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[RP] We all live in a house of fire

    [ Quelque part, dans des appartements ]

Strasbourg. Il n’aurait pas dû y être, normalement, mais un rapport à amener à l’Empereur, concernant Genève l’avait fait bouger au Palais Impérial. Ayant toute confiance en sa femme et son bras droit pour exécuter les tâches durant son absence, il était parti seulement accompagné de quelques gardes et d’Anya, officiellement écuyère du Comte, mais qui, en vérité était bien plus que cela. Des appartements lui avaient été attribués pour la durée de sa présence au Palais, qui serait de toute manière de courte durée, étant donné ses impératifs à Genève. Il avait toutefois promis une visite de Strasbourg à la blonde contre laquelle il dormait, actuellement, tête confortablement calée contre ses seins. C’est donc pour cette raison, que le jeune homme n’avait pas cherché à repartir au plus vite du Palais pour rejoindre Genève sur le champ. Et assoupi, le jeune homme ne se doutait pas encore du drame qui allait se produire jusqu’à ce que les cloches se mettent bruyamment à sonner et créer la panique dans le palais. Sursautant presque, le Montbray-Sempère sauta du lit, attrapant ses braies qu’il enfila de suite avant de se rendre à la porte qu’il ouvrit, pour comprendre ce qui se passait.

- « Merdà ! »

C’est une vague de fumée qui l’accueillit, et un garde qui hurla quelque chose dans une langue qu’il ne comprenait pas. Toussant, Enzo se précipita vers la couche, attrapant sa chemise puis sa besace ainsi que son épée.

- « Anya ! Rhabille-toi et vite ! Le Palais est en flammes, nous devons sortir d’ici et vite ! »

Il enfila sa chemise et sortit de la pièce pour se retrouver dans le couloir, tentant d’y voir mieux concernant la situation. Il ne connaissait personne au Palais, et Enzo n’avait aucune idée de comment rejoindre seul la sortie. Et surtout, quels étaient les endroits ravagés par les flammes. Attachant son épée à la hanche, le jeune homme se tourna vers l’entrée des appartements qu’il venait de quitter et attrapa la main d’Anya. L’Empereur allait-il bien ? Était-il déjà évacué ? Enzo n’en savait rien, mais lui… Il devait trouver un moyen de sortir d’ici vivant. Et éviter de regarder les corps laissés derrière. Le feu, il avait connu dans cette cathédrale, à Montpellier. Feu qui lui avait laissé le triste souvenir d’une femme et son enfant décédé, ainsi qu’une marque à l’épaule. Feu dans lequel il se souvenait avoir sauvé le jeune et téméraire Kaelig. Il serra la main de la blonde.

- « Nous devons évacuer, Anya. Tout ira bien, ne panique pas… Je vais nous sortir d’ici. »

Il n’en savait rien, mais la panique n’arrangerait pas leurs affaires. Il entraina donc la jeune blonde dans un couloir, n’ayant aucune idée d'où ce dernier menait.

- « Surtout, avance. Toujours. Et mets ta main devant ta bouche… La fumée. Viens ! »

Et dans la tête d’Enzo un « Putain où est la sortie… » est hurlé, tandis que la main se crispe plus fort dans celle d’Anya. Une pensée pour Gabrielle qui est à Genève. Son épouse légitime. Celle qui devrait être là, à la place de la blonde. Définitivement...Du mouvement !

- « Hey ! »

Translation in english on the way.
Lestat, incarné par Lorenz.von.frayner
Écris par Jd Lestat, posté avec son accord.
Written by Jd Lestat, posted with permission.

Français :

J’allais descendre l’escalier en trombe, suivant les instructions de Louis et serrant la main de Liz C’est en passant devant la porte du prince que l’idée de jeter un œil par preccotion me prit..

Votre grâsce, ne bougez pas, votre fils..j’vais le reveiller

Le blond ronflait comme un bien heureux. Il dormait,insouciant, une odeur de distillerie qui flottait dans l’air..La soirée avait été bien arrosée, nul doute.

Altesse ! Le feu ! Réveillez- vous ?

A croire que lejeune était devenu sourd.
Je tirais sur les draps, dénudant ainsi le dormeur. Mince, il dormait sans rien !

Alt..P’tain Lorenz bouges-toi !Ca crame !

Le temps était compté et j’en oubliais les formes,il y avait d’autres chats à fouetter.
Une claque tonitruante vint s’abattre sur les fesses du prince.

T’vas bouger ton impérial fion et plus vite qu’ça ! Faut r’trouver ta sœur et ton frère !

Je pris au hasart de la penderie, la première chemise que je trouvais et l’aidais àl’enfiler tant bien que mal.

Sans attendre son avis, je le pris fermement par le bras et l’entraînais à ma suite, le soutenant à moitié. Faut dire que le jeune futur empereur n’avait pas le pas très assuré, ce matin-là.

Lorenz, fais un effort, quoi ! On va finir rôtis !

La fumée commenceait à envahir la pièce et je fus pris d’une quinte de toux.
Je le poussais en avant, attrapant l’impératrice par la taille.

En avant ! Il faut sortir d’ici !

J’enlevais mon foulard, le mettant contre la bouche de Liz.

English :

I went down the stairs with a bang, following the instructions of Louis and shaking hands with Liz It is through the front door of the prince that the idea to take a look by preccotion took me ..

"Your grâsce, do not move, your son .. I'm gonna wake up"

The blond was snoring like a happy well. He slept, carefree, smell distillery in the air .. The evening was well watered, no doubt.

"Highness! Fire! Wake up?"

To believe that lejeune became deaf.
I pulled on the sheets, and stripping the sleeper. Slim, he slept without!

"Alt .. Excrement Lorenz dives up! Crame It!"

Time was running out and I forgot forms, there were other fish to fry.
A loud slap alighted on the buttocks Prince.

"You move your ass and faster ! Found be your sister and your brother!"

I caught Hasart of the closet, the first shirt I found and helped put somehow.
Without waiting for his advice, I took it firmly by the arm and entraînais after me, supporting the half. Must say that the young future emperor was not not very sure, that morning

"Lorenz, make an effort, what! We will finish roasts!"

Smoke began to invade the corridors and I was seized with a fit of coughing.
I pushed forward, grabbing the Empress by size

"Forward! We must get out of here!"

I took off my scarf, putting it against the mouth of Liz
Petra hatte inzwischen die Etage erreicht in der die Kaiserlichen Hoheiten ihre Schlafgemächer hatten, sie hörte ein Geräusch und öffnete die Tür seine Majestät Liz_von_frayner stand in Ihrem Nachtgewand am Bett nur einen Morgenrock darüber. Schnell sah Petra sich um und nahm die Waschschüssel übergoss sich damit und nahm dann ihren nassen Umhang legte diesen um Liz und führte sie zur Tür. "Kommt euer Majestät wir müssen hier raus, jetzt sofort!" sie duldete keinen Wiederspruch und legte einen Arm um Ihre, der Flur war voller Rauch und die Hitze nahm zu.
Petra steuerte den Flur hinunter und führte die Frau des Kaisers zu einer Hintertreppe, sie zog diese hinunter zur zweiten Ebene die schon in Flammen stand, diesen ausweichend rannten sie weiter in den Hinteren Teil und dort hörte sie ein poltern von etwas das zusammen gebrochen war. Petra versuche sich zu orientieren war sie selber bisher noch nie hiergewesen doch da schien Liz aus ihrer Erstarrung zu erwachen: "Luisa? wo ist sie?" Petra sah sie an "Sie wird schon unten sein wir müssen uns beeilen schnell raus hier!" Petra versuchte sich verständlich zu machen und Liz nickte und sie rannten zur nächsten Treppe die sie hinabrannten ein gefährliches knacken über Ihnen ließ Petra hinauf sehen der Balken brach und sie rannten noch schneller Hustend und die Augen tränen vom Rauch, der brennende Balken landete hinter ihnen auf der Treppe, noch eine Treppe und sie waren unten....


Petra had reached, in the meantime, the floor in the imperial Highnesss her bedchambers had, she heard a noise and opened the door his Majesty Liz_von_frayner stood in your night garment in the bed only one dressing-gown about that. Quick Petra looked around and took the washing bowl poured over itself with it and then took her wet cape laid this around Liz and led them to the door. "If comes out your majesty we have to go here, now immediately!" she tolerated no contradiction and laid an arm around theirs, the hall was a full smoke and the heat increased.
Petra steered hall down and led the woman of the emperor to backstairs, she pulled this down to the second level them was aflame already, evasively they ran this further in the rear part and there she heard one rumble from a little bit this had broken down. Petra tries to orient itself up to now she herself never was hiergewesen, nevertheless, there Liz seemed to awake from her solidification: "Luisa? where is she?" Petra saw them "in you will be already below we must hurry up fast out here!" Petra tried to make herself understood and Liz nodded and they they ran to the next stair hinabrannten a dangerous one crack about you Petra allowed to see up the beam broke and they ran Even faster coughing and the eyes water from the smoke, the burning beam landed behind them on the stair, one more stair and they were below...

Les cuisines, le but de la course de Sarah. Les couloirs étaient envahis de fumée et Sarah toussait, déchirant un bout de ses jupons pour se le nouer autour du visage. Elle devait se dépêcher, le palais devenait un peu plus chaque minute un chateau de cartes branlant. Plusieurs chemins finissaient en cul de sac : flammes dévorant les tapisseries, poutres effondrées, meubles en feu... Sarah devait revenir en arrière plus d'une fois et quand elle parvint enfin aux portes de la cuisine son visage se figea. Pas de Luisa mais Louis et l'empereur étaient là.

La pièce prenait déjà feu en plusieurs endroits. Sarah poussa un grondement de frustration, elle ne pouvait rentrer avec ses jupons, elle prendrait feu comme une torche. Les deux hommes cherchaient Luisa, mais nulle trace. A la porte de la cuisine, Sarah réfléchit un moment et soudain, prit le seul choix se présentant à elle. Au diable la bienséance, des vies étaient en danger. Les jupons tombèrent en corrole au sol et la jeune femme en braies de coton blanc pénétra dans la salle pour aider à la recherche de la princesse aidant Louis à dégager les ustensiles en bataille dans la cuisine entre les poutres que retirait Louis.

Luisa??? Où est tu? Réponds nous? Louis, votre Majesté, êtes vous surs que la princesse est toujours ici?


Kitchens, the purpose of the race of Sarah. The corridors were crowded with smoke and Sarah coughed, tearing a piece of her petticoats to tie it around the face. She had to hurry, the palace became a little more each minute a house of cards shaky. Several roads dead-ended: flames devouring tapestries, beams collapsed, furniture on fire ... Sarah had to go back more than once, and when she finally reached the door of the kitchen his face froze. No Luisa but Louis and the emperor were there.

The room already caught fire in several places. Sarah let out a roar of frustration, she could not go with her petticoats, she would fire like a torch. Both men sought Luisa, but no trace. At the door of the kitchen, Sarah thought for a moment and suddenly took the only choice with her. To hell with propriety, lives were in danger. Petticoats fell in corrole on the ground and the young woman in white cotton trousers entered the room to help the search for the princess, helping Louis to clear the utensils in the kitchen battle between the beams that withdrawing Louis.

Luisa?? Where are you? Hear us? Louis, your Majesty? Are you sure that the Princess is still here?

[Before the fire]

Night isn’t made to sleep when you a are a thirteen years old young lady, especially when you a are a thirteen years old young lady in love. At least, not in her head. So, we stay awake, thinking og him, smilign at him, we write and we draw : but we would not give it to him, and finaly, too in the hurry to talk about our first feelings and first experiences, we talk to ourserl. Of course, talkin all alone is stupide because walls have ears, especialy in an imperial palace, that’s why, Luisa was writing. Some would say a diary, but for her it was a Rosifiage.
It was months since she wrote for the last time, months that she had nothing to tell. The silence of her nib and her thirteen’s birthday gave Luisa an opportunity, the one to start Luisa Von Frayner’s Fourth Rosifiage.
She fall in love – again, but this time, it was different, she would be soon an adult, would be married sonner and this love she was hoping it for her wedding. Of course, things won’t ger easy, of course she was in love with the wrong one, but lots of signs gave her hope. She was in love with him, she heard at every corne he was in love with her, eveything was so perfect. Just a little problem of hierarchy and the wedding could be on his way. No… ?

The future husband had to be warned, and it was because of that that the princess was this night, the eyes opened, lying on her belly, lighted by a candle, nib on the hand, the Rosifiage number four still blank on a cushion and the number three on her side, for the inspiration, for passing the torch.

Dear Recueil d’Officieux Secrets Interdits à la Famille, aux Inconnus et aux Amis, Grands ou Enfants (ROSIFIAGE),

    This is my fourth book.

    I can write it proudly, me too, now, I kissed a boy ! I have to write it to Elendra, but first, I write it in my Rosifiage. She will be so jealous, becauase me, event if I’ve done it after her, I kissed the boy I will mary ! Well, if we find a way to ennoble him, but it seems that his grand-father is a prince, and he could become one too. And anyway, in case, my cousin could ennoble him since he abandon him everywhere (he’s working for him).

    Oh, him, it’s Nicolas of course ! Nicolas Track, Louis’s son, the captain of the imperial escort. He’s very beautiful, very strong, he always defends myself or my family, and he even said I was perfect. He speaks occitan, too, and better than me. Oh ! This is so beautiful when he talks to me in occitan ! I know he will become a great man, he always acts so honourably that it could’nt be !

    At the beginning, I think he was already in love with me, but I wasn’t because… Whatever ! Now, I’m sure I am, and I thought not him, but finaly Cassandre – I hate her – said he was in love with me, and that it was so obvious. So… I told myself… I should told him !

    So, last day, he said a stupid girl was proposing to him and he said no, but he was pretending beeing in love with her, I guess… Anyway, I told him « I would like to marry you aswell » and he became very red, and thi is the story. And I asked him if he would say no, if we could, and he said no, he wouldn’t say no. That’s mean he would say yes ! After he came to me, close, close, close, too close, so close I couldn’t see anything, and I felt something on my mouth, it was his ! In real ! I just realized he kissed me that he was running away. I think I liked it.

    Holala, Nicolas, qué t'aimi*.

And the love couldn’t fight more with the sleep, the head beside the Rosifiage, on a little part of the cushion, the eyes closed, slowly, for, unfortunately, a very short time.

*I love you


[Avant l'incendie]

La nuit n'est pas faite pour dormir lorsqu'on est une demoiselle de treize ans, encore moins lorsqu'on est une demoiselle de treize ans amoureuse. Ou du moins, pas dans sa tête. Alors on veille, on l'imagine, on sourit, on écrit puis on trace : on ne lui donnera pas, et finalement, trop empressée de parler de nos sentiments et de nos premières expériences, on s'en remet à nous-même. Bien sûr, parler tout seul est stupide puisque les murs ont des oreilles, surtout dans un palais impérial, alors Luisa, elle, écrivait. Certains diraient journal intime, pour elle c'était un Rosifiage.
Voilà des mois qu'elle n'avait plus rien écrit, mais des mois aussi qu'elle n'avait plus rien eu à raconter. Le silence de la plume ainsi que la barre de ses treize années offrait à Luisa une opportunité, celle d'inaugurer le Quatrième Rosifiage de Luisa von Frayner.
Elle était tombée - encore - amoureuse, mais cette fois-ci, c'était autre chose, elle deviendrait bientôt adulte, se marierait plus tôt encore, et cet amour-là elle l'espérait pour le mariage. Bon, forcément que ça ne serait pas chose facile, forcément qu'elle tombait amoureuse du mauvais, mais tout l'aidait à croire qu'il y avait tout de même un espoir. Elle était amoureuse de lui, elle entendait dire à tous les coins de rues qu'il était amoureux d'elle, c'était parfait. Plus qu'un léger problème de hiérarchie et le mariage était bouclé. Non...?

Encore avait-il fallu mettre le principal intéressé au courant, et c'était bien à cause de ça que la princesse était, cette nuit-là, les laissant resplendir de leurs teintures différentes, les yeux grands ouverts, le corps allongé sur le ventre, la bougie allumée, la plume en main, le Rosifiage n.4, vierge, sur le coussin et le Rosifiage précédent, à ses côtés, question d'inspiration et de passation de flambeau.

Cher Recueil d’Officieux Secrets Interdits à la Famille, aux Inconnus et aux Amis, Grands ou Enfants (ROSIFIAGE),

    Ceci est mon quatrième volume.

    Je peux l'écrire fièrement, moi aussi, maintenant, j'ai embrassé un garçon! Il faudra vite que j'écrive à Elendra pour lui dire, mais d'abord, je rosifie. Elle sera bien jalouse, parce que moi, même si je l'ai fait après elle, j'ai embrassé le garçon avec qui je vais me marier! En tout cas, si on trouve un moyen pour qu'il devienne noble, il paraît que son grand-père est prince, et qu'il pourrait le devenir. Et puis mince, si jamais, mon cousin peut bien l'anoblir puisqu'il n'arrête pas de l'abandonner partout (il travaille pour lui).

    Oh, lui, c'est Nicolas bien sûr! Nicolas Track, le fils de Louis, le capitaine de l'escorte. Il est très beau, très fort, il me défend toujours, moi ou ma famille, et il a même dit que j'étais parfaite. Il parle occitan, aussi, mieux que moi. Oh ! C'est si beau quand il me parle occitan ! Je sais qu'il va devenir un grand homme, son comportement est toujours trop honorable pour qu'il en soit autrement !

    Au début, je pense qu'il était déjà amoureux de moi mais moi pas puisque...Enfin bon! Maintenant en tout cas, c'est sûr que je le suis, et je pensais que lui non, et puis en fait Cassandre – même si je la déteste – a dit qu'il était amoureux de moi, que c'était plus qu'évident. Alors bon...Je me suis dit...Il faudrait que je lui dise!

    Alors l'autre jour, il a dit qu'une stupide fille l'a demandé en mariage et qu'il a refusé, mais il fait quand même semblant d'être amoureux d'elle, je crois...En tout cas, là, je lui ai dit « Moi aussi j'aimerais me marier avec toi. », et il est devenu très rouge, et voilà. Et j'ai demandé si il dirait non aussi, si on pouvait, et il a dit que non, il ne dirait pas non. Enfin, qu'il dirait oui! Après, il est venu vers moi, proche, proche, proche, bien trop proche, et je voyais plus rien tant il était proche, et j'ai senti quelque chose sur ma bouche, et c'était la sienne! Pour vrai! J'ai à peine eu le temps de comprendre qu'il m'embrassait qu'il était déjà parti en courant. Je pense que j'ai trouvé ça chouette.

    Holala, Nicolas, qué t'aimi*.

Et l'amour de ne plus lutter contre le sommeil, la tête de glisser à côté du rosifiage, sur un reste de coussin, les yeux de se fermer lentement pour, malheureusement, seulement peu de temps.

*je t'aime (vous aviez pas deviné, hein ?)
Traduction en anglais de JD Gabrielle_montbray, merciiii

Le feu était semblable à un démon affamé, insatiable, une faim inextinguible lui étreignant son estomac brûlant. Le feu rongeait tout, dévorait sans distinction bois et chair.

Alors qu'il poursuivait son périple dans les couloirs, Zeiss ne trouvait plus personne. Et alors que la chaleur se faisait de plus en plus implacable et que sa manche d'uniforme peinait à protéger son visage, il se dit qu'il était temps de rebrousser chemin. Mais voilà, alors que ses pas le menaient vers les couloirs qu'il avait emprunté plus tôt, il put constater que les flammes avaient soigné leur travail destructeur. Il fallait qu'il se débrouille autrement, il fallait qu'il trouve une autre chemin, et ce sans connaître le palais. Il errait donc à la recherche d'une possible sortie, évitant le feu au possible mais plus il avançait, plus il se rendait à l'évidence: Les flammes l'avaient encerclé plus efficacement que n'aurait pu le faire une armée de mille hommes.

Le Commandeur avançait toujours, mais sans trop d'espoir de survie, pensant déjà à quelque trait qu'il pourrait lancer à la faucheuse qui viendrait le chercher. Puis il vit une porte, fermée. Il l'ouvrit et finit dans une chambre, encore épargnée par le brasier. Mais plus pour longtemps. Ses choix étaient restreints. Mourir par le feu ou sauter par la fenêtre et... advienne que pourra. Zeiss se précipita sur la fenêtre et l'ouvrit pour s'y pencher. Premier étage... Il pouvait clairement sauter et rester en vie, mais dans quel état? Le Commandeur baisse un peu plus la tête et... Un tas de foin! C'en était difficile à croire, c'était une chose qu'il croyait voir uniquement dans les histoires de héros que l'on racontait aux enfants.

Le tas de foin et l'incendie lui chauffant de plus en plus le dos eurent raison de ses hésitations, et Zeiss sauta. Et le voilà qu'il atterrit dans la paille accompagné d'un bruit sourd. Car oui, même si ça avait amortit la chute, c'était loin d'être suffisant pour retenir un homme tombant de cette hauteur.
Zeiss surgit du tas de paille, la mine mauvaise et grognant pléthore de jurons exprimant ses pensées sur cet amas de foin beaucoup trop fin à son goût ainsi que sur les douleurs lui parcourant désormais le corps.

Désormais, il fallait faire fi de sa chute et retrouver ses frères.


The fire was like an insatiable hungry demon , an unquenchable hunger hugging his burning stomach. The fire devoured everything indiscriminately devouring wood and flesh.

Then he continued his journey through the corridors, Zeiss could not find anyone. And while the heat was more relentless and his uniform sleeve struggled to protect his face, he said it was time to turn back. But now, while his walk led to the corridors he had followed earlier, he could see that the flames had kept their destructive work. He must be doing otherwise , he had to find another way , without knowing the palace. So he wandered in search of a possible exit , avoiding the fire as possible but the more he progressed, he went to the obvious: The flames had surrounded him more effectively than could have done a thousand army men.

The Commander continued to advance , but without much hope of survival, already thinking about some feature that could launch the mower that would get him. Then he saw a door closed. He opened it and ends up in a room, still untouched by the blaze. But not for long . His choices were limited. Die by fire or jump out the window and ... come what may. Zeiss rushed to the window and opened it to look . First floor ... He could clearly jump and stay alive , but in what condition? The Commander drops a little more head and ... A haystack ! It was hard to believe, it was something he thought he saw only in the hero stories that were told to children.

The hay and fire heating him more back overcame his hesitation, and Zeiss jumped . And now he landed in the straw along with a thud. Because yes , even if it had cushions the fall , it was not nearly enough to hold a man falling from that height .
Zeiss emerges from piles of straw , poor mine and growling plethora of expletives expressing his thoughts on this pile of hay too thin for his taste as well as the pain now browsing his body.

Now he had to ignore his fall and find his brothers.

Eriti started to push Violante to move, she seems nailed to the ground.
Please, please, please... - Eriti reapeted in her minds this word again, and again, and again. It was the only word she could think.
She was praying mentally. She was praying God to save all of them. She was praying that no part of the wall fall upon them. She was praying that Violante started to move. She was praying for many things all together.

Finally Violante seems start to move. She whispered something, but Eriti didn't heard, she only continue to push her forward.
At a certain point, Violante increase her steps and talked again, lauder this time.

Don't be worry.. She has your same blood, she is a strong woman, she will find a way to get out of there.
And when she will be out, she will look for you. This is why we need to go in a more safe and more visible place.

After some minutes, escaping from the detritus falling from the palace, they arrived to the fountain. And Eriti took a sigh of relief.
They were safe now, or almost she hoped so. She helped Violante to sit on a bench near the fountain, and the went to it do drink some water, looking around to found something to use to bring some water to Violante too.

The palace countinued to burn. The noises were deafening and creepy. It was like the entire building were lamenting and screaming its lasts breaths of life.

She approached to the fountain and leaned over the water. Her reflection showed a different woman from the one she used to know. She was dirty, the face, the dress, everything. Her hair was burned. She used to tie them, but she had untied them like every evening before sleep. And the run among the flames, had ruined them. She would have to cut them, but it will be a small price for her life. They will be regrown, stronger.
She quickly washed her face in the water, and then drunk. Fresh water it was a blessing for her troat.

She come back to Violante and set near her.

I know, it's a stupid question but... do you have something useful to bring you some water?

Se la gente ti critica lo fa per due motivi: o non sa come impiegare il tempo o vorrebbe essere dannatamente come te.
Simone was awakened by the smoke and the noises at the Palace.
When he understood the problem, started breathing to calm his heart and ran downstair to organize the help for the people inside the Palace.
He collected the men of his staff and took several chest full of water to stop isolated little fires: the goal was to free the way of exits from the various rooms.
He saw Violante and Eriti and ordered to his people to help them to exit the Palace and be safe.
Then he screamed:

"Come on now, let's go to the first floor to help other possible survivors.
First priority to the Emperor and his family"

Inside the Palace it was a chaos. Many people were making their way towards the exit, to escape the heat and a certain death. Yet, he did the exact opposite. He had entered the palace, blinded for the consequences by a sense of duty. On his way he met people carrying books and papers, but also relics and everything that was too important to lose. He saw his cousin, Guy, and paused. Guy! Help your people and get them and yourself to safety! There was, however, not much time. Parts of the building were crumbling, giving way to the enormous heat.

As he progressed through the hallways, the smoke became thicker and he felt the heat grow. Small fires and burning rubble where everywhere and he heard the roar of collapses in the distance. It was clear that he could not get to the wing where the Emperor and his family was housed. He hoped that they had found a way out, but he knew that he would not be helpful if he remained idle. There were probably still people in the internal parts of the Palace. They could be trapped or injured, their fate sealed if there did not come someone looking for them. He could not leave the palace without saving them. What knight would do such a thing?

He continued and soon he reached the deserted corridors. He could not determine where he was. His eyes were burning because of the smoke, as was his throat. He coughed and tried to protect himself with his mantle in front of his mouth. He looked into very room he walked past. There were a lot of fires and it was clear that the floor above him was in a bad shape. The fire was spreading rapidly and pieces collapsed around him. His future was looking grim and his mind started to waver. Did he make a mistake by coming here? Was he a fool that he thought that he could rescue people inside a burning palace? Was he to die here as well?

He stopped at a corner, trying to catch his breath, but there was too much smoke. He thought for a moment to turn back, but he knew he could not do it. This was his ordeal. A challenge by God to test his mettle.

He walked around the corner and saw big pieces of the wooden ceiling laying on the ground, spread through the entire corridor. He had to climb over them or look for another corridor to search for people. Then he heard the hint of a voice coming from the rubble. There was someone here! He walked closer, looking at the wooden beams and planks. He saw a lady, laying on the ground, a wooden beam trapping her legs beneath it. Then he recognized her voice and face. It was the young Chancellor.
Salome, can you hear me? Hold on, I will help you! He couldn't say more. He was exhausted and his throat hurt. But he felt a rush through his body, he had found someone and he needed all his strength to go on.

No worries, Salome and I agreed to play this way together.


[~*~] Je vivroie liement, douce creature, se vous savies vraiement qu'en vous fust parfaitement ma cure [~*~]

[Palazzo Imperiale di Strasburgo - Notte del 30 settembre al 1 Ottobre, 1461]

Le tre donne si diressero all'interno della sala della dieta imperiale, trovandosi difronte uno Jospin stordito ma tutto intero

Forza ragazzo!

incalzò Ranian

andiamo via di qua se non vogliamo fare una brutta fine

Il Maresciallo si avvicinò ad un tavolo dove sopra vi erano varie brocche d'acqua, utilizzate dai servi quando i Reggenti ne richiedevano, vide che erano ancora piene, così si avviò verso una tenda ancora intatta, la staccò dalla finestra rotta e ne fece delle strisce, poi le immerse nelle brocche e le passò ai suoi amici.

Con queste ci proteggiamo un pò dal fumo

fatta questa operazione si avvicinò al trono che era al centro della stanza, mise la mano su quello che agli occhi di tutti poteva sembrare un pomello poggiamano e lo tirò verso di lei, ci fu un piccolo rimore sulla parete destra, come di una chiave che gira nella serratura seguito dallo scorrere della parete stessa. Il fumo presente in quella parte del corridoio entrà nella stanza, mentre i quattro veloci ne uscirono dal passaggio.
Si ritrovarono dinanzi all'Ufficio dell'Imperatore, con molto sollievo Ranian vide che la porta era aperta e esso era vuoto, voltò lo sguardo verso l'ultima stanza presente in quella parte del castello, mentre gli altri tre di gran passo si avviavano verso l'ala nord, osservava la porta, sembrava un otre di pelle quando si gonfia nel riempirsi

Presto! Correte!

disse al gruppo mentre li spingeva lontano da quel luogo, ci fu un altro scoppio seguito da qualcosa di pesante che cadeva a terra, Ranian si girò e vide la porta a pochi passi da loro, mentre la stanza che lei stava osservando sembrava un camino dove le fiamme si divertono a fare la loro danza sul legno


ripresero la loro fuga, e mentre Stormhawk si occupava di Pippa, lei e Jospin controllavano che nelle stanze non vi fosse più nessuno, scesero con cautela le scale che portavano nell'atrio, per poi dirigersi verso le cucine, dove trovarono soldati e volontari che smuovevano i detriti dell'altra scala e tutti pronunciavano il nome "Luisa".

[ Imperial Palace in Strasbourg - Night of September 30 to October 1, 1461 ]

The three women went inside the Hall of the imperial diet, lying opposite one Jospin stunned but whole.

Come on boy !

Ranian challenges

We go away from here if we don't want to do a bad end

Marshal approached a table where above there were several jugs of water, used by servants when the Regents shall require, she saw that they were still full, so she walked toward a tent still intact, pulled away from the hinges and made of strips, then dipped in jugs and went to her friends.

With these we protect some from smoking

Done this operation she came to the throne that was in the middle of the room, put his hand on what in the eyes of all might have seemed a palmrest knob and pulled him towards her, there was a little noise on the right wall, like a key turning in the lock followed by sliding of the wall itself. The smoke present in that part of the corridor came into the room, while the four emerged from them fast. They stood before the Office of the Emperor, with much relief Ranian saw that the door was open and it was empty, turned his gaze toward the last room exists in that part of the Castle, while the other three Grand step is initiated towards the North Wing, watched the door, looked like a bottle of skin that swelled.

Soon! Run!

the group said while pushing them away from that place, there was another outbreak followed by something heavy falling on the ground, Ranian turned and saw the door just steps from them, while the room that she was looking at seemed a fireplace where the flames have fun doing their dance on wood

Come on!

resumed their escape, and while Stormhawk dealt with Pippa, she and Jospin held that in there was no one, descended the stairs leading into the lobby and then head to the kitchens, where they found the soldiers and volunteers who took away the debris and all spoke the name "Luisa".
She did not know how long she tried to find a way out, the smoke got thick and she was not really able to see where she was walking really.
It was good that the knew the palace by heart so there was no need for her to really see something.
Her mind was running fast, she was thinking of the others and finally she was aware that there were a lot of documents, more or less in danger for the flames.

Turning around she only focused on such documents.
Running almost ignoring the fact, that she was not really able to breathe anymore she opens again the door of her office, grabbed documents she could find, opened the sidebord in which all really important documents were places. As quickly as possible she tried to get all of them, turning back and through the door of her office again.

The wood of the bars was aching, at least it sounded like that. The flames crackled and what usually fascinates the Imperial Duchess, the dance of the flames, becomes now something that is dangerous for all she has been working for. Takeing the scrolls closer into her arms she tries to find her way, out. Suddenly a part of the ceiling crushes down, burrying the darkblond underneath it. Her heart was beating her mind running now even faster, afraid of the situation, being not able to get out. She started already to pray to the Almighty. As she heard a voice nearby. "Salome, can you hear me? Hold on, I will help you!" it was the voice of Findencano the imperial ambassador for England, and General of the AI, her eyes were starring at him, thankful that someone was around in this very moment, ready to help her.
"I am here.... please be careful..." still she pressed the scrolles against her breast, not thinking to let them go.

Findecano looked from side to side. The Chancellor was trapped, but how could he rescue her from her position? The beam had to be lifted from her, so she could get up. He tried to lift it himself, but he was unable to move it. The wooden bar was stuck somewhere else in the rubble and he started to push away pieces of it. Hopefully now it was possible to raise the Chancellor's imprisoning piece of wood from her.
He took a plank and shoved it beneath the beam. He felt wooden splinters drive into the flesh of his hands while he was applying pressure on the wood, but the beam started to move upwards and it seemed to him that the young duchess was now free. His hands were hurting and the beam was heavy, he did not know how long he could lift it up...

"Hurry!" was all he grunted.

[~*~] Je vivroie liement, douce creature, se vous savies vraiement qu'en vous fust parfaitement ma cure [~*~]
Era testardo e lo sapeva e sapeva anche che non era un bene questo suo essere testardo perchè qualche volta gli avrebbe procurato grossi problemi.
Ma questa volta c'era poco da pensare le fiamme divoravano il palazzo e molti mancavano all'appello per cui senza pensare un attimo entrò nell'ala Est e si diresse verso le cucine dove torvò un amara sorpresa, le scale che portavano dall'ala nord erano crollate e la via di fuga ostruita , ma doveva raggiungere in tutti i modi l'ala ovest per cercare i suoi compagni, Ranian, Jospin e chi altro ancora fosse intrappolato.
Nel rumore dell'incendio sentiva la voce dell'Imperatore chiamare con tutta la sua forza la figlia e la voglia di seguirlo lo colpì nella mente, ma poi pensò che sicuramente la sua scorta privata gli sarebbe rimasta vicina per cui prese dalla cucina due secchi pieni d'acqua e alcuni stracci di cotone e aprì il passaggio segreto che portava dalle cucine alla sala della Dieta Imperiale per andare a cercare chi ancora fosse rimasto intrappolato.
Aperto il passaggio segreto fu avvolto da una nuvola di fumo che per sua fortuna una volta aperto il passaggio inizio ad uscire liberando un po il passaggio segreto permettendogli di entrare.


English version

He was stubborn and he knew it and he knew that was not good his being stubborn because sometimes he would bring big problems.
But this time there was little to think the flames devoured the palace and many were missing so without thinking for a moment he entered in the East Wing and headed toward the kitchen where a grim bitter surprise, the stairs leading from the wing north had collapsed and the escape route blocked, but had to reach all the way west wing to look for his companions, Ranian, Jospin and who else was trapped.
In the noise of the fire could hear the voice of the Emperor with all his might call his daughter and the desire to follow him struck him in mind, but then he thought that surely his private stash would have remained close to the kitchen which took two buckets full of water and some cotton rags and opened the secret passage that led from the kitchen to the hall of the Imperial Diet to go looking for those who were still trapped.
Open the secret passage was enveloped in a cloud of smoke that luckily for him, once you open the passage beginning to come out a little freeing the secret passage allowing him to enter.
Unable to anything herself she watched what Fin did, still she was afraid, it was dangerous and the flames seem to get closer and closer.
He managed it with a lot of efforts to pull up the bar underneath Salome was burried. She made it out still pulling the scrolls close to her heart, as if they were her baby or something that she wants to protect.
Getting up and taking a breath all began to swirl around her. The colors of red and yellow vanished and all turned to black around the Imperial chancellor when she fainted.

Il ne restait bientôt plus personne dans l'enceinte quand il décida de repartir. La chaleur devenu insoutenable pour ses poumons et sa peau gagner en intensité. Quelque mettre le sépare encore de la porte mais une voix le fait revenir en arrière, un son presque imperceptible qu'il connait sans savoir dire qui cela peut être. Au détour d'un mur il se cogne avec deux personnes qui cherche la sortie et qui semble ne plus pouvoir avancer.

Enzo? Anya?

Si Evrard les à bien reconnue eux vont ils le reconnaître. La jeune femme est tenu fermement par le Comte qui n'y voit plus rien. Depuis son entré dans l'Ordre le Chevalier à put se faire quelque muscle et il attrape Anya afin qu'Enzo puisse marcher plus librement.

Ca va aller votre Grandeur?

Il ne lui laisse pas vraiment le temps de parler car il l'entraine dans le couloir après avoir fait demi tour. La sortie n'étant plus trop loin l'avare n'aurait pas trop de mal à suivre surtout qu'avec son armure, Evrard commençait à marcher moins bien.
Evrard de Melchir, marié à Myosoti!

Le feu était semblable à un démon affamé, insatiable, une faim inextinguible lui étreignant son estomac brûlant. Le feu rongeait tout, dévorait sans distinction bois et chair.

Alors qu'il poursuivait son périple dans les couloirs, Zeiss ne trouvait plus personne. Et alors que la chaleur se faisait de plus en plus implacable et que sa manche d'uniforme peinait à protéger son visage, il se dit qu'il était temps de rebrousser chemin. Mais voilà, alors que ses pas le menaient vers les couloirs qu'il avait emprunté plus tôt, il put constater que les flammes avaient soigné leur travail destructeur. Il fallait qu'il se débrouille autrement, il fallait qu'il trouve une autre chemin, et ce sans connaître le palais. Il errait donc à la recherche d'une possible sortie, évitant le feu au possible mais plus il avançait, plus il se rendait à l'évidence: Les flammes l'avaient encerclé plus efficacement que n'aurait pu le faire une armée de mille hommes.

Le Commandeur avançait toujours, mais sans trop d'espoir de survie, pensant déjà à quelque trait qu'il pourrait lancer à la faucheuse qui viendrait le chercher. Puis il vit une porte, fermée. Il l'ouvrit et finit dans une chambre, encore épargnée par le brasier. Mais plus pour longtemps. Ses choix étaient restreints. Mourir par le feu ou sauter par la fenêtre et... advienne que pourra. Zeiss se précipita sur la fenêtre et l'ouvrit pour s'y pencher. Premier étage... Il pouvait clairement sauter et rester en vie, mais dans quel état? Le Commandeur baisse un peu plus la tête et... Un tas de foin! C'en était difficile à croire, c'était une chose qu'il croyait voir uniquement dans les histoires de héros que l'on racontait aux enfants.

Le tas de foin et l'incendie lui chauffant de plus en plus le dos eurent raison de ses hésitations, et Zeiss sauta. Et le voilà qu'il atterrit dans la paille accompagné d'un bruit sourd. Car oui, même si ça avait amortit la chute, c'était loin d'être suffisant pour retenir un homme tombant de cette hauteur.
Zeiss surgit du tas de paille, la mine mauvaise et grognant pléthore de jurons exprimant ses pensées sur cet amas de foin beaucoup trop fin à son goût ainsi que sur les douleurs lui parcourant désormais le corps.

Désormais, il fallait faire fi de sa chute et retrouver ses frères.


The fire was like an insatiable hungry demon , an unquenchable hunger hugging his burning stomach. The fire devoured everything indiscriminately devouring wood and flesh.

Then he continued his journey through the corridors, Zeiss could not find anyone. And while the heat was more relentless and his uniform sleeve struggled to protect his face, he said it was time to turn back. But now, while his walk led to the corridors he had followed earlier, he could see that the flames had kept their destructive work. He must be doing otherwise , he had to find another way , without knowing the palace. So he wandered in search of a possible exit , avoiding the fire as possible but the more he progressed, he went to the obvious: The flames had surrounded him more effectively than could have done a thousand army men.

The Commander continued to advance , but without much hope of survival, already thinking about some feature that could launch the mower that would get him. Then he saw a door closed. He opened it and ends up in a room, still untouched by the blaze. But not for long . His choices were limited. Die by fire or jump out the window and ... come what may. Zeiss rushed to the window and opened it to look . First floor ... He could clearly jump and stay alive , but in what condition? The Commander drops a little more head and ... A haystack ! It was hard to believe, it was something he thought he saw only in the hero stories that were told to children.

The hay and fire heating him more back overcame his hesitation, and Zeiss jumped . And now he landed in the straw along with a thud. Because yes , even if it had cushions the fall , it was not nearly enough to hold a man falling from that height .
Zeiss emerges from piles of straw , poor mine and growling plethora of expletives expressing his thoughts on this pile of hay too thin for his taste as well as the pain now browsing his body.

Now he had to ignore his fall and find his brothers.

Eriti started to push Violante to move, she seems nailed to the ground.
Please, please, please... - Eriti reapeted in her minds this word again, and again, and again. It was the only word she could think.
She was praying mentally. She was praying God to save all of them. She was praying that no part of the wall fall upon them. She was praying that Violante started to move. She was praying for many things all together.

Finally Violante seems start to move. She whispered something, but Eriti didn't heard, she only continue to push her forward.
At a certain point, Violante increase her steps and talked again, lauder this time.

Don't be worry.. She has your same blood, she is a strong woman, she will find a way to get out of there.
And when she will be out, she will look for you. This is why we need to go in a more safe and more visible place.

After some minutes, escaping from the detritus falling from the palace, they arrived to the fountain. And Eriti took a sigh of relief.
They were safe now, or almost she hoped so. She helped Violante to sit on a bench near the fountain, and the went to it do drink some water, looking around to found something to use to bring some water to Violante too.

The palace countinued to burn. The noises were deafening and creepy. It was like the entire building were lamenting and screaming its lasts breaths of life.

She approached to the fountain and leaned over the water. Her reflection showed a different woman from the one she used to know. She was dirty, the face, the dress, everything. Her hair was burned. She used to tie them, but she had untied them like every evening before sleep. And the run among the flames, had ruined them. She would have to cut them, but it will be a small price for her life. They will be regrown, stronger.
She quickly washed her face in the water, and then drunk. Fresh water it was a blessing for her troat.

She come back to Violante and set near her.

I know, it's a stupid question but... do you have something useful to bring you some water?

Se la gente ti critica lo fa per due motivi: o non sa come impiegare il tempo o vorrebbe essere dannatamente come te.
Simone was awakened by the smoke and the noises at the Palace.
When he understood the problem, started breathing to calm his heart and ran downstair to organize the help for the people inside the Palace.
He collected the men of his staff and took several chest full of water to stop isolated little fires: the goal was to free the way of exits from the various rooms.
He saw Violante and Eriti and ordered to his people to help them to exit the Palace and be safe.
Then he screamed:

"Come on now, let's go to the first floor to help other possible survivors.
First priority to the Emperor and his family"

Inside the Palace it was a chaos. Many people were making their way towards the exit, to escape the heat and a certain death. Yet, he did the exact opposite. He had entered the palace, blinded for the consequences by a sense of duty. On his way he met people carrying books and papers, but also relics and everything that was too important to lose. He saw his cousin, Guy, and paused. Guy! Help your people and get them and yourself to safety! There was, however, not much time. Parts of the building were crumbling, giving way to the enormous heat.

As he progressed through the hallways, the smoke became thicker and he felt the heat grow. Small fires and burning rubble where everywhere and he heard the roar of collapses in the distance. It was clear that he could not get to the wing where the Emperor and his family was housed. He hoped that they had found a way out, but he knew that he would not be helpful if he remained idle. There were probably still people in the internal parts of the Palace. They could be trapped or injured, their fate sealed if there did not come someone looking for them. He could not leave the palace without saving them. What knight would do such a thing?

He continued and soon he reached the deserted corridors. He could not determine where he was. His eyes were burning because of the smoke, as was his throat. He coughed and tried to protect himself with his mantle in front of his mouth. He looked into very room he walked past. There were a lot of fires and it was clear that the floor above him was in a bad shape. The fire was spreading rapidly and pieces collapsed around him. His future was looking grim and his mind started to waver. Did he make a mistake by coming here? Was he a fool that he thought that he could rescue people inside a burning palace? Was he to die here as well?

He stopped at a corner, trying to catch his breath, but there was too much smoke. He thought for a moment to turn back, but he knew he could not do it. This was his ordeal. A challenge by God to test his mettle.

He walked around the corner and saw big pieces of the wooden ceiling laying on the ground, spread through the entire corridor. He had to climb over them or look for another corridor to search for people. Then he heard the hint of a voice coming from the rubble. There was someone here! He walked closer, looking at the wooden beams and planks. He saw a lady, laying on the ground, a wooden beam trapping her legs beneath it. Then he recognized her voice and face. It was the young Chancellor.
Salome, can you hear me? Hold on, I will help you! He couldn't say more. He was exhausted and his throat hurt. But he felt a rush through his body, he had found someone and he needed all his strength to go on.

No worries, Salome and I agreed to play this way together.


[~*~] Je vivroie liement, douce creature, se vous savies vraiement qu'en vous fust parfaitement ma cure [~*~]

[Palazzo Imperiale di Strasburgo - Notte del 30 settembre al 1 Ottobre, 1461]

Le tre donne si diressero all'interno della sala della dieta imperiale, trovandosi difronte uno Jospin stordito ma tutto intero

Forza ragazzo!

incalzò Ranian

andiamo via di qua se non vogliamo fare una brutta fine

Il Maresciallo si avvicinò ad un tavolo dove sopra vi erano varie brocche d'acqua, utilizzate dai servi quando i Reggenti ne richiedevano, vide che erano ancora piene, così si avviò verso una tenda ancora intatta, la staccò dalla finestra rotta e ne fece delle strisce, poi le immerse nelle brocche e le passò ai suoi amici.

Con queste ci proteggiamo un pò dal fumo

fatta questa operazione si avvicinò al trono che era al centro della stanza, mise la mano su quello che agli occhi di tutti poteva sembrare un pomello poggiamano e lo tirò verso di lei, ci fu un piccolo rimore sulla parete destra, come di una chiave che gira nella serratura seguito dallo scorrere della parete stessa. Il fumo presente in quella parte del corridoio entrà nella stanza, mentre i quattro veloci ne uscirono dal passaggio.
Si ritrovarono dinanzi all'Ufficio dell'Imperatore, con molto sollievo Ranian vide che la porta era aperta e esso era vuoto, voltò lo sguardo verso l'ultima stanza presente in quella parte del castello, mentre gli altri tre di gran passo si avviavano verso l'ala nord, osservava la porta, sembrava un otre di pelle quando si gonfia nel riempirsi

Presto! Correte!

disse al gruppo mentre li spingeva lontano da quel luogo, ci fu un altro scoppio seguito da qualcosa di pesante che cadeva a terra, Ranian si girò e vide la porta a pochi passi da loro, mentre la stanza che lei stava osservando sembrava un camino dove le fiamme si divertono a fare la loro danza sul legno


ripresero la loro fuga, e mentre Stormhawk si occupava di Pippa, lei e Jospin controllavano che nelle stanze non vi fosse più nessuno, scesero con cautela le scale che portavano nell'atrio, per poi dirigersi verso le cucine, dove trovarono soldati e volontari che smuovevano i detriti dell'altra scala e tutti pronunciavano il nome "Luisa".

[ Imperial Palace in Strasbourg - Night of September 30 to October 1, 1461 ]

The three women went inside the Hall of the imperial diet, lying opposite one Jospin stunned but whole.

Come on boy !

Ranian challenges

We go away from here if we don't want to do a bad end

Marshal approached a table where above there were several jugs of water, used by servants when the Regents shall require, she saw that they were still full, so she walked toward a tent still intact, pulled away from the hinges and made of strips, then dipped in jugs and went to her friends.

With these we protect some from smoking

Done this operation she came to the throne that was in the middle of the room, put his hand on what in the eyes of all might have seemed a palmrest knob and pulled him towards her, there was a little noise on the right wall, like a key turning in the lock followed by sliding of the wall itself. The smoke present in that part of the corridor came into the room, while the four emerged from them fast. They stood before the Office of the Emperor, with much relief Ranian saw that the door was open and it was empty, turned his gaze toward the last room exists in that part of the Castle, while the other three Grand step is initiated towards the North Wing, watched the door, looked like a bottle of skin that swelled.

Soon! Run!

the group said while pushing them away from that place, there was another outbreak followed by something heavy falling on the ground, Ranian turned and saw the door just steps from them, while the room that she was looking at seemed a fireplace where the flames have fun doing their dance on wood

Come on!

resumed their escape, and while Stormhawk dealt with Pippa, she and Jospin held that in there was no one, descended the stairs leading into the lobby and then head to the kitchens, where they found the soldiers and volunteers who took away the debris and all spoke the name "Luisa".
She did not know how long she tried to find a way out, the smoke got thick and she was not really able to see where she was walking really.
It was good that the knew the palace by heart so there was no need for her to really see something.
Her mind was running fast, she was thinking of the others and finally she was aware that there were a lot of documents, more or less in danger for the flames.

Turning around she only focused on such documents.
Running almost ignoring the fact, that she was not really able to breathe anymore she opens again the door of her office, grabbed documents she could find, opened the sidebord in which all really important documents were places. As quickly as possible she tried to get all of them, turning back and through the door of her office again.

The wood of the bars was aching, at least it sounded like that. The flames crackled and what usually fascinates the Imperial Duchess, the dance of the flames, becomes now something that is dangerous for all she has been working for. Takeing the scrolls closer into her arms she tries to find her way, out. Suddenly a part of the ceiling crushes down, burrying the darkblond underneath it. Her heart was beating her mind running now even faster, afraid of the situation, being not able to get out. She started already to pray to the Almighty. As she heard a voice nearby. "Salome, can you hear me? Hold on, I will help you!" it was the voice of Findencano the imperial ambassador for England, and General of the AI, her eyes were starring at him, thankful that someone was around in this very moment, ready to help her.
"I am here.... please be careful..." still she pressed the scrolles against her breast, not thinking to let them go.

Findecano looked from side to side. The Chancellor was trapped, but how could he rescue her from her position? The beam had to be lifted from her, so she could get up. He tried to lift it himself, but he was unable to move it. The wooden bar was stuck somewhere else in the rubble and he started to push away pieces of it. Hopefully now it was possible to raise the Chancellor's imprisoning piece of wood from her.
He took a plank and shoved it beneath the beam. He felt wooden splinters drive into the flesh of his hands while he was applying pressure on the wood, but the beam started to move upwards and it seemed to him that the young duchess was now free. His hands were hurting and the beam was heavy, he did not know how long he could lift it up...

"Hurry!" was all he grunted.

[~*~] Je vivroie liement, douce creature, se vous savies vraiement qu'en vous fust parfaitement ma cure [~*~]
Era testardo e lo sapeva e sapeva anche che non era un bene questo suo essere testardo perchè qualche volta gli avrebbe procurato grossi problemi.
Ma questa volta c'era poco da pensare le fiamme divoravano il palazzo e molti mancavano all'appello per cui senza pensare un attimo entrò nell'ala Est e si diresse verso le cucine dove torvò un amara sorpresa, le scale che portavano dall'ala nord erano crollate e la via di fuga ostruita , ma doveva raggiungere in tutti i modi l'ala ovest per cercare i suoi compagni, Ranian, Jospin e chi altro ancora fosse intrappolato.
Nel rumore dell'incendio sentiva la voce dell'Imperatore chiamare con tutta la sua forza la figlia e la voglia di seguirlo lo colpì nella mente, ma poi pensò che sicuramente la sua scorta privata gli sarebbe rimasta vicina per cui prese dalla cucina due secchi pieni d'acqua e alcuni stracci di cotone e aprì il passaggio segreto che portava dalle cucine alla sala della Dieta Imperiale per andare a cercare chi ancora fosse rimasto intrappolato.
Aperto il passaggio segreto fu avvolto da una nuvola di fumo che per sua fortuna una volta aperto il passaggio inizio ad uscire liberando un po il passaggio segreto permettendogli di entrare.


English version

He was stubborn and he knew it and he knew that was not good his being stubborn because sometimes he would bring big problems.
But this time there was little to think the flames devoured the palace and many were missing so without thinking for a moment he entered in the East Wing and headed toward the kitchen where a grim bitter surprise, the stairs leading from the wing north had collapsed and the escape route blocked, but had to reach all the way west wing to look for his companions, Ranian, Jospin and who else was trapped.
In the noise of the fire could hear the voice of the Emperor with all his might call his daughter and the desire to follow him struck him in mind, but then he thought that surely his private stash would have remained close to the kitchen which took two buckets full of water and some cotton rags and opened the secret passage that led from the kitchen to the hall of the Imperial Diet to go looking for those who were still trapped.
Open the secret passage was enveloped in a cloud of smoke that luckily for him, once you open the passage beginning to come out a little freeing the secret passage allowing him to enter.
Unable to anything herself she watched what Fin did, still she was afraid, it was dangerous and the flames seem to get closer and closer.
He managed it with a lot of efforts to pull up the bar underneath Salome was burried. She made it out still pulling the scrolls close to her heart, as if they were her baby or something that she wants to protect.
Getting up and taking a breath all began to swirl around her. The colors of red and yellow vanished and all turned to black around the Imperial chancellor when she fainted.

Il ne restait bientôt plus personne dans l'enceinte quand il décida de repartir. La chaleur devenu insoutenable pour ses poumons et sa peau gagner en intensité. Quelque mettre le sépare encore de la porte mais une voix le fait revenir en arrière, un son presque imperceptible qu'il connait sans savoir dire qui cela peut être. Au détour d'un mur il se cogne avec deux personnes qui cherche la sortie et qui semble ne plus pouvoir avancer.

Enzo? Anya?

Si Evrard les à bien reconnue eux vont ils le reconnaître. La jeune femme est tenu fermement par le Comte qui n'y voit plus rien. Depuis son entré dans l'Ordre le Chevalier à put se faire quelque muscle et il attrape Anya afin qu'Enzo puisse marcher plus librement.

Ca va aller votre Grandeur?

Il ne lui laisse pas vraiment le temps de parler car il l'entraine dans le couloir après avoir fait demi tour. La sortie n'étant plus trop loin l'avare n'aurait pas trop de mal à suivre surtout qu'avec son armure, Evrard commençait à marcher moins bien.
Evrard de Melchir, marié à Myosoti!
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