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[RP] - Meeting with the Duke of Styria

August 15 doctor's office

The hecticness outside the room is nothing Graufang would notice. The medicus and the stitches she's making are catching all of the patriarchs attention. Clenching his teeth and holding the guards hand, Graufang stood the procedure.
As the bandage is finished and the doctor is asking with kindness if the old man is fine, the patriarch nods with a fine smile. "Thank you, my lady." he says."I'm feeling much better now." The finger is touching the bandages, then Graufang notices the guards at the door. A voice from far away reaches the old ears. In a pensive mood the head turns towards the door. "What is going on?" ,he asks the doctor. The older Fugger hopes that the reason of this sort of turmoil is not Adam...


Die Hektik außerhalb des Zimmers ist nichts, das Graufang bemerken würde. Der Medicus und die Stiche sie macht, nehmen des Patriarchen ganze Aufmerksamkeit in Beschlag. Mit zusammengebissenen Zähnen und die Hand er Wache haltend, übersteht Graufang den Vorgang.
Als der Verband fertig ist und die Doktorin so freundlich fragt, ob der alte Mann in Ordnung ist, nickt der Patriarch mit einem feinen Lächeln. "Ich danke Euch, meine Dame." , sagt er. "Ich fühle mich jetzt viel besser." Die Finger berühren die Bandagen, dann bemerkt Graufang die Wachen an der Tür. Eine Stimme aus der Ferne erreicht die alten Ohren. Nachdenklich wird der Kopf zur Türe gedreht. "Was ist da los?" , fragt er die Ärztin. Der ältere Fugger hofft, dass der Grund für diese Aufregung nicht Adam ist.

Im Tower, hinunter die Treppen hin zur Krankenstation

Auch wenn Macces postwendend selbst erklärte, dass es kaum wahrscheinlich war, dass Graufang im Kerker sei, sorgte allein die Erwähnung der Möglichkeit dafür, dass sich das Bild von dem Alten in dem Loch in Adams Verstand einbrannte und sein Blut in Wallung brachte. Er würde den gesamten Palast abfackeln, sollten sie das gewagt haben, brandete der wütende Gedanke auf, der dabei war das rationale Denken auszuschalten. Mit einem geknurrten Laut, der Zustimmung bedeuten mochte, folgte Adam dem Kerl, der offenbar wusste wohin er sich zu wenden hatte, und zerrte die Nonne mit sich, die nur schwer mit seinen großen Schritten mithalten konnte. Ähnlich wie Mirabel, die hörbar ein wenig außer Atem war. „Diese“, ein Schimpfwort beschrieb die Inquisitorin, „hat Graufang aus der Zelle entfernen lassen. Er wehrte sich. Ich weiß nicht, ob er verletzt wurde. Die Marschallin sagte, es ginge ihm gut“, kam’s gepresst über die Lippen, während er unvermindert schnell hinter Macces hinterherlief, ohne auf den Weg zu achten. Vor einer Tür machte der andere halt, aber Adam, getrieben von Sorge um den Alten, ließ jede Vorsicht missen, öffnete mit einem Ruck die Tür und trat ein.


In the Tower, downstairs and then doctor's office

Although Macces explained immediately, that it was hardly probably, that they have arrested Graufang in the dungeon, Adam could not forget this thought and it stirred his blood. He would burn down the whole palace, if they had done so. His rational thinking ran the risk to be turned off. Adam growled, what meant agreement and then he followed the man, who knew where he had to go to and dragged the nun with him, who could hardly keep up with his steps. Similar Mirabel, who was a little out of breath, as he heard. "This," an swear word described the Inquisitor, "has expelled Graufang from the cell. He fought against the guards. I do not know, if he was injured. The marshal said he was fine, " he said in a strained voice, while he quickly ran after Macces, without paying attention to the way. In front of a door Macces stopped, but Adam, driven by concern for the old man, missed all caution and in one go he opened the door and entered the room
Lodovico e le tre guardie dopo essersi armati ed aver preso alcune picche corsero subito verso l'infermeria utilizzando un passaggio segreto che collegava l'armeria alle stanze più importanti del castello tra cui l'infermeria Imperiale.
Durante il percorso incontrarono altre otto guardie che sentito l'allarme si stavano posizionando e Lodovico ordinò loro:
Prendete le Picche e seguitemi andremo dentro l'infermeria Imperiale che se dovessero giungere lì gli faremo una bella sorpresa, sono sicuro che il Duca ed i suoi compari andranno o alle segrete o all'infermeria dato che sono convinto i due che sono entrati hanno sicuramente studiato la planimetria del castello e sanno dove sono le segrete e l'infermeria ma non sanno che recentemente è stata creata un altra infermeria per le Aquile Imperiali.

Poi gridò:
Giunsero alla porta segreta ed entrarono nell'infermeria e si posizionarono in attesa.
L'attesa fu breve dato che dopo alcuni instanti sentirono una forte botta e la porta si aprì violentemente.
Furente entrò il Duca con ancora la suora trattenuta per un braccio e dietro i suoi compari.
Lodovico nel vederlo entrare esclamò:
ben arrivato vi stavamo aspettando


Lodovico and the three armed guards after taking some spades and immediately ran toward the infirmary using a secret passage that connected the armory at the most important rooms of the castle including the Imperial infirmary.
On the way they met eight other guards who heard the alarm were placing Lodovico and ordered them:
Take Spades and we will follow in the infirmary Imperial that if they were to reach there we will do a nice surprise, I'm sure that the Duke and his cronies will go to the infirmary or secret or because they are convinced that the two are entered have certainly studied the layout of the castle and they know where are the secret and the infirmary but do not know which was recently created another infirmary for the Eagles Forum.

Then he shouted:
They came to the secret door and entered the infirmary and positioned themselves on hold.
The wait was short as a few instants after they heard a loud bottache and the door opened violently.
Entered the Duke still furious with the nun held her by the arm and behind his cronies.
Lodovico saw the boy exclaimed:
well come you've been waiting for
Ranian managed to reach the other tower, and quickly went down the stairs until you reach the kitchen, crossed onto the corridor leading to the accommodation of the military, where it was located also their infirmary, built recently at his request for his military , saw Jospin out of it, patrolling the corridor, Marshal knew that the fugitives had not reached them, approached the guard when he heard a thud, like a broken door, come west from the wing of the building, between the present room there was the infirmary of the imperial family, the woman smiled, no one except those who lived in the palace knew of a second infirmary

Hello Lucrezia!

She said with a bit of trouble and smiling at her

Patriarch! How are you? As I promised I have come to take you, but since the whole building there is a bit of hustle and bustle

She looked at the two guards

two shady individuals are able to enter the building

returned his gaze back to the old

not return to the tower, Jospin give a hand to the Patriarch and follow

so Ranian helped by the doctor and the guard left the office

Ranian riuscì a raggiungere l'altra torre, entrò e veloce scese le scale fino a raggiungere le cucine, le attraversò immettendosi nel corridoio che portava agli alloggi dei militari dove era situata anche la loro infermeria, costruita da poco su sua richiesta per i suoi militari, vide Jospin fuori da essa, perlustrava il corridoio, il maresciallo capì che i fuggitivi non erano giunti li, si avvicinò alla guardia quando udì un tonfo, come una rottura di porta, provenire dall'ala ovest del palazzo, tra le stanza presenti vi era l'infermeria della famiglia imperiale, la donna sorrise, nessuno, tranne chi abitava il palazzo sapeva di una seconda infermeria

Jospin mi serve il tuo aiuto, dobbiamo trasferire Graufang

il soldato annui e insieme a lei entrarono nella infermeria

Salve Lucrezia!

disse con un pò di affanno e sorridendo a lei

Patriarca! Come sta? Come le avevo promesso sono venuta a riprendere voi, ma visto che per l'intero palazzo c'è un pò di trambusto

rivolse lo sguardo alle due guardie

due loschi individui sono riusciti ad entrare a palazzo

riportò lo sguardo di nuovo al vecchio

Non ritorneremo più alla torre, Jospin dai una mano al Patriarca e seguitemi

così Ranian aiutata dal medico e dalla guardia lasciarono l'ufficio
15 agosto infermeria

Lucrezia aveva appena finito quando entrò il generale Ranian

Salve Lucrezia!

poi la ascoltò mentre spiegava ciò che stava accadendo in questo momento nell'infermieria Imperiale.

Gli ordini ricevuti erano di seguirla insieme al Patriarca e Jospin

Afferrò al volo la trousse da medico con il necessaire caso mai servisse, e alcune boccette su un ripiano.

Agli ordini Generale! sono pronta possiamo andare .

Prese sottobraccio il Patriarca

Si alzi, la sorreggo io !

August 15 infirmary

Lucrezia had just finished when he entered the general Ranian

Hello Lucrezia!

then listened as he explained what was happening at this time Imperial infirmary.

Orders received were to follow along with the Patriarch and Jospin

The box caught it from the doctor with necessaire case never served, and some bottles on a shelf.

At the behest General! we are ready to go.

Took his arm Patriarch

Stand up, the sorreggo me!

Ubaldo si trovava insieme a Katamazai nell'infermeria imperiale. Approfittando dello stato di sorpresa e delusione del Duca, il quale in quella stanza non aveva trovato ciò che cercava, e stando vicino alla porta, afferrò la suora tirandola a sé e liberandola dalla presa del Duca. Il suo “occhio da arciere” gli aveva permesso di capire che la stretta sulla suora non era più molto forte...


Ubaldo was in the imperial infirmary with Katamazai. Taking advantage of the state of surprise and disappointment of the Duke, which in that room had not found what he sought, and being near the door, he grabbed the nun pulling and freeing her from the outlet of the Duke. His “archer's eye” allowed him to understand that the close on the nun was not very strong...
Adam hatte erwartet dem Medicus gegenüberzustehen, mit viel Glück sogar Graufang, aber ganz sicher nicht dem Kerl, der eben noch die Klappe so weit aufgerissen hatte. Dementsprechend verblüfft war sein Gesichtsausdruck, ehe er sich fing. „Du kannst es nicht erwarten, das Schwert gegen mich zu schwingen, oder?“ grinste Adam. „Ich hoffe, du verzeihst, aber“, er neigte den Kopf wie zum Abschied, „du wirst warten müssen.“ Kaum gesagt, trat er den einen Schritt wieder zurück, den er hineingegangen war, stieß die Nonne gleichzeitig dem Kerl entgegen, der gerade nach ihr griff und nutzte die Gelegenheit, um mit einem Grinsen die Tür von außen zu schließen, die er dann verriegelte. „Lauft zurück!


Adam had expected to see the Medicus, maybe with luck even Graufang, but certainly not the guy who had boasted just a few moments ago. Accordingly, the expression of his face was astonished, before he caught himself. "You cannot expect to wield the sword against me, right?" Adam grinned. "I hope you will forgive, but," he bowed his head to farewell, "you will have to wait." He went a step back, pushed the nun in the direction of the man, who grabbed to her and used the chance to close with a grin the door from outside, which he locked then.
"Run back!"
15.08.1461 – Im Tower

Stufe um Stufe rennen sie die Treppen hinab, vorbei an der Türe, durch die Macces und sie gekommen waren, weiter hinab ins Erdgeschoss. Besagte Krankenstation wird schnell erreicht und der Herzog drängelt sich an Mira und Macces vorbei. Die Türe wird aufgerissen und ebenso schnell von Adam wieder geschlossen, nach einigen Worten, die keiner Erklärung mehr bedürfen. Es muss noch eine Station geben. Vielleicht im anderen Tower. blickt die Schwarzhaarige zwischen den Kerlen hin und her. Wir müssen über die Mauer hinüber… nickt sie bekräftigend und blickt am Giganten hoch, wobei ein freudiges Funkeln in ihren Augen liegt. …und wir geben ihnen noch mehr Arbeit! Kaum gesprochen wird die Hand ausgestreckt und eine der Fackeln abgenommen. Macces würde sofort wissen was sie meint. Los geht’s… raunt sie und rennt die eine Etage wieder hinauf.
Die gleiche Türe wie zuvor ist es, die geöffnet wird. Wieder ist das leise Quietschen zu hören und ein kühler Lufthauch kündigt die Nacht draußen an, eh man in diese hinaus tritt. Der Riegel and er Türe wird zugemacht, würde man ihnen dort nicht hinaus folgen können und die gesamte Mannschaft rennt über die Mauer auf den zweiten Tower zu. Einziger Lichtpunkt, der sie verraten kann die Fackel in der Hand der Räuberin. Doch nicht lang verweilt sie dort, bleibt die Schwarzhaarige auf den Mauern in der Höhe der Stallungen stehen, um dann die Flamme in den riesigen Haufen von Stroh zu werfen. Kurz bleibt sie stehen, sieht zufrieden wie das trockene Gras sofort hell auflodert und rennt dann mit der Gewissheit weiter, dass in Kürze der gesamte Stall brennen würde. Erst als sie hinter den Anderen in den Treppenaufgang des zweiten Turmes eintritt bleibt sie stehen, schwer der Atem und blickt von einem Kerl zum Anderen, wobei sie meint, gleich eine Genickstarre erhalten zu müssen. Wahrlich nun gleicht sie wirklich einem Zwerg zwischen den beiden Riesen! Hinunter? fragt sie und deutet mit dem Zeigefinger die Stufen hinab.

]15.08.1461 – In the Tower, downstairs again

Step by Stepp they run downstairs, till they arrive the infirmary. Adam opens the door, says some words und closes the door immediately and locks it. There must be another infirmary. Perhaps in the other Tower? She looks between the two fellows. We have to pass the mural… she looks at the giant and grins …and there we’ll give them some work. she nods and takes a torch from the wall. Macces would know what she means. Let’s go! she murmurs und runs back to the stairs where she came into the tower with Macces. Mira opens the door and they all go out, so that they can pass the mural. The only light is the torch in her hand, but not for long. When she is near the stables , the robber throw the torch into an area with a lot of hay. Immediately the hay catches fire, blazes up and the woman follows the two men into the second tower. She’s a little bit out of breathe again, while she looks between the two giants and asks. Downstairs?

Sie waren schneller ohne die Nonne, die sie hatten hinter sich herzerren müssen und es schien kaum Zeit vergangen zu sein, als sie sich dann auf der Mauer zwischen den Türmen befanden. Dass Mirabel die Fackel nicht nur mitgenommen hat, um ein besseres Ziel abzugeben, was er ihr an den Kopf geworfen hatte, fand Adam heraus, als diese funkensprühend im Stroh des Stalles landete. Der würde wie Zunder brennen. Anerkennend nickte der Herzog der Räuberin zu und eilte ihr weiter hinterher – in den nächsten Turm hinein.
Hinauf oder hinunter? Eine gute Frage. Vielleicht hatte sie den Alten auch einfach nur in eine andere Zelle im anderen Turm gebracht? „Haltet hier die Stellung und mir den Rücken frei. Ich werde mich oben umsehen.“


They were faster without the nun, who they had to drag after them and it seemed, that there were passed just a few seconds, when they reached the wall between the towers. That Mirabel did not take the torch to be a better seen target, what he had reproached her, he found out, when the torch landed in the straw of the barn. It would burn like tinder. He nodded acknowledging to her and followed Mirabel – into the next tower.
Up or down? A good question. Maybe they had just brought the old man in a different cell in the other tower? "Hold the position here and run interference. I will have a look around up there.”

Lodovico vide lo sguardò misto sorpresa e ira del Duca nel vederlo dentro l'infermeria tanto che nemmeno rispose al suo benevenuto, anzi come Ubaldo sottrasse dalle sue braccia la suora il Duca con uno scatto d'ira violenta chiuse la porta dal di fuori convinto di aver bloccato dentro Lodovico e le guardie.
Lodovico sorrise e disse alle guardie:

come abbia fatto a chiudere la porta solo lui lo sà dato che l'aveva scardinata per aprirla ma quando si è arrabbiati tutto riesce.
Comunque presto riprendiamo il passaggio segreto e portiamo d'urgenza nella l'altra torre e cerchiamo di bloccarli di nuovo.
Sarà una notte molto lunga e movimentata per fortuna che siamo abituati a correre.
Presto di corsa.

detto questo aprì il passaggio segreto e presero a correre verso l'altra torre passando per l'armeria.
Giunti all'ingresso dell'altra torre vide uno strano albore provenire da sotto le mura e presagì che avessero dato fuoco alla paglia sotto le mura per cui fermò due guardie e disse loro:

andate ad aprire la botola con le acque piovane in modo che cadano dalle mura e spengano l'incendio e poi raggiungeteci presso l'infermeria delle Aquile.

Poi con le altre nuove guardie e Ubaldo ripresero a correre verso l'infermeria delle Aquile Imperiali.


Lodovico saw the look mixed surprise and anger of the Duke to see him in the infirmary so that even answered his welcome, even as Ubaldo escaped from his arms the nun the Duke with a fit of fury closed the door from the outside convinced Lodovico had stuck inside and the guards.
Louis smiled and said to the guards:

how I managed to close the door only he knows since he had unhinged to open it but when you are angry everything succeeds.
However, soon we take the secret passage and bring emergency in the other tower and try to block them again.
It will be a very long and eventful night luckily we are used to run.
Early in the race.

said this opened the secret passage and began to run toward the other tower through the armory.
When you reach the entrance of the other tower saw a strange dawn to come from under the walls and foresaw that they had set fire to the straw under the walls for which two guards stood and said to them:

you go to open the hatch with the rainwater so that they fall from the walls and extinguish the fire and then join us at the infirmary of the Eagles.

Then with the other new guards and Ubaldo resumed running toward the infirmary of the Eagles Forum.
Ranian e i tre percorsero un lungo corridoio fino a giungere dinanzi ad una stanza, la donna prese una chiave, la inseri nella serratura e date due mandate aprì la porta, si mise di lato e fece entrare prima i suoi accompagnatori e poi lei, chiuse la porta a chiave. La stanza era buia e nonostante le finestre avevano le tende aperte non giungeva alcun raggio di luna, coperta da grandi nuvoloni, Ranian si distaccò dal gruppo camminando per la stanza, era a suo agio, la conosceva bene, si avvicinò a qualcosa di pesante, si udì solamente un rumore di qualcosa che si spostava, seguirono tre mandate di un'altra serratuta, e l'apertura di un'altra porta abbastanza pesante dal rumore che produceva, udibile solo ai tre, poi silenzio. Dopo pochi secondi apparve una luce, era una torcia che il Maresciallo aveva in mano e che illuminò appena la stanza dove si trovavano Graufang, Lucrezia e Jospin.


disse ai tre, entrarono in una stanza molto illuminata, priva di finestre ma nonostante ciò era arieggiata, vi era in essa un arredo di lusso, divani di velluto, un tavolo di legno pregiato e addirittura un camino

Sorpresi vero?

disse ai tre, ma era più rivolto alle sue guardie che a Graufang, che per tutto il tempo non aveva fatto che osservarla, richiuse la porta e abbassò una leva posta a terra, seguì il rumore di qualcosa che si chiudeva, poi si avvicinò all'anziano

Accomodati Graufang

guardò il viso dell'uomo e la ferita

Ti ho chiesto come stavi e non ti ho dato modo di potermi rispondere...scusami

prese una delle sedie e si sedette di fronte al Patriarca

Ti starai chiedendo cosa sta succedendo e perchè invece di essere portato nella cella da tuo nipote presso la torre sei in questa spece di stanza! Giusto?

Ranian poggiò le spalle allo schienale, pronta a spiegare tutto al vecchio, iniziava a rilassarsi un pò, aveva fatto una lunga corsa per giungere all'infermeria ed era abbastanza stanca e inoltre la notte si prospettava lunga e movimentata


Ranian and three went a long corridor until you reach a room, the woman took a wrench, plug it into the lock and given two mandate opened the door, stood to the side and brought in before his companions and then she closed the door. The room was dark and the windows had not reached open curtains any radius of moon, covered by large thunderheads, Ranian distanced by walking around the room, was at ease, the knew, approached something heavy, only a noise was heard something that moved, followed three sent another lock, and the opening of an other door heavy enough noise that produced, audible only to three, then silence. After a few seconds she was light a torch that the Marshal was in hand and that lit up just the room where they were Graufang, Lucrezia and Jospin.


She told three. Entered a room very lighted, no windows but nevertheless was ventilated, there was in it a luxury furniture, velvet sofas, a wood table and even a fireplace

Surprised right?

said to three with a grimace that could seem like a smile, but it was more aimed at his guards that at Graufang, that for all the time he had done that keep her, shut the door and lowered a lever on the floor, followed by the sound of something that is closed, then came to the elder

Accommodated Graufang and peaceful, fear not, I won't get hurt

looked at the man's face and the wound

I asked you how you're doing and have not given you a way to be able to answer ... I'm sorry

took one of the chairs and sat down in front of the Patriarch

You must be wondering what is happening and why instead of being brought into the cell by your grandson at the tower you are in this kind of room! Right?

Ranian put his shoulders back, ready to explain everything to the old, began to relax a bit, had a long run in order to reach the infirmary and was quite tired and also the night lay ahead long and eventful
15.08.1461 – Im zweiten Tower

Der Blick folgt dem Herzog, der die Treppen hinauf rennt und gehetzt sieht das Weib sich um. Wir müssen hier raus… wispert sie atemlos und betrachtet Macces für zwei Wimpernschläge. Schritte kann man hören, bestimmt von einem knappen Dutzend Stiefeln, die irgendwo unterhalb von ihnen entlang laufen und Mira beginnt leise zu fluchen. Der Alte muss zurück bleiben, sonst schaffen wir es nicht! spricht sie abermals und lenkt das Augenpaar dorthin, wo Adam verschwunden ist. Problem wird der Herzog sein. Wir müssen ihn hier weg schaffen. Auch gegen seinen Willen… raunt sie und erhält bestätigendes Brummen vom Kerl neben sich. Gerade rechtzeitig, hört man bereits die Stiefel des Mannes die Treppen hinab eilen.
Er scheint nichts gefunden zu haben, was man seinem Gesichtsausdruck zu deutlich ablesen kann und auch seine Eile, als er scheinbar direkt eine Etage weiter hinab laufen will. Doch schiebt sich in dem Moment Macces in seinen Weg und Mira selbst streckt eine Hand aus, mit der Absicht, Adam am Ärmel zurück zuhalten. Verstärkung ist schon angerückt Herzog. Wir konnten sie herbei eilen hören. wird in einem Ton auf den Mann eingesprochen, wie auf ein Kind, dem man etwas unsagbar wichtiges einzubläuen versucht. Wir müssen die Chance nutzen und verschwinden, solange wir noch an einem Stück sind. deutet sie mit dem Finger der Rechten auf die Türe zur Mauer hinaus. Es sind nur ein paar Schritte und den alten Mann werden wir hier später raus holen… das verspreche ich. schweigt sie nun und kann aus den Augenwinkeln sehen, wie Macces bereits die Pranken anhebt, um im Fall der Fälle den Herzog mit Gewalt aus dem Turm bugsieren zu können.

15.08.1461 – In the second Tower

Her look follows the duke, who goes upstairs. We have to get out of here… she whispers und looks to Macces. She can here the soldiers that run somewhere under them and Mira starts to damn quiet. The old man must stay here, otherwise we won’t escape. she says and looks to the stairs. The duke might be a problem. We have to get him out of here. If necessary, against his will… she whispers an the man on her side nods, while Adam comes downstairs again.
It seems as if he didn’t found anything, because he wants to go on downstairs. But Macces obstructs Adam and Mira wants to put a hand on his sleeve. They got reinforcement duke. We’ve heard them. she speaks to him like with a little child. We have to take the chance to escape as long as we are not wounded. she says during she points to the door with the wall behind. There are only some steps you need to go and the old man…. We will rescue him, that I promise to you! she keeps quiet but can see how Macces put up his hands to catch the duke if necessary.

15.08.1461 – Im zweiten Tower

Geh mir aus dem Weg“, wurde der andere Kerl angeschnauzt, als der sich vor ihm aufbaute und auch Mirabel’s Hand, die nach seinem Ärmel griff, wurde abgeschüttelt. „Was……“, wütete der Herzog weiter und bekam auch gleich Antwort auf seine unausgesprochene Frage. „Ihr wollt Graufang zurücklassen?“ Natürlich. Den beiden bedeutete der Alte nicht das, was er ihm bedeutete und nüchtern betrachtet, war die Entscheidung die einzig richtige, wollten sie nicht alle auf ewig eingekerkert werden.
Der Kaiser handelte getreu nach den Worten – aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn und die HDAK, in die er zumindest das Schicksal von Graufang und dem Herzog gelegt hatte, tat das, was sie am besten konnte: Nichts. Sobald die Türen hinter den vieren verschlossen wären, hätte man sie bereits vergessen. Ein Schicksal, dass Adam niemanden wünschte, schon gar nicht für Graufang, den eben das ereilen würde, ließe man ihn hier.
Nein! Wir gehen nicht ohne ihn!“ Schon hob sich die Hand, um Macces bei Seite zu schieben. Zur Not ging er halt allein.


15.08.1461 – Im the second Tower

Get out of my way“, Adam barked at the guy, when Macces plant himself in front of the Duke and also Mirabels hand, that grabbed to his sleeve, were shaken. “What…..”, the Duke continued to rage and got immediately answer to his unspoken question. "You want to leave Graufang?" Of course. The old man didn’t meant to them, what he meant to him and soberly considered, the decision was the right one, if they would not be imprisoned forever.
The emperor acted to the words - out of sight, out of mind and the HDAK, in which he had at least put the fate of Graufang and the Duke, did what they did best: nothing. Once the doors were locked behind the four, they would have been already forgotten. A destiny that Adam wished anyone, especially not for Graufang.
"No! We will not go without him! “ He raised his hand to push Macces aside. If all else fails he went to the emergency alone.
15.08.1461 – Im zweiten Tower

Wie erwartet wehrt sich der Herzog, will sich einfach am Giganten vorbei schieben, doch reagiert der blitzschnell und packt Adam an den Oberarmen, nachdem auch Mira zustimmend ein knappes Nicken entsandt hat. Tief atmet sie durch, fällt es ihr weiß der Teufel nicht leicht, jemanden zurück zu lassen und so ist es ein weiterer ruhiger Versuch ihn zur Vernunft zu bringen. Denke an deine Steiermark und die Menschen die dir dort vertrauen… spricht sie und öffnet die Türe hinter sich, damit heller Feuerschein in den Turm dringen kann. Wir müssen gehen, ehe die Flammen uns den Weg gänzlich versperren! nickt sie Macces zu, der irgendwie Spaß daran zu haben scheint den Herzog an den Armen zu packen und zu versuchen Richtung der Türe zu bugsieren.

15.08.1461 – In the second Tower

As expected the duke doesn’t want to go, why the giant wants to collar Adam after she nods. She takes a deep breathe, before she tries to talk to him in silent words. Think for Styria and the people there, who trust in you. She opens the door behind and they can see the high flames. We have to go before the flames blocks the way. she nods to Macces who wants to push Adam out of the door.

15.08.1461 – Im zweiten Tower

Das tue ich, wenn ich Graufang nicht hier zurücklasse. Die Steiermark braucht ihn!“ Nicht nur ein Kampf gegen übermächtige Wachen, die in der Überzahl waren, war es, sondern jetzt auch ein Kampf gegen Verbündete, die sich scheinbar gegen einen richteten.
Lass mich, verdammt“, brüllte Adam den Kerl an, der ihn an den Oberarmen gepackt hatte und Boden gewann, während er ihn in Richtung Tür und damit auf die Mauer zurückschob.


15.08.1461 - In the second tower

"I do so, when I don’t leave Graufang. Styria needs him! "It was not just a fight against superior guards anymore, who were in the majority, but also a fight against allies who apparently side against him. "Let me, damn," Adam shouted at the guy who had grabbed him by the upper arms and pushed him back toward the door and thus on the wall.
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