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[RP/IG] Texcoco talk to Chalco..

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I use Reverso in wait(expectation) of quality translation. Please make the effort to give understandable your answers in turn.
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To the warriors of West A the West A warlike Texcoco Aux of Texcoco
Can this treaty be the consequentive base of respect and reciprocity between our two peoples. As from this day, the warriors recognized in one of both provinces are him in the other one, and conversely. So, the recognized warriors can honor the gods in West as in Texcoco, without distinctions in front of the divine laws of every province.
Quite other not recognized warrior will be considered as vulgar one criminal and judged consequently(accordingly).
The gratitude(recognition) of a Warrior means that the warrior in question carried out(achieved) is Camaxtli according to the traditions of his(her,its) province. So, if the stake not procés is completely possible, it will be up to Cihuacoatl to verify the status of the defendant(accused) and to judge consequently(accordingly).
The divine laws on the clan revolts will be respected, that the warriors at the origin of such a grip(taking) are tlaxcaltèques or acolhuahs. In case of devastation of a clan further to a revolt or a grip(taking) of army (taxes IG, put in negative), the warriors at the origin of this ignoble act will be translated at once in front of the provincial court of Texcoco or West and will have to answer of their acts in front of the almighty gods. If these are clement, the warriors will be disarmed(moved) and deprived of their possessions (Fine understanding(including) the minimal price(prize) of weapons carried(worn) as well as the sum of quachtlis contained in the inventory and the value of the contents of the despoiled money orders(mandates)). Should the opposite occur, the capital punishment will be applied to them.
The warriors having carried out(achieved) this unfortunate action(share) will have all the same the possibility of redeeming itself by making an offering as high as the damage caused to the Big Temple (amicable settlement of a fine the amount of which will be negotiated

Occident of Tlaxcalan

Je suis le Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco.
Le Gardien de nos Lois et de notre Fédération royale des 7 clans de Texcoco.
Je suis déjà venu chez vous pour vous proposer un Traité similaire.
Vous êtes une terre barbare. Vos lois sont celles de la nuit.
Ce Traité permet à des dizaines de Guerriers de Texcoco et Occident d'honorer les Dieux de la chasse

Je suis le Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco et je viens à nouveau vous permettre de civiliser votre territoire.

Acceptez ce cadeau.

I am Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco.
The Guard of our Laws and our royal Federation of 7 clans of Texcoco.
I already came at home to propose you a similar Treaty.
You are a barbaric earth(ground). Your laws are the ones at night.
This Treaty allows tens of Warriors de Texcoco and West to honor the Gods of the hunting
I am Huey Tlatoani de Texcoco and I again come to allow you to civilize your territory.

Accept this present.

Texcoco n'est pas l'Empire. Vous êtes une vassale d'un Empire aux valeurs barbares.
Voyez notre civilisation et venez à nos lumiéres.
Je ne viens pas quémander ou négocier.
Je viens et m'adresse à votre Tlatoani.

Prend ce présent de l'immense civilisation Acolhua.

M'insulter en refusant de te présenter, en refusant ce cadeau livrera ton peuple à la coutume de Réciprocité de Texcoco.

Aucun de tes habitant, voyageur, marchand ou guerrier si ta terre de lapins en posséde, ne
survivra à son séjour sur nos terres.

Viens et parlons nous comme se parlent les souverains de leurs terres.

Ainsi s'adresse Subbuteo aux Aztéques perdus de l'Empire.
Prêt à les ramener vers la civilisation originelle de Texcoco, fondatrice de la Triple alliance.

The young woman had been traveling with the King for a short while now, she did not have the chance to actually speak to him on any matters.

That night, she was asked if she could talk the language of the people of Chalco, and if she could help the king communicate his intentions to the people of Chalco, and especially to the Tlatoani. She accepted and was eagerly brought to Subbuteo.

She came next to him, listenning silently to the man saying his speach out loud. After his turn, she advanced and for told the complete speach in the barbaric's own language:


I am the Huey Tlatotani of Texcoco.
The guardian of our laws and of our Royal Federation of the 7 Clans of Texcoco.
I already came to your home to propose a similar treaty.
You are on a barbaric territory. Your Laws are still of the dark age, and we are here to bring light upon them.
This treaty permits dozens of Texcoco Warriors and Western Tlacalans to honor the Gods of hunt.

I am the Huey Tlatoani of Texcoco and I come to you, once more, to help you bring your land to a more civilized time.

Accept this present.

Texcoco is not the Empire. You are the slave of an Empire with barbaric morales.
See our civilization and let us enlighten you.
I do not come to beg or negociate.
I come to speak to your Tlatoani.

Take this present offered to you by the Great Civilization of Acolhua.

To insult me would be to refuse this present, to refuse to your people of Texcoco's custom of brotherhood of warriors. To treat your warriors, like ours.
None of you inhabitants, travelers, merchants or warrriors, if your coward land even owns any, will survive on ours.

Come and let us talk like the kings that we are, meeting for the honors of their own respective land.

I am in fact willing to dialogue with you, but you are going to have to be more specific.

This treaty permits dozens of Texcoco Warriors and Western Tlacalans to honor the Gods of hunt.


To treat your warriors, like ours.

What do you mean by this? Please, elaborate. Explain to me what it is that you are interested in. And keep in mind these four things:

1) Chalco is, and shall remain, under nobody's hegemony - we are a free people.
2) Tlatoani is the leader, but not the single authority. Any proposal will be discussed with the Tlatocan, and presented to the Citizens.
3) You will be addressed in a civil manner, and we expect the same courtesy: you will not refer to our people as cowards or barbarians, or any other such thing.
4) We will attempt to accommodate the language difference, but if you wish to have discussions with us here, it will ultimately be your responsibility to ensure that your points are communicated clearly.

It is difficult to understand your English, and Pamuy's offering was not complete. I request that you please supply a complete copy of your request in French - perhaps from this I can gather more clues. But so far, this is what I understand:

-You wish for your people to have free travel in Chalco
-You wish for your armies to have free passage in Chalco, on these conditions:

  • The army is approved by Texcoco already
  • They register themselves with Chalco first
  • They will not rob or kill
  • They will not enter any clan gates, nor take over any clan
  • They will not alter the status of any node, mine, or clan

-We may prosecute those who violate these conditions, but we will consult with your judge first to be sure
-Our people and armies will have the same rights in your territory

Have I understood correctly? Tell me whether this is your intention.
Forward! |
Keyra stood besides her Tlotoani and nods to his wise words.

Infact I guess there is a much nicer way to communicate to us instead of insulting our citizens.
But we appreciate your attemps to getting in contact with us, and will count that as a good sign.

As well as you offer us conditions there will be some from our side.
And I hope the negotiations will help our provinces to start good diplomatical relations and maybe we can also start on trading relations.

She looked to the foreign man and waited for his answer.
Il était a Côter du Roi mais les chalco n'avait pas l'air sympathique

tiens ils ont assez inteligent pour connaitre le commerce,c'est deja sa!


There were one Coast(Rib) of King but he(it) had no nice air(sight)

Yours they inteligent enough for connaitre the business, it is deja his(her,its)!
Grand Shamane-Guerriers de Matixco!

Aller a la Grande Hutte de Guerrisages,vous faire soignez!
Upon seeing the return of Subbuteo to Chalco, Quinys enters to stand beside Tlatoani Xyphratl and Pochteca Keyra.

Greetings, once again, Subbuteo. Our last encounter remains fresh in my memory.

It saddens me that your intentions towards our province still sound unfriendly, rude and threatening.

Yet, you continue to say your intentions are meant in kindness. Certainly, after all this time, you must be aware of the conflict your choice of words presents.

It is my hope that, this time, you will find a way to clearly state what it is you want from Chalco.

Quinys stands firmly with Xyphratl and Keyra as she waits for Subbuteo to clarify the meaning of his words.

Le protocole est toujours le même.
Il parle sous le regard des acolhuas.
Car chacun sait qu'en Texcoco rien en se fait en mondre des ombres(Hors forum officiel).
Encore moins quand un souverain engage sa terre sr l'avenir.
The protocol is always the same.
He speaks under the glance of acolhuas.
Because each knows that in Texcoco nothing makes mondre of the shadows (Except official forum) there.
Even less when a sovereign engages(starts) its earth(ground) on the future.

Je ne comprend pas ce qu'ils disent.
Ils ne me comprennent pas.
N'ont ils pas de traducteurs comme nous en possédons?
Chalco est un un territoire abandonné des Dieux.

Pamuy, peux tu redire notre Traité et savoir ce qu'ils ne comprennent pas?

I what does not include what they say.
They do not understand(include) me.
Have they no translators as we possess it?
Chalco is one a territory abandoned(given up) by the Gods.

Pamuy, can you repeat our Treaty and know what they do not understand(include)?

Dis leur que nos Guerriers et leurs guerriers possédent le droit de brigander et de prendre par révolte partout et en tout lieu.
Car les Dieux ont fait le guerrier pour cela.
Que Chalco entende ce Traité et entre dans la grande civilisation de Texcoco.
Si Chalco refuse ils refusent à leurs guerriers et marchands tout droit chez nous.
Ils se condamnent à être du gibier plutot que des humains.
Sont t'ils du gibier?
Que leur Tlatoani fasse des choix. Il a été élu et nommé pour cela. Les Tlatocanis ne sont que serviteurs de sa volonté.

Subbuteo sait que Chalco n'est pas une terre totalement désaavouée par les Dieux.Mais à voir leur desert, leur manque de dynamisme il n'est pas loin de considérer cette vaste part de l'Empire comme inhabitée.
Subbuteo knows that Chalco is not an earth(ground) totally désaavouée by the Gods. But to see their desert, their lack of dynamism he(it) is not far from considering this vast part of the Empire as uninhabited.

The people of Texcoco are free to travel in Chalco, with the exception of armies: armies will have strict conditions, but we can discuss that at a later time.

The Province of Chalco will not prevent your warriors from trading on the market, however, each clan has the right to maintain and enforce its own market laws. Visitors who wish to trade here are encouraged to contact the clan chiefs or the Pochteca: we encourage commerce and the movement of goods.

Our law is the same, for Chalco citizens, for Tlaxcalla, for everybody. You may travel here freely (except armies), but robbery will be prosecuted according to our laws, and revolts will be prosecuted according to our laws. Robbery and unapproved revolts are illegal, and nobody has the right to do these things, not even the Tlatoani.


Le peuple de Texcoco sont libres de Voyage dans Chalco, à l'exception des armées: Les armées auront des conditions strictes, mais nous pouvons en discuter à une date ultérieure.

La province de Chalco n'empêchera pas vos guerriers de la négociation sur le marché, cependant, chaque clan a le droit de maintenir et de faire appliquer sa législation propre marché. Les visiteurs qui souhaitent faire du commerce ici sont encouragés à communiquer avec les chefs de clan ou de la Pochteca: Nous encourageons le commerce et la circulation des marchandises.

Notre loi est la même, pour les citoyens de Chalco, pour Tlaxcalla, pour tout le monde. Vous mai librement ici Voyage (à l'exception des armées), mais le vol seront poursuivis conformément à nos lois, et les révoltes seront poursuivis conformément à nos lois. Vol qualifié et de révoltes non homologués sont illégales, et personne n'a le droit de faire ces choses, pas même le Tlatoani.
Forward! |
Pamuy took a bit of time to make sure the treaty was properly put in the a readable way.

Dis leur que nos Guerriers et leurs guerriers possédent le droit de brigander et de prendre par révolte partout et en tout lieu.
Car les Dieux ont fait le guerrier pour cela.
Que Chalco entende ce Traité et entre dans la grande civilisation de Texcoco.
Si Chalco refuse ils refusent à leurs guerriers et marchands tout droit chez nous.
Ils se condamnent à être du gibier plutot que des humains.
Sont t'ils du gibier?
Que leur Tlatoani fasse des choix. Il a été élu et nommé pour cela. Les Tlatocanis ne sont que serviteurs de sa volonté.


Tell them that our warriors and theirs own the right to hunt and rebel in a city, anywhere, because the Gods created warriors for that matter.
That Chalco listens to this treaty and enters in the great civilization that is Texcoco.
If Chalco refuses, it is to refuse to their warriors and their merchants a right to come on our territory.
They would condemn their people to be baits rather than humans.
Are they baits?
It is to their Tlatotani to make choices. He was elected and named for that role. The Tlatocanis are only the servants of his will.

After Pamuy translated the last small part, she advanced a second time to try and clarify the treaty in its integrity.

To Western’s warriors
To the western country
To Texcoco
To Texcoco’s warriors

May this treaty be based on the values of respect and on the brotherhood of warriors between our people.
From this day on, the recognized warriors from each province will be recognized in either province as such.
This way, the recognized warriors will be able to honor the Gods in the Westerns as in Texcoco, without distinction of the divine laws from each side.

Any other warrior not recognized as such, will be treated as a low criminal and treated as such, as he or she will be judge consequential to his or hers actions.

To recognize a warrior is to identify a young warrior doing is rite of passage for Camxtli, following the traditions of his province.
Like this, if a judgment is to be held against him or her for the actions taken doing the hunt, it would be the Cihuacoatl responsibility to verify the status of the prosecuted, to know if he is a vulgar thief or a young honorable warrior hunting to honor Camaxtli, and finally, to be judged consequently.

The divine rights and laws on clan’s rebellion will be respected, either the warriors taking the control of the Calpulli be Tlaxcallan or Acolhuahs. In case of a complete raid done by a rebellion or taken under by an army ( IG tax, negative fund balance, etc.), the warriors responsible for such a despicable action, will be, immediately, to be judge, either in Western’s or Texcoco’s justice and will be able to answer to their actions in front of the Gods. If they are lenient, the warriors will be disarmed and stripped of their goods (a minimal fine price would be the price of the worn weapons, as well as the quachtlis stock in their present inventory, and the the money order they carry will be spoiled.)

In any other cases, the death penalty will be upheld.

The warriors having completed this unreasonable action, will still have a chance to be forgiven by making amends going by the size of the prejudice made to the High Temple (friendly arrangement of a fine would be negotiated, depending on the different cases).

She added, after a demand of Subbuteo:

Oh.. and Warriors does not mean an army... but warriors... even in a group.

She looked at the people grouping near them to listen and then stood back a slightly bit to listen to them.
We are not a caste society. All are equal before the law, from the peasant to the Tlatoani; there will be no warriors with special privilege - there are only those who serve in different ways.

Your people are welcome here in Chalco, they are welcome to trade, but if they choose to rob or to revolt, then they will meet our judge.

If citizens of Chalco would rob or revolt in your land, I also expect that they would face prosecution.

Let us share this situation in peace and friendship.


Nous ne sommes pas une société de castes. Tous sont égaux devant la loi, du paysan au Tlatoani, il n'y aura pas de guerriers avec privilège spécial - il n'ya que ceux qui servent de différentes manières.

Votre peuple sont les bienvenus ici, dans Chalco, ils sont les bienvenus au commerce, mais s'ils décident de voler ou de se révolter, puis ils se réuniront notre juge.

Si les citoyens de Chalco priverait ou la révolte dans votre pays, je prévois aussi qu'ils seront poursuivis.

Faites nous part de ces conditions dans la paix et l'amitié.

Forward! |
Ah!Ah!Ah!...Piuuuuuu! C'est ça l'Empire Aztéque?
Une terre de lapins!
Es tu un enfant ou un dirigeant de province?
Vous avez vos lois.
Nous avons les notres.
Et les Traités servent à modifier les lois de chaque signataire..

Alors sois tu répond à coté parce que tu es dénué d'intelligence, soit parce que tu ne comprend pas les réalités du monde.
En plus tu oses dire une abomination!

Ainsi tu ferais punir ceux de ton peuple qui en Texcoco obeiraient à nos lois?
Un Guerrier de Chalco a le droit de voler chez nous. S'il est un Guerrier.
Un Guerrier de Chalco a le droit de prendre un Calpulli en Texcoco. Son echec ou sa réussite indiquent son soutien des Dieux ou non.

Tu oserais juger tes rares habitants qui sont braves et combattants?Tu oserais les punir alors que victorieux nous les honorerions?

Peuhhh! Terre de lapins!

Prend ce Traité et fait de Chalco une terre Aztéque.

Tu tiens la vie tes habitants dans tes mains.
Accepte ce Traité et ta nation cessera d'être considérée comme un poulailler.
Nous serons honoré de défier vos Guerriers.

Ah! Ah! Ah!... Piuuuuuu! That's right the Empire Aztéque?
An earth(ground) of rabbits!
Are kept silent a child or a leader of province?
You have your laws.
We have our.
And Treaties serve for modifying the laws of every signatory..

Then be kept silent answers in quoted(esteemed) because you are deprived of intelligence, that is because you does not understand(include) the realities of the world.
In more you dare to say an abomination!

So you would make punish those of your people who in Texcoco obeiraient in our laws?
A Warrior de Chalco has the right(law) to fly at home. If he is a Warrior.
A Warrior de Chalco has the right(law) to take Calpulli in Texcoco. Its echec or its success indicate its support of the Gods or not.

You would dare to judge your rare inhabitants who are brave and fighters? You would dare to punish them while victorious we would honor them?

Peuhhh! Earth of rabbits!

Takes this Treaty and makes of Chalco an earth(ground) Aztéque.

You hold the life your inhabitants in your hands.
Accept this Treaty and your nation will stop being considered as a henhouse.
We shall be honored to challenge your Warriors.

Not able to hide away a laughter she stood still close to her tlotoani.

They seem to make a mistake ...but I guess warning them will not change the situation ..everybody choses the bed ones lay in... a wise man said once..
Suivant son dirigeant dans ses propos, elle prit le temps de bien comprend ses propos et ses idées. Elle sourit, l'idée d'unir ses guerriers lui semblait le bon chemin à suivre.

Si on me permet... je veux juste faire certain que tes propos sont bien comprit... que les gens de cette terre comprennent dans des termes simples et comprehensibles.


Following her leader in his speech, she took the time to fully understand the words and ideas. She smiled, the idea to join their warriors seemed like a good way to go.

If we could permit me... I would like to make sure that the sayings are truly understood... that the people from this land, truly understand in simple and right terms.


Ah!Ah!Ah!... Piuuuuu! Is this the Aztec Empire?
A land of simple rabbits!
Are you a child or the leader of your province?
You have your laws and rules
As we have ours.
And these treaties are used to adjust the laws for each person signing it.

So, either you answer undirectly because you are without intelligence, or you simply do not understand the realities of the world.
Plus you dare say an abomination.

By doing this, you would punish you people, that in Texcoco, are obeying your own laws.
A Chalco's warrior has the right to steal on our territory. If he is a warrior.
A Chalco's warrior has the right to take a Calpulli on Texcoco's territory. His failure or his success would indicate he support of the Gods or not.

You would dare judge your very few habitants that are brave fighters? You would dare punish them while we, would honor them for their success as a warrior?

Peuhhh! Land of simple rabbits!

Take this treaty and make of Chalco a land of Aztec.

You hold the life of your people in your hand.
Accept this treaty, and your nations will stop to be treated as a chicken coot.
We will be honored to defy your warriors.

Se recula après avoir fait certain que tout était finalement bien compris auprès de ses gens.

C'est si compliqué de comprendre qu'on tente de mettre au même pieds de loi, les guerriers, et les séparer de vulgaires voleurs? La chasse en l'honneur des dieux, en l'honneur de Camaxtli, n'est-elle pas plus importante et redevable, démontrant les habiletés guerrières d'un homme ou femme?...

Je ne comprend pas ce qui vous retient de ne pas prendre ce traité et de l'appliquer, tout comme les guerriers de l'occident. De faire certain que si nous jugeons un homme sur c'est acte, qu'il faut comprendre s'il s'agit d'un guerrier en action de rite plutot qu'un vulgaire et sans but de voleur.


She stood back after making sure everything was understood for these people.

Is it too hard to understand that we are trying to put the warriors on one type of law and to separate them from low thieves? The hunt in honors of the Gods, in honor of Camaxtli, is it not more important and more honorable, to show and demonstrate the warrior abilities of men and women?...

I do not understand what prevents you from taking this treaty for you and to apply it, like the western’s warriors. To make certain , that the people we judge for their actions are either considered a warrior in his rite of proof or then again, a simple low life thug.

Hideux dans leur apothéose...

It seems that your treaty offer is a false pretense: You are still welcome to travel here (except armies), but not to rob, and not to revolt. Chalco will not interfere with your home, and so, we expect that you will not interfere with ours. Our customs and our laws are different: we will respect each other, and you must respect this.

If our citizens commit any crime in your province, then you may prosecute them. In the same way, in Chalco we do not allow anybody to commit robbery, or to revolt without approval from the Tlatocan. There is no caste of warriors, there is no special privilege; everybody is equal before the law. This will not change: your offer is declined.

You will not refer to our people as rabbits, or hens, or any other such thing. Remain cordial, and we will always welcome you as visitors and traders. Respect our customs, and we will have peace, and build a relationship of commerce and friendship.


Il semble que votre offre traité est un faux prétexte: Vous êtes toujours les bienvenues, de Voyage ici (à l'exception des armées), mais pas pour voler, et non pas à la révolte. Chalco de ne pas interférer avec votre maison, et ainsi, nous espérons que vous ne serez pas interférer avec les nôtres. Nos coutumes et nos lois sont différentes: nous respecter les uns les autres, et vous devez respecter cela.

Si nos citoyens commettent un crime dans votre province, vous mai les poursuivre. De la même manière, dans Chalco nous ne permettons pas que quiconque à commettre un vol qualifié ou à la révolte sans l'approbation du Tlatocan. Il n'ya pas de caste des guerriers, il n'y a aucun privilège spécial, tout le monde est égal devant la loi. Cela ne changera pas: votre offre est refusée.

Vous ne serez pas se référer à notre peuple, comme les lapins ou les poules, ni rien de tel autre. Restent cordiales, et nous serons toujours vous accueillir en tant que visiteurs et les commerçants. Le respect de nos coutumes, et nous aurons la paix et bâtir une relation de commerce et d'amitié.
Forward! |
Pamuy a écrit:
She stood back after making sure everything was understood for these people.

Is it too hard to understand that we are trying to put the warriors on one type of law and to separate them from low thieves? The hunt in honors of the Gods, in honor of Camaxtli, is it not more important and more honorable, to show and demonstrate the warrior abilities of men and women?...

I do not understand what prevents you from taking this treaty for you and to apply it, like the western’s warriors. To make certain , that the people we judge for their actions are either considered a warrior in his rite of proof or then again, a simple low life thug.

We fully understand that your warriors have a rite of passage to undergo in order to prove themselves worthy. And that we respect. But don't expect us to treat them as such when they do something wrong within the borders of our province because we will never tolerate such actions and they will be prosecuted as common thieves and thugs however noble their intentions were.

This is Chalco. We expect you to respect our laws as we respect yours.

I have one very simple suggestion if you may allow yourselves to listen to reason. Don't let your warriors do their rite of passage in Chalco so that trouble will be avoided.
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