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[RP] We all live in a house of fire


Quando l'infermeria e i reparti furono completamente evacuati, Lucrezia prese la sua mantella e la mise davanti alla bocca, ormai il fumo aveva invaso ogni angolo del castello.
Fortunatamente riuscì a trovare subito la strada che la portava nel cortile.

Si ritrovò davante ad una scena degna di quelle descritte dal sommo poeta, una bolgia infernale dove sullo sfondo si stagliavano alte fiamme e davanti a lei un brulicare di persone armate di secchi.

Si rimboccò le maniche e si portò accanto a uomini e donne che tentavano il tutto per tutto.

When the infirmary and departments were completely evacuated, Lucrezia took his cloak and put it to his mouth, now the smoke had invaded every corner of the castle.
Fortunately he managed to find just the road that brought her into the courtyard.

He found himself before him to a scene worthy of those described by the poet, a hellish pit where the background loomed high flames in front of her and a swarm of people armed with buckets.

He rolled up his sleeves and put next to men and women who were trying to go for broke.

An explotion, and then another one.
They were surrounded by flame, heat, ash, smoke, pieces of windows or furniture shattered. Every step seemed to bring them more and more in the heart of that hell.
They went on, they ran, untill a weak and barely perceptible gust of fresh wind arrived to them. They continue to run. That gust slowly replaced the flames and the heat, untill they arrived outside, in the garden.

Eriti tried to breath fresh air, it was paintfull. Every breath was like a glass of boiled oil. Her eyes still teary due the smoke and detritus. Her head still hurt. Her heart was beating like a drum.

Seen from the outside the show was more horrifyng. Screams and explotions were accompanied by the roar of the fire. The sky was lighted by the flames. The entire palace was burning and collapsing.
The woman couldn't look away. She know she wasn't still in safe, but she couldn't move a single muscle. In her mind there was only one thought: her children.

A window burst and the pieces of glass fell near her. It was enough for Eriti to take controll again of her body.

Violante - she tried to talk with the friend, that seems in shock - we must go farther. We are still in danger due to the collapses, and you need immediately a doctor.
If you want wait your sister near the palace, we can rest in the garden, but we must go farther, or we risk crushed by crumbling wall.
Near the fountain it will be more easly for your sister to find you.


Se la gente ti critica lo fa per due motivi: o non sa come impiegare il tempo o vorrebbe essere dannatamente come te.
Mentre correvano insieme a Ranian, Aislinn pregava in silenzio: Ti prego non crollare ora, resisti. Permettimi di salvare mia sorella.
Guardava il fuoco che era ovunque e continuava a correre


As they ran along with Ranian, Aislinn prayed silently: Please do not fall now, hold on. Let me save my sister.
She watched the fire that was everywhere and continued to run

Katamazai aveva perso di vista il Capitano Findecano e si mise a cercarlo in ogni luogo, doveva trovarlo perchè sapeva come raggiungere l'ala ovest e salvare chi era rimasto intrappolato.
A chiunque incontrasse chiedeva se avevano visto il Capitano FIndecano.


English version

Katamazai had lost sight of the Captain Findecano and began to look for it in every place, had to find him because he knew how to reach the west wing and save those who were trapped.
To everyone he met asked if they had seen the Captain FIndecano.
Lestad nodded to Comyr. He knew, if he had discussed with him he lost to much time. But he was the regent. And he is an imperial Guard. His order is to safe the Majesty, his family and his council. And he could think himself, thatn was the bodyguard of the majesty and many other AI in the fire. And he is the first important Person he met. So he followed him.

"Your Highness. Ok. But if it will be to dangerous, i bring you outside the building, if you want or not. The people follow humans and not papers."
Lestad nodded to Comyr. He knew, if he had discussed with him he lost to much time. But he was the regent. And he is an imperial Guard. His order is to safe the Majesty, his family and his council. And he could think himself, thatn was the bodyguard of the majesty and many other AI in the fire. And he is the first important Person he met. So he followed him.

"Your Highness. Ok. But if it will be to dangerous, i bring you outside the building, if you want or not. The people follow humans and not papers."
Petra war mit Ihrem Verlobten fast angekommen am Kaiserlichen Palast waren sie doch auf Grenzwache gewesen und mussten sich erst freistellen lassen. Von weitem sahen sie schon das Feuer Petra kam in den Hof und sah das viele eine Kette gebildet hatten um das Feuer zu löschen. Sie kannte sowas damals als die Bibliothek der Kirche brannte, sie warf die Zügel einem Stallknecht zu der das Pferd schnell wegbrachte. "Wo ist Hauptmann Lestad?" rief sie einem Helfer zu, dieser zeigte auf einen Teil des Gebäudes der noch nicht brannte. Schnell riss sie ein Stück ihres Umhangs ab und tauchte es in einen Eimer Wasser band sich das Tuch um und rannte in das Gebäude, der Kaiser und seine Familie, auch der Thronfolger sie alle waren vermutlich noch da drin. Sie rannte durch die Gänge und rief nach dem Hauptmann: "Hauptmann wo seid Ihr?" rauch trübte ihren Blick und auch langsam ihren Atem hustend lief sie weiter, irgendwo hier mussten sie sein.
Ihre Haare wurden angesengt von der wärme ihre Augen und ihr Gesichte brannten als sie im Rauch Bewegung wahrnahm.


Petra was with your fiancée almost come in the imperial palace, nevertheless, they had been on border guard and only had to be released. From wide one they already saw the fire Petra came to the court and saw this many one chains had formed around the fire to extinguish. She knew something like that at that time as the library of the church burnt, she threw the reins to an ostler to the horse fast took away. "Where is captain Lestad?" she called to an assistant, this did not show at a part of the building him yet burnt. Quick she tore off a piece of her cape and dipped it in a bucket water the cloth put on itself and ran in the building, the emperor and his family, also the successor to the throne them all were supposed still there in it. She ran by the ways and shouted after the captain: "You are a captain where?" smoke clouded her look and also slowly her breath coughing it went on, somewhere here they had to be.
Their hair was scorched by that her eyes and her face warm burnt as them in the smoke movement perceived.
    Leonardo si stava avvicinando ad Aislinn e Pippa quando il crollo, che era stato pesante, aveva provocato uno spostamento d'aria sbattendolo in una stanza... che era quella della dieta imperiale. Quando si rialzò, si ritrovò davanti tre figure femminili: Ranian, Aislinn e Pippa.


    Leonardo was approaching Aislinn and Pippa when the collapse, which was heavy, had caused a displacement of air slamming into a room ... which was that of the imperial diet. When he stood up, he found himself in front of three women: Ranian, Aislinn and Pippa.

Another explosion, closer to them, broke other windows dropping several fragments near the two women. Heard Eriti speak to her, invite her to move towards the fountain and see a doctor. She only heard Eriti as a distant voice who invite her to move and leave that position.
How she can move? How she can stop to look that terrible scene?
In her mind she continued to live the last seconds, minutes and hours in the Palace, in her office, in the Imperial Diet. She thought again and again.
How was it possible?
The tears rose forming a white wake on her dirty cheeks then she moved slowly toward Eriti asking with a low voice

How...? How is it possible?

She did not expect a real answer just one reason, an explanation for the Inferno they were living.
At the end, she accepted to move towards the fountain looking the castle that, at every second, loose its features in the fire sister, Eriti, is still in the Chancellery

Sofia walked beside the corridors which lead to the West wing of the Imperial Palace when a servant, who ran in the opposite direction, stopped her and said.

"Excellency, we must find another way to went out from the Palace. There were lots of explosions in the West Wing. Please, follow me, I know safe way to leave the palace."

She looked at the end of the corridor, her sister was there.

"I can't, my sister... the president of the Imperial Diet was in her office. I must find her."

The servant, who were looking around, took her hand and began to throw her toward the exit.

"We must go Excellency, You'll see, she will be out with most of the ministers."

Sofia nodded to the servant before following him to the garden outside the Palace.


Cavaliere dell' Ordo Equitum Immortalium - Grazie Croci *.*
With a grateful smile, Christin turned to the lady that she had addressed. "Could you go the doctor to hand, meanwhile I will get all the necessary things. Her experience in medicine was very poor, so she decided to order the housing and provide them with work material. She nodded briefly to Johanna and Chase "I'll search all together, you take care of the wounded."

Schlauron just arrived with his fiancee Petra and tried to get some overview about what is going on here. He follewed her and hoped to find his Captain.

Fanned by a strong wind, the fire spread quickly. Bells were ringing, while flames pervaded the corridors, burning frameworks, floors, and countless rooms of the castle of Strasbourg. Ceilings and tapestries, once symbols of the imperial splendor, became the complicits of the fire, blazing up cheerfully, unleashing flames. And while the fire grew in intensity, all people toiled to evacuate the palace in a deafening din. Voices were tinged with both fear and anxiety. From one part to the other of the castle, people were crying, running, and looking for each other.

Accustomed to calm and silence, the Emperor was no longer able to think in an orderly manner. For the first time in his life, he suffered events, unable to intervene on their progress. Everything was going too fast. From the first bells, two soldiers had entered his office to lead him outside the palace. All feared for his safety. Squeezed out, he accepted willy-nilly to follow the soldiers. He thought of his wife, who was probably still waiting him in the imperial chamber. He thought to other people, dear to his heart. However, the soldiers managed to convince him to leave the castle, assuring him of the support of the Imperial Escort and the Aquilae Imperatoris. He trusted enough Ranian, Louis Track and their soldiers, to let them protect his entourage.

The group moved towards the fire escape, one that used the former Emperors to leave the castle, in case of assault or danger. But when they arrived at the end of the wing, they realized the road was blocked, a thick smoke billowing lower levels. They turned back, choosing to move to the service staircase, linking the kitchen to the offices and the rooms, and frequently used by the household. They finally reached it, and downed stairs. At this moment, they listened to a loud noise. Under pressure from the flames, the stairs creaked and collapsed under their feet. Miraculously, the two soldiers and the Emperor were projected into the kitchen, while a thick cloud of dust covered them. They were near to die, but thanks to God, they survived. However, the collapse was not without consequences. The Emperor and the soldiers were lying on the floor, stunned.

His thoughts became blurred, while swaying his head from one side to another. Subject to both smoke and dust, he coughed up his lungs. His gaze drifted in the air, until he saw a small plate of food, on the wooden table A small plate with a piece of bread .. His daughter's plate.

    "Luisa ..."

The shock was real, and gave him the strength to sit up straight, leaning on his cane. How could he forget his daughter and her evening stolls ? More than once, he had met her in the corridors late at night. She was leaving the kitchen, advocating an unbearably heat, or an insatiable hunger ; showing him the bread. She never escaped his wrath. But she was like her father, stubborn, and she started again, to visit the kitchen in the night. Except that the situation was quite different now ... and the body of the Emperor shivered, when he saw the bread. Her daughter was here, doubtless. He stood up, leaving the two soldiers on the ground, scanning the room.

    "Luisa !?"

The kitchen was empty. Where was she, now? Was she returned to her room ? Had she been informed of the fire? Did someone protect her ? Or did the stairs collapse on her ? Like other parents in such case, the Emperor thought the worst. If she was not there she was elsewhere. His eyes immediately turned to the corridor linking the private lounge of the imperial family and the children's bedrooms. Staggering, despite the raging flames, and suffocating because of the smoke, he ventured there, screaming the name of his daughter, who became his only concern.

    "Luisa !? Where are you child !?"


Attisé par un vent soutenu, l'incendie se propageait à une vitesse fulgurante. Les cloches sonnaient à tout rompre, tandis que les flammes s'engouffraient dans les couloirs étroits, s'attaquant aux charpentes et planchers des innombrables pièces que comptaient le château de Strasbourg. Plafonds et tapisseries, autrefois symboles du faste impérial, devenaient les complices bienheureux de cet incendie, s'embrasant allègrement, déchaînant les flammes. Et tandis que le feu gagnait en intensité, on s'échinait à évacuer le palais dans un vacarme assourdissant, où les échos des voix se teintaient à la fois de peur, et d'appréhension. D'un bout à l'autre du château, on criait, on courait, on se cherchait.

Habitué au calme et au silence, l'Empereur ne parvenait plus à réfléchir de manière ordonnée. Pour la première fois de son existence, il subissait les événements, incapable d'intervenir sur leur déroulement. Tout allait trop vite. Bien trop vite. Dès les premiers sons de cloche, deux soldats étaient entrés dans son bureau pour le conduire à l'extérieur du palais. Tous craignaient pour sa sécurité. Pressé de sortir, il accepta bon gré mal gré de les suivre, non sans penser à son épouse, qui devait sûrement encore l'attendre dans la chambre impériale. Toutefois, les soldats parvinrent à le convaincre de continuer son chemin, l'assurant de la prise en charge de l'Impératrice par les Escorteurs. Il avait suffisamment confiance en Ranian, la Maréchale Impériale, Louis Track et leurs hommes, pour leur confier la vie de ses proches.

La troupe se dirigea en direction de l'escalier de secours, celui qui servait habituellement à évacuer l'Empereur, en cas d'assaut ou de danger. Mais arrivés à l’extrémité de l'aile Est, ils se rendirent compte de l'impossibilité de l'emprunter ; une épaisse fumée s'échappant des niveaux inférieurs. Ils firent demi-tour optant alors pour l'escalier de service, celui qui reliait les cuisines aux bureaux et chambres, et qu'utilisaient fréquemment les domestiques pour se déplacer. Ils l'atteignirent enfin, et le descendirent. C'est à cet instant précis qu'un bruit sourd se fit entendre. Sous la pression des flammes, l'escalier craqua et s'effondra sous leurs pieds. Par miracle, les deux soldats et l'Empereur furent projeter dans les cuisines, tandis qu'un épais nuage de poussière les recouvrait déjà. Il c'en était fallu d'un rien. Mais l'éboulement ne fut pas sans conséquences, l'Empereur et les soldats restant au sol, assommés.

Ses pensées devinrent floues, tandis que sa tête tanguait d'un côté à un autre. Soumis à la fois à la fumée et à la poussière, il crachait ses poumons, sans bouger. Son regard dérivait dans le vide, jusqu'à ce que celui-ci vienne se poser sur une petite assiette, qui trônait sur la table en bois de la cuisine. Une petite assiette avec un morceau de pain entamé... Celle de sa fille.

    « Luisa... »

Le choc fut tel qu'il lui donna la force de se redresser, s'appuyant sur sa canne. Comment avait-il pu oublier sa fille et ses petites escapades nocturnes ? Plus d'une fois en effet, il l'avait croisé dans les couloirs, tard dans la nuit, alors qu'il sortait de son bureau. Elle disait revenir de la cuisine, prétextant tantôt une chaleur insupportable, tantôt une faim insatiable ; quignon de pain à l'appui. Elle n'avait guère échappé à ses foudres. Mais elle tenait visiblement un peu trop de son père, et son esprit buté reprenait à chaque fois le dessus. Sauf que la situation était toute autre à présent... et le corps de l'Empereur tressaillit à la vie du morceau de pain. Sa fille était passée par la cuisine, il n'y avait aucun doute. Il se releva, laissant les deux soldats à terre, scrutant la pièce du regard.

    « Luisa !? »

La cuisine était vide. Où était-elle à présent ? Avait-elle regagné sa chambre ? L'avait-on informé de l'incendie ? L'avait-on prise en charge ? Et si l'escalier s'était effondré sur elle ? Comme ont naturellement tendance à faire les parents, l'Empereur pensait au pire. Si elle n'était pas là, elle était ailleurs. Son regard se tourna aussitôt vers le couloir qui menait au salon privé de la famille impériale, et au-delà, aux chambres des enfants. Chancelant, en dépit des flammes qui ravageaient les pièces adjacentes, et de la fumée asphyxiante, il s'y aventura, hurlant le nom de sa fille, devenue sa seule et unique préoccupation.

    « Luisa !? Où es-tu !? »


Il entend appeler, la voix, celle qu'il redoutait d'entendre. Comment se faisait-il qu'il n'était pas hors des murs ? Sans attendre, il fonce, autant que possible, parmi les décombres, jusqu'à se retrouver nez à nez avec l'Empereur.

Majesté... il faut évacuer... venez...

Et il lui donne le bras, l'observant, avant de porter la main vers la tête de l'empereur, sans oser le toucher pour autant, s'inquiétant de l'allure de celui qu'il sert.

Votre majesté est blessée, venez... j'ai pu trouver une sortie...

Pas vraiment en grande forme, mais il se doutait que l'empereur aurait deviné que sa fille était sans doute par là, quelque part, à manger un morceau lorsque le feu s'était déclaré. Il n'avait pas un instant songé que le père qu'était l'empereur pouvait se laisser emmener sans savoir sa famille à l'abri. Il observe, les débris, tente de trouver de l'air dans la fumée qui s'épaissit, et sort un foulard de sa poche, celui qui lui sert habituellement pour ses cheveux, mais pas le temps de faire le difficile, il le tend à Ludwig.

Majesté, mettez ceci sur votre nez, et votre bouche pour éviter les fumées...

De nouveau, il jette un regard vers les cuisines.

Votre fille est forcément ici... Nous allons la trouver, si vous êtes d'accord.

Et il se met à déplacer les poutres qui bloquent leur passage vers l'autre partie de la cuisine, celle où se trouve les réserves. Sous l'effort, il halète, ses yeux le brulent, la fumée lui pique les poumons, mais il continue, tout en appelant.

Luisa ? Altesse ???

Vous êtes là ?

Apercevant les deux soldats pas loin, il se dirige vers eux, pour leur porter secours, laissant un instant Sa Majesté Impériale seule, pour les sortir des lieux, en les faisant glisser sur le sol, les trainant pour les faire passer par le passage qui donne sur la cour.

He intends to call , voice, that he dreaded to hear . How was it that he was not out of the walls ? Without waiting , he charges as much as possible among the rubble to find himself face to face with the Emperor.

Majesty ... must be evacuated ... come on ...

And he gave her his arm , watching , before bringing the hand to the head of the emperor, not daring to touch it much , worrying about the appearance of the one he serves .

Your majesty is injured , come ... I could find a way out ...

Not really in great shape, but he suspected that the Emperor would have guessed that her daughter was doubtless there somewhere to grab a bite when the fire started . He did not for a moment thought that the father that was the emperor could be led away without knowing his family safe . He observes , debris, trying to find the air in the smoke thickens, and a scarf out of his pocket , who usually serves him for his hair, but no time to do the hard , he tends Ludwig .

Majesty , put this on your nose and mouth to avoid fumes ...

Again, it looks to the kitchen .

Your daughter is always here ... We will find , if you agree .

And he began to move the beams that block their passage to the other side of the kitchen, where the reserves . Under stress, he gasps , his eyes burn , smoke stings his lungs , but he continues, while calling .

Luisa ? Highness ? ?

Are you there?

Seeing the two soldiers not far away, he goes to them for their assistance, leaving a moment His Imperial Majesty alone to leave the premises by dragging them on the ground, dragging them to pass through the passage overlooks the courtyard.
Français :

Une grande et rude journée venait de se terminer sur l'une des plus grande nation que le monde européen est connu. De cette nation est naît un empereur et de cet empereur est naît un fils. C'est donc un prince d'empire fatigué par quelques péripéties nocturne de jeunesse ( pour tout vous dire une soirée "légèrement"
arrosée ), qui regagna ses appartements au palais impérial de Strasbourg.

La fatigue était dans tous ses membres, du haut de sa tête, au bas de ses pieds. L'alcool avait coulé à flot, et maintenant il coulait dans son sang bleu impérial. Non pas qu'il ne fut pas habitué, mais cette soirée là, il avait peut être un peu trop forcé...
Trébuchant à chaque mètre, zigzagant dans les couloirs, poussant des cries de rage à chaque fois qui cognait un mur, et toujours suivie par un attroupement de serviteur qui ne savaient pas quoi faire, le prince errait dans les couloirs à la recherche de son nid.
Il réussi tout de même à trouver sa chambre. Ah quel bonheur de retrouver sa chambre après une soirée comme celle là...
Le bonheur d'un lit, la chaleur des draps. Le jeune prince s'empressa de se faire déshabiller pour pénétrer dans son cocon de tendresse.
Une fois dedans il ne fut guère longtemps avant que le sommeil l'emporte.
Une journée en apparence comme les autres. Et qui pourtant allait prendre un tournant radical.
La respiration du prince commença à diminuer, l'air se faisait de plus en plus compacte, comme si il y avait des bouts de coton dans son nez.
Rien de cela ne réveilla le prince, qui continua son rêve.
Pourtant il entendait des cloches, des cries, mais ils paraissent si loin, si loin ...


English :

A large, hard day had ended on one of the greatest nation that the European world is known. This nation is born an emperor and the emperor is born a son. This is a prince of the empire tired some night adventures of youth (to tell you an evening "slightly"
watered), who returned to his rooms at the Imperial Palace in Strasbourg.

Fatigue was in all its members, from the top of his head, at the bottom of his feet. Alcohol sank afloat, and now it flowed in its imperial blue blood. Not that he was not used to, but this evening there, he may be a little too hard ...
Stumbling at every meter, zigzagging in the hallways, pushing cries of rage every time that knocked a wall, and always followed by a crowd of a servant who did not know what to do, the prince wandered the corridors looking for its nest .
He still managed to find his room. Oh what a joy to find his room after a night like this one ...
The happiness of a bed, heat sheets. The young prince hastened to get undressed to get into his cocoon of love.
Once inside it was hardly long before sleep wins.
A day like any other in appearance. And yet would take a radical turn.
Breathing prince began to decrease, the air was more compact, as if there were bits of cotton in his nose.
None of this woke the prince, who continued his dream.
Yet he heard bells, shout, but they seem so far away, so far away ...

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