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To the warriors of West A the West A warlike Texcoco Aux of Texcoco
Can this treaty be the consequentive base of respect and reciprocity between our two peoples. As from this day, the warriors recognized in one of both provinces are him in the other one, and conversely. So, the recognized warriors can honor the gods in West as in Texcoco, without distinctions in front of the divine laws of every province.
Quite other not recognized warrior will be considered as vulgar one criminal and judged consequently(accordingly).
The gratitude(recognition) of a Warrior means that the warrior in question carried out(achieved) is Camaxtli according to the traditions of his(her,its) province. So, if the stake not procés is completely possible, it will be up to Cihuacoatl to verify the status of the defendant(accused) and to judge consequently(accordingly).
The divine laws on the clan revolts will be respected, that the warriors at the origin of such a grip(taking) are tlaxcaltèques or acolhuahs. In case of devastation of a clan further to a revolt or a grip(taking) of army (taxes IG, put in negative), the warriors at the origin of this ignoble act will be translated at once in front of the provincial court of Texcoco or West and will have to answer of their acts in front of the almighty gods. If these are clement, the warriors will be disarmed(moved) and deprived of their possessions (Fine understanding(including) the minimal price(prize) of weapons carried(worn) as well as the sum of quachtlis contained in the inventory and the value of the contents of the despoiled money orders(mandates)). Should the opposite occur, the capital punishment will be applied to them.
The warriors having carried out(achieved) this unfortunate action(share) will have all the same the possibility of redeeming itself by making an offering as high as the damage caused to the Big Temple (amicable settlement of a fine the amount of which will be negotiated
Occident of Tlaxcalan
To the warriors of West A the West A warlike Texcoco Aux of Texcoco
Can this treaty be the consequentive base of respect and reciprocity between our two peoples. As from this day, the warriors recognized in one of both provinces are him in the other one, and conversely. So, the recognized warriors can honor the gods in West as in Texcoco, without distinctions in front of the divine laws of every province.
Quite other not recognized warrior will be considered as vulgar one criminal and judged consequently(accordingly).
The gratitude(recognition) of a Warrior means that the warrior in question carried out(achieved) is Camaxtli according to the traditions of his(her,its) province. So, if the stake not procés is completely possible, it will be up to Cihuacoatl to verify the status of the defendant(accused) and to judge consequently(accordingly).
The divine laws on the clan revolts will be respected, that the warriors at the origin of such a grip(taking) are tlaxcaltèques or acolhuahs. In case of devastation of a clan further to a revolt or a grip(taking) of army (taxes IG, put in negative), the warriors at the origin of this ignoble act will be translated at once in front of the provincial court of Texcoco or West and will have to answer of their acts in front of the almighty gods. If these are clement, the warriors will be disarmed(moved) and deprived of their possessions (Fine understanding(including) the minimal price(prize) of weapons carried(worn) as well as the sum of quachtlis contained in the inventory and the value of the contents of the despoiled money orders(mandates)). Should the opposite occur, the capital punishment will be applied to them.
The warriors having carried out(achieved) this unfortunate action(share) will have all the same the possibility of redeeming itself by making an offering as high as the damage caused to the Big Temple (amicable settlement of a fine the amount of which will be negotiated
Occident of Tlaxcalan
Je suis le Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco.
Le Gardien de nos Lois et de notre Fédération royale des 7 clans de Texcoco.
Je suis déjà venu chez vous pour vous proposer un Traité similaire.
Vous êtes une terre barbare. Vos lois sont celles de la nuit.
Ce Traité permet à des dizaines de Guerriers de Texcoco et Occident d'honorer les Dieux de la chasse
Je suis le Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco et je viens à nouveau vous permettre de civiliser votre territoire.
Acceptez ce cadeau.
I am Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco.
The Guard of our Laws and our royal Federation of 7 clans of Texcoco.
I already came at home to propose you a similar Treaty.
You are a barbaric earth(ground). Your laws are the ones at night.
This Treaty allows tens of Warriors de Texcoco and West to honor the Gods of the hunting
I am Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco and I again come to allow you to civilize your territory.
Accept this present.
Texcoco n'est pas l'Empire. Vous êtes une vassale d'un Empire aux valeurs barbares.
Voyez notre civilisation et venez à nos lumiéres.
Je ne viens pas quémander ou négocier.
Je viens et m'adresse à votre Tlatoani.
Prend ce présent de l'immense civilisation Acolhua.
M'insulter en refusant de te présenter, en refusant ce cadeau livrera ton peuple à la coutume de Réciprocité de Texcoco.
Aucun de tes habitant, voyageur, marchand ou guerrier si ta terre de lapins en posséde, ne
survivra à son séjour sur nos terres.
Viens et parlons nous comme se parlent les souverains de leurs terres.
Ainsi s'adresse Subbuteo aux Aztéques perdus de l'Empire.
Prêt à les ramener vers la civilisation originelle de Texcoco, fondatrice de la Triple alliance.