A carruagem brasonada dos Sousa Coutinho pára diante da Catedral de São Titus. De imediato um jovem pagem salta para o chão, corre para a porta do edifício e anuncia: - Sua Alteza Real Dom John Martins de Almeida Miranda e Sousa Coutinho, Príncipe Regente do Reino de Portugal, Duque de Bragança, Marquês de Fronteira, Conde de Linhares, Conde de Leiria, Visconde de Asseca e Barão de Alvito! John sai da carruagem e prossegue calmamente o seu caminho até ao interior da Catedral. Ali encontra os seus conterrâneos Dom Capeside, os Marqueses de Vila Real e Dama Beatrix: - Meus caros é sempre agradável encontrar gentes reconhecidas nestas terras estrangeiras. Dom Capeside parabéns pelo recebimento deste título. O seu trabalho em prol da Igreja merece bem ser recompensado.
The Sousa Coutinho's emblazoned carriage stops stops in front of St. Titus Cathedral. Immediately a young page jumps to the ground, runs into the building door and announces: - His Royal Highness Dom John Martins de Almeida Miranda e Sousa Coutinho, Prince Regente of the Kingdom of Portugal, Duke of Bragança, Marquis of Fronteira, Count of Linhares, Count of Leiria, Viscount of Asseca and Baron of Alvito. John leaves the carriage and quietly continues its way to the interior of the Cathedral. There he finds his countrymen Dom Capeside, the Marquises of Vila Real and Lady Beatrix: My dear friends it's always nice to find people known in these foreign lands. Dom Capeside congratulations on receiving this title. Your work for the Church deserves to be rewarded.
The Sousa Coutinho's emblazoned carriage stops stops in front of St. Titus Cathedral. Immediately a young page jumps to the ground, runs into the building door and announces: - His Royal Highness Dom John Martins de Almeida Miranda e Sousa Coutinho, Prince Regente of the Kingdom of Portugal, Duke of Bragança, Marquis of Fronteira, Count of Linhares, Count of Leiria, Viscount of Asseca and Baron of Alvito. John leaves the carriage and quietly continues its way to the interior of the Cathedral. There he finds his countrymen Dom Capeside, the Marquises of Vila Real and Lady Beatrix: My dear friends it's always nice to find people known in these foreign lands. Dom Capeside congratulations on receiving this title. Your work for the Church deserves to be rewarded.