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Réponse de Tenno no Amaterasu au Shogun.

Oh Laylani you are here and i'm still waiting for an answer.

Can you tell to your friend from Hakateyama that you had propose Owase people 50 k for the better miner in Miyoshi Gold mine !

Manusia and Isa do you realize that you had the intention to overthrow the government just because of false rumors?
You are exclusively responsible for our departure, and now the emperor still do not give you anything ... No power and corruption that climbs climbs ...
The shiro banquet that I have provided before leaving is not scheduled for one month either ...

You say you're not blind then told me what you saw Manusia ?
You saw mines properly maintained and opened, markets supplied, animals available. Wheat and rice purchased regularly to all koris and he never failed to government or finance points except the day YOU changed her mind at the last minute by not providing it!


Oh laylani vous êtes ici et j'attends toujours une réponse de votre part.

Pouvez vous dire clairement à vos "amis" d'Hakateyama que vous avez proposé 50 k aux meilleurs mineurs d'Owase pour qu'ils travaillent dans la mine d'Or de Miyoshi !
Manusia et Isa vous vous rendez compte que vous avez eu l'intention de renverser le pouvoir en place juste sur la base de rumeurs mensongères.

Vous êtes les seuls responsables de notre départ et maintenant l'empereur ne vous a toujours pas rien donné. Toujours pas de pouvoir et la corruption qui grimpe, grimpe....

Les frais de bouche que j'ai prévu ne sont pas prévu pour 1 mois non plus.

Vous dites que vous n'êtes pas aveugle alors qu'avez vous vu ?

Vous avez vu des mines parfaitement entretenues et ouvertes, des marchés fournis, des animaux toujours disponibles. Du riz et du blé acheté régulièrement sur l'ensemble des marchés et il n'a jamais manqué de points d'état ou de finances sauf le jour où VOUS Manusia avez changé d'avis sans préavis en ne répondant pas à l'embauche pour laquelle vous vous étiez proposé.

Amaterasu prit une gorgée de Saké.
Just in terms of the legality of the revolt...

Isamu Shimizu was today elected as daimyo by the last elected council. The revolting council has not been implemented yet. Isamu Shimizu is thus a fully lawful daimyo, and may legally authorise the transition to the revolted council.

Problem solved

Haya_ongaku a écrit:
Just in terms of the legality of the revolt...

Isamu Shimizu was today elected as daimyo by the last elected council. The revolting council has not been implemented yet. Isamu Shimizu is thus a fully lawful daimyo, and may legally authorise the transition to the revolted council.

Problem solved

Hatakeyama retournera à son état initial de "no man's land" inefficace, potentat vassal de Miyoshi et de la Shogun, emplit d'une multitude de légistes mous du pantalon et de chieurs qui, en dehors d'hurler quotidiennement, ne comprennent strictement rien à la politique et à la gestion d'un Kuni.

Bref, bonne chance! Va vous en falloir
Francesca. a écrit:
Haya_ongaku a écrit:
Just in terms of the legality of the revolt...

Isamu Shimizu was today elected as daimyo by the last elected council. The revolting council has not been implemented yet. Isamu Shimizu is thus a fully lawful daimyo, and may legally authorise the transition to the revolted council.

Problem solved

Hatakeyama retournera à son état initial de "no man's land" inefficace, potentat vassal de Miyoshi et de la Shogun, emplit d'une multitude de légistes mous du pantalon et de chieurs qui, en dehors d'hurler quotidiennement, ne comprennent strictement rien à la politique et à la gestion d'un Kuni.

Bref, bonne chance! Va vous en falloir
Haya_ongaku a écrit:

Ouchi Masahiro doesn't know if he's supposed to have the right to speak in this Embassy but has been listening to the discussion avidly. So, he sits silently, thinking. The last speaker, the former Daimyo of Hatakayama, spoke in a manner he didn't understand. Ouchi's best attempt to understand the dialect the ex-Daimyo spoke was this:

Hatakeyama return to its initial state of "no man's land" ineffective potentate vassal of the Shogun and Miyoshi, filled with a multitude of forensic soft trousers and chieurs who, outside of screaming daily, does nothing to include policy and management of a Kuni.

In short, good luck! Will you have to

Not only were there words he didn't understand (like
forensic soft trousers and chieurs) but, having lived in both Miyoshi and Hatakayama, he was totally aware of the severe and ongoing bad blood between the two kunis, which had on one occasion led to a protracted and harmful war. So the general thrust of the comment appeared to make no sense either. Perhaps he has misunderstood? Perhaps someone else could translate better. Perhaps it didn't matter? The speaker was after all, involved with a criminal organisation, had fled from her responsibilities, no doubt because all along the best interests of the people of Hatakayama had been far from her mind, and was using the debate chambers to speak about a matter that seemed unrelated in any case to the topic of the debate: Réponse de Tenno no Amaterasu au Shogun. Hmmmm
She looked at the new arrived wondering why he was there, since he didn't speak nor seemed to have other interest than look around in silence.
Too many there had made accusations far beyond the acceptable, being they had no support whatsoever in the facts so to sustain them.
It seemed that the only interest of some people was to slander others to their advantage and that was the reason for which they were there, the core of the debate: to stop such disgusting, dishonest and shallow practise.

Maybe the guy didn't understand a thing of what had been said and that was the reason for his silence - she thought whilst sipping her sake.

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