità mediocre per cui a tentoni con un fazzoletto bagnato sulla bocca e sul naso avanzò in ogni stanza rompendo i vetri per far uscire il fumo e rendere maggiore la visibilità.
Le stanze degli uffici era terminate ma aveva lasciato alcune guardie a controllare che ancora ci fosse qualcuno e entrò nella zona degli alloggi delle Eccelenze quando vide un servo che batteva forte ad una porta mezzo soffocato dal fumo, si precipitò da lui chiedendogli chi ci fosse nella stanza:

Chi siete e chi c'è nella stanza?

La risposta fu come un pugno in faccia era ernest il maggiordomo del Reggente sua Eccellenza Comyr, fece portare via il maggiordomo e si mise a picchiare con la mazza di legno sulla porta, porta robusta ma anche il bastone lo era e dopo un po un asse cedette e riuscì ad aprire la porta ed entrare.
Sua Eccellenza stava domerdo nonostante la confusione ed il fumo per cui gli si avvicinò e lo scosse con delicatezza ma non ricevendo nessuna risposta pensando fosse svenuto prese la brocca d'acqua sul comodino e la rovesciò sul volto di sua Eccellenza che fece un salto e guardandolo male disse qualcosa di incomprensibile, ma Katamazai non si fece problemi e glin disse:

Mi scuso per il gesto Eccellenza ma un incendio sta distruggendo l'ala ovest e non avevo tempo per essere più cortese vi prego vestitevi velocemente che una guardia vi attende per portarvi in sicuro dove già è stato portato il vostro servo Ernest.

Lasciato il Reggente nelle mani di due guardie per farlo portare in salvo passò alla camera della consulente dell'Imperatore Pippa, bussò alla sua porta con tutta la forza che aveva e dopo alcuni minuti vide la porta aprirsi quanto basta per poter parlare senza intravedere nulla e l'Eccellenza alquanto ancora stordita dal sonno chiese cosa stesse succedendo e cosa fosse quel fumo e Katamazai le spiego :

Vostra Eccellenza un incendio sta distruggendo l'ala ovest mi scuso per l'avervi disturbato ma il tempo stringe ele fiamme stanno arrivando come potete intuire dal fumo vi prego di vestirvi velocemente e di seguire le guardie che vi accompagneranno in un luogo sicuro, vi lascio nelle loro mani io devo continuare a cercare alcune persone che non ho ancora trovato.

Lasciò due guardie fuori dalla porta di Pippa e continuo a bussare alle porte sperando di avere risposte celeri.


English version

Imperial Palace, the Offices of the Imperial Diet and accommodation of Ministers imperial night between September 30 and October 1, 1461

Katamazai was walking the halls of the west wing where they were the offices of the Imperial Diet and the lodgings of the Imperial ministers and the Regent, in advancing the smoke grew more and more intense and breathe and have better visibility with his bat Wood broke every window that was in his chimney to allow the smoke to get out.
Arrived in the area of ​​the Imperial Diet began to open the doors of the offices to see if the various ministers and advisers were still there and he found some in a panic and confusion.
The first was the Speaker Imperial Eriti that in the smoke-filled room was trying to rescue the scrolls with various edicts translated, Katamazai broken the window to let out the smoke caught his arm Excellence, in these cases the etiquette is not was recommended if you want to live, and said:

Forgive Excellence for the abrupt way the situation is dangerous, but a fire in the west wing is destroying all let alone the scrolls we have copies in the scriptorium and follow the guard that will take you to safety.

and with a nod of his head made him realize the guard to take care of the Spokesperson and not to make mistakes otherwise he would run for days.
Eriti left with the guard appeared at the open door of the office of President of the Imperial Diet and saw Elein in trouble he did not know what to do aided by his servant Massimo entered the room and addressing Elein said:

Excellency stay calm view your situation maternity and listen to your aide Massimo available I put two guards because they will help you to come out in a safer place, follow them and trust me and them and nobody gets hurt if someone will try my particular provision of track and bring it in safely.

with a pat on his right shoulder to reassure him by Massimo motioned for him to follow the guards and to pay attention to his peasant Elein even though he knew there was not need.
Passed out of the room to the next one where he found his Excellency Arezus and approaching him said:

Your Excellency please follow the guard that I put at the disposal will take you to a safe place, the flames have now taken possession of the west wing and the danger becomes more and more evident as the smoke that filled this room, please follow him and everything will be fine

Orders assigned to the guard kept trying but now the smoke had wrapped around making visibility poor so fumble with a wet handkerchief over his mouth and nose stepped in every room smashing the windows to let the smoke out and make greater visibility.
The rooms of the offices was completed but had left some guards to check that there was still someone entered the housing area of ​​excellences when he saw a servant who was pounding on a door half-suffocated by the smoke, rushed to him asking who was there in the room:

Who are you and who is in the room?

The answer was like a punch in the face was ernest Butler Regent His Excellency Comyr, brought by the butler and began to beat with a wooden mallet on the door, but the door sturdy stick and after a while it was an axis gave way and he managed to open the door and enter.
His Excellency was dormedo despite the confusion and the smoke that went up to him and shook him gently but getting no answer thinking he fainted took the jug of water on the bedside table and poured on the face of his Excellency that jumped and looking evil said something unintelligible, but felt that she could not Katamazai and said:

I apologize for the gesture Excellency, but a fire is destroying the west wing and I had no time to be more polite please get dressed faster than a guard is waiting to take you safely where it has already been brought your servant Ernest.

Left the Regent into the hands of two guards to do to rescue the Emperor went to the room of the consultant Pippa, knocked on his door with all the strength he had, and a few minutes later saw the door open just enough to be able to speak without a glimpse of anything and Excellence at the still dazed from sleep wondered what was going on and what it was that smoke and Katamazai I'll explain:

Your Excellency a fire is destroying the west wing I apologize for having disturbed but time is running ele flames are coming as you can guess from the smoke please get dressed quickly and followed the guards who will accompany you in a safe place , I leave in their hands I have to keep looking for some people who have not yet found.

He left two guards outside the door of Pippa and I keep knocking on doors hoping to get speedy answers.
    [Office of the Imperial Spokeperson - Imperial Palace of Strasbourg - Night of September 30 to October 1, 1461]

That evening Eriti had a bad headache, it seems like an entire platoon was marching in it, making her veins pulse stronger every minutes.
On the table there were many parchment from Siena. The situation in the republic was still under observation of the Empire, and every news she received, will be read and reported to the Emperor if they were important. Documents, reports, rumours, she was reading all of them, notes the most interesting on a parchment aside.

She just took a pause, closing her eyes and putting an hand over the forehead. The silence, the quiet, the dark of the room with only few candlelight to keep her company, and the sound of the fire, invited her to a restful sleep.
She was almost fall asleep, when the bells start to sound. At the beginning they were only a far sound, but quickly they became stronger, and with them many voices rose up.
Half asleep, she opened her eyes suddenly, and for a short time she believed she were back on a battlefield, like years before.
But that years were very far, she wasn't more a soldiers.

Trying to fully awake, she listened the voices coming from the corridors better, and soon the words "fire" and "the imperial palace is burning" were catch by her ears.

She stood up, with a little dizziness for the headache and the tiredness, and ran out the rooms. Servants, soldiers, everyone ran, someone to the entrance to escape from such hell, someone to the Emperor and Empress' rooms.
In that moments, she whispered an italian curse, and she thankfull that very few people would be able to understand it, and no one would be paid attention to her words in such situation.

There was no time for the fear. It was a battlefield as the previously she saw.
She turned back in her office, and put in a bag the most valuable documents. In the same time a man entered abruptly in her office. Firstly he broked the windows, then he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

How you dare?! - said Eriti, and with a tug freed the arm. Now she was perfectly awake.
I perfectly know the danger where we are, you are not talking with a newbie, soldiers - in that caos, Eriti didn't recognize the man.

The man left her with another guard, and ran away to the next office. Eriti glared the man "who will take her in a safe place" then her attention was captured from the same treatment reserved to the President of the Imperial Diet.
She walked towards Violante, and put an hand on her shoulder.

Are you ok, Violante? - she asked - So rude with a pregnat woman - whispered - men!

Se la gente ti critica lo fa per due motivi: o non sa come impiegare il tempo o vorrebbe essere dannatamente come te.

Sarah who went to see her colleagues of the Escort was stopped by the Toscin and when Lieutenant Lestat walked past her, shouting her name, she did not take the time to think and followed him at high speed. She eventually catch up to the imperial apartments where Louis was already present to remove the imperial family like the Escorts had to in such moments. She quickly listened to instructions. Apparently the children were not in their apartments. It was not yet the time to procrastinate, fires took and always spread faster when they were launched. Lestat already offered to take over the search kitchens. Good guess knowing the greed of the princess. Sarah on the other hand turned to the Empress to make sure all was well and seek information.

Your Highness would have an idea of ??where we can find your children now? Once we have been able to locate, we will arrange to evacuate. You need to find shelter as quickly as possible.


Sarah qui passait voir ses collègues de l'Escorte avait été interpelée par le toscin et lorsque le lieutenant Lestat passa devant elle en criant son nom, elle ne prit pas le temps de réfléchir et lui emboita le pas à vive allure. Elle finit par le rattraper devant les appartements impériaux où se trouvait déjà Louis, présent pour évacuer la famille impériale comme se devait l'Escorte dans de tels moments. Elle écouta rapidement les consignes. Visiblement les enfants n'étaient pas dans leurs appartements. Il n'était pourtant pas le temps de tergiverser, les feux prenaient et se répandaient toujours vite quand ils étaient lancés. Lestat déjà proposait de prendre en charge la fouille des cuisines. Bonne supposition connaissant la gourmandise de la princesse. Sarah pour sa part se tourna vers l'impératrice pour s'assurer que tout allait bien et lui demander des renseignements.

Votre altesse auriez vous une idée d'où peuvent se trouver vos enfants à l'heure actuelle? Dès que nous aurons pu les localisez, nous nous occuperons de les évacuer. Vous devez vous mettre à l'abri au plus vite.
    Il Luogotenente si trovava di guardia presso il palazzo imperiale.
    Camminava lungo i corridoi impugnando la spada nel fodero.
    La sua attenzione non si abbassava mai, sebbene dopo la guerra, pensieri più piacevoli affolllavano, ora, la sua mente: presto sarebbe tornato nella sua Pisa dove avrebbe aperto una taverna a nome delle Aquilae Imperatoris, per aiutare il reclutamento in questo importante corpo elitario. Pensava che il lavoro per rendere grande l'Impero non aveva pause.

    Così, mentre quei piacevoli pensieri avevano preso spazio nella sua testa, qualcuno aveva gridato all'allarme...

    ...cosa stava succedendo?


    The Lieutenant stood guard at the imperial palace.
    He walked along the corridors and holding the sword in its sheath.
    His attention never lowered, although after the war, more pleasant thoughts were, now, in his mind: he would soon be back in his Pisa where he opened a tavern on behalf of the Aquilae Imperatoris, to help the recruitment in this important etilist body. He thought that the work to make the great Empire had no breaks.

    So while those pleasant thoughts had taken place in his head, someone had shouted the alarm ...

    what was going on ...?

[Office of the Imperial Vicechancellor, night between 30 of September and the 1st of October 1461]

The Imperial ViceChancellor sat in her office. She was looking at the moon outside the windows of the room thinkin' at the time spent in the Imperial Chancellery, at the war in Geneva and many other things. Despite Sofia was totally reestablished, she still walked with a baton as help. It was everything calm in the imperial palace, many ministers surely already slept, others still silently worked at their desks but noone could know what in few minutes would happen.

When a bell started ring the imperial palace suddenly started to be full of noise. Some servants were shouted that the building was on fire, a lot of people were running around to tell everyone that they must went out of the Palace.

Sofia slowly got up from the armchair and she directed, slowly as before, toward the door while Giovanni was running in her direction.

"What's going on, Giovanni? Where is the Emperor? Salome? Violante? Are they in safe?"

She asked without taking breath.

Cavaliere dell' Ordo Equitum Immortalium - Grazie Croci *.*
    Dopo aver udito le grida all'allarme, Leonardo aveva corso per aiutare ad evacuare l'infermeria. Giunto fin lì incontrò Magda che aveva un ordine del Generale: andare presso le stalle e aiutare i servi nel tentativo di spegnere il fuoco. L'incendio era enorme e prendeva tutta la parte ovest del Palazzo, ma fortunatamente non aveva preso la parte est... in particolare non aveva colpito le cucine dove molti avevano trovato via di fuga...
    La confusione era generale...


    After hearing the cries of alarm, Leonardo was going to help to evacuate the infirmary. Came all the way there he met Magda who had an order of the General: go at the stables and help the servants in an attempt to extinguish the fire. The fire was huge and took the whole west side of the palace, but fortunately had not taken the east part... in particular had not hit the kitchens where many had found an escape route ...
    The confusion was general ...

She did not pay too much attention to Katamazai and to his speech and she was not sure that he was him! Her only thought was find her sister, advise her of the danger and above all, know that she was safe.
Then arrived the Imperial spokesperson Eriti and, with her phrase, she managed to wrest a smile to Violante

Yes Eriti, I'm ok thanks but...I have to find my sister but the Imperial Chancellery is not so near
Excellency You have to think to Your baby

Massimo was right: Violante could not stay too long in the smoke that had almost completely invaded her office. She thought very fast and said

Massimo, take those files over my desk. We can't loose them - then she spoke to a young guard - YOU! Go to the Imperial Chancellery and find my sister Francesca Sofia, she is the Vice Chancellor: help her and the Imperial Chancellor Salome. Don't leave them alone! Me and Eriti can escape even with a single guard, we're not so silly. What do you think?

Looking at Eriti she prepared herself to run away from her office

George sentendo che il suono delle campane non cessava presa la sua spada e corse nei corridoi, sentito l'ordine di andare nelle stalle per aiutare i servi a prendere i secchi d'acqua corse il più velocemente possibile e si mise subito all'opera aiutando i servi.

-- Google translator --

George heard the sound of the bells never stopped taking his sword and ran in the corridors, heard the order to go to the stables to help the servants to take buckets of water ran as fast as possible and set to work helping the servants.
Le chevalier s'étira, une main vint frotter sa nuque endolorie puis en fit de même sur ses yeux. Elle referma les dossiers d'un mouvement las, ce serait suffisant pour ce soir. De toute façon, veillez plus n'y changerait rien.

A peine avait-elle refermé la porte du bureau, qu'elle entendit des cris. Elle pressa le pas pour sortir de l'aile du palais et s'arrêta, figée sur place, quand elle vit les flammes et la fumée sortir par les premières fenêtres du corps principal du batiment.

Un incendie ! Elle se précipita et croisa l'escorte impériale qui se chargeait d'évacuer la famille impériale. Son pas se transforma en course pour rejoindre les Lames et le reste de la Garde Impériale qui s'activait déjà à faire parvenir de l'eau pour lutter contre le feu.

Les mains en porte voix pour lutter contre le brouhaha de la foule qui commençait à sortir par toutes les portes, elle interpella les chevaliers qu'elle voyait à quelques mètres d'elle. Les gens criaient, pleuraient, toussaient, il fallait les prendre en charge et s'assurer que personne n'était blessé.

Zeiss ! Liam ! Essayez de faire le tour et vérifiez que personne n'a besoin d'aide pour sortir du batiment !

Une jeune femme en larmes trébucha devant elle, sans doute une dame de compagnie du palais, et elle l'emmena un peu à l'écart pour la laisser reprendre son souffle.
Combien de personnes se trouvaient encore coincées dans le palais ? Combien de morts allait faire cet incendie ? Où était l'Empereur ? ...

The knight stretched her, a hand came rubbing her aching neck and did the same in her eyes. She closed the records of a las motion, it would be enough for tonight. Anyway, watch more would not change anything.

No sooner had she closed the office door, she heard screams. She pressed her step to leave the wing of the palace and stopped, frozen in place when she saw flames and smoke coming from the top windows of the main body of the building.

Fire! She ran and crossed the imperial escort who was in charge of evacuating the imperial family. Her steps turned into a race to join the Blades and the rest of the Imperial Guard who are already activated to send water to fight against the fire.

Hands as megaphone to fight against the hubbub of the crowd that began to get through all the doors, she called the knights she saw a few feet away from her. People were screaming, were crying, were coughing, it was necessary to take charge and to make sure that no one was injured.

Zeiss! Liam! Try to shop around and make sure nobody needs help to get out of the building!

A young woman stumbled in tears in front of her, probably a lady of the palace, and she took her a little aside to let her catch her breath. How many people were still trapped in the palace? How many deaths would make the fire? Where was the Emperor? ...

Grand Maitre de l'ODL , Chevalier Imperial de Colmar

Lucrezia aveva appena finito di stillare l'ultima cartella medica quando un suono lontano, un suon greve la mise in allarme.

Si alzò quasi rovesciando la pesante sedia, riconobbe dai rintocchi della campana quale fosse l'allarme dato:
c'è un incendio .

I miei pazienti ! disse mentre stava per precipitarsi fuori dalla stanza quando si ritrovò faccia a faccia con un'altra guardia.

Lucrezia, con fare sicuro e senza perdere il controllo della situazione ordinò che i malati fossero evacuati.

Non voglio vedere nessuno correre a destra e sinistra senza concludere nulla, mettereste in pericolo i nostri pazienti.

Si rivolse alla guardia che era stata mandata ad aiutarla.

Buldozzer, presto ordina ai servi di prendere le barelle e di portarle con accuratezza giù nel cortile, bisogna prendere delle coperte per coprire i malati.
Accompagnali, farai loro da aprifila in modo che non si perdano nel fumo che inizia ad invadere i corridoi.
Io sarò l'ultima a lasciare il reparto per assicurarmi che nessuno sia stato dimenticato.
Vai, ci vediamo fra poco sotto.

Lucrezia had just finished the last ooze medical records when a distant sound, a sound heavy, put it in alarm.

He stood almost knocking over the heavy chair, recognized by the tolling of the bell which the alarm was given:
there is a fire.

My patients! he said as he was about to rush out of the room when he came face to face with another guard.

Lucrezia, with safe and do not lose control of the situation he ordered that the sick were evacuated.

I do not want to see anyone run right and left without concluding anything, would put at risk our patients.

He turned to the guard who had been sent to help her.

Bulldozers, early orders the servants to take the stretchers and bring them with accuracy down in the yard, you have to take blankets to cover the sick.
Accompany them, do them aprifila so it does not get lost in the smoke begins to invade the corridors.
I will be the last to leave the ward to make sure that no one has been forgotten.
Go on, I'll see you shortly below.

Figée au milieu de la pièce, l’oreille tendue vers les cloches qui se faisaient assourdissantes, elle était sur le point de courir en direction de la grande fenêtre, voyant soudain les murs des bâtiments en face se teinter en orange et rouge, mais elle n’en eut pas le temps. La porte s’ouvrit à la volée, laissant passer le Capitaine de l’Escorte, Lestat sur les talons et suivit de près par Sarah. Sans lui laisser le temps de protester, il la recouvrit de sa cape tout en tentant de l’entraîner vers le couloir.

Le feu pourrait gagner rapidement, Majesté. Il vous faut sortir.

Le feu. Il avait dit le feu ? C’était donc cela, cette odeur âcre qui se faisait plus présente à chaque seconde ?

Sortir ?

Hâtez-vous, Majesté... Où se trouve votre époux ? Toujours à son bureau ?

Ou… oui… Je l’avais fait mander, mais… .. mon dieu.. faites que quelqu’un l’ait prévenu.. et les enfants... je ne sais pas où ils sont… Luisa doit être dans sa chambre…

La panique commençait à la gagner, voyant qu’une épaisse fumée envahissait petit à petit le large couloir, alors que les cris de ceux qui commençaient à fuir résonnaient dans les couloirs, couvrant ceux qui montaient depuis la rue.

Mais.. nous ne pouvons pas partir.. pas sans mon époux et mes enfants. Il faut aller le chercher… trouver mes enfants… et …

L’air lui manquait, mais elle se dégagea d’un coup d’épaule, la voix proche de l’hystérie. Comment pouvaient-ils seulement imaginer une seule seconde qu’elle se laisserait docilement emmener à l’abri du danger ?

Il faut que je trouve l’Empereur… Je ne ferai pas un pas de plus sans mon époux … Vous m’entendez ??

Et elle se lança dans le couloir enfumé, bousculant Sarah au passage, en direction du bureau impérial.


Planted in the middle of the room, the ear stretched out towards the bells which becoming deafening, she was about to run in the direction of the big window, seeing suddenly the walls of buildings being tinged in orange and red, but she did not have time for. The door opened, letting the Captain of the Escort in, Lestat on heels and followed closely by Sarah. Without letting her the time to protest, he covered her with his cape while trying to pull her towards the corridor.

Fire could win quickly , Majesty . You must get out.

The fire. He had said the fire? That was it, this bitter smell which was more present every second?

Out of here?

Hasten , Majesty ... Where is your husband? Always in his office ?

Yes.. yes … I had made him summon, but .. my God… Make that somebody warned him and… I don't know where are my children… I do not know where they are … Luisa should be in her room …

The panic began to gain her, seeing that a thick smoke invaded little by little the wide corridor, while the shouts of those who began to run away resounded, covering those which rose from outside.

But we cannot leave without my husband and my children. It is necessary to fetch him… to find my children and …

The air missed her, but she got free with a sudden movement of shoulder, the voice close to the hysteria. How could they only imagine a single second that she would docilely follow them out of danger?

I have to find the Emperor … I will not make one more step without my husband … Do you hear me??

And she dashed into the smoky corridor, pushing aside Sarah, in the direction of the imperial office.

Si era rigettato immediatamente all'interno quando si sentì chiamare:
"Buldozzer, presto ordina ai servi di prendere le barelle e di portarle con accuratezza giù nel cortile, bisogna prendere delle coperte per coprire i malati.
Accompagnali, farai loro da aprifila in modo che non si perdano nel fumo che inizia ad invadere i corridoi.
Io sarò l'ultima a lasciare il reparto per assicurarmi che nessuno sia stato dimenticato.
Vai, ci vediamo fra poco sotto!!"

Con un cenno del capo annuì facendo capire di aver compreso, e subito si mise in mezzo ai corridoi cercando di portare organizzazione.
Salì su una cassa che in precedenza era servita per contenere unguenti curativi, e tirò fuori più fiato che potè per farsi sentire:

"Calma gente!!! CALMA!!!!"
Un accenno di attenzione riuscì ad ottenerla. Guardò verso 3 uomini e ordinò loro di prendere delle coperte e coprire i malati da portare all'esterno. Ad altri 2 ordinò di prendere dell'acqua da bere e di aiutare con le barelle. Ad altri incaricò di prendere qualunque straccio, tenda o indumento rosso, e di indossarlo in modo che si potessero riconoscere meglio anche nella nube di fumo. Avrebbero dovuto aiutarlo a guidare all'esterno soccorritori e soccorsi.....


It was rejected immediately inside when he heard himself called:
[i] "bulldozers, early orders the servants to take the stretchers and bring them with accuracy down in the yard, you have to take blankets to cover the sick.
Accompany them, do them aprifila so it does not get lost in the smoke begins to invade the corridors.
I will be the last to leave the ward to make sure that no one has been forgotten.
Go on, I'll see you in a little under! "[/ I]

With a nod of his head nodded, making it clear that you understand, and immediately got in the way to the corridors trying to bring organization.
He climbed on a box that was previously served to contain healing ointments, and pulled out of breath as he could to make himself heard:

[b] "Calm down people! CALM!" [/ b]
A hint of attention was able to get it. He looked up at 3 men and ordered them to take blankets and cover the sick to bring the outside. 2 other ordered him to fetch some water to drink and to help with stretchers. Instructed to take any other cloth, curtain or red garment, and wear it so that it could better recognize also in the cloud of smoke. They should help to drive outside rescuers and rescue .....

Non c'è cattivo più cattivo di un buono che diventa cattivo!!
A part pour les cérémonie Evrard n'était que peut présent au Palais, maintenant qu'il était Chevalier il se devait d'être présent la plus souvent afin de répondre à l'appel de l'Empereur quelque soit l'heure. Ce soir la il traversait les couloirs sans but vraiment précis, se posant encore et encore la même question dans sa caboche qui risquait d'exploser. Il s'arrêta devant des gardes afin de discuter un peut, savoir s'il n'y avait rien d’inhabituel. Le jeune homme ne devait pas oublier qu'il était également membre des Lames et ainsi pourvoir à la sécurité de l'Empereur.
Alors que les gardes répondaient par la négation un son de cloche se fit entendre au loin, pensant qu'il s'agissait d'une cloche de village le Chambellan s'en retourna afin de voir si une aide pouvait leur être apporté. Bien loin de se douter de ce qui arrivait il allongeait le pas sentant déjà l'odeur acre de la fumée et le son de cloche de plus en plus proche. Tout à coup il réalisa en voyant les domestiques s’affairant en tout sens vers les points d'eau avec des seaux ou autre récipient.
Il ne marchait plus mais courrait afin d'atteindre les appartements de l'Empereur quand il aperçu ses camarades. Le Chevalier mit deux foulés de plus pour les rejoindre. Les ordres étaient clair et le jeune homme s'empressa de retenir un jeune homme se dirigeant vers le feu et le rediriger vers les portes.
Evrard appela deux gardes afin de l'accompagner pour que l'évacuation soit plus rapide.

Evrard de Melchir, marié à Myosoti!
In all haste Findecano ran through the streets towards the palace. Citizens looked out of their windows, awaken by the loud tolling of the heavy bells, wondering what was going on.

As he got closer to his destination, his eyes fell on the sky. He could see clouds, but they were very low in the sky and reflecting orange. The smell of fire, which was very strong in a city because of all the fireplaces in the many houses, was stronger and he did not need more clues than this to know there was a fire, somewhere in the city.

As soon as he reached the Imperial Palace, he saw the stage of the imminent disaster. It could not have been worse. The Palatium itself was burning. Columns of smoke were starting to rise and people were massing in front.

The fire was progressing rapidly and Findecano feared for the lives of all of those who were inside, but also the rest of the city. The fire could spread to other buildings, buildings that were packed tightly together inside the city walls. He knew what fire could do to a city like this. Dordrecht, the city which he governed as burgrave, had suffered greatly because of a fire in 1457. Big parts were laid to ashes and many lives were lost. Something had to be done to prevent a catastrophic tragedy.

Just as he wanted to shout to the gathering of people, captain Lestad appeared next to him. He answered his questions:
A fire, that is all I know. But we just can't stand here idly, we must do something..

Then Findecano addressed the people, hoping his loud voice would be stronger than the thundering blaze. Citizens of Strasbourg! We must do something to save to palace and your homes! The fire will spread if it is not stopped! Collect as many buckets as possible and form lines to extinguish the fire!

Some people were moving and he wondered if the efforts of the people would be enough. Survivors came out of the palace one by one, but it was clear that there would have to be still a lot of people inside. They had to be rescued. The Emperor and everyone else had to be saved!

Findecano didn't hesitate for a moment. He ran towards the Palace and entered it. He had to do his duty...


[~*~] Je vivroie liement, douce creature, se vous savies vraiement qu'en vous fust parfaitement ma cure [~*~]

Les yeux en l'air et l'oreille tendue, Zeiss finit par se retourner en entendant des pas arriver jusqu'à lui.

Alors c'est bien un feu. Non, je ne sais pas où elle est, j'étais là par hasard et...

L'homme s'arrêta de parler en voyant sa soeur plus loin, qui finit par les interpeller. D'un vif signe de tête, il signifia qu'il avait compris.

Liam, va par là, je m'occupe de ce côté!

Sur ces mots, le Commandeur se lança dans les couloirs, arrêtant sa course lorsqu'il croisait des gens qui semblaient perdus. Un domestique apeuré par ici, un cuisinier affolé par là, une femme de chambre paniquée autre part... Il fallait faire vite.

You can't stay here, the fire progresses quickly. Run in this direction, you will find the exit.

Maudit palais impérial, le Cavalier était forcé de parler anglais pour être sûr qu'on le comprenne. Normalement, tout le monde pouvait comprendre ses mots emprunt d'un léger accent français. Et si ça ne suffisait pas, ses gestes étaient clairs.

Plus il progressait dans les couloirs, plus il sentait une chaleur étouffante l'accabler. Il fallait qu'il soit sûr que personne ne s'était perdu.
Il finit par apercevoir plus loin un groupe de domestiques qui semblaient perdus.

Come on! Run over there! Dit-il en montrant la direction par de grand gestes. Il n'était même pas certains de l'exactitude de ses phrases anglophones...


The eyes in the air and stretched ear, Zeiss turned round at hearing footsteps reach him.

So it is a fire. No, I do not know where she is, I was there by chance ...

The man stopped talking when he saw his sister away, which ends by challenging them. With a quick nod, he meant that he understood.

Liam, goes by there I take care of this side.

With these words, the Commander embarked in the corridors, stopping the race when he was crossing people who seemed lost. A frightened household here, a distraught cook there, a maid panicked other hand ... He had to act quickly.

You can't stay here, the fire progresses quickly. Run in this direction, you will find the exit.

Damn Imperial Palace, the Cavalier was forced to speak English to be sure we understood him. Normally, everyone could understand his words tinged by a slight French accent. And if that was not enough, his actions were clear.

The more he was progressing in the hallways, the more he felt the sweltering heat overwhelming him. He had to be sure no one was lost.
He eventually see later a group of servants who seemed lost.

Come on! Run over there! He said, pointing to the direction with big gestures. It was not even certain of the accuracy of his English sentences ...
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