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[RP] - Meeting with the Duke of Styria

[Stanza Segreta/Ufficio di Ranian 15 Agosto 1461]

Sorrise al Patriarca e al pensiero di un Imperatore appartenente ad una chiesa riformata, sapeva che se mai fosse accaduto la Chiesa non sarebbe stata a guardare, aveva sentito di Principi e Re accusati dalla Chiesa Aristotelica perchè ritenuti eretici, lei stessa e i suoi uomini dovevano partecipare alla Santa Crociata sotto l'ordine del fu Imperatore Fenthick, crociata mai iniziata, stava rispondendo al vecchio quando dalla stanza a fianco si udirono rumori, portò il dito indice alla bocca per indicare a tutti di mantenere il silenzio, probabile che i tre fuggitivi erano giunti nel suo ufficio. Si avvicinò ad un quadro e lentamente lo scostò di lato, dall'altra parte legato a questo ve ne era un altro simile che si muoveva insieme al gemello, dando la possibilità a Ranian di poter vedere nella stanza, qualcuno aveva acceso le torcie, vide la divisa era Katamazai. Corse verso il meccanismò spostò la leva e con la chiave aprì la porta di ferro, lasciando entrare un Katamazai stranito ma allo stesso tempo arrabbiato

Allora? I fuggitivi dove sono? Li avete presi? E la suora?

[Secret Room/ Ranian's Office - August 15th 1461]

She smiled to the Patriarch and at the thought of an Emperor belonging to a Reformed church, knew that if anything had happened, the Church would not be watching. had heard of princes and Kings charged by Church Aristotelian because heretics, herself and her men were to attend the holy crusade under the command of Emperor Fenthick, crusade never begun. Was replying to the old, when from the next room they heard noises, brought his index finger to her mouth to tell everyone to keep silent, likely that the three fugitives had arrived in his office. She walked over to a picture and slowly pulled away from the side, the other side tied to this there was a similar one that moved along with his twin, giving you the ability to Ranian to be able to see into the room, someone had lit the torches, he saw the uniform was Katamazai. She ran to the mechanism moved the lever and the key opened the iron door, letting in a Katamazai weirded but at the same time angry.

So what? The fugitives where are they? Did you get them? And the nun?

Lodovico era molto arrabbiato quando sentì un rumore dietro di Lui, si voltò di scatto pronto ad usare la spada quando vide Ranian dall'altra parte del muro e borbottò qualcosa di strano ed alzò le spalle dirigendosi dentro la stanza segreta.
Ranian gli chiese notizie dei fuggitivi e della suora e Lodovico rispose:

Maresciallo Ranian per quanto riguarda la suora siamo riusciti a salvarla, Ubaldo con un abile mossa la sottratta dalle braccia del Duca Adam quando eravamo nell'infermeria nell'altra torre.
Lo stesso Duca con i suoi due compari si stava dando alla fuga quando uno dei suoi due compari lo ha spintonato giù dalle mura, ma non sò dirvi se sia illeso oppure ferito.


Lodovico was very angry when he heard a noise behind him, spun around ready to use the sword when he saw the other side of Ranian muroe muttered something strange and shrugged his shoulders heading into the secret room.
Ranian asked for news of the fugitives and the nun and Lodovico replied:

Marshal Ranian regarding the nun we were able to save her, with a clever move Ubaldo subtracted from the arms of the Duke Adam when we were in the infirmary in the other tower.
The Duke with his two buddies was giving the flight when one of his two buddies pushed him down from the walls, but I can not tell whether it is unharmed or wounded.

[Secret Room - August 15th 1461]

The finger of the marshal commands to keep the silence and so Graufang holds his breath and remains silent. The voice of a man is to hear and what this man is telling, seems very interesting. Adam was able to flee after he tried to find the patriarch and the nun is brought to safety. Graufang listens to the words of the guard and his lips are showing a little smile. But not for long, then the old man realises that he's alone. Will this place be his fate? Inprisoned for the rest of his days? A quick look to Ranian. Well, it won't do any harm to pray for both souls. For the one of the duke and the one of the patriarch...


Der Finger der Marschallin befiehlt Stille zu halten und so schweigt Graufang und hält den Atem an. Die Stimme eines Mannes ist zu hören und was dieser Mann sagt, ist höchst interessant. Adam konnte fliehen, nachdem er den Patriarchen zu finden versuchte und die Nonne ist in Sicherheit gebracht worden. Graufang hört die Worte der Wache und seine Lippen zeigen ein kleines Lächeln. Aber nicht für lange, dann ekennt der alte Mann, dass er allein ist. Wird dieser Ort sein Schicksal sein? Inhaftierten für den Rest seiner Tage? Ein kurzer Blick zu Ranian. Nun, es wird sicher nicht schaden, für beide Seelen beten. Für die des Herzogs und die des Patriarchen ...

[Stanza Segreta/Ufficio di Ranian 15 Agosto 1461]

Ranan ascolta le parole di Katamazai, incredula di quello che le stava dicendo, Adam era fuggito lasciando suo zio a Strasburgo, come aveva potuto fare questo, guardò il vecchio che la stava osservando un pò preoccupato, e questo la rese di nuovo piena di rabbia, come aveva potuto lasciarlo qua dopo che lui mai l'aveva abbandonato da quando erano giunti, anche la prigione era stato disposto a dividere. Rifletteva sulle parole di Katamazai "spinto dal muro" aveva detto

Se è stato spinto giù per il muro significa che non voleva andare

disse mentre si muoveva avanti e indietro pensando a cosa ora doveva fare, aveva due problemi la fuga di Adam e Graufang. Volse lo sguardo verso il vecchio

Tu non ritornerai nella cella

Se all'imperatore fosse giunta la voce che lei aveva tolto il vecchio dalla galera per renderlo di nuovo un ospite non gliel'avrebbe fatta passare liscia, le avrebbe dato la peggior punizione che un militare avrebbe potuto subire, ma in quel momento le punizioni per lei erano gli ultimi dei suoi pensieri, guardò la dottoressa

Lucrezia! Prepara la stanza che è vicino all'infermeria, Graufang fino a quando non ritorno resterà li, l'Imperatore non viene mai nei nostri alloggi per cui sarà nostro ospite, per la chiesa al momento prenderà una pausa. Katamazai!

esclamò portando lo sguardo al suo luogotenente

Prepara i cavalli, abbiamo una missione da svolgere..ah e prendi uno dei cani che si usano per la caccia, ci sarà utile per vedere per dove sono andati

si avvicinò ad un armadio lo aprì, all'interno vi era il pastorale del Patriarca e la spada di Adam, prese la spada e richiuse l'armadio

useremo questa per rintracciarli è di Adam e speriamo che vi sia sopra il suo odore

mentre Katamazai di corsa si diresse fuori dalla stanza per adempiere a ciò che Ranian gli aveva ordinato, quest'ultima pose la spada sul tavolo e si avvicinò al vecchio, che ora la guardava con un pò di tristezza, fece un lungo respiro

Lo sò perchè mi guardi così, so che vorresti che non andassi la fuori a riprenderlo

si avvicinò a lui abbracciandolo, permettendosi in questo modo di potergli parlare senza che altri la ascoltassero

Io non lo farei, ma c'è qualcosa che mi obbliga

la sua divisa, con quella lei non era semplicemente Ranian, ma un ministro e guardia dell'Imperatore, tenuta a rispettare i suoi ordini, si avvicinò di nuovo al tavolo, prese la spada, diede un'ultimo sguardo al vecchio, poi di corsa verso i corridoi fino alle stalle, salvate dall'incendio grazie alla rapidità di comando di Katamazai e dall'agire delle guardie

Per chi stava seguendo il gdr, la storia si sposterà qui --> per accedervi ci si deve collegare con il sito tedesco e sincronizzare il forum

[Secret Room/ Ranian's Office - August 15th 1461]

Ranan listen the words of Katamazai, incredulous of what he was saying, Adam had fled leaving his uncle in Strasbourg, how he could do this, looked at the old man who was looking a bit worried, and this made her back full of anger, how he could leave it here after he had never abandoned since had come, even the prison had been willing to share. Reflected on the words of Katamazai "pushed off the wall," he said

If he been pushed down the wall means he did not want to go

she said as she moved back and forth thinking about what she had to do now, she had two problems the escape of Adam and Graufang . Turned her gaze toward the old

You don't come back in the cell

If the emperor was the voice that she had removed the old from jail to make it again a guest would it not passed, he would have given the worst punishment that a military man could suffer, but at that time the punishment for her were the last of his thoughts, he looked at the doctor

Lucrezia! Prepare the room that is close to the infirmary, Graufang until I return, he will remain there, the Emperor is never in our accommodation that will be our guest for the Church ... at the time taking a break . Katamazai!

exclaimed, bringing his gaze to her lieutenant

Prepare the horses , we have a mission to carry out .. ah and take one of the dogs that are used for hunting, it is helpful to see where they went

approached a wardrobe, opened, inside there was the Patriarch's pastoral and Adam's sword, took the sword and closed the wardrobe

We will use this to track them down is Adam and we hope that there will be over its odor

while running Katamazai walked out of the room to fulfill what Ranian had ordered , the latter put his sword on the table and walked over to the old man, who now looked at her with a little sadness , took a deep breath

I know why you look at me like that, I know you want that I do not go out there to take him back

She came to him, hugging him, thus affording him speak without that others listen

I would not do that, but there is something that requires me

his uniform, with that she wasn't simply Ranian, but a Minister and Emperor's guard, was obliged to fulfil its orders, came back to the table, took the sword, he gave one last look at the old, then race to the halls to barns, saved by the fire thanks to the quick command by Katamazai and by the act of the guards

For anyone who was following the RPG, the story will move here -> to access it is to be connected with the German site and synchronize your forum

Nonostante le varie guardie mobilitate per la cattura del Duca, quest'ultimo era riuscito a scappare, ma il Maresciallo Ranian non aveva perso tempo a far preparare degli uomini e ad inseguirlo, mentre a Jhondoo aveva dato un compito molto importante, avvisare l'Imperatore dell'accaduto. Un pò timoroso si avviò presso le sue stanze, lunghi e enormi corridoi, fatti ogni giorno, ma in quel momento il cuore sembrava che volesse uscire fuori dal suo corpo. Giunto davanti alla porta dell'ufficio dell'Imperatore non pensò alle buone maniere, che tanto gli avevano insegnato, era una questione urgente e ogni minuto era prezioso, così mise mano alla maniglia e con furia entrò nella stanza, trovandosi dinanzi all'Imperatore

Maestà!...Il Duca...Il Maresciallo


Despite the various guards mobilized to catch the Duke, the latter had managed to escape, but the Marshal Ranian had lost no time in preparing to men and to follow him, while Jhondoo had given a very important task, inform the Emperor of the incident. A timid walked at his rooms, long corridors and huge, made ​​every day, but at that moment my heart seemed to want to come out from his body. Arrived at the door of the office of the Emperor did not think good manners, who had taught him so much, it was an urgent matter and every minute was precious, so he set his hand to the handle, and with fury came into the room, finding himself in front the Emperor

Majesty!...The Duke...The Marshal

in lutto per la perdita del caro amico The_king....
giuannin piange chinotto
[A few hours later, in the courtyard of the Imperial Palace of Strasbourg]

The Emperor had been warned of the flight of the false duke Adam Fugger, late in the night, while he was working in his office. He entered in a black rage which lasted for hours. Now, the dawn was rising over the imperial capital, and he was standing in front of the stall for horses ; where the fire started. Despite the reaction of the Imperial Guard, a large part of the building was burnt offering a vision of desolation, in the heart of the Imperial Palace. Ruins and ashes were fuming under a heavy rain.

He did his best to appear calm, but his hand - tightened in his glove - was shaking with anger. The idea that a man could escape from his palace was making him mad. Around him, some soldiers were gathered on his command. The rain sounded on their armor.

    "Find him and bring him to Us,... alive. In the coming days, Adam Fugger will be beheaded for his betrayal. He must not miss the hour of his death."

To die suddenly sometimes is a coup de grâce.

Pain. Pain runs to the old mans chest. Graufangs Hands are shivering, cold sweat runs down his brow. "Oh Lord" A painfull shout, that never leaves the throat. The patriach comes to the conclusion, that his fight is over. He's standing at the end of his path.The road of life, that leads either to safety or to ruin of the soul, has ended. Over sixty years the Lord had given to the Fugger but now He's asking for what belongs to Him. Now Graufang will go to a place where no one may search. This is not a retreat, this is a victory march. His foes must yield now without a fight - almost like they did the last years. The war for the faith ends with a glorious victory. - At least for the patriarch. But for every victory you gain, you always suffer a defeat...
But some battle was cruel. He saw enough bloodshed, enough death and pain. Caused by his familiy and caused by his church, by his word years ago as a judge. There are roads that must not be followed, decisions that must not be tested. Or a wasteland will be all that's left.
Graufang was willing to lead his church into the valley of war. Call all righteous to arms and break the heretic's resistance to drive them back to the right way. By force, if necessary. Or, otherwise, baptise them with fire and march for rome. He was willing to sacrifice a few to save a lot. Annihilation of all papal heretics that pay so little respect to the eternal Lord. - For the greater honor of God. Maybe now it's time for the church to call a truce. - Or time to strike where it hurts... But this decision is no longer at him. The bugle will no longer be blown for the old man. Now he's end is here. May the Lord have mercy with this sinners soul.
Like a lightning the face of his son appears at the old mans mind. The son, that turned out so badly. A robber and thief. But a dearly beloved one. Nevertheless, from time to time Graufang has wished Adam was his son...
Adam! Graufang begins to totter but his mind is focussed on the duke and his flight. The heretics definitely want hunt him down.
Oh..yes! Adam forced them to hunt him and now they will play the game by the dukes rules. They may come close but he will be still untouchable. Getting freedom and safety for his body and soul. What a cunnig fox this duke is! - The pain is getting stronger and with a deep groan the patriach sinks down to the floor. He sees the warm smile of the jung man, who is kneeing at the patriachs side and giving him a hand. Pat.. what, for aristotle sake, is he doing here? The light of a thousand suns seems to floot the room, washing away every pain and fear. Not a blinding light but a warm one, that covers Pat and Graufang.
The eyes wide opened,seeing what only the dying are allowed to see, Graufang fades with a smile....

[ Rientro a Palazzo Imperiale]

I cavalli erano stati recuperati e i corpi senza vita delle giovani guardie messi sul carro che i proprietari della fattoria avevano dato loro, marciavano con andatura lenta, il dolore per la perdita dei loro amici era troppo forte, man mano la foresta diveniva sempre più rada, lasciando spazio a quella che era la città di Strasburgo, e il castello più si avvicinavano e più si vedeva la sua maestosità. Giunti nell'atrio del palazzo i corpi furono deposti nella cripta, avvolti in grandi teli, mentre Ranian aiutata dai suoi uomini raggiunse l'infermeria, dove ad attenderla vi era una Lucrezia triste e preoccupata, il Maresciallo vide il suo volto, e nonostante il dolore che non cessava a fermarsi le sorrise

Tranquilla Lucrezia, deve ancora nascere chi mi uccide, ora tocca a te rimettermi a nuovo, ma prima dimmi Graufang, il patriarca, come sta?

l'aveva lasciato con aria triste, ma ora sarebbe stato felice di sapere che chi l'ha abbandonato era riuscito a sfuggire e che la sua libertà era costata la vita a giovani guardie e la sua prigionia nel palazzo

[Return to the Imperial Palace]

The horses had been recovered and the lifeless bodies of the young guards put on the cart that the owners of the farm had given them, marched at a slow pace, the pain for the loss of their friends was too strong, as the forest became more and more sparse, giving way to what was then the city of Strasbourg and the castle closer they got, the more you saw his majesty. Once in the lobby of the building, the bodies were placed in the crypt, wrapped in large sheets, while Ranian helped by his men reached the infirmary, where waiting for her there was a Lucrezia sad and worried, Marshal saw his face, and despite the pain that never ceased to stop smiled

Lucrezia quiet, yet to be born who kills me, now it's up to you to get back again, but first tell me Graufang, the patriarch, as he is?

had left him with a sad, but now he would be happy to know that those who have abandoned had managed to escape and that his freedom had cost the lives of young guards and his imprisonment in the palace
La guardia aveva saputo del ritorno di Ranian ed era corso nella stanza proprio nel momento in cui ella chiedeva notizie di Graufang.

La salutò militarmente e le disse:

"Il Patriarca è morto da poche ore ed io stavo andando a dare questa notizia a Sua Maesta."


The guard had heard about the return of Ranian and ran into the room just when she asked for news of Graufang.

With respect he saluted her and said:

"The Patriarch has been dead few hours ago and I was going to give this new to His Majesty."

Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia
[Palazzo Imperiale - L'infermeria]

Jospin entrò nell'infermeria, aveva un viso triste e preoccupato, le diede la triste notizia ebbe come una morsa allo stomaco e alla gola, non riuscì a dire una parola solo i pensieri andavano avanti, Graufang era morto, un altro ostacolo in meno per Adam, oppure no? Si doveva avvisare la famiglia, dovevano riprendersi il corpo, ma lei ora non stava bene ed era giusto che ad occuparsi di questa faccenda fosse l'Imperatore, guardò Jospin e gli parlò con voce flebile

Si! Vai avvisalo della morte del Patriarca e chiedigli dove deporre il suo corpo, alla famiglia penserà lui a far avere notizie..ora va corri

ricordò la minaccia fatta ad Adam, che non gli avrebbe fatto rivedere lo zio, e ora non l'avrebbe rivisto, non avrebbe rivisto in vita chi gli era stato accanto sostenendolo e aiutandolo

[Imperiale Palace - The Infirmary]

Jospin entered the infirmary, his face was sad and worried, he gave her the sad news was like a vice in the stomach and throat, he could not say a word only thoughts were going on, Graufang was dead, another less hurdle for Adam, or not? You had to call their family, they had to recover the body, but now she was not feeling well and it was right that to take care of this thing was the Emperor looked Jospin and spoke in a weak voice

Yes! Go warn him of the death of the Patriarch and ask him where to lay his body to the family he'll have to do now is run news ..

remembered the threat made ​​to Adam, he did not he would revise his uncle, and now he would see him again, he would not revised in the life, who had been next supporting him and helping him
    Dopo aver ascoltato l'ordine del Maresciallo, il Luogotenente corse verso l'ufficio dell'Imperatore. Bussò alla porta ed entrò.

    Fece un inchino in segno di rispetto e disse:

    "Vostra Maestà, vogliate perdonare la mia intrusione, ma devo dirvi una cosa importante. Il Patriarca Graufang è morto e il nostro Maresciallo Imperiale Ranian è ferito."

    Mentre parlava osservava le espressioni del volto di Sua Maestà, non riuscendo a immaginare quali pensieri avrebbero assalito la sua mente.


    After listening to the order of the Marshal, the Lieutenant ran toward the office of the Emperor. He knocked on the door and entered.

    He bowed in reverence and said:

    "Your Majesty, please forgive my intrusion, but I have to tell you something important. The Patriarch Graufang is dead and our Imperial Marshal Ranian is hurt."

    As he spoke, he watched the facial expressions of His Majesty, unable to imagine what thoughts would have assaulted his mind.

Araldo della Alto Nobile Famiglia dei Borgia

You alone can rescue

Ein paar Meter nur sind es, die mich von dem riesigen Palast trennen, davon vielleicht Erfolg zu haben oder die längste Zeit gelebt zu haben. Ich würde mir einreden, dass es nur Märchen sind, in denen Adlige die Kleinen einfach so umbringen, aber habe ich es nicht erst vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit erlebt? August von Murtal hat deutlich gemacht, was mit kleinen Lichtern wie mir passiert, wenn sie die falschen Spielbretter wählen. Nur, ich bin nicht derselbe wie zu diesem Zeitpunkt und dieses Spiel hier ist bei Weitem nicht so unvorbereitet gewählt, wie das letzte. Die Sachen sind edel, erheben mich in einen Stand, den ich ansonsten nur von Weitem sehe. Nicht das beste vom Besten, aber doch gut genug um mich nicht schämen zu müssen.
Mein Blick wandert über den Palast, einen Moment daran denkend, dass ich das Weib nicht enttäuschen darf, nicht nachdem ich ihr meine Entscheidung aufgezwungen habe. Das Wichtigste, dass ich zu ihr zurückkomme - nur für mich mit dem Zusatz, dass es mindestens gute Nachrichten sein müssten, die ich mit mir bringe. Ein letzter zweifelnder Blick und all die Einschüchterung, die dieser Bau für mich bereit hält, verschwindet hinter der Maske des halbreichen, halbverwöhnten Kerls, der ich nicht bin. Freundlich, aber bestimmt, humorvoll, aber nicht zu sehr. Natürlich Engländer, meine Herkunft lässt sich nicht ganz verbergen, auch wenn es nur die eine Hälfte ist. An das Tor heran und der Brief des Weibes wird hervorgezaubert. Good afternoon. Comyr of Wettin, Landgrave of Thuringia is waiting for me. We have an appointment. I am one of the styrian, Kelian Peverell. Soweit die erste Auskunft, es würde reichen mich anzukünden, ohne Frage natürlich, dass ich zum Kronrat gehöre. Abwartend - natürlich unbewaffnet -, dass ich eingelassen werde, bereit den Wachen zu dem Herren zu folgen, der nicht nur mein Schicksal in der Hand hält.


You alone can rescue

It is only a short distance, which is between me and this huge palace, only few meters, which will show me, if I will succeed or if I will have to die. I would lie to myself, that it is only a fairytale, that the privileged murder just so the unimportant, if they choose the wrong playground. But, I have seen it by myself, that it isn’t so. August of Murtal himself showed me, what I am worth and how quick I could end up as a puppet. Well, I am not the same guy as I were at this point in my life and here, at this game I am not as unprepared as I was there. My clothes are fine, not fine enough to be really important, but enough to show, that I am no stranger in this world.
My view slides over the palace, just taking a moment to remember how I left the women, with this feeling, that I shouldn’t disappoint her. No, I can’t, not after all – I dictated her my decision and know I have to succeed. The most important is, that I will come back to her – in my eyes with this little extra, that I have good news for her. One last, doubting glance before I begin to act. Nor more fear or uncertainty. I know pretty damn well, what will happen if I lose this game and so I stroll to the guards at the gate, to go inside. . Good afternoon. Comyr of Wettin, Landgrave of Thuringia is waiting for me. We have an appointment. I am one of the styrian, Kelian Peverell. Just this little, not more for my first words – actually there isn’t more to say than without a doubt I belong to the styrian council. There I stay, waiting for the moment, that I can go in and meet the man, that will be some kind of judge over me and my destiny.


As a servant announced Kelian Peverell Comyr looked up.
Why the guy hasn't speak a word about a lady coming with him?

Nevertheless, Comyr told the servant to show the member of the styrian council the way to his rooms...


You alone can rescue

Die erste Hürde ist genommen, vielleicht ist es aber auch gar nicht diese, die genommen werden muss. Wer würde mir den Eintritt schon verwehren, wenn eben diese Worte auf dem Papier gelesen wurden? Die Frage ist eher, wie komme ich wieder heraus? Nun, sie würde sich später stellen, denn zunächst folge ich einem der Diener, die mich durch den Palast in den richtigen Flügel und dann auch noch zum richtigen Zimmer führen. Ich warte bis ich angekündigt werden, atme einmal ungesehen tief durch und nun beginnt wohl der dritte Akt in diesem Spiel. Einer, der einen Höhepunkt mit rasant fallender Spannung zum Ende hin verspricht.
Sicheren Schrittes betrete ich das Zimmer, die Augen nicht umherwandernd um den Reichtum zu erblicken, sondern einzig auf den Mann gewandt, der hier zu entscheiden hätte. Die Gedanken daran, dass er Deutscher ist, veranlassen mich dazu auch die Worte auf Deutsch zu wählen, immerhin fühlt man sich in seiner Muttersprache immer am wohlsten. "Eure Hoheit, danke dass Ihr mich empfangt." Eine kurze, angedeutete Verbeugung, angemessen weit entfernt von dem Mann. Ich kenne meine Rolle, ich weiß wie ich zu spielen haben. "Ich fürchte, ich muss auch die nächste Dame entschuldigen. Rondra Fugger ist infolge ihrer Schwangerschaft leider unpässlich und so hat sie mich als ihren Vertreter geschickt." Ich strecke den Arm aus, um den Brief an einen Diener zu überreichen, der mich als den richtigen ausweisen und eben Worte des Bedauerns übermitteln würde.
Ich warte, dass die Möglichkeit besteht, sich den Brief* geben zu lassen, bevor ich fortfahre. "Als Kronratsmitglied liegt es mir natürlich ebenso am Herzen die beiden Fugger zu sehen und über die Modalitäten zu reden, wie die beiden mit uns kommen können." Das ich die beiden gar nicht mehr hier wähne, lassen die Worte nicht erkennen. Nur mein Blick liegt wachsam auf dem Wettiner, um eine eventuelle Reaktion zu sehen. "Die Steiermark vermisst ihren Herrscher, sie braucht eine starke Hand. Die Familie Fugger vermisst ihren alten Onkel. Ich hoffe, es gibt etwas, was Ihr für mich tun könnt."

*Eure Hoheit Comyr von Wettin,

verzeiht meine Abwesenheit und das alleinige Erscheinen des steirischen Kronratmitglieds Kelian Peverell. Seid versichert ich bedaure es zutiefst Euch heute nicht aufsuchen zu können, glaubt mir, es fällt mir nicht leicht gerade diese Angelegenheit einem anderen zu überlassen. Doch bin ich guter Hoffnung und dieser Umstand zwingt mich zur Bettruhe.
Kelian Peverell genießt mein vollstes Vertrauen und hat meine uneingeschränkten Befugnisse über den Verbleib meiner Anverwandten mit Euch zu verhandeln. Trotzdem hoffe ich Euch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt persönlich aufsuchen zu können.

Möge der Herr Eure Schritte leiten und seine Hand schützend über Euch halten
Rondra Fugger
Gräfin von Leoben


You alone can rescue

The first step is taken, but maybe it is quite not this one, which I have to take. Who would deny me the entrance to this building, with the words from my lady? The question would be, how I would come out. Well, now there is another present, so I just follow one of the servants into the palace, the right wing and the right chamber. I actually wait, while the man is announcing me, breathe deeply – unseen – and with this the third act begins. A dramatic play in a short amount of time with a climax, that will end with a fast decreasing tension.
With a confident move I go inside, my eyes straight faced toward the man, that will decide. No look to one side, even if I assume, that this room would be the most beautiful I have ever seen. The knowledge, that Comyr is german, cause my decision to speak german. Everyone feels better, when he can use his mother tongue. "Your highness, I am afraid, that I have to excuse the second woman. Rondra Fugger is sick, caused by her pregnancy and so she send me alone to be her ambassador." I take the letter*, which she wrote, so that a servant could take it to the landgrave. Just a few words, that would confirm my person and tell him, that she is sorry.
I wait a moment, so Comyr could eventually read the letter, if he wishes to. "As a member of the styrian council it is also important to me, to see both Fugger and also to speak about the options, which will give us those guys back." That I don’t think that any of them isn’t any longer here, don’t follow my words. Only my eyes do watch the Wettiner more closely, maybe to catch a hint. "Styria misses his regent, it needs a strong hand. The family Fugger misses their old uncle. I hope, there is something, that you could do for me, the Fuggers and Styria."

*Your highness Comyr of Wettin,

I have to apologize for my absence and the sole appearance of the styrian councilmember Kelian Peverell. Be sure about the fact, that I deeply regret, that I can’t be there for our appointment. It wasn’t an easy decision, to send another one but me to deal with this important matter. But, I am pregnant and this circumstance forces me to hold bed rest.
Kelian Peverell has all of my trust and faith. Also, I allow him to deal with all the concerns in the matter of the to Fugger. Nonetheless, I hope to see you personally, as soon as my pregnancy will allow it to me.

May the LORD bless you and keep you safe,

Rondra Fugger
Countess of Leoben


Comyr took the letter, read it, read it again and started to laugh a few moments.
Then he answered in German also, obviously amused for the moment:

"Welcome, welcome, Kelian Peverell, member of the styrian crown-council.
I just thought about offering you a seat, but I ask myself if you'll have that much time."

He smiled again, a thin smile nowwith fiery eyes,
offering that he wasn't amused about this masquerade.

"Please say the Countess of Leoben, that I offered safe conduct for Anakonda and her entourage. And that I'm a man of honor.
So there was no reason to fear that I'll hold her and Anakonda instead of the escaped Duke.

Please tell her also, that I pardon her her insulting, showing in that lie of letter, only because she is a woman and I'm a chevalier.
At least I don't understand it, but it doesn't matter."

Comyr stood up, walking towards the window.

"For sure you know, that Adam has fled. Breaking his promise, showing that he isn't a honorable man."

He turns back and looks towards Kelian again.

"I regret this, to be honest. Anyway, at least you've shown, that you trust in my word of safe conduct.
So, Kelian Peverell, tell me what your desire is.


He tooks the bottle in front of him, offering it towards Kelian, showing to a seat...

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