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[CRP]Ribbons and hills

As Lukoki wiped down the tables she heard Gilles mention about the merchant boys' food be added to his bill which was no trouble at all. She would get to that soon as the tables were wiped down. The happiness was just rolling off of Gilles and Luko couldn't be happier. This day couldn't get any better she thought to herself. Smiling happily she went about her chores and continued to mentally put her todo list in order. There was always so many things to do and never enough daylight to accomplish everything.

Amidst her scurrying Luko heard Gilles speak aloud once again.
Her name is Annabelle and apparently she is originally French. Annabelle... A name that suits her very well. Did you know that "belle" in French means "beautiful".

As Luko turned to say something to Gilles he was gone. She just heard the crack of that stair that Ruks had promised her he would get fixed. She sighed loudly and went to make a note once again about the stair. He just had to get that fixed. No more putting off til tomorrow things that were important. The tavern was showing signs of neglect and Ruks might very well have other responsibilities in the town but he also needed to make an appearance in his tavern too. Storming off to the office Lukoki found another piece of parchment, some ink and a quill. This wasn't going to had to be noted now.

Ruks.......I am not sure if you recall but I left you a note in the office......that stair leading up to the rooms.....well it is making a terrible sound again. Much worse this time. It really needs some repair and my concern is that it can't take much more pressure or weight. Now that you have a guest in the upstairs, you might want to consider working on the tavern repairs sooner than later. I know you are rather busy but at the same time might it be possible to hire someone to do the work instead?


Looking over her note to Ruksmuf, she decided it looked just about right and she placed it back in the office right under his favorite bottle of Scottish Whiskey. It was sure to be noticed there. The office was looking quite messy and Lukoki added that to her mental list of things she wanted to tend today. Just another item in the long list of chores that seemed to be piling up. Certainly there wouldn't be enough daylight to complete it all.

CRACK, SNAP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP What in the name of Jah was that sound. Lukoki rushed to the no no it couldn't be was all she could muster. Barely a whisper was the sounds coming from her mouth. There at the bottom of the stairs lay Gilles.......still......not moving at all. That stair had finally given out! Rushing to the bar Luko grabbed a few cloths and rolled them up to place them under Gilles head. She had no idea what to do since she certainly wasn't a doctor! The only experience she had in this department was when she had healed Ruks back from his near death, but that was different. She didn't dare move Gilles and yet she had to do something. Panic was rushing through her very being.....she could feel her heart racing and the blood rushing to her face. With a deep breath she calmed herself down and thought carefully....

Young fella, I know you are not quite done eating yet but might you run into the market and see if you can find a doctor or someone that can help out? Oh my goodness, I know this is alot to ask of someone so young but I do not know what else to do. Maybe by chance if you see Miss Annabelle too, she might have an idea of who we might seek out in this regard.

With that Luko reached in her apron and tossed the merchant boy 3 coins and hoped he would hurry. Gathering her pitcher of water and a rag she ran back to Gilles side and made a cold compress to place on his forehead. She didn't observe any gashes to his head but any injury in a fall such as this she knew the swelling could be dangerous. All she could do now was wait.
Gilles is on the floor. He is unconscious and has no idea what is going on around him. His mind sees green hills in pale fog. The fog lifts and fiery red ribbons dance in front of him. He tries to grab them but can't catch them. Then the image disappears and all becomes black.

Out of the dark a girl with blond hair and blue eyes comes towards him. She laughs and reaches out. Then she disappears. It's like being pulled back. Gilles looks at her until the figure is gone, a small dot and then nothing any more. That peaceful black again.

But then. Suddenly. Two eyes come at him at lightning speed. Dark eyes, brown, almost black, surrounded by that deep darkness. The white of the eyes is flowing from blood and Gilles can swear that the eyes look very angry at him, furious even.

But as soon as the eyes came towards him they are gone again and Gilles falls into a deep peaceful sleep.

The kid stuffed another one of the little honey buns into his mouth, chewing contentedly on it. In the last few minutes, he's been so immersed in packing it all away that he barely minded what was going on or was being said around him. Suddenly, his attention got dragged away by a loud racket, as of a heavy thing falling from upstairs, this made him almost choke on his food out of shock. He hurriedly picked the large mug of apple drink up and took a few gulps from it.

Raising his eyes to take his surroundings in, he noticed Gilles lying down on the bottom of the stairs, unconscious.

- What i' the wee man happened ? He gasped, scrapping his chair back and standing then making his way towards the unmoving body. Oi ! Big Brathair ! Yer A'right ?

He dusted off both of his hands before nudging him with his right one, no response. Did he die from that fall ?

He quickly took a few steps away from Gilles as he heard the hurried footsteps of the bartender coming down the stairs. The blonde woman seemed quite beside herself as she quickly rushed to the bar to grab some clothes then back to where Gilles was lying down, knocked out. After a moment, the bartender, who apparently simmered down a bit, looked up at him and told him to go fetch any doctor or even Annabelle who might save the lads life.

The urchin stood still for a few seconds, hesitating, wondering if it would be appropriate to ask for another fee as an exchange for this service. Luckily, he deemed the idea unwise, it would probably earn him but a couple wallops on his cheeks from the angered lady.

He'd just have to ask for his payment afterwards, the kid was mischievously cunning when it came to pecuniary matters, even when someone's life was at the stake.

- Aye Ma'am. He answered, A'm on it !

He went to his table and piled three of the remaining buns in his hand then immediately rushed towards the doorway to find someone who could help the young man.

OOC : Sorry for the belated reply, I'm back now
TPB AnnabelleJoy
She'd been standing still for over an hour on that same street she had previously found the kid at, excpecting him to return with Gilles response. She was starting to wonder what was taking him so long. The longer she waited the more worried she became. Something was wrong, she told herself, but what ? She had no idea. What if the kid was unable to find Gilles. Or worse, what if all this was but a prank to make fun of her ? Anxiously, she started pacing back and forth. She thought to herself she'd better get out of here and go back home before she finds herself in a very dangerous situation. No, just a couple more minutes , she still had hope that this wasn't some kind of a sick joke. Something about that letter seemed honest for her to keep waiting.

Her patience paid off when she finally spotted the beggar boy, he was sprinting toward her as fast as his small legs would allow. He'd done it ! But again, something was wrong, why was he running so fast ? Her brows furrowed in anxiety when he got close enough for her to be able to make out his features. He seemed kind of...worried ? What in Jah's name happened to him ?

When he made it to her, he stopped and leaned his back against a wall, gasping and struggling for breath, he eventually managed to whimper something :

- Ye Ye got..Ye gotta co..come wi'me n-n-now noooow ! A-A-AH think th..that guy is gonn-gonnae die.

She didn't answer immediately, as she didn't know what to say and was wondering if she just misheard the little guy, yes that was it ! Surely she misheard him telling her that someone was gonna die, who could that be ? Gilles ? No, that would be ridiculous. She took a deep breath and asked him calmly:

- I'm sorry but could you repeat what you just said, I think I heard you wrong ? Did you find him ?

- ye ye Ah found yer ... Gilles or whitevur his name was. He said impatiently. Bit he fell doon th' stairs and he doesn't wake up na mair !

- What ?! She shouted, panicking. Are you kidding or something? You better not because that's not funny at all !

- Wut Ah'm not kiddin' ye !! He shouted back at her, seemingly offended. The blonde lass..The bartender... tol' me tae fin' ye. That Jimmy needs a doctor fur his knocked heid, Ah dinnae ken any doctor, do ye ken one o' em?

- Bon sang. She said in her native language. You're not joking, are you ? ... what ? A doctor ? No, I know of no doctor, I moved here recently so I can', listen kid, can you take me there, where Gilles is ? I don't think I can help him but just take me there so I can... well, take me there and we'll see, s'il te plait ?

She wasn't sure what to do at the moment, all she could think about was that she needed to check on his injury first before deciding upon the best course of action. She slightly gathered up the bottom of her robe with both of her hands and followed the steps of the urchin.

Minutes later, they were in front of Castle Varrich inn. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and rapped her knuckles against the door before pushing it open.

Hesitatingly, she peered inside, peered again, then entered. There was a blonde woman kneeling beside a body lying on the floor.

- Hello madam, she said worriyingly, um, sorry but is that Gilles over there ? Is he okay ?!

She hesitated a moment before taking a few steps towards them, waiting for a reply from the woman.

Bon sang = Damn it
S'il te plait = Please
Lukoki really didn't have much experience in this area....of treating the wounded that is. She had once taken care of Ruks when he was on his deathbed....but that was different! She had loved him with every thread of her being....she just knew what to do. She let her mind drift for what felt like forever...back to that time. She just needed to dip into that well of memories to retrieve a bit of the knowledge that had been forever tucked away. She needed to force herself to remember what she had done, how she had handled that situation.

Shaking herself back to the here and now she realized the lady had arrived and was actually speaking to her.
Oh M'lady, yes this be he......he took a nasty spill down the stairs and he hasn't moved since he landed here. I have made him as comfortable as I can but alas he has yet to move or wake up. I have a wee bit of ice and plenty of water..........but I fear he doesn't respond to my voice. I am after all a stranger until very recently"

Lukoki put on her best smile of encouragement and gestured to the lass to come in. Do come in dear and perhaps if you wouldn't mind applying the cold cloth with some ice chips in it......and perhaps try talking to him while I run and see if perhaps I can find a doctor in town? It seems the wee lad found you but not a doctor so with both of us looking we might have a remote chance"

Lukoki wasn't sure there was even a doctor in town today but she had to try anything. Perhaps she would wait a few minute in hopes that the ice and cool compress would help. With her hands trembling the way they were she was hoping the beautiful Annabelle, with her music like voice would bring Gilles out of his unconscious state.
Voice. Far away. Like through a dense mist. Then clear. A woman's voice, soft and gentle.
Gilles blinks. His head aches. Light burns in his eyes. He recognizes the woman holding him, he thinks.

Mam, ben jij dat? Wat is er gebeurd?

A brief moment of consciousness and he is gone again. Falling into a deep sleep.
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