Il Cardinale Attanasio non poteva mancare. Arduino era da sempre come il figlio che non aveva mai avuto e non poteva non esserci il giorno in cui il Santo Padre lo nominava Principe della Chiesa.
Era molto orgoglioso di lui.
Sorrise vedendolo. lo salutò con un cenno della mano, poi andò a sedersi tra i fratelli Cardinali.
Era il Cancelliere della CDF e come tale il suo posto era a fianco del Papa.
Cardinal Attanasio could not miss it. Arduino was always like the son he had never had and there could not be the day the Holy Father named him Prince of the Church.
He was very proud of him.
He smiled at him. he greeted him with a nod of his hand, then went to sit among the Cardinals brothers.
He was the Chancellor of the CDF and as such his place was alongside the Pope.
Era molto orgoglioso di lui.
Sorrise vedendolo. lo salutò con un cenno della mano, poi andò a sedersi tra i fratelli Cardinali.
Era il Cancelliere della CDF e come tale il suo posto era a fianco del Papa.
Cardinal Attanasio could not miss it. Arduino was always like the son he had never had and there could not be the day the Holy Father named him Prince of the Church.
He was very proud of him.
He smiled at him. he greeted him with a nod of his hand, then went to sit among the Cardinals brothers.
He was the Chancellor of the CDF and as such his place was alongside the Pope.