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[RP] - Meeting with the Duke of Styria

Sarah avait écouté les échanges sans un bruit, jeune dame discrète auprès de l'empereur. D'allure, elle n'attirait pas l'attention. Elle était vêtue d'une robe tout de blanc, et l'arme dans les plis de la jupe souple passait inaperçue. Comme à l'accoutumée, elle était impressionnée par le calme et la précision du von Frayner et à l'emportement soudain de l'hérétique, elle avança imperceptiblement d'un pas, pour se placer près de son souverain.

Comment cet homme pouvait il ainsi se permettre de prendre à parti le saint empereur, sacré devant le Très Haut? Comment pouvait il se prétendre à une légitimité religieuse quand il s'en prenait par son attitude la structure même de la composition de la Cité prônée par Aristote?

Une main se glissa dans les plis de la robe, instinctivement et son regard calme et posé se posa sur cet homme qui se cachait derrière son statut de vieil homme et de religieux pour tenter de justifier son crime de lèse-majesté. Il suffisait d'un geste de l'empereur pour que la jeune femme agisse. Un murmure...

Votre Majesté?


Sarah had listened silently the exchanges, discreet young lady near the Emperor. In looks, she did not attract attention. She was wearing a dress in white, and the weapon in the folds of the flexible skirt went unnoticed. As usual, she was impressed by the calm and precision of the von Frayner and sudden outburst of the heretic, imperceptibly she stepped forward to stand beside her sovereign.

How this man could afford it as well take party of the holy emperor, sacred to the Almighty? How could he claim a religious legitimacy when he attacked by his attitude the structure of the composition of the City advocated by Aristotle?

A hand slipped into the folds of the dress, and instinctively calm and laid eyes fell on this man who was hiding behind his status as religious old man and trying to justify his crime of treason. It was enough of a gesture to the emperor for the young lady act. A whisper...

My Lord?
Ranian aveva seguito il lungo discorso tra l'Imperatore e il duca Adam senza togliere gli occhi dai due ospiti. Notò lo sguardo indagatore del patriarca verso le sue guardie quasi sorrise. L'imperatore terminò il suo discorso guardò verso di lei e le ordinò di accompagnare i due ospiti presso le loro stanze. La donna stava muovendosi verso loro per fare strada quando vide che il patriarca in toni minacciosi fece un passo verso Sua Maestà, così si pose tra loro, vide due ombre affiancarla e subito pensò ai suoi uomini che come lei stavano facendo scudo. Sapeva che per loro istinto avrebbero messo mani alle armi

Non estraete le armi se non ve lo dico io

disse loro quasi sussurrando in modo che gli altri intorno non potessero udire questo suo comando. L'anziano dopo aver parlato con disprezzo a Sua Maestà la guardò e le parlò con toni poco amichevoli

Non osare toccarmi, giovane fante posso camminare da solo

con tono calmo la donna si rivolse all'anziano, lasciò che la rabbia, per il gesto dell'uomo, restasse fuori dai suoi sentimenti, l'ira fa commettere errori, la calma ti da la possibilità di studiare le situazioni

Patriarca io non la toccherò se non costretta e affinchè ciò accada vi chiedo di fare un passo indietro

nel mentre chiedeva ciò all'uomo vide che duca Adam poneva le sue mani sull'elsa

Duca, Patriarca, vi chiedo di posare a terra le vostre armi e di allontanarvi da loro dando la possibilità a me di poterle prendere in consegna, non vi sono state tolte perchè è una azione che usiamo solo verso i criminali, ma vista la votra reazione non mi lasciate altra scelta. Per la sicurezza dell'imperatore e vostra vi chiedo di rispettare questa mia richiesta. Vi saranno restituite quando lascerete il palazzo

Ranian finì di parlare, gli occhi continuavano ad essere fissi sui due uomini e attese che ciò che lei aveva chiesto fosse fatto


Ranian had followed the lengthy discourse between the Emperor and the Duke Adam without removing your eyes from two guests. She noticed his gaze inquiring of the Patriarch to his guards almost smiled. The Emperor ended his speech looked at her and ordered her to accompany the two guests in their rooms. The woman was moving towards them to make way when he saw that the Patriarch in menacing tones stepped toward her Majesty, so stood between them, saw two shadows assist and immediately thought of his men that as you were doing. He knew that for their instincts would put hands to arms

Do not remove the weapons unless I tell you

told them almost whispering so that others around could not hear his command. Elder after speaking with contempt to his Majesty, then looked at her and spoke with unfriendly tones

Do not dare to touch me, young knave. I can walk by myself.

with calm tone she turned to elder, let the anger, for the gesture of man, remain out of his feelings, the anger is making mistakes, calm gives you the opportunity to study the situations

Patriarch I don't touch unless forced and for this I ask you to take a step back

Meanwhile demanded that the man she saw that Adam Duke placed his hands on the hilt

Duke, Patriarch, I ask you to lay down your arms and get away from them allowing me to take over, there have been lifted because it is an action that we use only to criminals, but given your reaction does not leave me no choice. For the safety of the Emperor and your I would ask you to respect my request. You will be returned when you leave the imperial palace

Ranian finished talking, his eyes continued to be fixed on two men and expectations that what she had asked to be made
Katamazai era rimasto impassibile alla sinistra del suo Imperatore per tutto il tempo dell'incontro, si era accorto che il vecchio patriarca guardava sia lui che Jospin con sguardo indagatore ma rimase impassibile e pronto ad intervenire.
L'Imperatore terminò il suo discorso e fece segno a Ranian di scortare il Patriarca ed il Duca presso le loro stanze ma il Patriarca pareva essere di volere diverso in quanto con fare minaccioso fece un passo verso l'Imperatore.
Katamazai senza esitare si pose davanti al suo Imperatore e poso la mano sull'elsa della spada pronto ad usarla al comando di Ranian.
L'arroganza dei due ospiti era sembrata eccessiva secondo il modesto pare di Katamazai e che meritasse una lezione ma sentendo quanto detto dal suo Generale rimase fermo senza mai distogliere lo sguardo dalle mani del Duca e del Patriarca.


Katamazai remained impassive to the left of its emperor during the time of the meeting, it was noticed that the old Patriarch looked both he and Jospin with look inquisitive but remained unfazed and ready to intervene. the Emperor ended his speech and motioned to Ranian to escort the Patriarch and the Duke in their rooms but the Patriarch seemed to be that they want different as with making threatening stepped towards the emperor. Katamazai without hesitation stood in front of his Emperor and rest his hand on the hilt of the sword ready to use commanding Ranian. arrogance of two guests seemed excessive according to the modest Katamazai and think that it deserved a lesson but hearing what was said by his general peucestas without never look away from the hands of Duke and the Patriarch.
Il Patriarca per tutto il tempo aveva osservato sia lui che Katamazai.
E Leonardo aveva cercato di mascherare ogni emozione.
Quella era una delle caratteristiche che obbligatoriamente doveva avere una Guardia Imperiale.
"Il famoso controllo di se stessi" pensava mentre stava attento alla destra dei Sua Maestà. Improvvisamente qualcosa turbò la quiete di quei pensieri.

Il Patriarca aveva mosso un passo verso l'Imperatore...

...Con un movimento istantaneo, pose la mano sull'elsa della spada e si pose a protezione di Sua Maestà.
Aveva ucciso molti nemici in guerra, era bene addestrato...


The Patriarch had observed all the time both him and Katamazai.
And Leonardo had tried to mask any emotion.
That was one of the features that necessarily a Imperial Guard had to have.
"The famous self-control" he thought while as he was careful to the right of his majesty. Suddenly something disturbed the quiet of those thoughts.

The Patriarch had taken a step towards the Emperor ...

...With an instantaneous movement, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and put himself to protection of His Majesty.
He had killed many enemies in war, he was well trained ...
Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia
Die Situation war einfach zu überschauen. Legte er sein Schwert nicht nieder, würde die Gegenseite es mit Gewalt versuchen, was hieße, mehrere Bewaffnete gegen ihn selbst, an der Seite nur den alten Mann mit seinem Stab, dessen Leben es neben dem eigenen zu schützen galt. Wäre der Herzog alleine, bestünde sogar die Aussicht, sich wenigstens bis zur Tür zu durchzukämpfen – mit Graufang im Schlepptau: unmöglich. Im Falle der Niederlage bliebe dann der Tod, mehr wahrscheinlicher aber waren Ketten, um dann so abgeführt zu werden, wie es der Kaiser befohlen hatte.
Die Entscheidung lag klar auf der Hand, wollte man keine Eskalation herbeiführen. Es wären nur weniger Handgriffe – das Abschnallen des Gurtes und der Wurf des Schwertes dem Weib vor die Füße. Einem Frauenzimmer.

Der Herzog starrte das Weib an und beschloss dann das Richtige zu tun.
Die Aufforderung zu ignorieren.

Stattdessen wandte er sich wieder an den Kaiser.
Ich habe jede verdammte Forderung von Euch erfüllt. Jede! Und damit vergeltet Ihr es mir? Ihr inhaftiert den Patriarchen der reformierten aristotelischen Kirche und mich? Euren treuen Vasallen? Ich habe Euch nicht einmal hintergangen. Nicht einmal! Schaut Euch in Euren eigenen Reihen um, wer die Schlange ist, aber widerruft Euren Befehl. Sonst verliere ich meinen Glauben an Eure Gerechtigkeit vollends.“


It was easy to overview the situation. If he did not lay down his sword, the opposite side would try it by force, what meant, several armed against him, at his side only the old man with his stick, which life he had to protect as well – besides his own. If the duke were alone, there would be a chance to come to the door – but with Graufang on his side: impossible. In case of his defeat he will find death, but the more probable end would be chains, to be led away, just like the emperor had ordered. The decision was obvious, if he didn't want to cause an escalation.
It would only be a few grips –unfasten the belt and to throw the sword in front of the woman’s feet. A broad.

The duke starred at the wife and decided to do the only right thing.
To ignore the request.

Instead he turned to the emperor again.
„I have fulfilled every damned demand of you. Every single one! And you repay me for it with that? You take the patriarch of the Reformed Aristotelian church and me into custody? Your faithful vassal? I did not cheat you ever. Not once! Take a look in your own rows, who is the snake, but cancel your order. Otherwise I lose my faith in your justice completely. “
July 12th. 1461

The guards seem to be very nervous. From what threat they want to protect the emperor? The duke is alone. A single blade stands against four well armed and trained sworn loyalties.
Or do they fear Graufang? The man is no threat to anyone. Not even for the weakest. A little child could make the old priest stumble and fall easily.

Well, if they want that crosier so bad, they can have it. With a nod and the will of peacekeeping, the old man hands over the hooked-stab to Ranian. She seems to be the calmest person in this room, including the patriarch itself. "Protect it with your life, young lady." He says with a smile. "This wood is more than an insignia, it's my walking frame. Without it, you have to lend me your shoulder that I can lean on."
Graufang looks to the duke. The lack of understanding in this room is beyond his belief so no one should wonder the emotions. "Hold your Horses, Adam" he wispers to the duke and the old hand finds the arm of his nephew in-law.
Graufang will prevent Adam from getting arrestest. - Even if it will cost his own life...


12. Juli 1461

Die Wachen scheinen sehr nervös. Von welcher Bedrohung wollen sie den Kaiser beschützen? Der Herzog ist allein. Eine einzelne Klinge steht gegen vier gut bewaffnete, ausgebildete und loyale Wachen.
Oder haben sie Angst vor Graufang? Der Mann ist keine Bedrohung für irgendwen. Nicht einmal für die Schwächsten. Sogar ein kleines Kind könnte den alte Priester straucheln und fallen lassen.

Nun, wenn sie so unbedingt, den Bischofsstab wollen, können sie ihn haben. Mit einem Nicken und dem Willen, den Frieden zu bewahren, reicht der alte Mann den Krummstab an Ranian. Sie scheint die ruhigste Person in diesem Raum zu sein, einschließlich des Patriarchen selbst. "Beschützt ihn mit Eurem Leben, junge Dame." sagt er mit einem Lächeln. "Dies Holz ist mehr als eine Insignie, es ist meine Gehhilfe. Ohne sie werdet Ihr mir Eure Schulter geben müssen, damit ich mich darauf stützen kann."
Graufang sieht zum Herzog. Der Mangel an Verständnis in diesem Raum ist so unglaublich, so dass sich niemand die aufkochenden Emotionen wundern sollte. "Bleib ruhig, Adam" ,flüstert er dem Herzog zu und die alte Hand legt sich auf den Arm des angeheirateten Neffen. Graufang wird verhindern, dass man Adam in Haft nimmt. - Und wenn es sein eigenes Leben kostet...


Comyr sighed, standing in the large double doors of the throne room and has come to accompany the Duke on his way to the quarters.

It went wrong and he almost said "Calm down," but he didn't.
"There is no problem", he said to Ranian and the guards, as Adam has already removed his hand from the hilt of his sword and it was still sheathen.

"Your Highness," he said to Adam. "I'm sure here is a misunderstanding. You're our guest, until the Emperor has taken his decision. I'm really sure, that your journey was long and there is no need to return immediately. I will accompany you on your way to your quarters."

Comyr gave a queer look to the self announced patriarch, but choose to say nothing again. Nobody has invited him or granted guest rights to that old man. Though, there was something else in his view...

Gli occhi del Duca andavano da una guardia a l'altra, li stava studiando e Ranian lo sapeva, sapeva che non aveva buone intenzioni, ma solo dopo che i suoi occhi si posarono su Graufang in lui cambiò qualcosa, un'ultimo sguardo lo concesse alla donna, per poi riprendere a parlare all'Imperatore. Nel mentre Graufang si avvicinò a lei, Ranian riuscì ora a percepire la sua calma, lo guardò negli occhi ma senza sfida, la sua mano teneva ben stretto il suo pastorale, un sorriso apparve sul suo volto

Proteggilo con la tua vita, signorina. Questo legno è più di un Insignia, è il mio sostenitore. Senza di esso, dovrai darmi la tua spalla, così posso appoggiarmi.

Ranian diede il suo braccio all'anziano, così che poteva appoggiarsi, mentre con l'altra mano prese il pastorale, poi come una figlia che parla ad un padre ormai anziano per rincuorarlo così lei si rivolse a lui.

Patriarca! Sarà mia cura tenerlo ben custodito.

Lei aiutò l'uomo a raggiungere il nipote, lasciò il suo braccio solo quando fu sicura che era il Duca a sostenerlo, era l'unica persona vicina ai due ospiti e udì le parole dell'anziano che lo invitava alla calma, così approfittò di quella vicinanza per parlare faccia a faccia con il duca, anche se la sua distrazione era stata il patriarca, aveva ugualmente udito le parole del Duca, la donna aveva capito che il suo timore era quell'ordine dettato a lei dell'imperatore, e forse mal compreso.

Duca! Vostra Grazia! Ascoltate le sagge parole di Vostro zio, calmatevi. E...non temete l'ordine che mi ha dato l'imperatore, non sarete trattati come si tratta i briganti, nessuno dei due lo è, siete ospiti in questo palazzo e come tali sarete trattati

fece un paio di passi indietro, ma sempre restando nella sua visuale

Duca! Vedete tra le mie mani o tra quelle delle mie guardie...

La donna indicò, senza guardarli, con la sola mano libera le sue guardie, che per tutto il tempo, senza mai allontanarsi da dove si trovavano, avevano seguito il tutto


Continuava a guardare il Duca, con la speranza che si sarebbe calmato, quando udì la voce del reggente, la donna gli sorrise e dopo averlo salutato lasciò a lui la parola


Duke's eyes went from one to the other guard, he was studying and Ranian knew, knew that he had good intentions, but only after his eyes laid on Graufang in he changed something, a last look gave it to the woman, only to resume talking to the Emperor. Meanwhile Graufang came to her, Ranian now perceive its calm, looked at him in the eyes but without challenge, his hand holding tight her pastoral, a smile appeared on his face.

Protect it with your life, young lady. This wood is more than an insignia, it's my walking frame. Without it, you have to lend me your shoulder that I can lean on.

Ranian gave his arm to the elderly, so that he could rest, while with the other hand took the pastoral, then as a daughter who speaks at a now elderly father to cheer him up so she turned to him

Patriarch! I will keep it well guarded

She helped the man to get his nephew, he left his arm only when he was sure he was the Duke to support him, was the only person close to two guests and heard the words of the elder who called for calm, so took advantage of the closeness to talk face to face with the Duke, although his distraction was the Patriarch, had also heard the words of the Duke,she had realized that his fear was that order of Emperor dictated to her, and perhaps misunderstood..

Duke! Your Grace! Listen to the wise words of Your uncle, calm yourself. And ... fear not the order which gave me the Emperor, you will not be treated like it is water margin, neither it is, you are guests in this mansion and as such you will be treated.

She took a couple of steps back, but always staying in his sight

Duke! You see between my hands or those of my guards....

the woman pointed out, without looking at them, with the only handheld his guards, who all the time, without ever straying from where they were, had followed all


She kept looking at the Duke, with the hope that it would calm down, when he heard the voice of the regent. The woman smiled at him and after greeting him let him speak
Es hätte der Worte des Weibes nicht bedurft, im Gegenteil. Was der geflüsterte Zuspruch und die Geste Graufangs vermochten, nämlich den Herzog beruhigen, machte sie fast wieder zunichte. Aber er beherrschte sich, auch wenn die Muskeln an den Wangen sichtlich arbeiteten. „Keine Ketten, aber Schwerter. Natürlich erweckt das mehr den Eindruck von Gastfreundschaft. Ebenso die angedrohten Wachen vor dem Zimmer, damit wir das nicht verlassen können.“ Ironie tropfte von jedem der Worte. Wollte das Mädchen ihn auf den Arm nehmen? „Besucht mich einmal auf meiner Burg. Ich verspreche Euch, ich werde es Euch ebenso vergelten und dann will ich Eure Jubelrufe über die zuvorkommende Behandlung hören.“

Seine Hand legte sich auf die des Alten, die noch auf seinem Arm ruhte und er drückte sie. Dass er jetzt und hier keine Antworten erhalten würde, hatte auch der Herzog begriffen. Es hatte keinen Sinn, weiter zu argumentieren. Den Atem konnte er sich sparen. In Zukunft auch.
Er nickte resignierend, deutete dann eine Verbeugung in Richtung des Kaisers an, ehe er sich dem Mann, der vor dem Weib das Wort ergriffen hatte, zuwandte. „Dann führt mich. Ich werde Euch folgen.“ Zum Schluss ging sein Blick zum Alten. „Wenn ich richtig verstanden habe, gilt der Gastaufenthalt nicht für Euch.“ Es wäre falsch, Graufang zu bitten zu bleiben. Falsch und egoistisch. Deshalb sagte er es nicht, obwohl er es sich wünschte.


There had been no need of the woman words, on the contrary. With only a few words she was almost able to destroy what the whispered words of encouragement and the gesture of Graufang were able to, to calm the duke. But the duke controlled himself, even if the muscles of the cheeks were obviously working. „No chains, but swords. Of course this creates an impression of hospitality. As well as the threatened guards in front of the arrest room, so that we are not able to leave it.“ Irony dripped of each of the words. Was this girl kidding him? „Be a guest on my castle once. I promise you I will repay you for this as well and then I want to hear your triumphant cheers about the courteous treatment.“

He put his hand on the old man’s one, which still rested on his arm and he pressed them carefully. The duke also had understood that he wouldn't receive any answers now and here. There was no use in arguing any further. He could save himself the breath. Also in the future. He nodded resigning, indicated a bow in the direction of the emperor before he turned to the man who had seized the word before the woman has begun to speak. “Then lead me. I will follow you. “To the end of his words the duke looked to the patriarch. „If I have understood correctly, the stay doesn't apply to you. “It would be wrong to ask Graufang to stay. Wrong and egotistic. Therefore he didn't say it, although he wished, the old man would stay on his side.
Doesn't apply him? Graufang looks surprised to the duke. "Didn’t they say "Drive the Duke Adam and the Patriarch to their apartments"?" An order is an order, isn't it? - At least, if there is any benefit from it.
"I come with you" The old man does not need time to think. He will not leave Adam behind and hand him to these people. This place may be the imperial palace but once it caused hard times for the duke. This will not happen again. Not as long Graufang is able to take a breath.

Comyrs arrival makes the Fugger nod to the man, which shall grand him regards. Rumors say that he is heir to the throne. Time may come to speak a word or two to this man. But time hasn't come yet.
"My lady, would you please be my guide and follow the duke Adam Fugger?" The words are going to Ranian. The patriarch is still holding her arm, in hope she will lead him to the quarters. Whatever may come, the patriarch will stand his ground. Graufang trust in the guiding of God and if death is the price to liberate Adam from this evil place, then it shall be...


Gilt nicht für ihn? Graufang schaut überrascht zum Herzog. "Hiess es nicht:" Bringt Herzog Adam und den Patriarchen in ihre Unterkünfte "?" Ein Befehl ist ein Befehl, nicht wahr? - Zumindest, wenn es einem gerade nutzt.
"Ich komme mit dir" Der alte Mann braucht keine Zeit zum Nachdenken. Er wird Adam nicht verlassen und diesen Menschen ausliefern. Dies mag der kaiserliche Palast sein, aber einst verursachte dieser schwere Zeiten für den Herzog. Das wird nicht wieder vorkommen! Nicht so lange Graufang in der Lage ist, einen Atemzug zu tun.

Comyrs Ankunft lässt den Fugger dem Mann grüßend zunicken. Gerüchte besagen, dass Comyr nun der Thronfolger ist. Die Zeit mag kommen, um ein oder zwei Worte zu diesem Mann wechseln. Aber noch ist diese Zeit nicht gekommen.
"Meine Dame, würdet Ihr bitte meine Führerin sein und dem Herzog Adam Fugger folgen?" Die Worte sind Ranian gerichtet, deren Arm der Patriarch noch hält. Graufang ist in der Hoffnung, sie wird ihn nun zu den Quartieren führen.
Was auch immer nun geschehen mag, der Patriarch wird nicht weichen. Graufang vertraut auf die Führung Gottes und wenn der Tod der Preis ist, Adam von diesem finst'ren Ort zu befreien, dann soll es so sein...

Il Duca Adam aveva cambiato il suo interlocutore, non più l'Imperatore ma lei

No catene, ma spade. Ovviamente questo crea un'impressione di ospitalità. Così come le guardie minacciose di fronte alla stanza di arresto, così che non siamo in grado di lasciare.

Ranian ascoltò quelle parole e non potè che scuotere la testa

Vostra Grazia, i miei uomini sono guardie, uomini e donne che difendono l'impero e l'Imperatore, pensate che possano fare questo senza una spada?
Anche voi per giungere fino al palazzo imperiale, per la vostra difesa e di chi è con voi avete al vostro fianco una spada, al vostro arrivo nessuna guardia vi ha accolto puntandovi la sua arma contro, nemmeno prima quando la tensione si stava alzando l'abbiamo fatto, come vedete ogniuno di noi le conserva ancora nei loro foderi....

la donna stava continuando il suo discorso ma si fermò nell'udire le parole del Patriarca rivolte al nipote

Non hanno detto "Guidare il Duca Adamo e il Patriarca nei loro appartamenti"? Io vengo con te!

deciso fu nelle sue ultime parole, poi dopo aver lanciato uno sguardo al Reggente si rivolse a lei

Mia signora, ti preghiamo di essere la mia guida e seguire il duca Adam Fugger?

Ranian guardò l'anziano, la sua mano ancora posata sul suo braccio, annuì con la testa alla sua richiesta

Cosi mi ha ordinato l'Imperatore e così farò, non sara felice vostro nipote, ma la sera è prossima a giungere e voi siete sicuramente stanchi per il lungo viaggio fatto fin qui

il Maresciallo Imperiale alzò lo sguardo dal Patriarca per rivolgerlo verso il Reggente e il Duca attendendo che il primo facesse da guida fino agli appartamenti come detto


The Duke Adam had changed his interlocutor, is no longer the Emperor but she

No chains, but swords. Of course this creates an impression of hospitality. As well as the threatened guards in front of the arrest room, so that we are not able to leave it

Ranian listened to those words and I could not shake my head

Your grace, my men are guards, men and women who defend the Empire and the Emperor, think they can do this without a sword?
You too, right up to the imperial palace, for your protection and who is with you, you have at your side a sword, upon arrival no guard has welcomed you aiming his weapon at you, not even before when the voltage was rising we did, as you can see each one of us still in their scabbards ....

the woman was continuing his speech but stopped to hear the words addressed to the Patriarch's grandson

Didn’t they say "Drive the Duke Adam and the Patriarch to their apartments"? I come with you

decided it was in his last words, then after throwing a look at Regent turned to her

My lady, would you please be my guide and follow the duke Adam Fugger?

Ranian looked elder still laid his hand on her arm, nodded his head to his request

So I ordered the Emperor and so will I, won't be happy your grandson, but the evening is next to arrive and you are definitely tired for the long journey made so far

the Imperial Marshal raised his gaze from the Patriarch for unobstructed view of the Regent and the Duke waiting that the first would lead up to the apartments as mentioned

It was insensible to Comyr, wheter the old man follow Adam or not.
Comyr was nosy, without doubt, but he wasn't happy about the presence of the patriarch.
Again Adam has prooved not a really good diplomatic skill, and Comyr had to hope, that the Emperor wouldn't become to angry about this.

"Good", he said to Adam, registering the strange look towards him. It seems, that Adam hasn't any idea who he was. Also good, Comyr decided, thinking about quarrels in the past.
Turning around he started to walk towards the quarters, as it seems to be better to get the Duke and that old man out of sight of the Emperor, who don't looked amused at all.
"You won't have a lack of anything here, your Highness. The pages and servants will look for it.
I'll inform you, if the Emperor has taken his decision."

Natürlich hieß es zuerst „Bringt Herzog Adam und den Patriarchen in ihre Unterkünfte“, war aber dann durch den Mann, den er gebeten hatte voranzugehen, relativiert worden. Aber sei es drum – so oder so, Graufang blieb an seiner Seite. Er verließ ihn nicht, wie so viele andere es getan hatten, angefangen beim eigenen Vater und zuletzt wieder geschehen durch die geliebte Schwester. Es bedeutete Adam viel, dass Graufang zu ihm stand.

Mit ihrem unnachahmlichen Talent war es dann das Frauenzimmer wieder, was den besonderen Moment zerstörte. Entgeistert starrte Adam sie an. Was faselte sie jetzt noch von den Schwertern? Sie hatte die Ketten als erste in den Mund genommen und er hatte ihr lediglich gesagt, man brauchte diese nicht, wenn man Schwerter hatte. Es ging ihm hauptsächlich um die Wachen, die vor der Tür postiert werden sollten und die deshalb dem Wort „Gast“ einen schalen Beigeschmack gaben. Hörbar sog Adam die Luft durch die Nase ein. Wollte sie nicht verstehen oder konnte sie nicht? In beiden Fällen sollte sie einfach den Mund halten, die Brust rausstrecken und versuchen unbeteiligt gut auszusehen. Alles andere warf nur ein schlechtes Licht auf sie.

Eine abwinkende Handbewegung in ihre Richtung sollte dem Weib bedeuten, er hatte gehört, was sie sagte, befand es aber keiner Antwort wert. Stattdessen folgte er Comyr, dessen Gesicht ihm nicht einmal vage bekannt vorkam, behielt aber Graufang und das Weib im Auge. „Ich möchte meiner Frau, Nachricht geben. Ich nehme an, das ist mir gestattet?“


Of course it was said first „ Drive the Duke Adam and the Patriarch to their apartments “, but then the man, whom he had asked to lead him, had relativized the order. But one way or another, Graufang stayed on his side. He didn't leave him as so many other had done, begun with his own father and last happened with his beloved sister. It meant a lot to Adam, that Graufang stood by him.

Again the woman with her inimitable talent destroyed the special moment. Adam stared at her dumbfoundedly. Why was she still babbling something about the swords? She had taken the word “chains” into her mouth first and he just told her, there was no need for chains, because the guards have swords. He had tried to make clear, that the word “guest” had a stale aftertaste, if there were guards in front of the door, which should prevent that Graufang or he could leave the room. Adam took a deep breath audibly. Didn't she want to understand or wasn't she able to? In both cases she should simply keep her mouth shut, chest out and try to look uninvolved good. Everything else only reflected badly on her.

A short wave of his hand should tell the woman that he had heard what she said, but wasn't worth to answer it. Instead, he followed Comyr, whose face wasn't even vaguely known to him, while he kept Graufang and the women in sight. „I would like to give my wife message. I assume this is allowed to me?“
Ranian aveva visto il gesto della mano da parte del Duca, non ne rimase sorpresa anzi si aspettava una cosa simile, così evitò di dire altro tanto sarebbe sempre stato inutile e con il Patriarca che le teneva ancora il braccio seguirono il Reggente e il Duca Adam.

[Palazzo Imperiale Ala Est]

Avevano lasciato la stanza dove era avvenuto l'incontro e dopo un breve tragitto si diressero verso il corridoio dell'ala est del palazzo, ala adibita alle camere degli ospiti. Sulla sinistra si potevano contare una decina di stanze, ai lati di ogniuna di esse posti sugli attenti a fare il loro dovere vi erano le guardie, sulla destra del corridoio grandi finestre permettevano alla luce di poter illuminare quel luogo. Il gruppo era giunto presso la stanza destinata al Duca e il Patriarca, alcuni servi ne stavano uscendo fuori, solo una cameriera rimase, con rispetto si inchinò ai presenti poi si rivolse al Reggente

Vostra Altezza! Le stanze sono pronte come ci è stato ordinato

Il gruppo entrò nella stanza, era un piccolo salottino con al centro un tavolo e quattro sedie, difronte a esso a fare da parete vi era un camino, spento visto il periodo caldo, ai lati di esso vi erano due finestre abbellite da tende drappeggiate e di color porpora, intorno sulle pareti vi erano quadri di natura morta, mentre sui lati delle due finestre vi erano due stanze una fronte a l'altra, erano le stanze da letto. Ranian si avvicinò al Duca affinchè il Patriarca si appoggiasse a lui, poi uscì fuori, sussurò qualcosa alla cameriera e rientrò

Vostra Grazia, Patriarca le due stanze frontali sono le vostre camere da letto, ho pensato che questo alloggio sarebbe stato gradito ad entrambi rispetto a due camere separate, presto vi porteranno anche la cena

Mentre parlava ai due opsiti giunse la cameriera con in mano una scatola, Ranian le fece segno di poggiarla sul tavolo. Il Maresciallo guardò il Duca e nel mentre aprì la scatola

Qua c'è tutto ciò che vi serve Duca per scrivere a vostra moglie, come vedete quello che l'ospite chiede gli è dato, ora vi lascio alle vostre cose. Duca!

pronunciò il suo nome e fece un inchino poi si rivolse Graufang

Patriarca! Vi auguro una serena notte

poi rivolta ad entrambi

Se avete bisogno di me, potete farmi chiamare da una delle guardie che è presente nei corridoi

anche se aveva dato la sua disponibilità dubitava che il Duca avrebbe mai chiesto di lei, salutò di nuovo entrambi con un inchino e si avviò verso la porta dove attese il Reggente e mentre un gruppo di servi che avevano portato la cena per gli ospiti stava entrando


Ranian had seen the hand gesture on the part of the Duke, there were surprise indeed expect such a thing, so he avoided saying much more would have been useless and the Patriarch that he kept his arm still followed the Regent and the Duke Adam.

[Imperial Palace East Wing]

They left the room where the meeting took place and after a short drove towards the corridor of the East Wing of the Palace, wing used to guest rooms. On the left you could count a dozen rooms on the sides of each of them places boner to do their duty there were guards on the right of the large windows allow the light to illuminate the place. The group had arrived at the room intended for the Duke and Patriarch, some servants they were coming out, only a waitress remained respectfully bowed to these then turned to the Regent

Your Highness! The rooms are ready as we were ordered

The group entered the room, was a small sitting area with a table and four chairs, in front of it as a wall there was a fireplace, turned off the hot period, seen on the sides of it there were two Windows decorated with draped curtains and purple color around the walls there were paintings of still life, while on the sides of two Windows there were two rooms, one with the otherwere the bedrooms. Ranian approached the Duke for the Patriarch is put to him, then came out, sussurò something to the waitress, and returned

Your grace, the Patriarch, the two front rooms are your bedrooms, I thought that this would be acceptable to both with respect to two separate rooms, you also soon dinner

As she spoke to two guests arrived the maid holding a box, Ranian motioned to leave it all on the table. The Marshal looked at Duke and meanwhile opened the box

Here there is everything you need to write to Duke your wife, as you see what the host is given, now I leave you to your things.

She gave his name and made a bow, then turned Graufang

Patriarch! I wish you a quiet night

then pointing to both

If you need me, you can call me from one of the guards that is present in the corridors

Although he had given his availability doubted that the Duke would never asked her again greeted both with a bow and walked towards the door where the Regent and waited while a group of servants who had brought dinner for guests was entering
[Ala est]

Erano le sette di sera.
Leonardo, che aveva assistito a tutta la scena e aveva taciuto, ora si limitava ad eseguire gli ordini del Maresciallo. In quel momento della giornata c'era il cambio della guardia, sia dentro che fuori il Palazzo. Il soldato camminò lungo il corridoio dell'ala est per dare il cambio alle guardie che piantonavano le stanze degli ospiti, il Duca Adam e il Patriarca suo zio. Le altre guardie piantonavano tutte le altre aree del Palazzo, mentre a lui e a Katamazai erano toccate le stanze dei due ospiti. Stava appoggiato con le spalle al muro, la mano sempre appoggiata all'elsa della spada, pronta ad ogni evenienza. Non aveva mangiato molto: il cibo conciliava il sonno e toglieva la concentrazione. Sui muri, ardevano le torce impregnate di olio che ben illuminavano tutta l'area.


[East Wing]

It was seven o'clock in the evening.
Leonardo, who had witnessed the whole scene and had been silent, now was executing the orders of Marshal. At that time of day there was the changing of the guard, both inside and outside the Palace. The soldier walked down the hallway of the east wing to relieve the guards who were attentive to the guest rooms, the Duke Adam and the Patriarch his uncle. The other guards were careful to all other areas of the Palace, while to him and Katamazai were touched the two guest rooms. He was leaning with his back against the wall, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready for any eventuality. He had not eaten much: food invited to sleep and kept out concentration. On the walls, the torches oil-impregnated were burning and well lit throughout the area.
Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia
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